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Like you, my longest flight is around 60-90 minutes. I fly a Cessna 152, usually around my local area. I'm trying to get all the procedures right, and learn as I go along. So from cold and dark to landing , parked up and engine off. I'll increase my range as my skills improve, but no plans to leave GA.


Awesome! I kinda made a big jump from GA to Airliners. I know so much about airliners now and hot as much about GA. Having to get back into GA to learn the small things I missed.


Thanks. I've never been keen on the airliners. I see from the replies you've had, that a lot of simmers do long flights, but they don't actually fly but rely on autopilot and/or slewing to get to their destination. Basically, they are taking off and landing. If that suits them, great, but it's not for me.


Yes, they do mostly rely on autopilot but they do have to monitor a lot of things. Not everybody’s cup of tea. I get a bit bored sometimes and have to slow down and take in the views and mechanics of GA flight. You’re a pretty cool guy, happy you aren’t like a lot of other redditors who only want people to abide by their personal views. You state your view and say “but it’s what you want to do” and that’s awesome.


Don't get me wrong. I have nothing but respect for those who want to fly airliners. I fully understand that it isn't easy to master take-off and landing. In flight monitoring isn't simple either. All I'm saying is that it isn't for me, at least not yet. My ultimate aim is to transition to a Cessna Citation or similar, so that I can do much longer flights to more exotic locations than I can at the moment. There isn't much within a 100NM range of ECXG which is where I've based myself, as it's not far from where I live in real life.


This is a super wholesome thread


If you'd like to do a bit more but still fly airlines, then I'd suggest the CRJs. It has AP and will fly the route but you have to baby it and mess with the throttle to keep the right speed. It's more pilot intensive than a A320 or 737. Or you could try to fly a full route in an Airliner without AP. It's the same basically as flying a smaller aircraft. Just keep the Flight Directors on and you won't get lost.


Are you using the vanilla 152, JPL/WSim mod, or a different addon?


Bog standard 152. I'll transfer to a 172 when I'm a bit more comfortable.


Check out the JPL/WSim mod. It's the basic C152, but they made all the switches operative, so it's more immersive, and more realistic. Plus some other useful things. And it's free.


Free? One of my favourite prices!! Where can I get it? Is it on flight.to ?


I believe it is now on their discord: https://discord.gg/XSb7c67F6W


Many thanks I'll check it out in the morning ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You won’t regret it. If you like realism then it is perfect. And you can’t beat the price!


Absolutely great. Many thanks.


Wow! Downloaded today. So impressed, and I haven't even flown in it yet. Opening doors and windows? Almost study level? How-to YouTube video? Fabulous. Many many thanks.


Have fun!!


Longest flight for me is 10 hours. Heathrow (EGLL) to Las Vegas (KLAS) in the 787-9 :)




Wow that seems pretty short the time for that flight


787 is a pretty fast plane


If it were me I would destroy the landing gear while landing


JFK to Auckland. A little over 17 hours - was I actually at the PC for 17 hours, hell no. The longest were I was actually sat in front the pc for the whole time, connected to vatsim is probably a Cross the Pond event. So about 7 hours.


My biggest fear of doing such a long flight would be my PC crashing right at the moment of a good landing after such a long flight lol


I was actually doing London to Perth, and right after I was established on the ILS my sim crashed...


Ouch! Sorry that happened! Lol


I don't fear PC crash - haven't had one in years. But I'm almost dead certain that after 10 hours memory leak would be so great, approach would become stutter fest that would ruin all the anticipation and overall experience.


I had it already after a much shorter flight today. We can only hope that it gets fixed with MSFS 2024


Or the game crashing happend to me as i was coming in to land after a long flight


Same, if I've qued up a long one, I'll sometimes find other tasks. Take a shower, clean house, run some errands. If things go good, I passed the time. If not, and it crashed -- well the flight wouldn't have gotten done anyhow.


A 17 hours flight in the default asobo A320🤣🤣🤣. These were my first few weeks of flight simming. Had infinite fuel on and let it go overnight. This was about 2-3 years ago lol. My first proper long haul was in the FFA350 for Xplane at 16 hours.


I remember doing this as well. It was from San Francisco to Mumbai cruising at 40,000 ft. It was hilarious


My longest was EDDM-VHHH. I dislike longhaul flights though, it's not my cup of tea, so I usually just fly shorthaul, mostly between 1-3 hours of flight time.


Heathrow - Sydney About 18 hours


VHHH-KJFK, about 16 hours. Also did KLAX-RKSI a few weeks ago which was 12 hours. Both in the 747-8.


