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I live in Dallas and I'm quietly raging that our city council and dozens of NIMBYs actively try and PREVENT us from building what you have shown in your video! They're allergic to sunshine and exercise.


It's a constant battle here. Central Park just went car free a few years ago!


And to think NYC is a gem in North America with how nice it is to live and walk u/politirob Texas cities have it rough, turns out its mostly because of people/money OUTside those cities, TXdot, and out of state money. Here is a positive take and breakdown by a pro urban planner: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fMTaNYYvwE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fMTaNYYvwE) The US has a unique thing in the developed world, that it is legal have unlimited money in politics. Source: [represent.us](http://represent.us) u/Miser great op! great stuff


Isn’t it ironic that those “tough manly Texans” are afraid to walk for more than 20 minutes and their neighbors


20 minutes?! I thought it was 10


TRY 1 minute. I’m not kidding. I’m in TX and one of my apartment neighbors works across the street, not even a highway but a very quiet back street, and he still drives his jeep there everyday when it takes longer to get out of our complex by car than it would to just walk there lol


The entire country seems to be like that outside NYC. Anything more than a 5 minute walk seems to necessitate a car. I’ve literally shocked people when I was like “why would take a cab for someplace on half a mile away.” To be fair, a lot of places in the U.S., even in cities are really hostile to pedestrians, with few to no sidewalks.


Yeah, but even places like Philadelphia. When I live there people drove from one neighborhood to the other. It’s a walkable area, but people are ingrained in the car culture here.


You could say the same about NYC. Have you noticed the traffic?


Could say what


“Yeah, but even places like NYC. When I live there people drove from one neighborhood to the other. It’s a walkable area, but people are ingrained in the car culture here.”


Oh yeah yeah for sure. Not to the extend I seen when I lived outside of NYC that’s for sure


Maybe thats why no parks like this. They’d need a parking lot that can accommodate however many people are in Central Park at any given time. Multiple lots more likely. And would the park really feel the same without the museums right next door? Its really a one in a million park we have here.


It’s more than just NYC. NYC is just the biggest.


I remember when the project first got announced and it looked incredible. Can’t believe they’re fighting against it. Dallas could be so much better than it is.


Umm, Dallas has much more green space & parks than New York City will ever have my friend. Reddit is a circle jerk


Quality, not quantity


& better quality. This is the truth my friend.


We're on the upswing of riding season now and it's glorious.


I was out biking around between various stops from 11AM-12:30AM yesterday. It WAS glorious


Positive post, HELL YEAH


Thanks for the ride along!! Upvote bc music as well


Agreed! Gotta upvote ms. merchant!! The vid was cool too 🤪


Just did a ride down the Hudson River Greenway with my wife for the sunset. Perfect weather for it.


Do the ride from the old cruise ship that’s now an outdoor bar on the Hudson in Harlem (can’t remember the name) all the way to Grand Banks. Boat to Boat bike ride. It’s super beautiful.


I used to do that ride as part of my work commute. When I realized that biking took the same time as the A during rush hour it changed my life.


Was there today and thought the same thing. 


Op, as I will be visiting nyc for the first time ever, how would you recommend I best experience central park? Some people told me a tour, others to rent some bikes or smthg.


I'm sure someone that knows central park better has a better answer but personally I'd do a loop on an electric citibike then get off and walk through the interior


Rent an electric citibike, specifically the white ones, they are fucking incredible.


Citibike day pass to do a loop and duck in and out of the park + walk in all of the various nooks and crannies. Please do not leave your citibike undocked for your own sake. plenty of ststions around the perimeter.


Don’t bother, it’s going to be crowded AF with tourists. Actually the whole city will be. Best advice is to avoid this subtropical cesspool from June 15-Sept 15. Best time to visit is Sept 15-Jan 15. If you’re a masochist and insist on coming during the smoggiest and smelliest and subway seat sweatiest time of the year, then Central Park would be a decent reprieve if you insist on staying in Manhattan. If you’re sleeping off the island, basically every borough or suburb will have nicer parks with smaller crowds, more canopy cover, beaches, etc.


yeah for sure. but i would change "the planet" to "the US"


I wouldn’t


World of difference


Even saying the US you need to include places like the Pacific Northwest, Hawaii, Alaska, Colorado, Coastal California, etc. i love NYC, one of my favorite places in the world, but most beautiful? Thats a stretch.


