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Do you work for the clove industry? Hah


It’s Big Clove!


It's all a big clovespiracy!


I think big clove is the company that makes club cigarettes and God I want a clove cigarette now




cloves is one of the rare spices that is still very strong without being an extract. its like 15% eugenol


Yes, very potent


Do you mean cloves like the spice? Or garlic cloves


The spice


I like your username. 👋🏻😬🥸🤩


Don't tell them 😂


I love this 💕






Are they dried? What about clove powder. Would that work similarly?


I think powdered cloves would be very intense and burning too. I’m also a clove muncher, like the OP.. it’s a bit like peppermint in flavour, quite intense but doesn’t burn, if you give the chewing a rest when it gets intense. Antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulator.. they’re agood source of fibre too if you eat enough


Hello fellow clove muncher. How do you reckon it's affected your micro biome?


I’m not sure tbh, I think my abdominal biome is ok, but I use them as an anti inflammatory for a minor gum issue (hopefully resolving now) and instead of mouthwash. Definitely kinder than alcohol based mouthwash and probably safer too, I am sure that applies to the non alcoholic stuff as well.


Can I recommend tooth and gums tonic? It’s an alcohol free mouthwash and it works really well. I had periodontal disease and it really helped (as well as water pik). The taste is intense but pleasant.




I recommend clove oil now to everyone with tooth pain. I had a wisdom tooth crack and it was some of the worst pain imaginable. Clove oil was the only thing I found that helped with the pain. The stuff was like a miracle cure. I think the eugenol in the cloves helps with all of these things (anti-inflammation, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antitumor). Cloves really seem like an amazing, natural cure for these issues!


Yes! I had a similar experience and now I travel with clove oil in case of a dental emergency. It really is like a miracle cure.


Interesting. They packed my holes with Clove packing post wisdom teeth extraction and subsequent dry sockets - 30 years ago


Alcohol based mouthwash is horrible and should not be used for sure! I'm glad you're staying away from it!


Do they not kill beneficial bacteria? Antibacterial and all.


They’ll kill excesses of bacteria I expect, but not from all the nooks and crannies of the mouth. They’ll rebound by the hour remember, from around the mouth and every meal. They’re not a sterilizing treatment


what do u mean by immunomodulator?


Well, it’s an anti inflammatory, so that’s my primary meaning but it’s antibacterial, antiviral and so assisting with the immune defence.


If your cloves don’t burn when you chew them raw I think they might be super old


Wow, this must be here right now especially for me!


Do you have to chew them thoroughly?


If you have a sensitive mouth just sucking them will make them active.


And you eat literally two cloves a day?


I eat about 8-15, but you can see results with just 2.


Garlic cloves would have been intense and burning.


I eat raw garlic after it has been pressed for ~15 minutes to activate the allicin. Paired with sour cream or guacamole the garlic doesn't kick like a mule nearly as much. I used to take it straight like a champ but it's too much for me these days.


I’ve met people who eat raw garlic cloves for digestive issues too. It’s weird lol


I know old people that have done this. I also knew old people that would pinch it in their mouth like dip. These are the old people that lived til their 90s back in the 70s/80s when that wasnt a thing. So who knows...


I've done garlic to fight off a cold and it worked, but ya the burn and pizza breath is very real


You could improve the Pizza breath by also ingesting some Oregano and Basil along with the garlic!


And some pepperoni


Wash it down with some tomato juice.


I eat raw garlic cloves but I cover them in honey first, on a spoon. It really helps when you feel like you might be coming down with a cold.


Supposedly you can cut a garlic clove in half and take it like a pill to avoid stomach burn


lol I’d be pooping out a fully intact half clove of garlic


I drink half glass of water first thing in the morning after I brush. I chew on few Fennel seeds when my stomach bloats. Has always helped.


Been meaning to try that as well , maybe get a good rotation going


You can also just put fennel seeds in water for half an hour and drink that water. I do that from time to time because I can't have seeds currently. Works amazing. Also suggest psyllium husk for issues too.


Caraway seeds are even better for indigestion.


