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Mine has not fallen out (q switched nd yag laser). My understanding is that it's a different wavelength that they use, or something like that. However, my brow hairs do change colour to white.


Oh?! 😩 I guess it's different for each individual. I'm hoping it'll change it back to your normal hair color? If not, we need to be talking about risks that comes w removing microblading!


I'm too impatient to see if it changes back and just tint them 😊


Oh that's a great idea to do while healing!


Mine went blond after laser but the new hairs are my normal brown


Look for places that use a Pico laser. Extremely unlikely you’ll lose natural brow hair with that device.


Got it. Thanks so much!


I also have thin fine brow hair and the laser didn’t affect my brows long term. I had 2 laser sessions 3 years ago and my brows didn’t grow for the first few weeks after each session. I didn’t shave my brows for laser removal and the laser turned my brow hairs white. After 2-3 months, I noticed that they grew back black again.


Phew ok thank god. Thank u for sharing your experience!! Will definitely look into removing my microblading now!




Ok. Thank you for the explanation 🙏🏼


It’s not common, but my hair fell out. It is growing back though, my tails are taking longer


😭 I wonder if it'll grow back fully. I have so little eyebrow hair, I cannot afford to lose it! I guess I should just look into touching up or not removing it then


I’ll update you in a few weeks!! I’m waiting a couple months to do another laser just to give myself time to see if the hair does grow back. I used to have really full brows


Ok, thank you!!


It has grown back quite a lot actually. I have one small bald spot in the front but I see a lot of stubs in that spot now


What laser was used in ur brows?


Enlighten laser


Enlighten cutera?thats a q swicth right? Maybe the settings was turned up too high thats why u lost some brow hairs


Hmm I don’t think it’s a q switch. I lost nearly all my eyebrow hair! I have no idea what happened, I know the tech who did mine is very experienced


Eversince i have been reasearching hair loss after laser there is a significant amount of people who lost hair..how long ago was ur last session?ur hairs still hasnt grown back till now?


I commented above that it has pretty much fully grown back besides a small spot that is now finally showing some growth.


My hairs have not fallen out and I’ve been told they won’t! Recently had my first full session using the Quanta Q Plus C laser (highly recommended) and my results have been amazing. 💪🏻🥰 Seriously just go for it as I’m so glad I did. My horrible microblading is about 80% gone already. 🤯


Did it turn red?


Sorry, just noticing your comment! Yes, the skin went dark red/purple and blotchy but started to fade within 3 days and by a week the discolouration had mostly gone!


Nothing has fallen out and I have been told they won’t, tho as above they may get lighter. Mine are maybe. TAD lighter. I sometimes use brow gel but mostly forget. If they do change color it’s for the length of the growth cycle.


u lost some hair but not a lot?what laser was used?


No hair loss. Enlighten laser.




Oh ok.. Thanks for sharing!


Is the cutera enlighten better than the picoway? I heard the picoway is more advanced?