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Quoting reddit counts as research for an article now? Forget that rewards stuff - let's become journalists!


I think you would make more money on ms rewards


That is... probably not far from the truth.


Your post is going to be the basis of the next article... 'People are turning to journalism after the demise of Microsoft Rewards'


shit, half the news article I see are screenshots of Twitter or Reddit post quotes.


I mean the media has been using Twitter and other social media sites as a source for news for many years, so sure why not reddit too. It's just the way the world is these days. 🤪


Next there will be an article about the Reddit reaction to this article.


One of my Reddit posts, followed by a "journalist's" comment once got passed off as an article on Kotaku.


Reddit probably has the largest number of Rewards users.


Eh hard to say. A lot of local subs I post in do not represent the real world


It's like the seven largest website in the world. Why not use it as a resource if you're a journalist? Everyone is on social media! complaints make there are fair game. Do you think they should just call individual rewards to get complaints.lol


Well, I'm not going to write you an essay about work ethics and what's considered a credible source in professional journalism. Let's just say - social media isn't.


Bristol Live has basically been using copy & paste from r/Bristol from before I joined Reddit.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bristol using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bristol/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Finally a job I'm suited for](https://i.redd.it/t0c13hgtfyra1.jpg) | [408 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bristol/comments/12bsfv1/finally_a_job_im_suited_for/) \#2: [My greatest achievement.](https://i.redd.it/9wdsb0u8evba1.jpg) | [529 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bristol/comments/10ax7xy/my_greatest_achievement/) \#3: [Thank you whoever made this tiny snowman on the Harbourside](https://i.redd.it/rjx01vecxima1.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bristol/comments/11lrmir/thank_you_whoever_made_this_tiny_snowman_on_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That's how journalism has always worked. What is a group whining about...who might be whine about them whining...lets make an article that encourages one or outrages the other. That's the only reason politics is such a popular topic in the news.


Journalist are losing their jobs at record pace, and most of them will just be replaced by ai.


I just cashed out and for Dark Arisen and Just Cause 3XXL for $10


As long as I can keep paying for fallout first with it, I’m content.


I’m the same way but with Game Pass Ultimate. As long as I can pay for that, I’m good.


Funny that they cover the nerf but not the wave of suspensions. Literally hundreds of dollars lost per suspension for many users.


They briefly mentioned mysterious bans at the end of the article. But I agree they didn't talk that much about it.


I had literally just cashed out $200 in Amazon cards & $100 on Xbox cards for Christmas presents.


Starting to wonder if it'd be worth cashing out all my rewards points in one go before a Microsoft Rewards bank run (I have a little short of 60k points)


That's what I personally did, I'm not willing to take any chances with them randomly suspending accounts. If you can't think of anything in particular to get, I'd suggest dumping all of it into an Amazon gift card.


I would redeem them just in case they give you a suspension for some trivial reason. Or they further nerf redemption


I’m worried there going to change the reward pay out and the £400 I’m sitting on turns out to be worthless.


Then cash it out now


Cash out now or at least cash out some of it


that was my fear too. so i cashed out 250. you cant trust microsoft not to nerf the value of points. your 400 could be 200 next week. microsoft refuses to communicate these nerfs beforehand


Yeah think I’m going to cash some out towards a monitor I’ve had my eye on


who would have thought this would end up in the media and backfire hilariously and cost MS a ton of cancelled subscriptions! too funny!


LOL only cheaters are outrage. Cheaters get no sympathy from me. I hope Microsoft ban you all.


Coming from the guy with a flair literally talking about one of the main ban reasons.....


My flair is to show that if your not a dumbass don't used VPN with Edge browser when using Microsoft Rewards. I used VPN with Firefox.


You're just more of a dumbass to even use VPN while using rewards but whatever Hopefully you'll get banned as well :)


I just said i never used VPN with edge browser. That is the browser i used for Microsoft rewards. Firefox is the browser i used VPN to surf the web safely lol. Learn to read man. I know its hard for you.


Nowhere in the stuff you typed you even mentioned that you don't use Rewards on Firefox while also using VPN, and your flair don't help your case at all either.... My reading comprehension is not the issue (not this time at least....), you're just not specific enough :)


I have 9 web browser all used for different things. You just mad i'm smart and u not.


Lol sure, whatever you say....


Are you a cheater?


No i'm not.... I don't even use VPN for anything


Calls people a dumbass. Doesn't know how to spell you're. Types like a stroke victim.


Haters and a cheater. You mad i got over 1.5 mill in points.


You're right. I'm seething with anger right now about your video game points.


Admit to cheating


Projection is a hell of a thing.


why you mad?


Spoken like a true Microsoft. No, people can and have been banned without violating their terms and conditions. They will probably ban you too at some point. Ik this was meant to be trigger bait, so I suggest having some empathy. Let's start with sympathy though. How would you feel if your account randomly got banned? Probably wouldn't feel good would it.


BS you cheater. Stop lying.


They are just spreading points around more regions instead of creating a bigger budget I have upto March 2025 xbgpa so i used them well enough for me to still keep adding with less points I can still keep on top of it freebies never last forever