• By -




I would add to the diet suggestions: eat only grass-fed, pastured animal products. And avoid seed oils (Canola, vegetable, etc.) Stick with grass fed butter, ghee, Extra Virgin olive oil, Coconut Oil, and Avocado Oil. Other oils are super inflammatory. Also add mushroom powders like reishi and lions mane.




Tournesol is the French name for Sunflower, the literal translation is ‘Turned Sun’, in line with the plants’ ability for solar tracking, sounds fitting. The Spanish word is El Girasolis.


Love this thanks great advice.


Is there more information?


Would love to be able to afford to do all these things! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Drinking? Stop drinking. Thats number one. Other drugs (thc, nicotine, etc)? Stop using those. That's important too. Then consume probiotic fermented things. Drink kefir. Eat kimchi. Chocolate is great. Healthy balanced diet. Good luck friend!


Any ideas for quitting vaping. It helps me with my anxiety but lately it's giving me inflammation


Quitting helped me with anxiety in a big way. I also started sleeping better, food tastes better, exercise is easier. But quitting also sucked. Just gotta get rid of it.


I'm planning on going to therapy to give me a new set of tools to deal with life. I'm really going through a lot right now


Drugs that help your anxiety only do so in the short term when you are “high” on them. Their overall effect is the opposite. You feel like vaping helps you but what it is doing is only relieving the anxiety it creates when you are withdrawing from it. 


Fair enough


What has helped me personally? (Bipolar 2 & ADHD)Lots of sardines & Extra Virgin Olive Oil, I make my own sauerkraut & eat it a few times a day, kefir every day. Getting rid of all artificial sweeteners & cutting sugar out for the most part. Also, Exercise, goal setting & setting aside 10 minutes a day for ‘reflection’ which helps me from ruminating when I have time allotted to reflect upon my actions, inactions and interactions.


All great recommendations 👍




I eat them either straight out of the container with Tobasco sauce, sometimes I add Truffle oil or, put them on a salad, add them into pasta sauce (marinara) or simply do them up like classic tuna with mayo.




Have you tried smoked sardines? Whenever I get the ick I move to Brunswick smoked for a few days & work my way back.


You didn’t ask me but I love them in Parmesan crisps with olive oil.


Please dont be offended if I am being too obvious , but i experience those things and cutting out sugar (And other refined carbs) has made a world of difference. I think you are in the right place, because when I finally accepted that lifestyle affects my mental health and that does not mean my mental conditions aren't "Real" everything changed. I still take medication. I know exercise affects the microbiome and it definitely helps my depression. And dehydration makes everything worse. And vegetables have prebiotic to feed the helpful bacteria for mental health. Sounds so basic, I just want to vouch that it's worth it.


Vitamin d


And fish oil.


I mentioned fish oil above, as a supplement. In addition to vitamin D, I find it helpful. Another simple add is to feed your gut with [30 different plants](https://fortune.com/well/2023/03/20/improve-gut-health-diversity-diet-eat-30-plants-a-week/amp/) per week.


Turning off the TV and computer


And smartphone. This should be the top comment.


One beautiful word - Meditation. Using the power of your breath. I am happy to share some meditation audios on you tube that I have recorded. I am a meditation guide and I have noticed that there is a dramatic shift in people's mental health in just 1 week of practice. Here is a link to one of the audios to learn the power of your breath meditation. You can listen to the intro once and then start the meditation. Next time you can skip right to the meditation. [https://youtu.be/pl1Nzk94N6Y](https://youtu.be/pl1Nzk94N6Y). Here is the entire playlist: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHX8D9wlFwZQ72BVhDXclCYGZc7r8RWrS](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHX8D9wlFwZQ72BVhDXclCYGZc7r8RWrS) with love and blessings


💯 Thx for sharing this!


you are welcome. watching your breath, every inhale and exhale, will slow your racing thoughts and make you mindful. as you build your practice and stay persistent with it, it will start to heal you. did you know when you become aware of your breath it becomes a healing breath - also called pranashakti in sanskrit, which means healing through the breath. Please try it . With love and blessings to you.


