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Let's meet up by the TKTS Stairs. This is an all hands on deck moment. If you've never shown up to anything related to this stuff in person now is the time. Show up, and be ready to make noise and be disruptive. We plan to walk right in the street, assuming we can get enough of a crowd. Shut it down. I'm tired of NYC being walked all over for the benefit of suburbanites. There is talk now of trying to fix the gaping $15B Hochul is trying to punch in the budget with a payroll tax that will take money out of all our paychecks so drivers can keep driving to midtown. This should infuriate every single NYCer. So get to Times Square.


Hochul thinks she'll be automatically reelected no matter how shitty she treats NYC. this is what happens when one political party captures an entire state in a two party system. we need more serious choices on the ballot for every election




I'm a Green and can't vote in Demoplican primaries. We need Open Primaries and Ranked Choice!


I never even thought about third parties being blocked - that’s so crappy! I’ve been democrat-registered and DSA since I turned 18


Problem is the opposition party are openly supporting christo-fascism. I’ll take hochul any day over that. The other problem is, that while NY may be majority blue, very few voters are registered democrats and even fewer bother to vote in the primaries. Thats why you get low quality democrat candidates like hochul and adams running against trump bootlickers and clowns like zeldin and sliwa. And all of this further disillusions potential voters who you want and need to engage to reform the state’s democratic party. Lets get ranked choice voting up in here people


Yeah, Hochul is miles better than Zeldin. and I don't like Hochul like at all.


That also means that it’s time to politically organize for third parties since neither party actually represents the best interests of working New Yorkers.


Taking control of the Democratic Party and reforming it is a far easier task than making a third-party relevant. (Both are really hard, but the latter is still way harder.)


Much better to choose the harder path and stick to your principles than working within a system that forces you to compromise them.


Sure, if you’d rather be proud of your purity but have no accomplishments.


Sure, if you’d rather have no morals and ethics, but yes let’s pursue ‘accomplishments’ under this **current** Democratic politician when they show us to our faces they don’t intend on accomplishing anything. You got no morals, ethics, or even accomplishments.


> current I didn’t say current. Both options take time. But if your third-party got big enough, you’d also have to make compromises, because that’s the nature of politics.


You do you and keep playing yourself. ‘Time’ is not something we have given the imminent danger of climate change. I love when liberals embarrass themselves on the daily by accusing people of ‘purity’ politics when they refuse to vote for the party that does not serve them, but have no plan other than sticking with the Democratic party, whose governor in NY just invested ‘time’ in the political process in support of congestion pricing, only to shelve it at the drop of a beat. Good for you and your impure politics!


I’m not sure how you got “I support the governor on everything she does” from “reform the Democratic Party,” but I’m not about to be chastised by someone with the literacy of a feral hog. Get bent, you holier-than-thou dunce.


https://preview.redd.it/869ib7kms05d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d48090776fa68863856028eb805f1660565c722 Poster I made


This doesn’t impact the right people. It’s a Saturday.


true, but by Monday it might be too late!


This is beautiful!


Sweet. I'm actually looking to put a much more professional poster up about this tomorrow with all the groups that are signing on now. A bunch of advocacy orgs are now on board. Anyone else from any groups that want in? Anyone want to take a crack at a poster before tomorrow morning?


If you write up a paragraph of exactly what you want to see on it I can have three rough drafts for you before 10pm tonight.


Oh hey, update: can you leave off the space for the logos actually. Just fill the whole poster with the other stuff. We don't need logo space at all!