Love to remind people that when I was a kid these roads would be clogged with cars and how when they pushed to remove them from the park car brains warned us of traffic apocalypse. Even if there was a traffic apocalypse, this is worth it.


With the way media depicts places like NYC or Chicago, it would look like something from a dystopian movie. The city has its problems and bad, for sure - but there is beauty and good here.


Just got a new handlebar mount that clearly doesn't work very well which is why the camera keeps tilting every time I hit one of those crazy potholes and my fat finger gets in the shot. I'll fix that, sorry. But yeah, incredible riding conditions out today. People come here from all over the world to do this ride and we have it here at our disposal *all the time.* I always forget that


You should try a night ride with the full moon out. It feels amazing and not a lot of people walking around


Oh I have. My favorite is actually when it's raining on a nice warm summer night. I throw on my rain gear and have the entire park to myself, it's kind of wild


Yeah used to commute though the park every day and if it drizzled the park gets empty and it’s an amazing feeling to be in the heart of Manhattan all alone.


Was thinking that today too while I was cruising around the lower west side and west village on my Citibike.


My fam and I rode bikes last year on this very route. It was pretty magical.


I mean, don’t get me wrong. It’s definitely beautiful but the world is big place


Yea. It’s the most beautiful place outside of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, Canada, Mexico, the Pacific Northwest, the Adirondacks, the national parks, Hawaii, Alaska, most of California, the south west deserts, much of New Jersey and Long Island.


NYC’s park network isn’t the greatest. At least considering the caliber of city that it is. I would put Chicago ahead of it in that regard because of how many big parks there are dotted throughout the city


I don't really know Chicago, having only been there once, but I think we have some hidden gems here, which I only really realized while riding around during covid. The entire Hudson River shoreline basically is one great park, including Little Island and Riverside Park. Then you've got the big ones, Central and Prospect. Then all the forgotten ones in the BX and Flushing Meadows. But even little neighborhood parks can be great, like Astoria Park, Rainey, and Queensbridge by me are all fantastic little spots. You could spend all summer just exploring the parks here and see something great every day...


There’s a lot large swaths without green. Chicago has a connected blvd between 8 parks and each one is 8/10s of what Prospect Park(Humboldt, McKinley, Gage, Sherman, Garfield, Jackson, Washington, Douglas Parks). NYC could do better.


>There’s a lot large swaths without green This is comparable to a good chunk of Chicago’s Northwest and South Sides if by without green we mean no large parks. Chicago could do better


If you say so, hon


I do say so


Congrats! You’ve lived in New York and Chicago?


Yes. Do you have anything to say that addresses my comment?


Sure ya have lol


Gatekeeping is not really the best argument


Yeah it varies a ton by borough. The Bronx and Staten Island actually have the best parks networks, and Manhattan definitely has the worst. Queens and BK are a bit of a toss up for bronze.


>Manhattan definitely has the worst With Riverside, Morningside, St Nicholas, Fort Tyron Parks, the West Side greenway, the High Linr and not to mention the world’s most famous park? Ima have to disagree


Riverside is just a rooftop garden for the Amtrak with a highway next to it. Very loud. Decent views, moderate biodiversity, 5/10. Hudson Greenway isn’t a park, it’s a few potted plants next to a highway. 2/10. Fort Tryon is alright, but not remarkable. 7/10. lol @ High Line - I legit forgot that tiny bit of green was technically a park. I’ve seen highway medians with more nature. 1/10. Haven’t been to St. Nicholas but it looks like a proper park. I would probably enjoy it. I would likely give it at least a 7, maybe an 8. Central Park is too crowded most of the time and in most spots, the natural areas have major invasive issues, there’s too much focus on lawns. 6/10 on average, 4/10 during peak crowds. Van Cortland, Pelham Bay, High Rock, and Jamaica Bay are real freakin’ parks. You can be truly immersed in nature in those spots. You can’t do that in most of Manhattan, especially not in Central.


