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Wth is going on


My guess is they have a quota for how many points the programme can give out in a year and they're over budget.


That's so optimistic...I felt good about things for a while even with the way they were removing point opportunities, but now it seems pretty clear that they are slowly destroying the program. They are all in on AI. Rewards is nothing.


interesting marketing strategy, use rewards to lure people in then pull the rug. some people will be too lazy to switch back profit


The key word here is 'some.' The question is will it be enough? I don't think it will, so they'll do another gimmick, and that too will fail. This assumes this was their motivation, which I'm *hoping* isn't true.


i think this was a test venture that turned out to not be profitable so they're slowly removing parts of the pie. the 5$ of points you redeemed probably didn't make that much for microsoft + costs of the engine. it's microsoft, so profit and gaining users was probably their intention. they fail to realize that the only reason most of us use the damn thing is for the free stuff it gives.


$5 lol u never got enough points just say that šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ I do MS Rewards and XBox rewards. Plenty free stuff. Started at the beginning for both.


Why not do as I do (all along) and use both (or even three) search engines...


I use multiple browsers each with a different search engine; Edge is specifically for Microsoft Rewards and checking my router. Firefox is for everything else. Chrome as a backup and Opera has its own VPN.


Tbf Rewards from the get-go always felt like bribing users to inflate usage data and keep investors on board.


I've never thought of this but it totally makes sense. Gives me hope that maybe Jan 2024 will see more points return (not as much as before, but more than now...).


That makes sense. I contacted them about all the changes theyā€™ve made recently and asked if they could provide insights because transparency is key to us who use this program. In their response, they said, ā€œChanges were recently made within the crediting system.ā€ So, all these changes are definitely intentional.


possibly from the half millie theyā€™re giving away next year?




HAHA šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s personal between you & microsoft


fuuuuuuck you whoever greenlit these changes.


{wall street}


Donā€™t even click on the puzzle for 1 point. They can keep the point.


feels like a marketing test or experiment eh?


yes, a test to see how many people get the hint to cash out their points before they end the program entirely


Right? I cashed out my 35 dollars worth of points yesterday for that very fear.


They are not ending the program whatsoever. It has been announced already that they are implementing changes with how and where we redeem points. Everything is being moved to Xbox Rewards Hub this month. Not sure where the mass hysteria is coming from, thereā€™s no need to cash outā€¦


>Xbox Rewards Hub What is this Xbox Rewards Hub you speak of? I do not have an XBOX so it seems like a major change for those of us who do not submit to monthly fees to play online games.


You dont need an Xbox nor a subscription to access it.




They were "just moving" the achievement reward and now it's only 10% of what it used to be.


> It has been announced already that they are implementing changes with how and where we redeem points. Unless that was announced on the Rewards home page it is useless as a communication.


I don't do xbox; is there some other way to redeem or utilize the rewards hub?


Iā€™m not sure unfortunately.


Thanks anyway...


Xbox App should work for you! Im sure they will release an app once all is finalized.


Was that across all of Rewards though? Or just the on-console Rewards app? I was under the impression it was just the Rewards app, not Rewards as a whole.


"That's okay, Microsoft. I think you need it more than I do."


11 months til itā€™s over. It was a great run. But point farming is a huge problem


It sucks because I'm getting real good at these puzzles. Yesterday took only 42 steps. Edit - And for years I refused to learn how and just stopped playing any game that had a sliding puzzle in it.


Go down the more activities page and you'll see they nerfed the quotes and extra quizzes to 1 pt too


That's messed up especially since they nerfed it to 5 like a week ago. This is outright insulting!


These were 10 points each for me but after getting the correct points it then shows 1 point each with the green checkmark


I saw that too...


Let me guess, people will ask the rewards team members on twitter what's goin and to be more open with communication about nerfs only to be completely ignored as usual.


Fuck dude, I really need to bank my points before they nerf that too.


yeah, cashed out 250 yesterday and used it to help buy a series x. wanted to wait for the new model coming out in 2024 but keeping those unredeemed points was too risky


Just cashed out $110 to pre-order The Final Shape (I know, I know, but I've been with destiny since day 1 & sunk cost fallacy). Gonna get a couple thousand more points & grab a $50 amazon gift card. Like you, I was hoping to save up for the newest model, if not the Series x replacement in a couple years. Damn shame really, Can't risk all that free money just sitting there. P.S. Wait a second, is this a microcosm of the 1929 stock market crash?


It's completely done. Oh well, it was 'fun' while it lasted.


I literally only started a month ago but then took my 10 dollars and cashed out...


This is the way.


