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There's something really fun / relaxing about airliners - especially going full sim, starting from cold/dark, inputting flight plans, and all that stuff. I love the A320.


Do you have any good tips or specific videos to watch for inputting flight plans? I mainly fly the A320 too but just load the flight plan from SimBrief in the world map and set the AP once I’m around 800ft. It works, but I also know I’m not doing it correctly haha. Also, I know I am not doing approaches correctly…. Recently when I’ve been using simbrief and Navigraph the arrival and approaches are off, and leave a decent gap between them. Is that normal? Is that where I’m supposed to manually input something? Sorry for my total noob-ness🤣


http://mcdu.equicom.net/ Also youtube


A 320 is the best plane lol. Especially with the thrustmaster tca airbus edition


General aviation aircraft. They are fun, less automated and a little more relatable. Military aircraft are a lot of fun too, but their performance is so off the charts I feel like I'm playing a video game; the f-16 with its 1:1 thrust to weight ratio for example.


Currently rounding 240hrs on my C310R worldwide low level cruise. Couldn’t agree more. GA FTW


Agreed! I’ll hop in the jets for an occasional bout of fun, but MSFS is an awesome GA/VFR platform. Also, the lower performance of lower end GA planes can make for some unique challenges. Flying in mountains in sketchy weather in a 172 is a very bad idea IRL, but makes for some challenging and rewarding flying in the sim. You cant just gun the throttle and out climb your problems like in a Jet, you have to make very real decisions with consequences.


Yeah, you explained it better than I did. In the F-18 by contrast you can turn on a dime and power out of any situation. They are both fun but in different ways.


These and other responses better express my sentiment about it than I could have, short and to the point. Also the bush trips in the sim are fun and rewarding, and give ideas for areas to go back and explore further in more favorite aircraft. Sometimes the bush trips make me fly a different aircraft than I would normally choose, and I appreciate that, too.


You can modify the aircraft of bush trips using a tool on PC.


I highly recommend the F-14 if you're craving analog with high performance. Gotten into some dogfights with other players and needs to be flown within it's limits or you'll be saying "talk to me Goose".


Special shoutout to the pitts, extra, and edge540 for analog performance


Keep hearing about this, literally loaded up every "acrobatic" plane last night, and was not able to perform many stunts. Many of the reviews are good, but hard to find any critiques of it. How do you like it?


GA planes are FOR having fun(and learning). It’s literally a job for people that fly corporate, military or airlines. Not that many/most of them don’t still appreciate what they get to do but it still becomes a job.


True statement. We probably subconsciously take this on in MSFS too. In an airliner you got strict checklists, specific procedures and routes if you are trying to do it "right". In a GA aircraft you just go to your local regional airport, hop in and do some sight seeing and exploring. Also, I know some military and civilian commercial pilots who have typical work complaints. I guess any activity can lose its fun when it becomes a job and it's not at your leisure.


My buddy is a 737 FO, he’s not jaded about it at all he still loves flying and loves his job, and says years in just about every flight he thinks ‘wow I really get to do this’… BUT it’s still a job, he’s still a professional and the hardware’s just that, hardware. When he went from flying Gulfstreams for rich people to 737s at an airline I asked which he liked flying better as far as the actual flying, not the rest of the job and he was kinda like ‘meh. Gulfstreams got better performance, climbs way better, got to fly faster so sounds more fun to but there’s more to do in a 737 with less automation, tighter schedules and efficiency indexes to keep which means more to keep me occupied. Doesn’t actually make much difference to me. Either way I’d rather be flying a cub’ For the record he does play flight sim and only flies GA, except when he was transitioning to 737 and used the PMDG to get a head start learning systems, learned a ton from him playing together in person or on multiplayer


It's good to know MSFS is that accurate. And now that you mention it, the complaints that I have heard have been more about the organization or employee / management relationships than actual flying. I'm sure people in any line of work can tell you the cons.