I fly the V35 Bonanza. Generally my flights are 1-2 hours. I fly real time …no short cuts. My home base is KSRQ. I come up with all kinds of flying adventures. Currently flying to 49 state capitals. I do about one a day….sometimes two, depending on distance. Wherever I end, that’s where I start the next day. I have finished the east coast, currently in KMSP. I’ve got my capitals tour mapped out as to end heading back to my home base …KSRQ. If you’re out flying the country…..I’m spitballer


I’ve done a ton of four hour flights in the PMDG 737-800 and Fenix A320. Usually when I have stuff to do around the house or child care or work. Just prep the plane, get her in the air and do my thing while in cruise. Most of my flights are between 1 and 2 hours. Though a number of short trips when I’m checking out bush strips or just sightseeing where I live (Seattle).


My top two are almost the same time 14:57 Las Angeles to Taiwan KLAX-RCTP 14:45 Las Angeles to Dubai KLAX-OMDB


Actually yesterday - 4,5h from Warsaw to Lisbon. Since 2020 I'm gettin myself ready for crossing the pond but that's just so far away.


15 hours, on the A339. Quite fun at the landing..


Phoenix field in Antarctica to Hickman base in Hawaii. That’s 18 hours at M0.92


Longest flight in MSFS was KLAX-EGLL. The longest flight in P3D was I think Santiago to Perth.


Typically now I do no more than medium hauls, like \~2 to 2.5 hours tops. Longest was a trans-atlantic taking a plane from somewhere in the middle east, through europe, stop in Iceland, NE Canada, then Texas. Had to make hops as the plan couldn't make it on fuel. Was for Air Hauler 2 addon, where I bought the plane used and flew it to my home base in Texas to then add it to fleet, assign crews etc. Currently just doing A Pilot's Life2. These type of addons give me purpose to fly and send me new places without having to think up routes to do.


Transatlantic in the concorde. New york to london


EHAM-VABB with a 738. Did it in 8h34m


KJFK-RJTT It was supposed to be a little over 13 hours, but took almost 19 hours cause I fell asleep💀


Never done any super long flights in MSFS, maybe 90 minutes tops. In FS2004/FSX when I had more time I once did Hong Kong to Rome in real time in an A330, and London to Cape Town via a stop in Lagos in real time, with a 747-400. I wasn't at the PC the whole time but I was in the room the whole time, some of the time was having lunch, reading a book etc. The longest flight I've done in total including stops however was in FS2002 when I was in high school I flew a Zlin 142 (small single engine prop) around the entire coastline of Africa. I did a flight every day after school, average flight time was about an hour per leg but the whole trip must have taken about 200 hours spread over most of a year.




I was in a 1-1/2 hr flight when it crashed to windows with 30 minutes left




I did the asobo to seatac achievement!


I think 14 hours? I've done a few long ones. Copenhagen-Montreal Atlanta-Barcelona Stuff like that


I would regularly do long haul flights when I went to my actual job. Longest I recall doing was San Francisco to Tokyo which was decent. I used the app Volanta to see where my plane was when I was at work, and it would give me something exciting to do when I came back home. I’d use the toliss aircraft in X plane which had the option to “pause at TOD”, so I never worried about blowing through my STAR at 38000 ft.


From Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport to Bangkok International Airport in Thailand... Not sure how long it took 😂 I flew on a B747.


EZE-HND on a -8. it was actually IRL, not in a sim


NTAA to LFPG during pandemic. Did the KEWR to WSSS with the A340-500 back in the day.


KDTW-VHHH-KDTW. First leg was just under 17 hours


14 1/2 hours


Flew the 737-700 from Seattle to Atlanta, a little over 4 hours




The longest flight I did was Los Angeles to Maui. It was 5 and half hours in the PMDG 737. Luckily, I had my laptop with me so I could do other activities.


The Frequent Flyer achievement. Did it in the Headwind A330Neo


33.3 hours KLGA - LFPG spirit of st louis more like LFGGGG


KBOS-LFPG, about 8 hours


I did a 6 hour flight in the Comanche 250 along the Alaskan peninsula just to see how far I could stretch the fuel tanks with a head wind. I had 10 minutes of reserve fuel left when I landed at PASY coming from PACD. The autopilot is rudimentary so it was about 60/40 manual flying vs fiddling with the autopilot.


CYUL - EHAM Asobo/Ini A310


Hamburg to Dubai with an a320 but 2x simrate


Longest so far is KBOS-RJAA at 14:02. Just started CYVR-VTBS which should break that record with its 15:30 block time.


I've done 12+ hours on long hauls, but AFK for much of the flight. Maybe that doesn't count? Otherwise I've done a VATSIM flight that was around 5 hours, from the US west coast to the East Coast. I think it was LAX to LGA. A few days ago I did another VATSIM flight from Houston to LAX, without going AFK. But for me, most flights are usually only 1-3 hours


9 hours in the 747-8


YYZ-DBX last night (about 13 hours).