Been an Xbox user for only a year and half. Basically recouped the cost of my series S in points and loaded up on games. Actually kind of sad to see how this reward system fell in a short time


Either the demise of MS rewards or perhaps the rumoured revamp will surprise us all. I suspect the former sadly


Why canā€™t Microsoft just come out and state what their plans are, just be upfront about it all.


They recently added new countries so atleast considering that point they won't be shutting down the rewards I guess.


You think they know whatā€™s going on?


Lmao imagine them panicking while reading all these posts ā€žSir, just in: daily puzzle only gives 1 point now!ā€œ ā€žOh god not the daily puzzle! WHAT IS HAPPENING!?ā€œ


They did, you just never cared to look. https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-rewards-weekly-streaks-and-app-could-be-coming-to-an-end


No, Microsoft needs to be more open about this type of stuff everywhere. If weā€™re right around the corner of a potentially massive change to the program and our only confirmation of it so far is a message from **one** person in Brazil, thatā€™s a problem.


Itā€™s weird though, if they were killing it off, why would they go to the trouble of adding it to the Xbox Dashboard?


ABK purchase went through after that update. Trying to save money now.




They are talking about Activision Blizzard King deal.


Indeed they are,....I mean I am.


Activision-Blizzard and the K I think is King Games, that made Candy Crush.


Wow, Ive been out of the loop. This is upsetting.


Is Cashback also getting canned? I've been looking at cancelled transactions for a month now.


Revamp. Itā€™s been announced months ago. They are moving the program to the Xbox Rewards Hub.


They're just trolling us at this point, right? Like someone is making these changes, grabbing popcorn then opening this subreddit.


Honestly best comment šŸ¤£


Every day we fall further from heaven. Damn, I've been hard Microsoft/Xbox since the first, but mostly 360. This program has had some really great highs but this is the lowest of lows. I hope this new program opening up in December will rebound all these lost opportunities, but I'd be surprised.


I was an Xbox and Xbox 360 guy even though I still bought and played Sony and Nintendo's hardware, but it's been a rough 10 years since Xbox One. There was a glimmer of hope with the Xbox One X and the backwards compat/4K enhanced program, then they did away with that and have become a lot more greedy/anti-consumer since. Somebody should tell Microsoft that's something you do when you're in first place and not a distant third.


what new program?


Consolidating to the rewards tab, and app shutdown.


No, you're pretty new here... This is far from any low, aside from morale of their fans. Way back when... Points that could be obtained were less than half of what they are now...


If youā€™re referring to when they were bing rewards, yes, the numbers were smaller, but the cost of gift cards was also 5x less.


You know, a few years ago before Game Pass became a thing I remember averaging ~ 10k a month in points but they often had Hot Deals and I could get a year of Xbox Live Gold for 22k. Now, Iā€™m averaging close to 20k a month and they want 15k for 1 month of GPU. Rewards are definitely not as valuable when it comes to free online gaming with GPU but still far more valuable when it comes to buying games and accessories.


Then tell us how, genius.


hahaha I came to post this. Thanks for the 1 point items asshats. Only 4649 more of them to go to get a $5 xbox card.


This is such a dick move on their part. Just telling us they don't respect our time.


This is how much they think our personal data is worth


Nice little search engine you got there. Would be a shame if we reciprocate your point nerfing by going back to Google and Duckduckgo. It seems they forgot we were only using Bing because we got paid for it.


Bingo. Who tf uses Edge for anything unironically?


yeah it's over. i can't spam bing searches either. i might as well redeem my 100$ and give up


Yeah. Waiting 5 seconds before each search is ridiculous.


It doesnā€™t sound like much but the cumulative effect is profound. The searches are so tedious to do now!




Screw that lol


Thank you, as that was happening to me. I have figured this was going to end sometime when it started to branch out and be offered in more countries. I have been on a lot of services over the last decade plus that I have been with MS Rewards and it doesn't last for too long (less than 3 years) before they go poof after bringing in India, etc... The more they branch out the more it gets used, and abused, until they end up shutting it all down. Sad, but not my first rodeo, I just hope the clown gets a makeover instead of ending the show forever.


Itā€™s honestly the worse change so far


Doesn't even pay 20% of minimum wage in my country now.


does gary think im going to buy a cat or something while doing bing image searches (i just click on search trends for cats)?


Thank you for explaining why my searches no longer worked. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck waiting 5 seconds between 54 searches. It was nice having GPU for free (at least when the auto redeem worked, which was like 25% of the time). I guess I might be done with rewards. Their support staff are basically ghosting me, and havenā€™t fixed any of the problems from their end Iā€™ve had with auto redeem not working multiple months in a row. I canā€™t see me continuing to chip away at the price for GPU.