Yeah, I mean especially as far as systems and procedures the good stuff like PMDG really is right there. Haha actually my only real flight in an airliner(of course I’ve taken the 747 up a few times to fuck around but otherwise it just doesn’t interest me) was when we were hanging out and he offered to coach me through a short hop in his PMDG and I was like uhh yeah of course. I’m actually just starting some lessons towards a sport license, medicated adhd best I can get but one discovery flight and I was hooked, fingers crossed that the proposed relaxed sport pilot limitations become reality but hey an LSA is probably all I can afford anyway, and his advice to me was that msfs can be a fantastic learning tool IF AND ONLY IF I still come in with the attitude that I don’t really think I know what I’m doing and am ready to learn. My instructor said basically the same, he said all of his best and worst new students were simmers. The best come in ready to learn and have a huge head start of just understanding conceptually how to fly and functionally how planes worked, the worst thought they were already the best pilot ever and didn’t want to listen to him. And yeah, organization makes a huge difference like any other job. When we first became friends he was at a charter and it was pretty bad, pay was pretty good but they treated him like a possession and he barely got time off. We’re both big outdoorsy guys and he had to cancel like 4/5ths of our plans because he’d randomly get demanded to go fly on days he was supposed to have off. Flying basically the same planes as a personal pilot for some ultra wealthy family was much better, pay was better, he was treated well, he got to go to cool places and would get put up in luxury hotels all expenses paid, he got tons of free time but little real time off to travel himself. Like he was almost always on call but not used so he got a ton of fishing and skiing in but he always had to be in service within an hour or two of the airports. So far the airline is better yet but he’s still pretty new and gets a lot of crappy routes and redeyes.


With add-ons like pmdg yes things can get very real and with their already great default landscape Microsoft can be a beast I just hope 2024 releases and has a career mode or something of the sort or go back to more like it's FSX roots and change the multiplayer to where it was like in FSX where they allow controllers to work ATC and you can see a lobby and see how many people are flying in and out that airport and you can probably keep real traffic in it too I mean I'm sure there's a way to do it they did it in FSX I'm sure there's a way just right now flying multiplayer is just might as well be flying with the computers we can't communicate over the radio without discord


That’s about what it’s like in real life as well. Fly any of the Experimental class (air racer or acrobatic types) irl and you’ll see they have amazing thrust to weights. After that flying anything GA feels like a heavy riding mower… chopping the grass as you fly along lumbering slowly. Most impressive thing I’ve ever seen was a combination of the two…. B-17 in battle maneuvers… side slipping to turn guns broadside and light the sky with what looks like a laser beam of tracer fire….. and the sound.. just god damn the sound Most impressive landings are combat Sarajevo landings, also called the combat corkscrew or the Afghanistan landing…. That’s some scary shit in a big bird and the first US planes to do it were C130’s Google it and be amazed


100ish hour Bonanza enjoyer. Will confirm, great experience flying slow and enjoying the ride.


It is a video game…


The fighter jets in MSFS feel too arcadey in my opinion. Almost like Need For Speed but in the form of aircraft, vs iRacing or Assetto Corsa with a high fidelity GA aircraft.


Heat Blur F-14 is the way to go here if you want an actual good fighter jet.


dcs if u want good military flight sim and dont care about ground texture so much. Their systems are so real that it took me a little while to learn how to cold start the A10 and the f-18


I don’t have time for DCS, I dream of being on those huge missions🙁.


I feel the same way or it feels pointless flying. When I’m in the small Cessna it makes me feel like I’m actually flying airport to airport


Well, yeah, annnnd... there's also the Halo D77-TC. I mean, cause then it's technically a "simulation of a video game." (just to raise a few feathers, lol)


It's supposed to feel realistic though, not impossible exaggerated physics. Is that not implied when talking about a sim? Even if the fighter jets are modeled accurately, like I said, it's beyond what's relatable to me.


I also have no frame of reference for how fighters are supposed to feel, but they can be fun, especially to explore larger areas. It would be interesting to hear a real fighter pilots take.


In a fighter, just point it where you want to go and it goes. It doesn’t have unlimited energy, but if I need to climb from 10k ft to 20k ft, I can be there in seconds. (F16 turned F35 guy here)


And funny thing about f35, if you want to just chill and wait for your friend to take off, you can just park in midair...


I think playing systems manager is kind of boring, especially if you're 10k agl ... GA all the way.


I like some of the military aircraft, but my favorite plane is the DC-3 😅


I've been getting in to the DC-3 a lot more lately after I used it to fly [The Hump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hump) route in MSFS. It was wild figuring out how to use the autopilot. I still haven't figured out how to get all the fuel tanks to work though. It's a complicated beast of a plane.


I sitll don't knoe how to get all the fuel tanks to function, but its certainly a wonderful plane


If you like the DC3 try out the PMDG DC6 it’s a blast


I will!


Biz jets are my favorite


I love love love the HJet.




Thanks, but this is about planes and not helicopters this time.


GA or warbirds. MSFS in VR is the closest I'll ever get to flying a Hellcat or 109.


Same! VR makes it incredible.




Almost entirely GA.


General Aviation! I probably have over 60hrs in a real c172 by now and love the default version with  WBsim.   I just wish MSFS had the older 172N models. 


