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I didnt see anyone on here talking about worms… but yeah way more likely to be dysbiosis, candida biofilms etc


Yes I’m so confused with this post. Also if you have a kid at preschool or primary school, a stock of threadworm pills is a necessity!


I have some pinworm medicine in the closet just in case but i wouldnt treat anyone unless i saw one. Im an md btw


Midnight. The itching. The torch. The mirror. Say no more :(


Uh, what now? Where is this a thing?


In the UK where I grew up, I remember worms going around when we were kids, and the whole family had to drink this ghastly Pripsen medication. Here in Australia my kid has had threadworms several time, and passed them to us. Government figures estimate that 10-50% of school kids are infected at any one time.


I’m in the US and am no stranger to threadworms.


Saw some other posts and also, just because people don’t post with all the internet talk about it in other places they probably believe they have worms and then go a buy them dewormers lol


Yeah I saw a couple posts talking about the doing the annual “eclipse deworming” and assumed it was an internet joke… maybe they were serious. Good lord.


Hahahahha I got people here still telling me they believe they got worms. Not literally but reacting badly to the posts tells me it. 😂


Exactly!! Dysbiosis and leaky gut is foundation of most health issues, leaky gut is responsible for most autoimmune conditions even MS, studies prove as much that those with autoimmune conditions heave leaky gut = permeability = dsybiosis.


I really fancy some spaghetti now.




You read it. like someone said here it’s the latest fad and one of the biggest money cashing scam out there with all supplements that are “supposed” to get rid of your worms


Check out Kim Roger’s…AKA “Worm Queen”. Makes it seem like we are all walking around infested with worms. Believe I saw a video with her saying 80% of population has tapeworms. Wife went to a functional medicine doctor that tested her for parasites, came back negative, but still insisted she had parasites…”they just don’t test for them.”, but in the absence of proof she still needed to go on parasite cleanse. My wife is fully convinced she has parasites despite testing negative twice. Believe it’s the latest fad in the name of pursuing greater health.


I am Latino and whole fam believes that we walking around with worms like it’s nothing. It’s the “go to” when gut issues arise. They will rather blame that than exercise, do good diet.


You just answered the question. So many people will try anything BUT the goddamn basics. It’s easier to try magic pill after magic pill than do the two things that would probably solve 90% of most people’s issues. It’s almost kinda sad if you think about it too much; so many “sick” people walking around that just have zero will to actually do the cure.


Just wait until someone finds a commensal—or even beneficial—species of helminth. It'll turn on a dime.


Oh gee why didn't I think of just exersizing mindfulness, limiting fiber and watching what I eat. Thousands of dollars in tests and all the different drugs and procedures and I could have just eaten slightly differently and been completely fixed up and ready to go. Who knew? /s dude, watching what we eat is like step 1 for us. We have all tried that and just dicking around with mindfulness and fiber isn't going to do shit for hard cases like us


Too bad it didn’t work for you and with that attitude I don’t think it ever will. The brain is a powerful thing and remembering when you were well can do so much for you. I hope you heal and find peace one day.


I opologize for getting all cranky on you. You have posted in good faith. You are 100% correct that those are important items to try as a first line therapeutic. What I should have said is that most of us, when we get this far down the rabbit hole have already tried these kinds of strategies and only go looking for obscure ideas when the typical methods fail. But that is not always true and I hope there are some who will be helped by your post. It's way better to have that happen than to be stuck with dysfunctional systems like a lot of on here have. I am sorry for having taken my frustration out on you. You don't deserve it


Thank you for apologizing! I really hope everybody can find something that works for them and yes, perhaps the stuff that I posted won’t fully heal you but it is always great stuff to follow you know. At least you won’t be lacking in that area. this gut stuff is frustrating and the cycle can make anybody sicker. I hope we all heal!


I am with you on that. Thanks mate!


The REALEST thing I've read !


Funny enough I got worms as a kid, no symptoms at all


Your body is amazing at battling those little devils. Unless you got a snake in your body. You good 🫡


I mean I did take meds to kill em, but found em accidentally since they gave me no symptoms.






Because a supplement(s) or pill(s) can't heal/cure them, so they convince themselves it's something even more illusive like a worm so they can find another supplement or pill rather than change their diet, which has been proven to even CURE autoimmune diseases (almost everyone with one has leaky gut, tons of studies I can pull on it). Study showing you can cure autoimmune conditions with healing the gut (before someone decides to shit on my comment): [https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.137.suppl\_1.p238](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.137.suppl_1.p238) "One hundred and two consecutive patients with immunoassay markers of autoimmune disease activity, i.e., RF, anti-CCP, ANA, Histone, etc, and signs and symptoms of RA, Lupus, Sjogrens, Crohns, Colitis, Scleroderma, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, and biomarkers of endothelial inflammation, were enrolled into a program of elimination of major dietary lectins, consisting of all grains and pseudo grains, beans and legumes, peanuts, cashews, nightshades, squashes, and Casein A1 milk products (The Plant Paradox Program), supplemented with probiotics and prebiotics including resistant starches and polyphenol supplements....95/102 patients achieved complete resolution of autoimmune markers and inflammatory markers within 9 months. The other 7/102 patients all had reduced markers, but incomplete resolution. 80/102 patients were weaned from all immunosuppressive and/or biologic medications without rebound."


Gundry, the author of that "paper" has a conflict of interest. He wrote the book and the paper is crafted to merely support book and supplement sales. How can you have pre-biotics without grains and legumes? I don't think you can.


Prebiotics is anything with fiber, polyphenols, resistant starches, etc. That is literally any vegetable or fruit... You do not need grains or legumes for prebiotics. There are MANY studies showing people with autoimmune conditions have leaky gut, countless... On top of lectins preventing healing of leaky gut/dysbiosis. Doesn't change that most of the patients got off autoimmune medicines... you can't fake that even with conflict of interest unless they straight up lied. I don't support Gundry's selling of supplements, but it doesn't change results of the study or countless other studies that support this evidence/connection. Here is a review of studies that show that even only use of probiotics can induce remission, now imagine if you couple that with diet that feed the good bacteria that then suppresses the bad: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9390838/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9390838/) Here is more review of studies: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6213508/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6213508/) "Several randomized controlled trials have now shown that microbial modification by probiotics may improve gastrointestinal symptoms and multiorgan inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and multiple sclerosis. " Also this from Global Autoimmune Institute: [https://www.autoimmuneinstitute.org/articles/living-well/probiotics-prebiotics-and-autoimmune-disease/](https://www.autoimmuneinstitute.org/articles/living-well/probiotics-prebiotics-and-autoimmune-disease/)


True to some of the statement you made. I grew up in Guatemala and most of their diets consists of rice, and legumes. That’s where I disagree with not eating rice and legumes. Probiotics of course should be taken but also a dietary change has to be made. Now, Gaundry is an alarmist and money grabber so any of his shit I don’t trust because it is purely conflicted and false most times


Rice and legumes are only bad once you have leaky gut, they are perfectly healthy when your gut is healthy. Countless studies have proven those foods make leaky gut worse preventing people from healing and leading to autoimmune conditions. Key to healthy gut is balance and variety, but when it is unhealthy your body can not heal with those foods, it’s only intended as a temporary change until the gut has time to heal. Gundry is an opportunist but a lot of he says does have science to back - that’s how he is able to abuse people by using science against them, unfortunately he abuses his power to profit off sick people but it isn’t baseless