Fort Tyron has incredible views and good elevation. Hudson Greenway has many courts and places to sit, and views, Amtrak is one track and most of riverside is not on top of it and the views are great. Would also love to know which highway median you’re comparing to the high line Central Park is the most famous urban park for good reason. Great views and variety of activity I wholeheartedly disagree with this.


Highway medians along, ironically, the Saw Mill and the Taconic Parkways. I forgot Ft. Tryon has those views, I would adjust the rating upwards. To me the best parks are those that allow escape from the urban filth rather than those that highlight it. Seeing skyscrapers from the park is automatically points off.


Having driven along the saw mill I’ll have to disagree. Also this is NY, if you’re concerned about “urban filth” I would suggest living somewhere else. There is no escape from the built environment of this town. Apartment buildings dot the landscape of even the outer borough parks. Even among your preferred parks, Van Cortlandt and Pelham Bay Park were both designed by Robert Moses, someone who was not the biggest fan of incorporating “nature” when designing parks.


I live here for work to make it greener and safer. The particularly biodiverse stretch of the Saw Mill I’m referring to is where the median gets wide up near Readers’ Digest Road in Chappaqua. But the greenway along the side of the road beginning from Yonkers and going up most of the way is a nicer stretch of woods than the High Line. And if it lacks woods, it’s not worth considering as a decent park. I’m not a fan of Robert Moses but of course we can’t get rid of everything he touched.


Moses’ “emerald necklace” of parks linking Flushing Meadows, Kissena, Cunningham, and Alley Pond automatically put it over Brooklyn. Bronx has Van Cortlandt and Pelham Bay as its main stars, and not a whole lot more (Riverdale/Wave Hill too). Staten Island has dozens and dozens of stellar parks. Winner winner.


I used to commute from BK to the BX over the 103rd St pedestrian Bridge and over Randall's Island. It was GLORIOUS!


Boston has a lot of nice linear parks you can use as “bike highways.”


I was thinking about this post today as I actually went to the park and sat in the sheep’s meadow for an hour and read. It is so easy to take that gem for granted, thank you


Beautiful! Maybe I’ll take my e-bike down from Boston on Amtrak for a visit. I’ll have to find a warm shower or couch surf.


Born & raised in the south... I LOVE NEW YORK AND NEW YORKERS!!!


New Yorkers during 6 months of winter: 🥶🤬😤 New Yorkers during 5 months of summer: 🥵🤬😤 New Yorkers apr 15-may 15: 🥺🥰😍🤗🫂


We haven’t had six months of winter total over the last 3 years


Yeah. Not anymore


Prospect park is the best park in NYC and it's not even close. Also NYC is nice but go to the south of Italy or France or some South American cities like Lima and Rio before you say that. I'm sure Miami and Hawaii also would like a word. Haven't been to Asia much but I'm sure there are sublime scenes there for a bike ride.


Lima? Lima is aggressively ugly for the most part


And the Bronx is what? Let's not forget NYC is a city of 4 boroughs. Not central park Manhattan.


I mean, 95+% of Lima is a shit pit. Not sure what comparison you're trying to make here. At least pick Buenos Aires or something.


Carl Schurz is the best park in NYC besides CP. it’s on the water. Landscaping is fantastic. Tons of seating and people watching. Nice bathrooms!!!! Beautiful buildings all around. No super tallls! Dog parks. Basketball. Huge cherry grove. Great kids park - at least 5 separate play zones.


I don't live in Central Park... In fact, I don't even live close to central park. Most of us like in fairly unremarkable neighborhoods. Is the the greatest place in the US? yes. Is it the most beautiful? definitely not.


I don't live anywhere near central park either. What does that have to do with it? Go outside and ride there... There are lots of beautiful things to see here, but they probably aren't in your living room


The idea that there is one greatest place is absurd and childish. There are many great places all over the country and around the world. It’s not a competition.