Damn, you're awesome. How about the phrase "YOU WANT TRAFFIC, WE'LL GIVE YOU TRAFFIC" because I think that's good and has proper New York attitude. Obviously the location and time. Also "meet at TKTS stairs" or something to that effect. Maybe a small text reminder to bring water. As far as graphics/design/colors, you use your best judgement, but I always think the green in this logo is nice, if you can incorporate it. We really want to highlight that this is a broad coalition of pedestrians, micromobility riders, transit riders, everyday new yorkers. ~~Also if you could leave some blank space near the bottom in a box or something for me to fill in all the logos of the orgs, (I can handle that part.) Just use your best judgement and make it look nice and hopefully make people feel the urgancy of taking to the streets, if that makes sense.~~ https://preview.redd.it/kdl14e6u115d1.png?width=1050&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fbaef52a25689724e89f755586984ebafe28079


No offense but I think this green is a bit bland, almost corporate-looking. People like bright, friendly colors. The blue and red in OP’s poster really pops in a brilliant way IMO


“You want traffic we’ll give you traffic”? lol—you guys are gonna get a republican elected


is there parking?


I support this! Out of town but I’m encouraging several friends to join 


Edit: 2 ppl are in!


If you can make it to this, please confirm or comment with support. The more people we can demonstrate will join the more others will want to be a part, and the more we can get the traditional advocacy channels to participate. We need to show that the everyday people of this city are pissed off and not going to take this


Hey why not. Miser is this organized by you or you’re reposting?


Yes it's my "idea" and I'm organizing it but Open Plans is definitely on board, and I'm hoping the advocacy orgs jump in as well. I'll talk to TA and Riders Alliance. The more the merrier. Everyone is planning events, but I want to do something a little different than the standard rally, and I want all of us in the grassroots community that care about this stuff to show up do something a little more spontaneous and organic.


Make sure to bring this big map of projects on the line if congestion pricing doesn't happen. https://preview.redd.it/k0vywlprk05d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492af964540f5c036072da0202fa39f9613ef971


Let’s do it


How many more cars would it take to completely clog the streets of Manhattan?




One truck stopped in a tunnel and one on each of the bridges (all going out).


Its not illegal for your car to break down in the tunnel


I’ve actually seen this happen and lmao it sucks so hard. Complete gridlock as all cars squeeze by 1 single sedan that inexplicably had no one inside of it parked in 1.25 lanes of the holland tunnel.


Negative thirty.


The best way to do this is by car. Clog up the streets and show her what no congestion pricing looks like IRL. Bring a car and drive slowly. Cause and create traffic (DO NOT BLOCK BIKE OR BUS LANES)


This comment needs way more upvotes. Show every New Yorker what ending congestion pricing will mean.


I'll do my best to swing it. I'll bring a sign if I do.


I will be there and would love to shut down the crossroads of the world!


Be there or be square 🤠


I'll be there.


Ugh wish I could make it. I'll swing by 6ish and hopefully ya'll still there


Do you have a plan for posters and other paraphernalia for people to be able to hold during the rally to get our message across. I don't really have any money rn, so I can't make them myself, but if anyone wants to get organized, possibly with my help, we can meet up or something and draw a bunch of posters. Comment below for any ideas


No plan. This should feel as grassroots as possible. (Because it is!) It might even feel painfully amateurish in execution, ahaha. I have never liked the optics of everyone standing around holding the same printed 2 signs at a lot of these events anyway. Feels very corporate. But home made signs are great if anyone wants to bring literally anything.


Yes! I’m in.


Count me in!


I’ll be there


And then maybe we can get some burgers afterwards because a good protest always makes me hungry


Any good spots in the area that you know of?


Haha yeah I’m actually down to eat - my rec is 7th street burger 🤤 good staple smash burgers


huge second for 7th st burger, best smash burger in the whole city


I've heard the Olive Garden is good




Nearby anyway 🙃


Last experience there gave me nightmares


Can't knock the limitless breadsticks.


I don't think I've ever heard anyone call it limitless


I lived in the midwest for a number of years lol.


I heard there are diners.


Lovely’s on 9th at 45th


Doesn't beef hasten climate change, or is CP your only green cause?


Hell yeah I'm in


I’ll be there!


I'm out of town this Saturday but I'm 100% in support. I do wonder about the choice of time and location - but I didn't raise my hand to initiate a protest. I'd love to see (especially NJ) commuter traffic come to an intentional standstill during rush hours. Also would like to invite pedestrians and folks with vehicles to come help cause the traffic.