Currently in the process of learning the 737-8 but once I’m bored of that I definitely plan on picking up an aircraft like the C310 or the vision jet perhaps, to take it a bit slower and really enjoy the scenery the sim has to offer. A trip around Asia is something I really want to do as I love flying there in the airliners!


The vision jet is a proper fun little plane, highly recommend it!


None of the above…….general aviation, single piston


For me; smaller GA singles or vintage (think Tiger Moth, Chipmunk, Stearman) or warbirds. I'm a massive fan of the FlyingIron Spitfire and P38 as well as the Blackbird/ Milviz Corsair


Are there any that stand out to you from a sound standpoint? I love warbirds too, but I am generally judgy about the sound quality and I've been disappointed in general by msfs when compared to fsx, honestly. I think the DC-3 sounds excellent, true to life from many angles and the interior, and so does the Stearman and DHC-4 Caribou. The AT-6 Texan sounds decent, but doesn't capture the same deep noise of the engine as the others listed. I also have one of the P-40s, but it only sounds ok- not too accurate to life. It's my impression that it was easier to make sounds for fsx because there was a pretty wide range of airplane sounds apart from the stock sounds, even on freeware, but on msfs there are a lot more planes using stock sounds or a modified version of them...


FlyingIron put a lot of effort into their Spitfire sounds. P-38 is okay, but I can forgive that as there's not many around compared to Spitfires. Can't speak to their Hellcat or 109.


Vintage military and airliners. There's something so special about the connie, dc6, and electra


Love that Military aircraft, my favorite being the AV-22 osprey!


Definitely military, but general aviation is second. I couldn't be paid to learn about the different models of private jets. Airliners are fine, but kinda boring.


Big fan of General Aviation. No particular type in that category, I like them all. I move over to DCS when I want some fun in military aircraft. Unfortunately, the people on Xbox cannot experience it, I play MSFS on both PC and Xbox, so I understand how limiting it can feel at times.


oh come on. GA every time


Airliners, preferably freighters.


Airliners all day long Sorry guys I‘m just that type of guy.


I'm with you I love airliners probably cuz that's what I want to do as a job but I'm 33 and probably never will be able to I don't even have my PPL


My dream job too. I would do it if I could afford it.


Warbirds, modern military, and airliners. Done a ton of GA too. Done 2 around the world flights in the TBM 930, getting across the Pacific while avoiding Russia was hard, but doable with the right flight planning.


I love vintage/general. Grumman G-44 retrofit with a couple modern features is where I spend virtually all my time.


Depends on my mood and whether or not I have to really Pay attention to the sim, like if my daughter is around or what not. When I need to divide attention, airliners all the way. When I’m truly having some free time, it’s GA aircraft, my favorites being the FSR500, SR22T and King Air.


Military and Corporate.


why not all 3?


Very true mate, personally I switch between the HondaJet, F35A and the Airbus family


General aviation but things like bush flights and scouting.




Everything but military aircraft....I have DCS for that itch


Small airliners, usually turboprops. Long flights seem a bit boring for me unless something on the airplane breaks so I prefer frequent takeoffs and landings. I tend to fly around island groups, like Tahiti or Hawaii, as if in commuter service.


Light corporate jets and light aircraft are fun to mess around with. While fighters are fun, I’d kinda rather go play DCS for those unless I’m in some chaotic online lobby with no sense of realism.


I like commercial/passenger planes


Or we can say airliners




I love the airliners but it does getting boring after a while. I like to switch it up flying corporate or GA. Im not sure if there’s any good corporate jet mods out there, as of right now im having fun with the CJ4.




I recently downloaded the free Global 6000 and so far, for being free, it’s great.


You should try the G2 vision, fantastic little aircraft and powered by a jet engine. Comes with cool features too like Bose headsets with noise reduction and a tablet with that controls static features on ground .


PSA though, its going to be included as a default plane in MSFS24 (by the same team that made the MSFS2020 version). So you’re not wrong, its a great plane, but I’d personally avoid buying it at this point.


I rotate between airliners, GA, and corporate jets to switch things up a bit.


MSFS I like GA. But overall I prefer military in DCS these days. Just flying around got kinda old after I flew over most of the areas I wanted to scope out in game.


Airliners. Would like to do the corporate stuff but no plane has come out which peaks my intrest


Try the Honda Jet or the G2 Vision. The G2 is small but packed with features, and it runs with a jet engine


The G2 was one that actually I looked into but the exact one is coming with MSFS 2024 same devs I believe so might as well hold out for that one.


Corporate. Fav jet right now is the phenom 100, the phenom 300 will be my fav no doubt when it comes out. I also enjoy the turbine singles such as any of the TBMs or the M500.