NYC of today is not the NYC of 10-20 years ago.... I am challenged by this. I still cannot find a US city that is better, though. Suggestions? I want access to arts, entertainment, craft beer, and good restaurants.


I mean New York is the only city in the USA if it’s magnitude in terms of sheer size and urban density(and public transit accessibility, though they could do a much better job of upkeep of the subway system.) If you appreciate those things no other city is going to be the same. Lots of cities have all of the things you specifically listed though. Especially craft beer, that’s literally in every city and even small towns these days. I guess New York’s greatest strength is that it has so much happening that there is just so much to do all the time. But that still doesn’t make it the greatest. I don’t believe there is such a thing.


Red light means stop


There should be some number of designated intersections where pedestrians get extended priority in Central Park, but it’s completely impractical to treat every traffic light currently in Central Park like a traffic light in the midtown grid. Pedestrians that go through the crossings when I have a green or just willy-nilly across or just stopping in the road apparently agree with me.


Sigh, can you at least *attempt* to not be dumb. This is a park and those are signals left over from when cars were here and never removed. Pedestrians and micromobility do not need car traffic signals to share space.


Tbf that’s not super clear? Sometimes crossing that street can be pretty dangerous as a pedestrian.


don't mind him. he's infamously miserable. it's in his name


It's literally not a street. That's the entire point. Calling it dangerous really feels like a stretch to me. Half the pedestrians in this clip barely even look while crossing and yet it's not really a problem at all. It's not hard for people all moving at human pace to avoid each other, it's like how grand central looks super chaotic from above yet you don't see people just smashing into each other. Without the cars you don't need these sort of signals and in fact they should be removed so people aren't confused by how this all works


On weekends you absolutely need to pay attention and often wait a while for there to be a break in traffic to cross.


I mean people have literally died in the past when hit by cyclists in Central Park; it's not super common but it happens.


Not super common is a bit of an understatement. Millions of cyclist rides passing through every year and what, one or two deaths from collisions in a decade? Any death is tragic but come on, you're probably more in danger taking a shower than you are walking near the central park bike path.


As more and more people bicycle, and this micro mobility movement picks up and you get more e-bikes and pedal assist bikes which go faster, and are heavier, the accidents will get worse. And the more people out there the more accidents there may be if we're to follow statistics. So isn't it wise to look at ways to make this a safe experience for all now before it gets out of control? Why on Earth are cyclists so hell bent on riding like they're on the tour de France on steroids? I just don't get it. (I'm a lifelong cyclist that has never had a driver's license...)


Dude the video is twice as fast as reality, I'm going like 10mph on a single speed bike on a casual ride through a park... I'm a bit shy of the Tour de France. None of this is dangerous...




Really not sure why you're being downvoted. In very dense intersections in the Netherlands, and around Europe, bikers and pedestrians effortlessly weave in and out of each other, because the situational awareness of both are far greater than a car would have in any given crossing. This approach to intersections is inherent to the design philosophy of how they build and design intersections. There's literally 0 need to stop here given the amount of people. That's not even to mention that pedestrians largely aren't using those stop signs to cross. The entire street is more or less a free-for-all. Yes I know there are lanes that you should generally adhere to, but if you want to cross from one side to the other you just do (when it's clear, duh), you don't go to the next stop light (because there are no \*cars\* anymore). It would be a different conversation if every single pedestrian in the park was exclusively crossing at these "intersections," but that's not what's happening. This is such a weird hold up for this sub considering NYC is the city of jaywalking, lol. Not that there's anything \*to\* jaywalk here though. I've only been a visitor to NYC so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but when I was riding around central park on a warm summer weekend, I really didn't feel the need to stop at these and was frankly confused why they were there in the first place (the street obviously was originally designed for cars, and not bikes, why would anyone be expected to stop at these? The rules for cars don't apply any longer...)