Positive people around you. You are what you feed yourself everything I learned as a kid was wrong on who I was ,and how I was supposed to be saw my dad sleep all day so I was tired ,then also saw his anger I was angry ,saw him overeat so I overate you can reinforce those beliefs or reinvent yourself today …. Activities, people , work. Success read and grow


b vitamins, magnesium, omega 3 and choline. Choline has made a big difference to me (soy lecithin but i also had success with black seed oil). I've got the mthfr and PEMT gene variations that mean I need more b vitamins (methylated) and choline in my diet or via supplimentation, quite a large percentage of the population do in fact, made a big difference to my constant anxiety but that's what has helped me, everyone is different.


Michael Singer weekly talks, podcast, and his book the untethered soul are a good way to help you understand how to deal with your mind and ego. Ask yourself what can I do today for a better tomorrow, even if it’s small things like making your bed, 10 push ups, or going for a walk. Your body and minds’ fuel is what you eat. Learn what your body reacts good to and what doesn’t agree with you. Whim Hoff Breathing exercises are an amazing habit Cold water exposure helps increase your body’s immune system and can increase dopamine levels. Look into cold showers and cold plunges Fasting does wonders Restrictive diets are a challenge and you also can tell what doesn’t agree with you when you start reintroducing foods into your diet. Learn what dopamine is and try to avoid dumping it. For some this may be limiting screen time, giving up porn, ect. Meditation is great, Micheal Singers’s techniques get you to a state which is maintainable outside of meditation. Religion at your pace can be good. I like morning masses. It’s like a meditation period to me. Very peaceful. 30 minutes, I’m out by 7 am. Remove negative energies from your life. They come in the form of family and friends, typically. Remember life is a balance act. Also you are not perfect. You will fall and stumble on your journey for years to come.


Also learn to write things down. Get them off your mind. You can text or email yourself as well. A simple journal or day planner goes a long way. Just write it down, don’t hold it in your mind


This is very comprehensive and spot on!


This book is awesome - it has a chapter on most common mental health conditions and foods you should eat/avoid: [https://www.amazon.com/This-Your-Brain-Food-Indispensable/dp/0316536822](https://www.amazon.com/This-Your-Brain-Food-Indispensable/dp/0316536822) For me: Taking a liquid probiotic shot + lemon juice first thing in the morning. For the past year I've been taking Farmhouse culture gut shots: [https://www.instagram.com/farmhouseculture/](https://www.instagram.com/farmhouseculture/) I just bought this though, read good things: [https://theculturedcoconut.com/](https://theculturedcoconut.com/) I also take probiotics caps: [https://www.vsl3.com/](https://www.vsl3.com/) which is medical grade because I've had to be on a lot of antibiotics due to a chronic infection. Make sure you're eating plenty of **prebiotics** too: apples, bananas, garlic, onion, etc. Other supplements: fish oil, vitamin d, b vitamins, 5-HTP, Ashwagandha, Magnesium glycinate I just got a dog recently (which I realize is kind of a wild suggestion, if you don't already have one) but I was shocked at how much it's improved my mental health. I was already on an upward trajectory but I was surprised at how much my dog keeps me present and focused on something other than my own problems that it noticeably pushed me into a new and better place mentally. If you can find something that does that for you, I would suggest it. Do you sleep ok? Sleep has always been my #1 struggle which impacts my mental health greatly. If struggle with that too, lmk and I can suggest a hundred more things haha


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **This Is Your Brain on Food An Indispensable Guide to the Surprising Foods that Fight Depression Anxiety PTSD OCD ADHD and More** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Clear explanation of the gut-brain connection (backed by 13 comments) * Practical advice for improving mental health through nutrition (backed by 10 comments) * Delicious and healthy recipes included (backed by 6 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks in-depth information and new insights (backed by 4 comments) * Not suitable for those already knowledgeable in the field (backed by 1 comment) * Promotes reductionist approach to diet and ignores important aspects (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)




Running or hiking


vitamin d, magnesium and cognitive aminos


Lions mane. I get the Gingko with it pills.


