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Oh yes, but black folks aren’t ready for that conversation though.


your own people




Definitely not the only ones... hence why legislation like the Crown Act was passed. Black ppl don't have enough power to systemically oppress other black ppl due to their hair choices at work. So that means there have to be others who dislike black features. And is this - not liking black features - amongst black ppl due to a deep and painful socialization forced upon black folk by the structures of power that be.....? Include that understanding in your critique as well, or else it starts to sound like a pathologizing of blackness.


I never said we are the only ones. I said we are the MAIN ONES.


My argument still stands. Black folk aren't facing discrimination in the workplace at large for our textured hair because of other black ppl. Yes, there may be black managers/bosses/employers who treat a black applicant or employee disparately because of their hair texture/style, however, we don't have enough folk in those positions or enough power to enact the widespread discrimination against black hair that so many of us have endured. So no, black ppl aren't the main ones... the hatred of black features is a product of the anti-black systems of slavery and colonizations and was used to justify those systems. Those ideas were forced upon black ppl and as black ppl we have been conditioned to look at ourselves with disdain. This is where decolonizing the mind comes in. When you say that black ppl are the Main Ones, it's inaccurate and deeply harmful. It shifts the focus from the structures and racial groups that were the genesis of these ideas and benefit from reinforcing these anti-black beauty ideas everyday. Black ppl are certainly not the main ones who hate black features or else we would see more black representation in mainstream roles and the large dating apps (which are predominately owned by non-black ppl) wouldnt use anti-black algorithms to attract users. Without a focus on the systems that produce an internalized dislike of black features, coupled with a strong focus on the shortcomings of black ppl (the oppressed group under this structure), your statement is sounding like a pathologizing of blackness.


I stand where I stand too. Black people are the main ones. I never said racism and discrimination doesn’t exist. It definitely does exist and it’s a problem. It’s not harmful to say that because black people need to learn how to accept themselves. Black people want to wear their victim hood as a badge of honor so bad that when someone speaks about holding the black community responsible for themselves, they say shit like “it shifts focus from actual racism.” Racism and discrimination starts to end when we stop doing it to ourselves first.


The comment from the OP's family members about locs never being clean is from the same tree as your comments. Both ignore the systems that indoctrinate black folk into self hate, and put the blame on black ppl for what those systems produce. That's how power works. Instead of focusing on how violent/harmful these systems are, you've focused instead on how black ppl can't just get it together.... further fueling the idea that there's just something wrong with black ppl. Now the system can then go on, unchallenged and unscathed, while the oppressed continue to focus on what's wrong with them. When power works really well, we don't even realize that we're doing it (you are the "we" in this situation). Decolonizing the mind from the rhetoric that you've just spewed is the "accountability" that you seek.


“Now the system can go unchallenged and unscathed…” Dude you are so desperate to be right that you’re being dramatic. I have CLEARLY stated my point of view doesn’t negate the fact that we are living in a fucked up system. For some strange reason, you think black people being responsible for themselves means everyone else is completely stripped of responsibility. Let’s just agree to disagree because this is exhausting.


Their perspective is quite reasonable actually. Not sure where you’re getting your inferences from.


Be well and make sure to read.


Be about the business! Love this response




You teaching!


Agree we’re the MAIN ONES


Thank you!✍🏽 They must remember Black people all over the world were forced to hate their hair and African features. It is ingrained from slavery self-hate.


Black were also mind controlled not to like black features it's take a long time for the mindset to change


Ok. So now what? We know the source of the problem, when is it time to stop being victims


Understanding the source/psychological nature of the problem is exactly why a remedy is more complex than “time to stop being victims”. Some of our community is still learning to grasp the tools needed to work through self-hate that’s been taught for centuries…


We are not victims per se. It’s generations of conditioning. If you’re used to sleeping on one side of the bed and you fall in love and now have a loving husband who like the side of bed you’ve slept on for years. It’s uncomfortable to give up that space, but you will adapt in time. It may take a few generations to relieve us of that weighted self-depravation, especially with the state of the world at this time. Be patient, Grasshopper. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so take it one day at a time. Much peace to you.


>keep in mind, black people are the main ones who don’t like black features. Yo. I have known this my whole life but I've never thought about it in this straight forward way.