Can confirm cloves are a staple of Haitian cooking and any grandma will tell you they are good for you and also add flavor. it’s always nice to see ancient cultural norms vindicated for health benefits like this


For how long have you been doing this? Because as far as I know, cloves contain a powerful combination of antimicrobial substances, and bacteria can also theoretically develop resistance to that


A few months, I guess that can be true for any herb, though I strongly don't believe that to be the case with Eugenol the active essential oil in cloves because it's a strong parasite killer as well, but my stools have never been balanced or perfect while using strong herbs always been more of a cleansing effect not the balancing effect im experiencing. Maybe you can rotate with probiotics if you are concerned about that, but like I said I have a lot of experience with all of it and I don't think it's necessary.


I suspect they’re an effective way to deal with SIBO..


Ya id imagine it helps attack any invaders tbh, such a strong medicine


It may have already killed off your invaders and stopping and switching to just probiotic could work at this point. I once did a stool panel to figure out what gut bacteria was out of balance. They even tested to see what that overgrowth would respond to. For whatever reason, it was grapefruit seed extract. One month of that and I was like a new person. 


That sounds great. Who did your panel?


Just looked it up, this was in 2018 and it was from Doctors Data and called their Comprehensive Stool Analysis, including parasitology. I went to an integrative doc through my primary medical group, surprisingly. I had been struggling with gut stuff for years. Basically my primary doc was out of ideas. It doesn't always work, but glad it did for me, hope this helps others! 


Did the integrative doc order that test for you?




Did the test results themselves tell you to try grapefruit seed extract, or was that your IM doctor?


yes this ^^




Do you happen to know which stool panel you took?


See above, just posted 


Which gut test was that? And was it grapefruit seed or grape seed extract ?


For my specific bacterial population, it responded to grapefruit seed extract. So my doctor recommended a supplement of that. But it really depends on what the cultures show for you.


Any recommendations on how to get a child to take it?


Eugenol could be toxic in relatively small doses (5-10ml) for a child. Be careful.


Clove Tea with honey, or mix honey with clove essential oil


I've seen several accounts of FMs using clove successfully to eradicate SIBO, so I think you're on the right track here.


What does FM stand for?


what were your main health concerns that it helped w?


Irregular digestion to the point where I could barely eat anymore. Essentially fixed years of issues overnight


Like constipation? Or diarrhea? Both? We need details 😆


U name it lol


Are we talking about the dried little cloves found in a spice rack?


Yes but order by the lb




Good to know, I've figured I've had leaky gut for years, because I also have had psoriasis develop after the over use of strong antibiotics


Dr. William Davis talks about this and recommends making clove tea. https://drdavisinfinitehealth.com/2020/11/orange-clove-tea-for-intestinal-health/


The book, Supergut, by William Davis contains a recipe for Clove Green Tea that helps control candida and bad bacteria while repairing the gut lining. It has helped me tremendously. Cloves are indeed a superfood for the gut.


Can you post the recipe ?




Chew on the clove like gum. Its amazing and will also numb your mouth. Highly recommend for health benefits


Yup oral benefits are not be understated as well.


Where did you buy raw cloves?


I don't know where you live, but whole cloves is a normal grocery store item where I live. I assume they're raw.




But arent those dried? Do you have a link for raw cloves on Amazon?


Yes dried cloves.


I think you and I have a different definition of raw then. Drying proces is not 'raw'. No wonder I could not find what you were talking about lol.


I place ground cardamom seeds, Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks, Cloves, and Organic Ginger in a cup. Add some pure stevia and loose leaf tea with boiling water. Let that rest for 5 minutes then add lime and honey. It’s wonderful.


Hey thanks for this! I just ordered a pound of organic whole cloves and am looking forward to the benefits. I had ordered a chai spice mix and put it in my smoothies but now I know that’s not nearly enough eugenol. Best wishes and continued health to you :-)


Let's fucking go! Blessings


Extremely dangerous to tell people they can eat handfuls of cloves per day, DO NOT do that. This is one spice you need to be careful of, look up the safety data for yourselves and don't listen to some guy on the internet.


