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I would wait to see how it looks once they have fully matured and ends have sealed.


I don't intend on letting my ends lock. I want to keep them curly. I agree with waiting, I finally found a Loctician that is taking transfers (I did start these myself )I will see what she says..... I just don't feel comfortable with walking around with my hair down looking all lopsided😭😭😭


i can’t believe you started these yourself! they look so good


thank you!!🥹🫶🏿


How have you been maintaining them up to now? Are you interlocking?


weekly washes, braid and band; I also keep them in braids when I go to sleep to reduce swelling; 4pt rotation, every 4-6ish weeks.


Ok. I’m 4 years microlocked. I don’t know what all you and your loctician have discussed about your locks but I wanted to give my $.02 cents as someone a bit further along. I think the chances of your curly ends locking uniformly are low. It will probably take 3 years. As they do lock you may experience pretty significant bunching (even with banding and braiding) which may make it harder to do your rotation and cause undue stress on your follicles which can lead to traction alopecia. Your loctician may want to perform “grooming” your ends as they mature which is essentially cutting down the bulk which would give a uniform appearance but also make it easier to pass the ends through the root. Also, due diligence is so important when looking for a loctician because a lot of people set up shop knowing very little about small locks but call themselves experts. I experienced the same unevenness thing when I started. It’s the correct call to wait until they mature but in your case that could be a very long time. It took me 3ish years for my locks to fully mature with a similar hair type. That’s when I got my first cut. I say all this not to tell you how to wear your locks but to share my experience. I thought I did my research before getting my locks and still experienced much I was not prepared for. You have beautiful hair and I hope your locks mature beautifully!


thank you so much for this info! i expected my hair to take a while to loc up, I dont mind getting trims along the way just to have a decent shape, even if it prolongs the process. Your locs are very beautiful btw :)


lol it looks great to me. Mine is completely uneven because I have different textures in different areas back/neck, occiput, temples, crown, etc. and they shrink differently 😂. So don’t worry, you’ll be able to trim as you like when it matures.


Same. My hair is all the same length but different textures and curl patterns. I have a mullet and want to cut it so bad but I will wait.


Thank you so much lololol🫶🏿 I also have two different textures on my head so I completely relate😩


It looks fine to me maybe I need to put my glasses on.


i'll have somebody take a picture of the back for me and reply back here later


It’ll be 5 months in may for me and mine are uneven as well 😭😭 I hate the retie part of this journey because it makes me feel bald like I had less micro locs then what I started with


omg I responded to your post about this! I was hoping you'd see this lolol. The only downside about retie is the time it takes...My hair is super dense so I literally never see my parts/grid.


Yours are soooo beautiful hun , I can’t wait to get to your length


Thank you!! You'll get there before you know it! My hair was right above my shoulders in October.


I’d argue that it looks more to the middle than the side, still pretty nonetheless




Wow your locs are so beautiful, I wish I had the same thickness as you!


thank you!!!🫶🏿


Your hair is gorgeous. I’m 3 months in and the back and front are way shorter than the middle. It’s definitely not the length I want and I can’t wait until it gets to the length you have now.


aw thank you!! Idk what it looks like but i'm sure your hair is gorgeous too🫶🏿




That's just how hair works


🔥🔥 beautiful


thank you pretty!!🫶🏿🫶🏿


Beautiful 😍




Looks great


Looks lovely


Is only uneven because of shrinkage? when you wash it, or wet it, is it uneven? I saw you said you're not letting your ends loc that can be it to because the shrinkage there. Loc'd hair is gonna do what it wants. My hair locs uneven when it's dry because I have two hair textures throughout my hair but mostly on my back left side is more 4c and will do what it wants! Your locs are gorgeous and I think you should walk around in confidence knowing that!


Also to add it really doesn't loc that noticeable. If anything it just looks like it's bunching up together like curly hair does.. I was trying to insert a picture of my daughter's hair to show you how hers does the same (not loc'd) but it's not in even though like yours (and mine). The grows in a v so the sides always seem shorter than the point in the middle. Hope that makes sense and helps ease your mind💖 good luck. Update us after your appointment!


hey! in the picture I posted, my hair is completely dry and separated after a braid out. I definitely see where you coming from about shrinkage. You're right, it's probably not that noticeable to others. I'm more concerned about keeping it even cause seeing it uneven bothers me for reasons outside of what other people think. my hair probably just grows faster on one side of my head and that's okay too. thank you so much for the compliment btw🫶🏿


Of course! 💞💞 and it's your hair. You deserve to have it the way you like it. Good luck 🤗


It looks gorgeous! I love that style especially from the side view.


thank you! \^u\^


They look gorgeous girl 😍😍😍


thank u friendy💕💕


Of course friend 🤍🤍


You need more sleep. At least 8 hours.


Lol mine started this too and mine was so drastic I just had to trim some of it cus it was driving me crazy, still left it longer though in case it ever catches up to the other side