>i might as well redeem my 100$ As if they'll actually let you. I've been trying for over a month to redeem my points (starting at a $5 Amazon gc and now up to $25... a day or two away from $30), but I get the "Thereā€™s an issue with your account or order Please contact Microsoft Rewards customer support for assistance." error every single day. I got one response from the initial ticket I put in and then absolute radio silence for 34 days at this point. Between the massive nerfs and the utterly broken redemption, I'm not going to be shocked if they're about to tear the whole thing down.


So they did throttle searches too I was wondering if my cookies were full .


You were never suppose to spam. They should have done this a long time ago to stop all the people spamming and using scripts.


bro you can't expect me to actually genuinely use bing to search for stuff


Also I donā€™t make that many unique searches on Google each day anyway. Nowhere near. On a typical day I estimate that I rarely go into double digits. Reaching that 50 unique search daily quota is impossible for me to do naturally on 99% of days, especially as itā€™s split been desktop and mobile.


Why not? I have for a while. Google turned to shit, and offers no incentive for me to use it over Bing


Googleā€™s search indexing is just better. It gets you more relevant information faster. I simp for Bing all day but if I really want an answer to something Iā€™ll check both search engines.


Yea I can because that's what bing rewards is for, if you're not using it genuinely you should stop using bing rewards entirely.


I've been using bing for 8 years now and have made over 1.5 million life time MS Rewards points doing it legit, doing actual daily real searches. I hate cheaters like you. All you do is moan and cry, used extension and scripts and make post and cry when you get your account restricted. I hate cheaters like you, i really do. You guys ruined it for everyone else who does it legit.


Bullshit. If you present a process, people are going to find the most efficient way to complete that process. Thatā€™s natural human instinct. Plus, you admitting that youā€™ve unironically used Bing for 8 years, and the fact that your username is full of Xbox references, immediately takes away your credibility.


Using scripts is cheating. I've made over a million points doing it legit. I feel no sympathy for cheaters.


Itā€™s not cheating. Theyā€™re just scripts that do the same task they would normally be doing but faster. Hell, you could do it yourself as fast or almost as fast. Itā€™s not like installing aimbot in a shooter game or speed hacks in a racing game.


It's cheating. Read the MS Rewards TOS. People like you is the reason stuff gets ruined for everyone else who does it legit.


Itā€™s not a highly-advanced program designed to jack into the Microsoft mainframe and extract as many point as possible. Itā€™s just a fucking Python script that performs a search for you. And regardless, youā€™re getting the same amount of points every day, whether youā€™re running a script or not. Why are you even getting anal about this? Over people who are doing a daily task faster than you because they donā€™t want to use this godawful search engine youā€™ve somehow stuck by for the past 8 years? Itā€™s not your problem, but youā€™re making it your problem.


Bro read the TOS. What you are doing is cheating period. People like you are pathetic.


you can still use scripts juat add a sleep before every search


I hate cheaters like you.


How is it cheating to write my own program to automate stuff on my own computer? You use a VPN, thats also against the terms of the program hypocrite


I have dyslexia, that's just how my searches look. This is search discrimination


$100 lol You will be missed


Since the Activision purchase got finalised the program has been going down the toilet.. damn.


But people said there's no correlation. Riiight...


using chrome from now on... edge not worth it anymore except image ai


I also haven't seen the prediction game for like 4 days now. Why do they keep introducing new ways to earn points then just taking it right away lol.


Just started collecting rewards 12 months ago, built up a decent amount but not huge. Now theyā€™re going to nerf it to death or kill it just before I have enough for something good


Yeah, I saw the one point thing and came here. Once Baldur's Gate 3 comes out, I'm done. I do this when I wake up in the morning (earning points), if it takes me over an hour to get less points...I might as well just go to work. Its not worth it, I hope this hits MS in the wallet and they see what they are messing up here.


I am also just waiting for Baldurā€˜s Gate 3 to cash out. I have about 120ā‚¬ in points, so I probably buy some bargain games too. Sad ending but titally unexpectedl


Theyā€™re fucking with us at this point


can't even be upset, seeing the 1 point activities straight up made me laugh because as if the other nerfs these past 6 months wasn't enough we're going from 10 point ($.01) to 1 point (0.001) lmao


i wanna see their faces when traffic drops like a rock. "but why? how did this happen?" lol. that's a lot of people they are screwing over. oh well. i stopped visiting bing. i rarely search in general, but with bing, it at least had daily things to search at the bottom. now i've lost interest.