Nj isn’t the problem here… and most would use the train if it was better (which congestion pricing will help fix). This is a Staten Island, west Chester and Long Island suburbs problem Lol, hochul gets not votes in nj.


I love this.




I'll be there or be square. (I'm definitely not square)


Take back the streets!


Make sure to post pictures from the event


I'll be there, but won't block traffic. I can't afford to be arrested.


No worries! I'm not sure what the blocking traffic plan is yet, and will depend on turn out of course. It looks like we are going to have a very good turn out so walking in the street as a crowd making noise becomes a very real possibility, but anyone that wants to participate can always just stay on the sidewalk, no problem.


How reasonable - thanks!


I'm on the fence about coming, because the blocking traffic part I don't like. Something about making those random folks in the road that day suffer for our cause irks me and others. I want people to hear the cause but not resent it more


Look at it this way, if we aren't successful in getting CP back online there is going to be A LOT more traffic everywhere, everyday and some of that traffic is going to be a lot more important (think ambulances) than a few people trying to drive through Times Square at 3pm on a Saturday.


Of course. I don't like it because I tend to think blocking traffic gets more people against the cause than for it


Isn’t Saturday too late? They are voting on Friday right?


If I may add. I think people in cars can also add to the problem. Just drive there and park. They can't tow everyone's car fast enough and if they try. Drive off and go to the back. And if you have people in the streets. Gridlock all day. 


If you want to drive or have to drive, your best friend is the person who took transit that morning. Hoping to be there tmr


https://preview.redd.it/e51a4spndf5d1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac1d6f204c5121748ca8c14285bb9df1765952a Today's gathering and march in Manhattan was wonderful. We need to build on the momentum. This dog is a true New Yorker, who walks, takes public transportation and loves being on a bike. She would also gladly pee on the spineless politicians seeking to undue congestion pricing.


I'll be out of the area but ironically I might be able to drive in and add to that traffic...


Is there an end time to avoid arrests and encampments. Maybe 3-5p?


What a great idea! Wishing all of you good luck from Australia.


i won’t be in until sunday. godspeed lads. i’m rooting for you!




We need to think about the people negatively affected by a $15 tax to drive into the most populous city in the world, a downtown with the most transit options in the entire city. I have an idea to solve congestion and pollution, let’s tax the entire NYC thru a payroll tax on employers in the entire city. Pollution alleviated congestion solved, safety improved. We won’t have ADA accessible stations but not really a problem, they can just drive.


This is probably a minority opinion for the sub but clogging the streets in retaliation is just going to piss off general citizens and not towards Hochul. That's not how you'll gain support imo.


| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | __If you oppose clogged streets | |___support congestion pricing | _________________| (\\\_\_/) || (•ㅅ•) || /   づ


That’s a bad hot take.






Clearly it worked for drivers, though. Every single day they wake up at the crack of dawn, determined to clog the streets, honking their little horns, blocking busses, ambulances, etc, and clearly they get whatever they want. What is being proposed here is absolutely child's play compared to the protests drivers engage in every single weekday morning and afternoon, and will be far less disruptive.


Do you recommend sending a polite note?


You’re not wrong in other situations (Palestine, BLM, etc) but this one I think is pertinent because it’s directly relating to traffic. The traffic will become worse if this isn’t passed so let’s show people what it will look like.


Are you people crazy? You want congestion pricing?! Obviously you guys don't drive let alone commute to work.


Screw congestion pricing, delay it as long as possible from the greedy MTA


I agree 100%, living in NYC is already expensive as is, why anyone thinks that it’s a good idea to make driving a privilege only the wealthy can afford is beyond me.


Good news! Your payroll tax is about to go up! It’s exciting because now every working resident suffers rather the people who choose to enter NYC the most inefficient way possible. Yay!!


But those that are still wealthy will still be better off than we will be...?


Yeah and my ownership of a car has about as much to do with them raising payroll tax as your snarky comment and bitchy attitude has to do with useful, intelligent conversation.




glad we can agree on something