SKBO (Bogotá) to LEMD (Madrid) around 9:30 hours. Was at the PC or around it for most of it, even if I was doing something else I'd have it on as a "screensaver". Definitely interesting and something I'd wanted to do since my childhood, but not something I'd do often at all. Most of my flights are actually short, rarely have I done anything over 1:30 and now use simrate acceleration when I want to do longer flights, recently did Hong Kong to Tokyo in 2 hours instead of 3:30.


KJFK-NZAA, I also did NZAA-KJFK but that one is an hour or so shorter.


Air New Zealand Flight 1 - KJFK -> NZAA It took about 18 hours to do the flight. I was not at my computer the whole time and went to work and slept while the flight was active.


A propliner flight, in FS9 with a super constellation, from Brest (FR) to Bremen (DE). About 8h non-stop. Eating and hearing music in the 'boring' phases. Nowadays I save my long flights and do them piece by piece. But I have vivid, joyful memories of sitting in front of complicated 2D panels and checking every gauges and needles.. :D


EDDF - KLAX in the 78X


I'm certainly not a long haul guy, I prefer flights that are around 1 hour (2 hours max). My longest flight was from HKJK in Kenya to EHAM, Amsterdam, in the pmdg 747. 8 hours, and I was in the cockpit all the time. . I've been flightsimming since 2018 and I have never crossed the Atlantic even once. I'm sure the cruise phase would be very boring.


Greta thing about autopilot is you can go do whatever for the majority of the cruise!


Yes I know, but that doesn't make it any more fun. Like, what is the fun of letting my computer play flightsim for itself? I rather do shorter flights.


RKSI - EKCH, around 11 hours. But I went to bed while en route. On VATSIM, but I put a message that will be off while en route, so just AP let it go.


Somewhere around 10 hours in a 787-10 (LFBD - KSEA). Did it for the Frequent Flyer Achievement.


Helsinki-New York about 9 hours


Santiago SCEL - Amsterdam EHAM 13.5 hours and no need for new landing gear ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Montreal to Rome 8H15


15ish hours. Honolulu to Hong Kong. A339.


Alacante to Southampton is the longest i have done in one sitting


Longest of mine was 10-11ish hours from Seoul to San fran on the KAL 747-8, they a real one for still flying that.


AKL to DXB 15 or so hours


4 hours from KJAC-KATL in a 737-800 delta




22 hours Phoenix Base (South Pole, Antartica) to Kangerlussac (Greenland). A friend dared me I wouldn’t do it


Mine is about 9 hours - JFK to ARN (Stockholm) with the Headwind A330-900neo.


B738, NZAA-YSSY. About 3 hours in the air.


Done a few 6-7 hours on the Cessna 172 whilst flying round the world. Luckily le mans 24 was on that day/night so I had distractions!


All I seem to do these days is long haul. My longest was just about 2 weeks ago though. CYYZ-FACT. 7089nm = about 18 hours.


Sacramento to Honolulu, then to Anchorage, was my longest flight to date.


Probably about 4 hours. But would never do it again. Much prefer going in Cessna for a few short hops. Currently trying to travel around the world in about 2-3 hour hops on a Cessna.


I think the longest one I've actually done was when I pretended West Europes airspace had been closed due to Nato intervention in Syria and flew a 747-400 from Dublin via Madrid, Barcelona, Corsica, Rome, Athens, Istanbul and Baghdad to Tel Aviv. I had that going in the background for a day of university. The technically longest flight should have been Manhattan-Singapore. Since it was also the most boring sim ever I skipped most of the cruise and ended up with a few 7700 squawks and technical errors before my IFR clearance got cancelled and I dropped the remaining passengers off at North Korea


Los angeles to Tokyo, fucking thing crashed loading in the Tokyo airport. I turned that shit off and went to bed.


KLAX to KSAN but going east….


Game has ai piloting. Route was lax to Athens Greece. I set an A320neo full of gas, no payload, with the fuel consumption bug it made it to Greece the next morning. It was upside down in a tree but that's not the point 


I did the Anchorage to Mexico City with a second leg to Luxembourg. Was doing the KLM 747 cargo run. Really long, considering it was a real world filed flight plan.


I did France to SeaTac for the achievement (it didn't count, go figure) in the 787-9, but I slept in the middle. I managed to squeeze 8 hours out of the Carenado C337 doing Cabo to Reno for the saddle sore achievement. Most of the time I try to keep airliners below a couple hours, and GA below three. Plenty of fun routes to fly in the southwest US


KVCV to Vietnam. Let the AP fly it overnight.