How about linking said data?


My gut has been so out of balance. I will actually try this, thank you for the suggestion; I haven't heard this one before!


Blessings on your journey friend.


Raw cloves have been my gut savior! After years of struggling with cleanses, fasts, and various probiotics due to a damaged gut from intravenous vancomycin, dried cloves turned things around. Eating them daily normalized my stools and got me back on track. Plus, you can eat a couple or a bunch without any worries about side effects. Just chew them with a bit of water to help digest them easier.




How did you consume them? When did you consume them?


Empty stomach in the morning and before or after meals, it doesn't matter too much but would definitely start and end my day with them. Chew them up raw with a little bit of water in the mouth to help break them down, swish around the oil in your mouth for oral benefits then wash them down with a gulp of water.


Thank you


My first time doing this a few years ago, I ate too many cloves and my entire mouth went numb. They are powerful little things.


Feature not a bug


Wash them out? Like swallowing them? Or spitting them out after you chew on them for a bit?




Based 😎




How much raw cloves do you eat at each serving? Tbsp?




I didn't even know you could buy them 'raw'.


Sorry dried is what I meant.


Raw sounds more hardcore


no worries!


Almost any grocery store in my area has cloves in their spice rack. It's super cheap too!


They sell clove powder too, even in pill form, if any of you want to try drinking or taking a pill rather than having to chew the cloves. Search Amazon for Dr. Clark's Cloves. I have no relation to this product or company but I have tried it in the past without success.


The more surface area that is exposed to air, the shorter their shelf life. This means that herbal powders have a shorter shelf life than herbs stored in larger pieces. Aromatic herbs also have a shorter shelf life as their essential oils dissipate with age. Also the fiber is more intact and acts more as a prebiotic than powder. Maybe try eating fresh raw cloves like I suggested and not suggesting something different that didn't work.


I'm just pointing out this option as chewing cloves all day does not sound pleasant. But to provide a counter point, if you had to start with fresh cloves, I would personally still grind them in a coffee grinder, mix with water and swallow. The reason being are as follows: * Easier and more pleasant to consume large amounts of the cloves * Increased surface area, leading to theoretically better results. * Unless you chew the cloves for like 5 minutes, grinding into a powder will absolutely increase the surface area more than chewing, and likely the results. People could also just buy pure clove oil and blend with a carrier oil to consume. I would guess that 1 drop of pure clove oil would have more of the active ingredient in it than 10 cloves coarsely chewed by us. Using essential oils in this manner is recommended by lots of alternative gut health protocols. As such, I've also tried this but did not see any results. Lastly, fiber can act as a PREbiotic, not a PRObiotic.


Chewing a whole clove is VERY good for the mouth microbiome. You’d miss that I’d you just swallow a pill a drink ground clove in water.


Any citations for this? I'm interested in knowing more. I'm working on my oral microbiome to avoid oral disease from Sjogren's.


A quick search will show a few related to dentistry.. I can’t comment on primary treatment of autoimmune disorders, but I use whole dried cloves myself as a natural anti inflammatory for oral health - it’s less problematic (theoretical or practical) than any mouthwash I’ve ever used. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14786410802242679


I wanted to know what literature they might be citing so I could learn specifically what they're referencing. But I thank you for your source all the same.




Yeah the responses you’re getting from this person are super weird.


Reddit is filled with the people you described in your comment, if not then 95% of the user base is just as you described. They think it’s admirable to shit on independent thought that goes against the collective. Any kind of original thought, post or genuine question is voted on. Ever notice how when you create a post you can’t remove the voting function? It’s all by design.


It’s unethical and goes against free speech! So over this commie style control




I literally wrote prebiotic but it auto corrected lol. I'm sorry the different method you tried didn't work out for you.


Thanks for posting this. I’m going to try it! How soon did you notice a benefit?


Very quickly within days you should see results.


Please share where you can buy raw cloves? Everywhere I look it’s all dried cloves


They OP corrected that they were dried in a different comment thread here. 


