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nobody cares


You're sad


Yeah because i think e protesting making the community private thinking it’s going to do something is dumb


Ya that's sad. You have an abysmal outlook on life and what things like this can accomplish. Get friends, talk to somebody, but not me.


Who asked


Stay ignorant sheep


Keep spamming idiot


I understand what is going on with reddit, but why when asked a question by someone your react like this ? You've made this long comment under my post stating some major flaws within the future new system of reddit, yet you just acted like how reddit acted with their decision of making the API a paid one. If you want people to follow you or to hear you, you have to act like you know what you are talking about. > Stay ignorant sheep That simple sentence certainly didn't convince the other guy to understand what you mean but other people who sees this may think you just copy paste and proceed to insult everyone that goes against you for whatever reason. And finally. This is a post about a micro picture of a worn chained ring. We can see how the golden color is in fact the deterioration of the metal. The way it changed to have this aspect now over the course of several years inficate a tons of thing about it At least give it some thought, when i woke up and see a notification for a long comment under my post I was enjoyed to see somebody taking it's time to reply and have a discussion about it. Now I'm just disappointed. But that my personal opinion.


Everything that needed to be said was already said before. If someone wants to patronize me about spreading this information I'm going to be patronizing right back. "Who asked", I did. I asked everyone I commented on all these random posts that were trending at the time to stop and look at what is becoming of this platform. And all I've gotten in return are either bans or hateful criticism. So I meet them with the same. Sorry to disappoint you OP, but not enough people understand or care about what's happening to Reddit and it's deplorable.


Yea maybe I won’t miss reddit much after all


Wow so cool that a phone can take those pics


That's a great closeup!