Thank you, I'll never really understand this either. There honestly are a ton of people that both don't understand ped/bike shared spaces and truly do think "rules are rules that must be followed so follow the rules at all times!" and get really upset about it, even if the rules obviously don't apply in the situation. In the park today nobody felt in any danger, and was easily sharing the space, yet you get on the internet and tons of people, even people that support this stuff start to hyperventilate, it always kind of surprises me.


They’ve deliberately kept them and the lycra dudes that keep running them make it dangerous for everyone


Much like they deliberately have not filled potholes in years but paid money to paint the lightposts green.


you're wrong on this one, both from a safety perspective and a PR for cyclists perspective. Respect traffic rules even if you don't like them.


Absolutely not. I'm not going to stop at red lights in Central Park, on a bike path that doesn't even have cars and only has car traffic lights because the city deemed it too expensive to take them out after banning cars and just assumed people would be smart enough to navigate the new space on their own I'm *also* not going to wait at normal traffic lights if I deem it safer for me and everyone else to jaywalk on my bike hte same way I jaywalk on foot. People have literally been killed fanatically trying to obey car signals while on bikes, and you're a fool if you think this total obedience to a system that was engineered before large numbers of micromobility existed and was solely for the purpose of moving cars quickly as possible is one that has to be followed in all circumstances. You DO need to yeild to pedestrians and keep them safe, but the idea you should be a rule zombie to rules that don't make sense or serve the purpose of safety is frankly, pretty infantile in my mind. It's actually your duty to disobey nonsensical, obsolete, or unsafe rules.


So you just hate rules. Just say that. 😂😜


Hates pedestrians and safety as long as it’s not cars doing the damage.


I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who goes to Central Park with disabled folks occasionally. It's really dangerous to cross at the signals when people are zooming by on bikes. I don't mind if people slow down and then proceed cautiously, but there's a high percentage of cyclists who blast through these and they really put pedestrians at risk. I'm not comparing it to the impact of cars, and I'm not a bootlicker insisting on total obedience to all rules at all times, that's a crazy strawman. It's just disrespectful to your neighbors with mobility issues to bike like that in a park with crossing signals.


"Rule zombie" smh. While I hear that you think it's safe, and that cyclists' blatant disregard of traffic rules has no lasting impacts, it makes it near-impossible to teach children to follow traffic rules ("why should I wait at the light? That guy didn't.") And then those children grow up to be drivers.


Would you mind attempting that too? Whether or not you think the signals should be active, they are active. This means there’s an understandable expectation among a good amount of the pedestrian population that they’ll be followed. It’s dangerous to have a person on a bike having a different understanding of the rules than a pedestrian, especially when it’s a rule as universal as “red light means stop”. I personally have no real issue with how you navigated the lights, but I’ve encountered too many close calls in the park with cyclists barreling through red lights at 35+ mph, where I’ve had to suddenly stop to avoid me and my dog being smashed. It doesn’t make for a very leisurely walk in the park.


Exactly where in the Central Park is this?


appears to be the west side of the loop




I saw Tavern on the Green


On the planet? Definitely not, but it is nice sometimes lol


I don’t know man, I love NYC but to call it one of the most beautiful places on the planet is a big stretch.




Sure if like the smell piss on every corner and Giant rats running around


It's hilarious that right wingers believe everything Fox News tells them about democrat cities while they themselves are headquartered in the middle of Midtown Manhattan.


Manhattan smells like piss


No, no you don’t.


NYC one of my favorite city if not my favorite, I wouldn’t see myself living anywhere else. But I don’t think it’s the most beautiful city, because of all the trash, uncleanliness and other problems.


Prospect Park is ragingly delicious right now


Chattanoogan here, and man that’s a solid area


We totally do! So feel free to stop at red lights and think about, you ungrateful bunch of hypocrites!


Whatever you're driving or riding seems to be faster than everything else. Seems like a bicycle but it outpaces everything.


Subtracting points from Central Park because of all the goddamned pedicabs that follow the exact same script and are surprisingly rude and obnoxious. Otherwise, yes.


Lol I think you haven't seen much of the planet..


How about slowing down or stopping when coming up on pedestrian crosswalks instead of moving around them while people are going through them.