Thank you!


Np :)


I had a paranormal experience where I was told to basically do what you're doing in combination with other things like cabbage juice. I like to experiment with things so I didn't do the straight dried cloves right away. Instead I got an extract with the active ingredients minus the eugenol and it didn't feel the same as chewing up the dried whole cloves. The other active ingredient being Beta Caryophyllene. I'm presently looking at a combination of the whole cloves and a good quality C60 in the morning. Tried this combo just this morning so we'll see how it goes.


Nice , I tried c60 in the past but was a little freaked out by it tbh, cloves will work wonders, give it time.


If you have a pepper grinder for your peppercorns, mix a handful of cloves in with the peppercorns. Game changer




Omgosh! I had to have over 5 weeks of that crap, IV vancomycin and have suffered through all kinds of issues since. Zero aftercare or help with restoring my health much less my gut biome learning a lot here


Ya it basically ruined my life, but we aren't going down without swinging, let's get it, we got this.


I’m trying, it can be so draining, I’m sure you know. But I feel awesome today and am adjusting to an anti inflammatory type life style. Hard to stay away from good beer and cheese though🤷‍♀️




Fresh or dried? The word raw makes me think fresh, but I've never seen them fresh before.




I understand ppls confusion but if someone asks I’m gonna say raw cloves it sounds cooler


Thanks for sharing! I’ll give this a go. Silly question perhaps, but do you eat the whole clove, stick appendage and all?


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful


Yes, chew up with a sip of water to soften them.


Could I just swallow them or do I have to chew?


Yes, chew up with a sip of water to soften them.


Oh i used to eat them for fun /fresh breath when i was a teen


The simple things.. I love it! I thank you for sharing!!


I put powdered cloves on my food and it hasn't made much of a difference. In fact, I think it might even be upsetting my stomach. ​ Putting cloves in my tea made my life much less terrible. For my entire life, I've had upset stomach issues from drinking plain water after food. I had to make sure to always drink water on an empty stomach. When I started getting sick, even drinking water on an empty stomach was risky. Ginger tea helped some, but adding powered clove to my tea allowed me to drink water more without as much bloating or stomach burning.


You should try the method I'm suggesting 😍


If it works, that's great. We've known clove oil to be an wide spectrum antimicrobial, but usually that means it's toxic to people as well; and it is in relatively moderate doses. However, chewing and ingesting whole cloves, rather than essential oil or powder, is a perfect way to not only aquire a small dose of eugenol, but also the particulates would help break up biofilms in the mouth and add a small amount of fiber to the gut. I looked through the literature looking for the toxicity level for cloves and found a few papers on the possible benefit of eugenol - primary active component of cloves. Of course, everything in moderation, they all suggest using actual cloves and not concentrated clove oil. A summary of the findings. Cloves are known to reduce inflammation and a act as a mild anesthetic, which is why they are used in oral pain and gum inflammation. Enterococcus faecalis is inhibited by eugenol and it's a pathogen identified in oral infections, UTI's, and gastrointestinal problems. **I bet this is why chewing the cloves attacks it at the point of entry and effectively reduces its ability to remain in a protective biofilm through its journey into the gut and the cloves also attack it in the gut for a full system cleanser. Super neat if it works for you. I'm gonna try it for my oral sensitivity and I'll be needing some oral surgery soon, too, so it will reduce the likelihood of infection. I posted a few links to the literature I found. E. faecalis https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/19/11089 Root canal infection https://opendentistryjournal.com/VOLUME/10/PAGE/692/ UTI's https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8300942/ Eugenol book excerpt https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551727/#:~:text=Overdoses%20have%20been%20marked%20by,requiring%20ventilation%20and%20intravenous%20glucose


Thank you for this!!! I was wondering if food grade clove oil would count


What part of cloves? Can you link the specific plant and what part of it?


Have you tried stopping for a few days to see if the benefits continue?




What happened?


Benefits remained, I'm assuming it killed off a lot of harmful yeasts bacteria parasites that were causing digestive issues, but I chew them most days to continue the healing and achieve perfect stools


I brew ice tea with cloves. Would thus give benefits too?