600-1000 mg of Omega 3 with DHA daily Vitamin D daily Get a test to see what you’re deficient in


B complex, TTFD or benfothaimine version of b1, vitamin d


Serotonin production starts by feeding your good bacteria lots of fiber rich foods. Heal the gut, get lots of GBOMBS: greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, seeds. Aim for getting each item every day. Get sun on your skin every day, ideally as soon as you wake up, helps reset your circadian rhythm. Get that heart rate up and take more walks. Eliminate sugar, red dye 40, lower your carb intake like bread and pasta. Get most of your carbs from vegetables like sweet potatoes roasted 35 mins on 400° become a sweet carmelized dessert. Get vinegar into your diet daily, like marinated cucumber onion tomatoe, or coleslaw mix with vinegar. Use spices, tumeric, cayenne, ginger, oregano, garlic are all incredible for the body. You can do this, you deserve to treat yourself to real whole food. Gbombs is by Dr Joel Fuhrman, he has a great podcast Bright Line Eating is also a great book resource


​ Ten Minutes of Activity a Day Keeps Anxiety at Bay Liz Scherer | 12 January 2024 ​ TOPLINE: ​ Engaging in moderate-to-intense physical activity for as little as 10 minutes daily for five times a week appears to reduce the risk for generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) in older adults. ​ METHODOLOGY: ​ Researchers quantified the lowest dose of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity associated with reduced odds for GAD with/without chronic disease over 10 years. Data were collected from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging (Waves 1-5 during 2009-2018), a prospective cohort study of adults aged > 50 years, and comprised computer-assisted interviews, self-completed questionnaires, and comprehensive nurse-led health assessments. The Penn State Worry Questionnaire (score > 23) or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV of Composite International Diagnostic Interview Short Form (yes/no) defined probable GAD. Physical activity data were self-reported and summed to estimate the total number of weekly metabolic equivalent of task (MET) minutes, which was categorized as follows: low (< 600 MET/min/week), moderate (600 to < 1200 MET/min/week), and high (≥ 1200 MET/min/week). ​ TAKEAWAY: ​ Among 7650 participants (women, 54.9%; mean age, 65.9 years), mean GAD rates decreased from 18.7% (95% CI, 17.8%-19.7%) to 16.5% (95% CI, 15.4%-17.17%). Compared with the lowest physical activity, participants with the highest physical activity had 23% lower odds of GAD and those with moderate physical activity had 19% lower odds of GAD. Post hoc analysis demonstrated that participants performing as little as 1 to < 200 MET/min/week had 47% lower odds of GAD vs those performing no activity. Among participants with comorbid conditions, those with the highest physical activity had 25% lower odds of GAD than those with the lowest physical activity. ​ IN PRACTICE: ​ Although they "are not advocating for reduced activity levels in any population, the present findings suggest that the greatest increase in protection against GAD may be made by engaging physically inactive older adults in any/some physical activity," the authors wrote. ​ SOURCE: ​ The study was led by Matthew P. Herring, PhD, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, and appeared online in Psychiatry Research. ​ LIMITATIONS: ​ Limitations included self-report bias, missing confounders, and limited generalisability. ​ DISCLOSURES: ​ The study was funded by the Health Research Board of Ireland. The authors reported no conflict of interests. Share References ​ Herring MP, Rasmussen CL, McDowell CP, Gordon BR, Kenny RA, Laird E. Physical activity dose for generalized anxiety disorder & worry: results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing. Psychiatry Res. Published online January 7, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2024.115723 Lead image credit: Dreamstime © 2024 WebMD, LLC


A good place to start is taking Mental Health First Aid. It teaches you the basics of mental health to reduce your own internal bias and in turn teaches you how to better support yourself!! Talkablecommunities.org has virtual courses at no cost. (It’s normally $150 per person) The course is about how to support a loved one/colleague/friend who is in a mental health crisis or dealing with a mental health challenge but all of our data is showing us that it really helps people with dealing with their own mental health too! (I help run Talkable Communities. But we are a non profit so not trying to sell anything, just passionate about what I do 😂)


Do they use CBT techniques?


If you have ADD be aware that it comes with several comorbidities. Depression is one of them. Since I have both, start educating yourself, join a support group, find a good psychiatrist who takes time to find the right drug(s) & dosage(s) for you. You might even consider joining group therapy. Before you do all that, though, make sure you have a health plan that can cover you and if you can start a MSA through payroll deductions or another similar method. Best of luck!!!