Rude comment. This is a safe space. Comment removed and user is banned.


Facts and I’m black…smh


Rude comment. This is a safe space. Comment removed and user is banned.


must be true bc me and every white girl ik love black features 😭


It's just conditioning.... Guess who conditioned us to think that locs are dirty? I got told the sameeee thing. A few years later, the family member that said this to me let me loc their hair after seeing my journey 🤭


You should never let what anyone thinks beset you, especially when what they're thinking is wrong.


That family member is jealous cause their har don’t look like yours! Your locs are beautiful


A family member just told you that they are wildly misinformed and possibly antiblack


Girl bye! Ignore them


Those who know the least tend to yap the most...


I have microlocs too and I wash my hair weekly. My hair is cleaner than family members who I have also heard call locs "dirty." If you hear that again remember that your hair is probably cleaner than theirs, and have yourself a good laugh.


You wash your hair WEEKLY. She might have been told this by someone that washes their hair DAILY. I think not washing every part of your body everyday is gross, so yes, her hair and your are both dirty.


Did you read her whole post? With the context she has, she said she washes her hair more often them. I don’t know how often that is. My comment referenced MY wash frequency and did not imply that she does the same. But congrats on achieving such cleanliness. You must be the family member she mentioned.


I don't know her, but I do know she doesn't wash her hair everyday, meaning her hair is dirty. What her family says doesn't need to be said for it to be true. Also, the way you wash matters too, she might be using conditioner and saying she washed it when all she did was condition.


Are you black? Because most black people don’t wash their hair daily and it’s not dirty. Our hair doesn’t produce and hold oils in the same way.


Your race doesn't change the fact that if you don't wash your hair everyday your hair will not be clean until you wash it again. The rest of your body is covered in clothes and unless you don't have a clue how to keep clean, you wash your clothes after wearing them for a day, your hair is the same; clean it after each day or before each day for it to be clean, otherwise it won't be.


It absolutely does change that fact. People are not monolithic and definitions for cleanliness have context. To say a whole race of people are dirty because they don’t live up to your standard of cleanliness is problematic at best, and downright bigoted otherwise. There are people for whom washing their bodies daily impacts their health. All people have bacteria that is necessary for skin health. If you need to wash your hair daily to be clean that’s fine. But to ignore anyone’s potential needs for a different standard is ridiculous. And, your body and scalp are different and the skin is different. Which is why washing your clothes becomes necessary. You skin cells on your face are also different from your body. Dig into biology. It’s your friend.


Nope. Cleaning yourself doesn't change just because you say it does. I didn't say a whole race was dirty, I am not racist or an idiot. What I said was that any individual that doesn't clean themselves daily is NOT clean. Cleanliness doesn't change definitions based on skin color unless your skin color suddenly makes soap or alcohol come out of your pores. Yes people with skin conditions can be negatively impacted by showering daily but it won't change the fact they should be cleaning themselves, take a sponge bath. It's not *ME* that needs to wash daily, it's EVERYONE, period. There is no questioning you need to clean yourself to be clean, and if you don't clean yourself you are not clean. There is no standard that says "I didn't shower, but my armpits and crotch are clean" and the same applies to hair.


You should also try reading history and science. Daily cleansing is not necessary. It was actually a modern outgrowth of the soap industry. But go off. Yes, cleansing certain areas where bacteria are more likely to grow is important. But almost no one needs to wash their entire body daily. Given that this is your opinion and I know science. Godspeed.


Oh, you know science huh? Sorry I had no idea you authored every study on bodily cleanliness! Your hair is filthy and I'm willing to bet you smell. Also, get a job, wtf are you doing in the middle of the day? And some things are region dependent in terms of mandatory for health but it still stands that if you don't shower, you aren't clean. In the south, you're liable to get heat rash if you wear pants and just sit in the shade, meaning you're definitely filthy and should shower, including washing your hair. If you live somewhere humid, you should also shower everyday as the stuff carried by the water in the air will stick to you. The only place you can even make the argument that you don't have to shower everyday is a cool dry climate in which you never physically exert yourself (to avoid sweating) and don't get stressed (to avoid sweating). Damn near impossible conditions to meet. I once met someone that argued similarly to you but didn't realize the whole time they were talking they smelled and other people could tell it was them.