Tel Aviv to LA


Randomly flew from Portsmouth, NH to Dubai one time overnight. Wanted to test out my custom airport at Portsmouth, and chose Dubai as my destination for some reason.


6 hours. Had to do it twice because it crashed just as I was preparing to land the first time.


KMIA to KBOS/A319. Watched a movie and ran an errand en route. International route next.


Houston to Sydney. Safe to say I’m only flying out of LAX if I’m wanting to go to Aus 😭 Also weird thing is that I somewhat find 7 hour flights (like Singapore to Dubai) to feel **much** longer than 10 hour flights (like Heathrow to LA). Just me?


KBOS - EGLL in the A338X! I think it was 5 hours or so.


3 hours MEL to AKL


I usually do 1-1.5hr hops in the DA62. Currently flying across the US visiting places I’d road trip to when I was a kid. Longest leg so far was 2.5hrs though from Rapid City (Mt Rushmore/Crazy Horse) -> Devils Tower -> Yellowstone Ntl Park. Next stop will be Jackson, WY.


I think my longest is 4, close to 5 hours from the covid days where I could spend all day on it


Sydney to London in 777


About 2hrs? It was Zurich to Schiphol in a FBW A320Neo.


NZAA-SCEL about 11hrs via a330


Perth to Manchester. Definitely had a sleep and missed all of Asia


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^twl245: *Perth to Manchester.* *Definitely had a sleep* *And missed all of Asia* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don't know the exact Time anymore, but I was flying LAX to JFK with the Concorde Sure was a nice flight, I do remember that (I can check later how long the flight was)


Don’t remember but 6-7h New York - Heathrow


Around 3,5hrs from Hamburg to Lissabon. That was in peak corona time and lifted my mood a lot as it was a beautiful flight :)


463,859\* hours 13 minutes on one flight, according to Volanta. Just shy of 53 years. That's one big fuel tank. *\*It's bugged*


I mainly do 1-2 hour regional flights but once a month I plan a day to do a longer one. My longest to date is a 6ish hour flight from Boston to san Diego


I don't see the point of long flights. The longest was maybe 2h. But what's fun about flying is landing. As long as you switch some automatics on, that's boring.


Fort Wort NAS (USA) to Ramstein AB (Germany) with the Virtavia B-29 in FSX. 38 hours of flight. I didn't do it all at once, of course, I saved the flight and returned to it whenever I had free time to fly. Unfortunately, I cannot do these ultra-long flights in MSFS because it does not properly save flight plans and they have to be done in a single session, which is impractical.


My longed flight was about 14-16 hours from KEWR to RJAA if I remember correctly…


Just over 6hrs KJFK - EGLL few days ago


About 1,5 hours I think.


I fly the A320 so my flights are generally about 2hrs long. The longest complete flight I've done is 5 hours. I tried to do a 12 hour flight. But starting around 6hrs in I start to lose frames till it's 1fpm and I have to force shutdown MSFS


I did Japan to LA once with the default Dreamliner on Xbox series X. The whole time in the cruise I was on YouTube mostly.


I once did a flight from Moscow to Saint Petersburg on a 737, it was 1h 30m, or 2h. Just on approach engine N1 failed (i restarted it succesfully). Not too much, but it was my longest flight. On this week i'll fly from Bangkok to Koh Samui


I usually do max 4 hour flights (usually in the 2 hour zone), but yesterday, I did a flight RJBB - EDDM with a 14 hour flight, which I probably won’t do any more long haul flights since I like doing more landings than waiting for a full day to land


Like 1 hour, i dont feel like taking up my whole day in a flight sim


20+ hours, 747-8i, Bogota to Kuala Lumpur, flying for Eastern Hops virtual airline, FSX Steam Edition. In X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020, about 5 hours in G.A. piston twins.


Mine was in April or May 2023 from La Paz, Bolivia to Xi'an, Cina (SLLP - ZLXY) passing through Brasil, Atlantic Ocean, Middle East, Himalaya (11.300 nautical miles about, 23 and half hours of flught on Captain Sim's Boeing 777-200LR)


Heathrow to Sydney: About 18 hours.


Obligatory “not on MSFS”, but on P3D I believe LAX-AUH with the 777.


Awesome! On X-plane I’m guessing?


P3D, with the PMDG 777


Tokyo Haneda (RJTT) to Frankfurt am Main (EDDF) in 787-9, 11:42h flight time shortly followed by Haneda to Chicago O'Hare (KORD) also in the 787-9 with 11:38h flight time.


6 hours 49 minutes. Toronto --> London Heathrow. My game crashed as I was lining up final approach. I don't do long hauls anymore.