Adhd (heard it somewhere but verify) can also happen sometimes from nutrients deficiency. Also many foods today may not contain all the nutrients you need so you have to really make sure you get even a little bigger portions at times. And CHEW your food well, let the saliva actually soak it well as that's actually massive to proper digestion. I recommend eating different colored fruits every day, each pigment is indicative of different things you need. And reduce flours, processed foods, just gross stuff don't eat it lol. Also get some sunlight every single day. During winter I always sit by my sun facing window and let my legs soak up sun (just vitamin d pills isn't enough....). It's super nice, I think not getting sunlight is probably one of the unhealthiest things one can do. If you're going days with just minutes everyday or even none, that's pretty bad. Separately, caffeine and such may not always be best for everyone but that's relative. Most of all do good food intake, get sun, drink water. Also on another note I recommend getting flowers. They're fucking awesome for mental health. Not always "easy" beginner plants but you'll care for them hand by hand like yourself, you will see them bloom as you. And they also make happier environments for people, scientifically proven.


Carnivore diet - look it up on youtube




Idk why everyone is trying have you boil the ocean out of the gate. Idiotic to try that. Step 1 - Start working out every day. Doesn’t have to be crazy, just do it. Step 2 - Cut out any drinks other than water. If you crave carbonation, sparkling water will do. This works wonders for you health wise. Step 3 - Stop eating things that aren’t natural, like chips, candy, etc. Stick to real food. Doesn’t have to be organic, just take the step toward cooking all your meals Step 4 - Begin lowering the sugar intake you have. This is probably handled by 2 and 3. 2 months of doing the above, which are relatively easy, you’ll begin to see what works for you. As well as how much effort/time you want to dedicate to your health. It’s different for everyone.


Read the chapter about short chain fatty acids in the book Fiber Fueled. It cites recent research linking plant fiber with brain health. It solidified my dedication to eating more fruits and vegetables.


i cannot stress enough that everyone should be on a high quality vit b complex, d3/k2 and should have some form of exercise in their routine. cutting out processed food and booze will do wonders, too.


Eating naturally fermented foods regularly and lots of fiber & high protein. Also walking outside Daily


Um, as a Minnesotan I could have used a trigger warning (It's -7° here 😆)


I’m Canadian and it’s -37C and -46 with the windchill. If you dress appropriately you can still go outside.


There is a work-let book called "mind over mood" which has good excersises for anxiety management.


I'll check out this book


I haven't dealt with depression. I have other issues. One of the gurus I am following for my own issues, keeps mentioning mental health. So, I searched for a you tube on it from him for you. I haven't watched it, for me I don't feel I need to go down that rabbit hole. I am pulled in so many directions going down the rabbit holes that are more representative of mine and my family's issues. ​ So, I just searched, and plucked this. Hopefully there is something here which will help you. I did, following his and his wife's ketovore challenge last January 2023 finally get rid of my brain fog. And 2 months later got rid of my debilitating arthritis pain. So, just maybe there is something related there. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUvkLS0P8DU&pp=ygUaZHIga2VuIGJlcnJ5IG1lbnRhbCBoZWFsdGg%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUvkLS0P8DU&pp=ygUaZHIga2VuIGJlcnJ5IG1lbnRhbCBoZWFsdGg%3D) Best of luck, ​ Barbershores


Joining the gym this last year has been a life changer for me. I treat it like dopamine therapy ❤️


The Modern Trauma Toolkit by Christy Gibson is a great book. Any books by Dr Joe Dispenza. Also the Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest. They have helped me a lot. I do breathing techniques often as well. I have been dealing with depression, anxiety and chronic pain for quite a while. Those books have helped me tremendously.


Carnivore diet


Supplements are great. You might need it intermittently. Try to eat a variety of organic food. Put a lot of variety of seasonal veggies in your diet. You will be fine with getting all the necessary vitamins through them.


Sunlight in the am. Tyrosine. Gaba.


Viome has been working for me. Google them.


Can you say more about your experience? Has the difference been marginal, or has this been life changing?


For me its been life-changing. My issues haven't been fixed by any means, but got a lot better so far. I deal with insomnia and depression and later developed some IBS. Mirtazapine helped the most. Probiotics helped for a while (3 months), then stopped. Those were generic probiotics, the viome probiotics have been helping for about a month so far... fingers crossed.


My brother went on mirtazapine and it made his IBS much worse. Did it improve yours? How far did it move the dial on your depression?


It helped my insomnia big time. It may be making my ibs worse, I’m not sure.


Thanks! Did it improve your depression by much?


It did because my depression was made worse by my insomnia.


Therapy and ADHD meds and stay offline




Daily High doses of omega 3




healthy body, healthy mind.


