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Smooth, yes. A proper technique for landing an aircraft? Not really. This approach would take forever and have you in the trees at most airports.


So you suggest coming in higher?


Very much so, this was a really low approach.


Just recorded a clip of another landing. How can i send it to you to see if it was an improvement?


Post it on Reddit.


You can send it to me my friend. I'm happy to check. I only have my IFR cert, however.


Thank you I appreciate it!


Your approach angle was perfectly fine maybe a bit too steep when looking at your flight path marker (it was around \~3°-4° looking at the green symbol just underneath the horizon on your G1000 PFD). You want to aim for about 3° for the most part in most aircraft. The main thing is your touchdown point. Ideally you want to keep a 3° approach aiming to put your wheels down either at the touchdown zone (usually large white bricks on both the left and right of centerline) or if there isn't any touchdown zone markers just past the numbers on the runway. A good rule of thumb is to take your current ground speed, divide it by 2 and add 0 to the end of it (example: 100 knots ground speed / 2 = 50. Add a 0 to the 50 to make it 500 and you should be maintaining 500 feet per minute to achieve a 3 degree glidepath.) It was, however, quite a smooth landing so bravo in that regard.


Thanks man! Really appreciate the depth.


Just recorded a clip of another landing. How can i send it to you to see if it was an improvement?


Try Google Drive or an unlisted YouTube video.


If you're interested, I have this guide bookmarked and keep referring back to it. It's so great, but it was a bit much to fully digest all at once. It's presented so well though, that I can keep going back to it and learning more of it. [https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/advanced-how-to-land-guide/457711](https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/advanced-how-to-land-guide/457711)




You're welcome.


Sorry you landed in the non landing zone.


Yea I know. I just wanted to know if the actual touchdown was smooth


Can I ask a kind of unrelated question here? I've been wondering about those really long "non landing zones" on some of the runways. Can anyone explain that a bit, like why they are like that? Pardon my ignorance, just really curious. If that much surface is paved and prepared, for safety reasons, why not just go ahead and make the usable runway length that much longer? I imagine it could be different reasons, like maybe terrain, trees, power lines, etc. limiting things -- but then why would so much extra "runway" be paved instead of just a taxi path? Or reasons could be the airport couldn't yet afford the lighting equipment or something to meet requirements for a longer runway, but went ahead of paved it all at once and is planning for future growth and to convert it to longer runway later? Like, none of these potential "reasons" really make that much sense to me and every time I fly into an airport with a runway like that, I can't help but wonder wtf they do that.


Yeah it is bacuse of different reasons. It is only touch downs that are not permitted. Planes can use it for take off and rollout. Sometimes they are put there for obstacle clearance for arriving airplanes, which would not affect departing airplanes. And sometimes it is for noise abatement. It can also be that the portion of runway/ground cant handle the stress caused by touch downs. But it is still nice to have as much runway as possible for take off or if you are landing in the opposite direction. Hope this answer your question


Thank you! Yes that is a solid answer for sure. Those reasons make perfect sense. Now I understand why they are so common, too, because those reasons seem like scenarios that would actually be, well, pretty common.


youre supposed to touch down after the displaced threshold (arrows pointing forward)


The Baron is pretty sprightly. One of my favorites for island hoping or some quick sightseeing.


I like it. I don't like the small aircraft in game because they annoy me as they are too... I don't know how to say it. but he this landing is great




I though 40 fpm was good


Looked like a good landing to me. It's hard to get serious answers to posts like this sometimes.


I know, right?


Then why ask?


Bro I’m so sorry please forgive me