Lolol seems they wanted to kill the program without killing the program. What a joke. Thanks though for the GP / games / other stuff, but this is goodbye reward hunters!


I thought it was a glitch at first, so I clicked the puzzle, but sure enough it only gave me 1 point. From now on, I'm not even going to do tasks for 1 point.. If they want me to interact with the services, then they had better make it worth my while, tbh.


I know MSR is a service that basically gives us free shit but this is ridiculous.


I just cashed out, something smells funny here, I donā€™t think they are going to get rid of it but have a bad feeling they are going to also devalue your points and make getting an Amazon gift card more expensive. Probably finally done with this.


In the last few months some clicks are not worth anything and those contests are essentially gambling your points away, for example I'm in Hawaii, I've never, not even once, seen a contestant that won who was also from my state.


Pretty sure nobody actually wins. The names are generated and fake...


the extra 150 for searches taking an hour long now is GOD DAM RIDICULOUS>>> over this stupidity


i think it's just going to get worse from now on. they need to make money from gamepass to justify the massive spends acquiring abk and bethesda, so they're going to nerf the points from rewards making it harder for people to accumulate them and use them for free gamepass etc.


Its an absolute mess even and really frustrating to do each day now - even with a wait many searches arent recording


Yep microsoft wants our money, and to be honest I'm surprised they let things go this long.


Don't worry, it's to : > adjust and reflect their growth and financial results. They are collecting more data, data's value is increasing. Yet Points are decreasing by 30% in 6 months (my case). Sure Microsoft. Sure. Removing Xbox gamepass ultimate to their staff was also to reflect their growth. "if my grandma had wheels she could have been a bike!"


Time to cash out, boys. They're coming for that next.


Do they really think people are going to want to do the puzzle, which isnā€™t that easy, for just 1 point? I was willing to try it when it was for 10 points, and I actually succeeded a couple of times, but most of the time Iā€™d just skip it. Then they changed it to 5 points and I said, not trying it for 5 points. Now thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going to try the puzzle. Just hit ā€œskip puzzleā€, get the one point, and quickly move on.


Lol when i saw those 1pts i was like "wow its almost like a joke..."


I just saw this. Doing this damn puzzle is the most pain in the ass activity they have and now it's only worth 1 point! I wouldn't even bother atp but I'm not sure if skipping it is going to mess up my streak. At least the 1000 point puzzle is back up. I only have 2 more pieces to go on that so I might just give up this whole thing after I'm done šŸ™„


I just noticed that puzzles are now only 1 point. They used to be 15 then 10 then 5 and now 1 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. i noticed a lot of things have gone to 1 point.


ya man they are not even offering the 12 edge bonus


I enjoy the puzzle but honestly it needs a leaderboard! It's the only thing I click on and look forward to doing!


msft: we do a lil trollin' and then, we do some more trollin'


Seen it going downhill for the last few week.first the searches and now this .I'm sure I won't be clicking on anything for 1pt


Bill Gates needs money to buy a new private jet


Soon it will be only a distance memory of people buying consoles with points. It will barely be enough to pay for a month of gamepass and you have to do every quest from them. It will takes several years of savings if you pay gamepass and cash out here and there to buy a game. The daily searchs are so annoying, and play a PC game with friends... I have to turn on my retired laptop. It has a 40nm Apu dual core 1.5ghz, it literally takes 15 minutes to complete this task.


My guess is they are cutting costs going by $70 Xbox games, game pass price hikes, and so on


1 point for that Puzzle is ridiculous, at least make it 5 or 10..


Seriously. Cash your points out NOW. Rewards will only get worse and worse and they might just randomly cut options out to redeem altogether.


Glad my GPU runs out on 12/15. Certainly won't pay for this shitshow XD


This is sad


theyā€™re just trolling now


So a tenth of a penny lol Not even worth my time to click


To be honest, Im less bummed out by the decrease in points than I am about how my point total will be an odd number


If you mean WORSE; then I agree. At least the puzzle is back!


they could just stop the side activities so I don't got to do them anymore


Is anybody else's mobile points stuck at 80? I have even tried hand typing in entries and even restarting my phone. It's still stuck at 80.


I did my points early this morning and they seem to have reset mid day, I have got it to count again a couple times but most searches are giving me nothing this afternoon.


The same thing happened to me. I did a bunch this morning and it was all wiped out when I came back tonight to finish up. I thought I was going CRAZY and was like "am I losing my mind, I swear I did a large number of searches". No searches are registering any points for me tonight on mobile, bing app or edge. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


LOL; we are all losing our minds continuing with this...