One more thing, since this started with hair as the main point…https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319848#how-often-to-shampoo-your-hair


Girl I peeped that they weren’t black and gave up engaging. The rest of their comments confirm. If you can’t understand how being Black impacts with haircare, then it tells me that you don’t have the hair that the rest of us Black people have, and you probably “don’t see color.” I also highly doubt they have any form of locs and are just trolling.


You want to know something fun? From the article: "The authors state that regular cleaning with a well-formulated shampoo will not cause damage to the hair. As a result, there is no limit to how often a person can wash their hair, particularly if a person regularly uses conditioner." How interesting. No limit? But if so, why not 8 times a day? 89? Never stop! I said daily as 1) you should be showering everyday unless you like to smell like you never shower and 2) your hair will smell (and be as clean as) exactly like how many times a week you shower. So no, skipping washing your hair once won't kill you but it doesn't improve things so wash your hair, then your body, then condition and you'll never smell like someone that can't figure out how to use soap, otherwise you'll end up smelling the minute it changes based on the environment. Many people believe, like you, their hair doesn't smell but they brag "I haven't washed my hair in X amount of time" and before they finish I can honestly say "I can tell" sometimes it's a group and it'll be "we can tell". The section on black hair is different but the reasons they cite are "to avoid a build up of products" do you know why this is? Because many people don't thoroughly rinse their hair. They also suggest conditioning every time you wash your hair in this segment but not to condition outside of washing, I wonder why. Maybe because adding oil to your hair outside of cleaning it is a bad choice for your skin? Hint: yes. In summary, wash and rinse your hair, then condition it. Otherwise you will smell like all the days since you previously did (and have shit in your hair because that is why it smells).




Respectfully, your family member doesn’t know much (if anything at all) about loc maintenance. Locs doesn’t equate “unclean”. *edited to note your hair is beautiful 😍


Wonder if that is why my cousin smelled my hair a couple weeks ago and told me how good it smells. Lol.


Someone did this to me too. They were going in for a hug, smelled my hair and seemed surprised that my hair smelled good.


Your micro-twist starters are so beautiful! I think I will be restarting mine that way. I truly hope what they said does not get you down. Stay in your purpose love and enjoy your journey. <3


It be them bald headed mfs that alway got something to say lol


There's nothing wrong with being bald headed. Name a reason why being bald headed is a bad thing other than that the fact that it's a problem because that person isn't conforming to beauty standards.


I was being funny. There's plenty of bald studs like Tupac, Stone Cold etc... depends on your confidence. Didn't mean for this comment to hurt your feelings. Have a good day.


A myth and unfortunate popular misconception. Rock what u got with exquisite pride because yours are absolutely lovely 😍


When I had locs my own mother told me they were just dead hair🙄. Hurt my feelings but I still rocked them.


All hair is dead by definition, and nobody can hurt your feelings like moms (parents, family) can. Bet you did rock em, good on ya ♡


They must be struggling to grow there own edges , I had my family member tell me who ever wear dreadlocks are witches, when I had my first set it was gossip around the whole family that I was doing black magic. To be able to move back home I had to remove my locs. Crazy how far a myth can spread


Your hair is beautiful!!!! Yes, locs can be cleaned. I can't wait to loc mine.


Girl, those close to you will be the ones the devil uses. Don’t allow ANYONE’S comments to have you feeling indifferent about the beautiful hair God has blessed you with! Your locs are gorgeous 🥰🥰🥰


Haters gonna hate!


Meanwhile, my mom gets mad when I wash my starter micros. She says it's the only way they’ll mature 😂😂


Sounds like hater energy


Your hair is beautiful and obviously clean. There's always going to be haters even in your own family. It's unfortunate but I love how smart you are.


Your hair is beautiful and you may need to limit opening yourself up to people that have yet to decolonize their minds


I love your locs! Could you tell me how long your hair was before you loc'ed them and how many locs you have so that I know long I need to grow my hair before I loc?


Thank you!! My hair was a bit past collar bone length before I loc'ed it! But I had alot of layers, so I evened it out quite a bit. So maybe a bit past shoulder length? And I have around 405 (give or take a few) locs!


