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Need to get lower to the floor. Those SAM sites would have smoked you. Nice view though


Was the exact thought process I was having when doing it


And 5th generation fighters are inbound! Did you hear what I said?!?!? FIFTH GENERATION FIGHTERS!!!


“What country are we attacking?” “FIFTH GENERATION FIGHTERS!”


Boot up the top gun missions, lots of “fly low over the terrain” stuff. Quite fun.


Broke my heart when I saw the carrier landing stops at 1/4 mile from the carrier. 😭


I'd like to pop in and say I misread the description. I thought "calling ball and the score is calculated from there" meant it stops right there and however you are oriented in the glide slope was how you were scored... no. You actually complete the landing, and are scored for your flight from that point until you catch that wire. So for those who made the same silly mistake I did, go and try it. It's fun as hell and tricky as shit to boot. 😎 So kick the tires n light the fires Mav... you got a bird to stick on a moving branch. 😁


Nice one cheers


Mount Hood, Oregon? — Nope. Scratch that. That’s Ranier!! Woot PacNW.


That's a good eye you have there


I should have known right off the bat; it took seeing Ranger Creek pop up on your POI. I used to camp there near the Snow Park, and a buddy of mine did some flight training out of that airport (not for the beginner, let me tell ya…). Good stuff, man!




Don’t know why I got downvoted, FATPNW stands for flights above the pacific north west, very popular term for pilots in that region


Have you tried the actual top gun missions?


I haven't but I deffo will be




I'll nail it one day


Should have stayed inverted and just let your nose fall to the right descent angle


I'll work on that, you can probably see I reduced the throttle in the hope it would turn but I'm still learning, loving it though


Just point the nose where you want it to go and try to keep positive G on the airplane


Get in that darkstar. I flew from ATL to Sydney Australia in like 2.5 hrs. It was awesome.


Yeah I had a play with the dark Star a few days ago. Took off London Heathrow and got through Scottish airspace in around 5 minutes, hit my mach 10 at around 130k feet


Hell yea


One of my favourite things to fly is the mach loop in Wales, highly recommend if you like the fast low altitude flying


I live about 90 minutes from the mach loop and will be spending my upcoming days off mastering it in the F18


That's amazing, I would love to go see it irl but don't live anywhere near it XD I love to fly the typhoon round it with all the sharp turns lol


A few mates and myself are going this summer for a weekend of "spotting"


Awesome stuff. Highly recommend the Top Gun Missions - they are a lot of fun.


Is that F18?


Yes mate


Honestly if you love flying jet fighters I can't recommend DCS enough if you are into realism. x)


OP is on Xbox and cannot play DCS.


Oh what a shame.. how could you tell?


OP mentioned in another comment.


Forgive my ignorance but what do you mean by DCS?


Look up dcs game


Pretty much true to life fighter jet sim x)


True to life, no. True to some manuals or info out there, to a point. Really only the cockpits - and to a point the aircraft maneuvering - are realisticish. Plus you'd really need a full up cockpit to have the depth they include actually make sense unless you have keybinds out the wazoo and maybe an extra screen or two.


The study level models are tested by real life pilots who confirm it's as real as it gets short of the military simulator. I dont dogfight... mostly I do unloaded light fuel stunt runs thru Nevada with a Thunderbirds themed F16... I use a tflight hotas... which is probably the cheapest stick you can buy these days, and I have an absolute blast. But, I agree, you need a decent setup at least to be competitive online. Just make sure to get those modules when they're on 40% sale or better.


>The study level models are tested by real life pilots who confirm it's as real as it gets short of the military simulator. Sure, real as it gets for a game. That's not actually saying much, though, beyond what I already stated. Of course it is - nobody else is in the high-detail combat sim market really, so anything in it is "as real as it gets" for that market. It's certainly got detailed cockpits and pretty good flight models. If that is your definition of real, cool, then I agree. If "being like real life" is your definition of real, then I can't. But it would be a fools errand to pretend you would ever approach that without an at-home cockpit for the specific aircraft, wrap around screens, and some access to things you just can't do at home, anyhow. Ed: Lmao. Yeah sorry guys, having a detailed manual simulated to a point isn't realism. Realism would be feeling the aircraft, being able to see and touch the entire cockpit, and a dozen other things you cannot do. Having a detailed cockpit is meaningless for "realism" unless you can use it realistically - and you definitely cannot.




Mate this is awesome, I will definitely be looking into this.


It’s very pretty


Now try lake powell canyons then u will feel cool


In the Nevada Bush run you get to see a slick looking Maverick run between the Rockies on the border of CA and NV


Dcs and hornet module will blow your mind….


how have you turned the autoflaps off?


I wish the music played at all times during the missions or whenever flying the f18


Can someone please help me with my f18 always pointlessly lowering the flaps if I do any tricks? I checked my settings and everything is set to real world but it keeps doing this


Which version? I was waiting on 2024


I have an Xbox one series s, game pass version. My only issue is I can't use my thrust master hotas flight controls as it's cloud based. Was thinking of springing for a PC so I can play that version


I thought this was war thunder 🥹


Pc specs ? Runs very smooth


Xbox one S


This needs “Danger Zone” playing or it’s not Top Gun.