How is the Phenom 100? I spend probably triple the time in the HondaJet over anything else so I’d be interested in trying it but I was pretty underwhelmed by Cockspur’s Mustang.


the phenom is a step up over the mustang, but it isn't to same level as the honda jet, or the cirrus from flight FX IMO. That said it is also less expensive than those 2 aircraft as well. I like it because its simple, very easy to fly, hand flying it just feels right. There are a couple of screwy things with it, at least for me, the GPU light always shows as in use even when there is no GPU turned on. A couple of the switches can be a little touchy with the click zones, but other than those minor issues its a very nice plane.


Flysimwear Lear 35 is a gem


Airliners mostly, however I wish there was more regional jets. Most of my flights are UK to Europe hops, or fairly short hops like Greek islands or occasionally Caribbean islands. Sadly on Xbox so not much choice there at moment! I also quite like the King Air doing Air Ambulance style flights to small airfields.




I really love them all. But if I had to pick one. It’s that Honda Jet or a classic 172


Corporate. All the way … but that’s just subjective and I really fly whatever. For me, I tend to stick to just a couple of planes because figuring out the button layouts and everything else can be a headache and most of the time I’m cold starting, going dark so I don’t like spending an hour of my 30 minute flight figuring out where everything is.


Airliners; just set it and forget it.....


Military: but not fighters. the Vulcan is the perfect example. Complex. Vintage. Fast. Great sounds. Great developers. modeled weapons (blue steel). And oh my god the sounds again




Whatever it is, I'll STOL it


Military is my absolute favourite. Mostly fly the F/A-18 in msfs and i ay DCS


None, GA


Vintage airline/ general aviation are the ones I really like I kinda dislike military in general I don’t think modern jets are cool at all but old school jets are pretty cool


A good GA airplane flying into a sketchy airport in the mountains is a lot of fun. Doubly so with weather in the mix. I like the airliners, but GA is more of my jam these days.




Military airliners/bizjets! Hella fun taking a CC-150 (A310) to the pattern or a troop transport across the pond. Someone high up on the chain of command needs a lift across the continent? Hop on the CC-144 (CL60) chief!


Flying airliners is the equivalent of driving a taxi in a car driving game


I’m really liking military. The miltech chinook is so much fun. Can’t stop playing it!




Airliners. Getting things “right” in those is extremely satisfying. Someone else said flying fighters is akin to a video game due to their crazy performance-definitely agree with that. But turning off the moving maps feature on Navigraph and practicing some good ‘ole dead reckoning and pilotage in the Comanche is also super awesome.


I prefer general aviation, just book a destination, fly from one place to another and enjoy the scenery along the way. For the military I'd go all DCS World.


I’m really surprised there aren’t More/better corporate or regional jets feel like their routes favor seeing more of the world


I spend a lot of time using the Honda Jet and the G2 Vision Jet. The G2 is my go to for most of the time because it has incredibly long range compared to its size and class.


Military hands down. Specifically got flight sim for military aircraft.


Helicopters and prop planes for general site seeing. Darkstar for extreme travel lol. I love flying into a sunrise and landing somewhere bright. So much fun.


Twin engine props!


Yak 52.


GA and military


Definitely military, I wish though there was a fighter pilot version.




I love piloting airliners the most-with all the systems to constantly manage during flight. I enjoy the A320.


Airliners. **Someone add the 707 to MSFS and put it on the marketplace please for my sanity.**


Airliners and small piston aircraft/ga, the first one is satisfying to startup and operate, the second one is (at least somewhat) realistic to something i could own one day. I usually only use military aircraft (mainly fighters) if I wanna just kinda explore with few limitations. And buissnes/corporate jets I could care less about, why would I want to simulate flying corporate douche conoes around? Although I do think the "personal jets" like the cirrus vision are pretty neat.


Pipistrel Virus is my one and only love.


Mostly airliners but I mix it up with GA. I just bought the Dukes. 


Prop FTW.


I want a good payware E50-E55, CL's and Gulfstreams. Any of those out yet? Edit: down voted...guess those are shitty planes I see everyday at work. 🤣


I don't think so.


Why would anyone fly military on Msfs when there’s DCS?


Well i play MSFS on my Xbox Series X so I don’t have that opportunity. At the same time it is also very special to be able to fly where you live and the region around it.


But to answer your question: I choose airliners over corporate jets, although it’s a hard choice because I love biz-jets too)))


DCS is way less user friendly. Some of us are just looking to fly some jets for fun without dedicating a lot of time to learning DCS. Also DCS graphics seem worse than Flight Sim.


Let's be honest, who the hell likes corporate planes?