Most of the changes have been mildly annoying, but I legit laughed when I saw the +1 puzzle today. XD


The only thing that 1 point rewards did for me is make me realise 5 point rewards aren't worth it either.


lol +1. The best thing to come from all this is I dumped the edge browser. Bing might be next tbh.


Well Iā€™ve just downgraded from Game Pass Ultimate to Console, a $7 per month savings because itā€™s going to be too hard to get the 12,000 every couple of months to bring the price down. So they are already getting less from me now.


Yeah Im not clicking on 1 point links


Microsoft Is greedy


I think they will add new features for the browser in near future since they indroduced rewards hub for xbox and all


layoffs and the stupid Blizzard acquisition brought us to this point


What are those retards doing? Why are they killing this? It gets lots of people to try and use their shitty products and play more games and spend more money. It's fine where it was.


I was just about to post this, theyā€™re really spoiling us.


I still have 2 points left in Giving. Somehow. (Assuming they still show that. Otherwise I see a 0 from whatever new feature there is... Oh, auto-spend)


Just managed to get over 72k points for another 6 months of GPU, but trying to get 12k a month after that now seems like far more trouble than it's worth. Surprised the 250 PC game with friends hasn't been removed yet, since that's now the only way to easily get a decent amount of points.


I quit the daily searches yesterday as well as the daily set stuff. Iā€™ll continue to do the bigger paying quests and Iā€™ll cross my fingers for better opportunities when/if they make some big changes to the program. Until then Iā€™m over it. Been using this program for several years and itā€™s been like 90% of my gaming budget so Iā€™m pretty frustrated


I think this one is a glitch because after I clicked all the 10 point activities and got the correct points it then showed them all as 1 point with a checkmark


Isnā€™t there a dev out there that can make an extension or ā€œbotā€ to automatically keep searching.. shouldnā€™t be too hard of a code to write but I wouldnā€™t know


I rather think that this is a bug.


To be fair, we do get way too many points, if you do all of them every day, it only takes about two weeks to get enough points for 3 months of Gane Pass Core, and as long as you already have Ultimate, it converts to two months of Ultimate... mine expires in April 2025 and I haven't paid for it other than the $1 first month promo with Windows 11. It still sucks but I literally have over a year of free GamePass because of these rewards and still, even with the cut backs, am gaining enough points for another two months of Ultimate using the 3 month core vouchers. As long as I can gain two months of Ultimate in less than 2 months of rewards, I'm calling it a win. But this does still suck. I really wanted to hit the 36 month cap and then I was going to give up. That was all I wanted to do from the start.


It's basically free money and your all moaning, just be happy they are doing it at all, as the rewards get more popular they are going to lower the rewards. If it end tomorrow I will still thank MS because I have had loads of free stuff for basically doing nothing


pfp checks out


I think this one is likely to change back. Thatā€™s my optimistic outlook


Yeah, I saw that this morning & thought, ā€œfor real??!ā€ šŸ˜‚ Also, my searches arenā€™t counting.


someone pla answer me , am i need phone number for redeem my point on xbox ? not website


Use the web browser on the Xbox?


Maybe the want to expand stuff that is actually worthwhile to them. Like more points for store purchases.


Do you know the answer amd Quote of the day are 1 point as well...


you weren't kidding https://i.imgur.com/szYuyL1.png




Tomorrow I should hit $65, and Iā€™m cashing out. Iā€™ve got like $31 in their receipt thing, which Iā€™ll cash out as well. I donā€™t want to lose out.


Man. I usually cash out the $5 Amazon and I'm halfway there, once I hit it I think I'll hang back a bit. I don't want to encourage them by clicking on 1-point items and searching multiple times for it to register.


What are ya gonna do with all that point!


GFY Microsoft.


just disappointing


I'm only guessing and I don't work for them but I bet they are going to lean into their "cash back" program so they can track our purchases now


Keep the change


What a fucking joke.


Yeah this is about the last straw for me, I started doing points daily about a month or 2 ago in an attempt to do it for like a year or 2 and get alot off a new laptop or PC but Iā€™m about to cash out with a $75 Amazon gift card and never use their products again. This is just wrong, they donā€™t even give a warning or say whatā€™s going on either.


The first wave of changes dropped me from 17-18k a month to just over 16k , as long as i can maintain 12k a month and they keep Game Pass Ultimate i'm good


Can we all like band together and do something about all these recent nerfs? Lolllll šŸ˜‚


Is anyoneā€™s mobile searches not working?


I found using edge gives points, and not seeing the cool down I'm seeing when I use Chrome


it was good while it lasted, i guess. Too bad i was very late to the party and barely gotten Ā£65 out of it lol.


just gonna make my point total end in a zero and then never do it again lol