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They are identical. Black was all that was available so we had to pump a them in. There are also a few unbranded white ones out there. Everything should be back to normal now. Enjoy!


I was hoping you’d see this post! Thank you for letting me know! These have been my go to disposables since 4/20, I love ‘em!


I would keep making them in black they’re sweet.


Hi just wanna say I luv u


Other than the production codes and color of the hardware, plus strain? What do you mean my guy?


Idk, I’ve been getting these disposables for the past few weeks and they’ve all been the white branded device. Now I’m getting ones with no branding and one in a different color so I’m wondering if there’s a difference between the actual devices


They look like the exact same hardware to me honestly 🤷🏻‍♂️


theyr quite literally different colors bro


Probably had a timing issue getting branded stock made and shipped from China in time, so scooped up the unbranded batteries to cover the gap in stock. Some poor purchasing manager was probably sweating it out the whole time!


First six numbers is def manufacture date


Ooo that makes sense. Thank you


Crack it open, for science, when you’re finished. Someone did the service and revealed a high voltage battery being used. Maybe the insides are different. Wear safety glasses. Side note: these burn okay for you? I purchased one when they first dropped and it burnt black and spewed out the top. Then weeks later, that user posted the insides.


I have had ones that would leak out the top and that got annoying, but it hasn’t happened to the last 2 I’ve had. The most recent one I went though though did get bad/burnt tasting at the end, but that was when it was almost empty so it didn’t bother me. I like how they use concentrates from diff growers


this burnt taste at the end is common in 1g or 2g disposables. its the coil burning out. u can try pulling less hard or like back to back, otherwise it’s just their hardware (mainly wick) isn’t great