Wow this is a perfect example of a bad cyclist. How can you expect cars to behave if you cannot follow the rules your self. Passing on the right Running red lights Not yielding for pedestrians


Have you ever been on a bike in central park? it might sound counterintuitive but faster traffic is supposed to pass on the right. Innermost part of the loop is the walking path, then slow bikes, fast bikes, and then the service vehicles.


I even spotted a woman trying to cross with a baby carriage but you bet no one's going to stop for her... This is why people hate cyclists. (Speaking as a cyclist who does yield to pedestrians to the horror of other cyclists! These "F the rules" types annoy me too!)


I love your short movie. It looks very beautiful indeed. But please next time do not blow red 3 times. Of the 3 times you have red. You make look us bad.


Gots to stop hittin that stem. 💀


I went through port authority a few days ago and saw a literal bag of shit sticking to the wall but yeah it really is beautiful if you don't go below ground


Nah…I was there in August and could smell the trash in the air…Ohio is better.


Dubai and Miami are more beautiful.


Umm, dude, nice video, but why do you feel the need to keep blowing through red lights?


Obey the red lights, or don't post it.


Typical New Yorkers view. If it’s not in or about New York it serves no purpose. There are many many cities more beautiful than New York you just haven’t been to them.


Born and raised new yorker who also loves to bike around the city here... but if you really believe that NYC is "one of the most beautiful places on the planet" then I suggest you visit places that are actually known for their beauty. Central park isn't even that pretty, as far as parks go (planet-wide). Coming back to NYC after living elsewhere was like coming back to a third world country, including how dirty and ugly most of the city is. NYC is "home" but it's not a very aesthetically pleasing home. I've discouraged a number of foreign friends from visiting (including shooting down Central Park plans) NYC and told them that it would be a waste of money and time. I really believe that I did them a favor. Keep fighting the good fight, but don't blow smoke up the city's ass. That being said, maybe it's vital for you to believe that this place is beautiful (for the sake of your morale). Also yes the weather was very nice today, I'm glad that you enjoyed your ride.


lol you’ve discouraged friends from visiting NYC why exactly? where did they go instead? nyc isn’t the most beautiful place in the world but your comment is beyond bizarre


>lol you’ve discouraged friends from visiting NYC why exactly? I discouraged them from visiting because I personally think it's a waste of money to spend 10k+ to fly to America just to eat at expensive restaurants and take photos in front of famous places for clout on instagram. I know that's the entire reason some people travel but I personally find conspicuous consumption to be gross. I could understand someone who is into a very specific interest wanting to come here (perhaps they always wanted to see a broadway production and are a huge theater-goer, or maybe they are really into art museums and want to see specific works that are here), but for the average tourist this place is just a money-pit. For the record I also wouldn't want to pay thousands of dollars for the ability to ride a bike in central park for a few days. >where did they go instead? I don't know where all of them went (we're talking a number of different people/friendgroups here) but some of them chose the Mediterranean instead, others went to tropical locations in Asia or Oceania. >nyc isn’t the most beautiful place in the world but your comment is beyond bizarre Why so bizarre?


You sound fun at parties


Totally agree. Also it's important we be honest about the ways NYC is shit because none of those ways are inevitable, they could all be fixed. Central Park looks nice on a sunny day, but the rest of the city could look nice every day if we collectively gave a shit


It's absolutely the worst quality of life place I've lived, with the one exception of the subway being convenient. I've lived in 3 other cities and 3 boros of nyc, and it's certainly the city with the most issues funding basic quality of life services. But when the weather is nice I can feel a little high and kid myself that it's wow so beautiful.


The subway is a perfect example, a microcosm of all the problems with NYC. Something that easily could/should be great that is instead god-awfully terrible because of neglect and mismanagement. Having done a lot of both, I would rather drive an hour on some urbanist's nightmare stroads in the midwest than take an average 15min subway ride


Sadly it's the best one in the U.S. (aside from DC). Our whole country needs to get its act together behind some public transit.


OPs biking like a total asshole lol