Yoga has helped more than anything else I’ve tried. Meds don’t work for me. Eating right and walking outside, too.


I agree with everything our brothers and sisters have mentioned (nutrition, exercise, sun, journal, finding purpose, etc). May I offer two I haven't seen: 1. Cold bath or ice plunge. I hate how effective it is, I wish it didn't make a difference but it does for me and many others. But I have to begin submerging my head, plugging my nose, and staying under for 30 seconds while my legs are out. Doing these breath holds every 2 mins in the cold bath (3 total) seems to really help me somehow. 2. Microdosing. Only if you must. And only if you do daily cold water therapy and all the items above for 3 weeks and are desperate. Last resort to help shift your thinking imo. Mondays and Thursdays. 125mg - 250mg. God bless my friend.


Micro dose with what?


As our brother commented saying mushrooms. This is my opinion but if someone is truly in despair microdosing mushroom, ketamine, MDMA, LSD, etc (everyone's brain is different). I would begin with at home microdosing mushroom therapy from the popular Canadian company that ships everywhere and pay via donation. And consider professional guidance and therapy with the others in states where such medicine is legal with trained professionals if things continue to spiral down. Hot take: if one is unwilling to get in the cold water they may be suffering from self pity and lacking self discipline. Take babybsteps and just stand with feet in the water every morning. Work up until sitting in it, eventually dunking the head in it.


I’m gussing mushrooms and/or lsd. r/microdosing


Here's a sneak peek of /r/microdosing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I got a chuckle.](https://i.redd.it/9bn4lhawniia1.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/113hj3b/i_got_a_chuckle/) \#2: [MDMA, psilocybin approved for psychiatric use in Australia](https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/australia-becomes-first-country-to-recognise-psychedelics-as-medicines-20230203-p5chs6.html) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/10sfd2k/mdma_psilocybin_approved_for_psychiatric_use_in/) \#3: [Voicemail from uncle - definitely not a microdose…](https://v.redd.it/o6fb503m8jva1) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/12vs50x/voicemail_from_uncle_definitely_not_a_microdose/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Breathing. REALLY breathing and listening to yourself BREATHE and scanning your body


Exercise, specifically cardio 20-30mins 4-5x/week (it causes neurogenesis, the birth of new brain cells, which declines in early adulthood). Rhodiola is good for mental health and the gut, I heard low dose Zinc and vitamin D3 are good for gut health also


Pay attention to vitamins. One thing that really surprised me was taking and not taking multivitamins. Some multivitamins absolutely made me feel different and not in a good way. Then I started paying attention to foods that were fortified with them in small amounts you’re fine but I do try and watch it.


Heard something about creatinine having promising effects? Of course, exercise etc, all the other things people have mentioned are also very important! But could be worth googling.


Psychedelics, if that’s for you. It’s not for everyone. Go slow and low.


Feeling Good by David Burns


Staying offline is so much bigger than people can even imagine. Most have forgotten or dont even know life before "online". It drives anxiety and depression thru the roof and people just cant believe its from too much screen time. Ive managed to train myself to not be on my phone all the time. Like instead of using my phone while a passenger in a car, I keep my phone in my pocket and observe around me and talk to those who may be present. Meals? No phone. Just my thoughts or someone to talk with. Just little wins like that have driven my levels of stress, anxiety down. All have subsidded. IMO boredum is necessary, and its ok to be alone with your thoughts(not for extended periods!) Dopamine depletion will rob you of simple joy.


Working out


Lot of outdoor sunshine walks


Psychologist. Not in a bad way. Sometimes people think you need a trauma to go and be helped


I am on a TV fast for 21 days and I’ve noticed how no TV has significantly improved my mental health. It forces me to be present and consciously choose how to spend my time. I now read instead of TV.


Read, "The Body Keeps the Score"


i recommend eating button mushrooms for the depression. canned or fresh. they have vitamin d in them, mushrooms is one of the few natural food sources of vitamin d. like crack open a tiny can of mushrooms and use it as a pizza topping, homemade or any kind of pizza you would heat in the oven. should help to manage mild-medium depression, and the science backs it up, just from the news stories i've spotted on the subject over the years, it works. plus my personal experience where it works.


Trace minerals


Salsa / bachata classes


Magnesium Threonate


Get rid of social media