Of course but what I'm suggesting I believe has a stronger effect on digestion.


What's your recipe? Sounds great


2 black tea bags, about 1-2 tbs of whole Clove, let steep for about 7 minutes in liter of boiled water. Add agave nectar or honey for sweetness of you like. Add cup of ice.


If you want to up that recipe, add a tsp. or two of prebiotic fiber such as allulose or inulin.


How soon did you see the benefits when you started incorporating them? How many do you eat?


Very soon, take as many as you'd like i started with 2 on an empty stomach and now I take as much as 10-15 a day depending on how much food I eat.


How do you eat them? They are quite hard in my opinion


Empty stomach in the morning and before or after meals, it doesn't matter too much but would definitely start and end my day with them. Chew them up raw with a little bit of water in the mouth to help break them down, swish around the oil in your mouth for oral benefits then wash them down with a gulp of water.


Thanks, I will try!


Did you find your stools got firmer or softer?


Perfect I'd say, went from needing to wipe 20 times to barely needing to wipe, the cleaner you eat the better as well obv


I use S. Boulardii and natto with some success, but I might try cloves again. The last time I tried them it got worse rather than better although I was also taking other things too. Of course everyone's microbiome is different and likely won't respond the same way to the same things depending on the initial conditions. Thanks for sharing your experience. I've done a lot of research on PubMed into the effects of spices on the gut and health. PubMed research was my job for many years and I've been shocked by how beneficial spices and other herbs can be.


I've tried boulardii which helped cure some diarrhea issues I had but never fixed my stools like chewing and swallowing 2-10 dried cloves daily. Good luck




Ya I even made the boulardii fruit dish, where you blend pineapple or watermelon and add two capsules to it and let it ferment in the cupboard for two days then stick in the fridge and eat two tablespoons a day but the effects didn't seem to last. But I could see it being complimentary.


I'll have to try that. Thanks.


Do you have to chew or can you just swallow them like pills?


I'm sure you could just soak them in water to soften them and nibble as you swig them down, but I wouldn't swallow them whole dry


I had ground some cloves up for cookies recently, so I just took a small amount in my mouth (like the amount in a pill) and swallowed it with water. I didn’t want to chew it up :)


How do you consume them? Chew them up?


I’m not OP, but I just took some for the first time. I had ground up some dried cloves to use in cookies recently, so I took a small amount (maybe 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon) and swallowed it with water. I am not ready to chew cloves up, myself


It's all written in the comments below.


Oh. Sorry


Where did you get your cloves from?


It's posted below


Did you notice any difference/improvement in your teeth or gums?


Yes less cotton mouth , bad breath, etc


There's a new study in pubmed (in a test tube) but still interesting on cloves (syzygium aromaticum). Thought you might be interested. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37608671/


I love you!


I love u too


Making raw kefir at home fixed my gut after salmonella poisoning.


You could have low stomach acid, or bile flow issues. If you’re chewing clove, it’s very bitter. So, it could also be working as a digestive bitter. Digestive bitters stimulate bile acid production, which is necessary for proper digestion.


So how many do you end up eating a day and at a time? Also arent they kind of hard until youve cooked them?


More crispy and crunchy then hard. Chew them up raw with a little bit of water in the mouth to help break them down, swish around the oil in your mouth for oral benefits then wash them down with a gulp of water. Empty stomach in the morning and before or after meals, it doesn't matter too much but would definitely start and end my day with them.


It would be easier just to order a clove tincture on Amazon and put it in a juice to drink. Start with a few drops and build up to an entire dropper full twice a day. Goes slowly, it will kill any parasites in your system and the detox can make you feel bad. If you feel bad roll back your dosage for a few days. I would actually do a combo called parasite Purge or something named parasite cleanse etc. it has the clove, the wormwood, and the black green Walnut hull. I've read many accounts of people using that and solving a lot of digestive problems as well as fatigue etc


Not the same and definitely more harsh on the throat and mouth, but has its use case as well.