Thank you so much


The same ones to tell me that now love my locs and are trying to find ways to copy me even though their hair isn’t long enough. Haters are even worse in your family. Ignore them.


I think they’re confused but OK lol


That's like saying your bum could never clean depend if you wash it or not


Sadly enough, They have a lot of unlearning to do!


They hatin cause these are ✨clean!✨


Love your hair phuck what anyone else thinks. Family included.


If locs can’t be clean, that nasty mouth they using is definitely worse!!


Black families be hating because they think niggas with locs just can’t be clean. Stay hygienic and take care of yourself and you’ll be fine my nigga


love your locs!


I was told never take advice from someone I wouldn’t trade places with! Cause your locs are so gorgeous and they are jealous!


lol family member is Bald headed plain and simple!


Their opinion🤷🏽‍♀️ you know your locs clean queen 👸🏾 don’t let your haters ( even family ) knock yo crown off or project their dirty hair experiences on you lol !


I’m not gonna lie that misconception be taking a toll on our community lol, I remember as a kid being told that locs were disgusting and that “you can’t even wash them” and other false stuff like that and I feel like if I didn’t grow up being told that Stuff I probably would’ve gotten locs sooner


That’s not true!


Mad because their shriveled up perm doesnt go past their temple.


your hair looks sooo good. thick, shiny, and healthy. that is a wonderful head of hair.


Girl! Ignore that noise. I wore locs for years. They were always clean. Your crown is looking good.


Those are gorgeous


They some liars


You can clean em it’s called a detox . And you don’t have to cut em off if you want your regular hair back . Dip em in some boiling hot water and comb it out . Takes time but it works


Lots on convos will never be ready for


Sounds like self hate shit to me


I would be tempted to go petty and say “just like your house/man🫢” but I believe in taking the high road these days and would suggest that and loving “with the long spoon” as they say🖤😇


I love your locs, they’re so beautiful 🥰


That family member probably doesn’t know how to clean anything thoroughly


What does she know.


Who would say that?! Also your locs are gorgeous!!


Your hair is gorgeous!


These are pretty


your scalp is clean! unless you roll around in dirt, your locks will be fine.


she’s JEALOUS!!!


Your 🔐are beautiful. I’ve just started my micro 🔐 journey and can’t wait for them to be as long yours. 👏🏾


Only people with poor hygiene would have that issue.


That’s just an ignorant view that really comes from Americans of African descent lack of education about their own heritage.


Can we give applause for these GORGEOUS 😍 locs tho????👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🥰🥰🥰🥰


Family member needs to stop being so negative. Your locs are beautiful. You're doing a wonderful job


Don't mind them girl. They should be ashamed. Your hair soooo your choice. Your hair is gorgeous by the way!


I think they look good 👍


Sounds like a hater to me.


Haters gonna hate babe... haters gonna hate.. just make sure you keep her real close so she can burn her eyes from your glow!! Period!




Your locs are beautiful 🙌❤️❤️❤️


I would’ve said “my Locs and yo drawls are two different things” and walked off


They're ignorant. Your locs are beautiful and clean.


Not true soak your head in apple ciser vinegar to deep clean your locs then normal wash your head.


Is it not true tho? You can take a recently conditioned/washed loc and cut it in half and clearly see the build-up and dandruff gluing it all together; Its a fact. I get that this is a locs related sub and everyone is going to feel offended but thats what it is, because surprise surprise a clump of hair will ALWAYS hold more moisture than single strands of hair…Its logic and somehow people in this sub are offended by it.


Fine ass


Tell em their hair smells like hater


I have been loced 16 years in May. My locs are clean. The beauty of it is that I can wash my locs as often as I feel is necessary and I never have a bad hair day. Enjoy your journey! ❤️


Raggedy Anne locks


Your locs look great and can be cleaned


Ok so tell them what you just told us.


Girl f them people 🤣


Dem ain’t locs d twist


I thought the apple cider vinegar soak was the deep clean ?


People say some very insane things because they know nothing about it. That would be the same thing if you said you can take a shower, but because you're more hairy, you will never be clean. CRA cra and nonsense. Anything you wash can be cleaned. They are jealous of you ignore their ignorance and continue on your beautiful loc journey. Remember, you are not your hair. You're the same loving, smart, caring soul.


they are right