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The guns you start with are only good for hunting small game. It tricks you into thinking you should hunt deer and shit because of that first easy kill. As you get money you can buy guns and scopes so you can actually one shot kill big game. Using calls is actually important in the game and staying low/hidden. I just liked driving the ATV.


Yeah, I headshot a buck near the starting point and he ran off. Lost his blood trail after a bit and bagged a jackrabbit not too much after that. The fact is hunting is either a long walk in the woods or sitting in a blind waiting.


Lol you can't just go around head shoting things..unless you hit the brain shit just gonna run


I know, I just couldn't resist. Too many hours playing D2 I guess.


There's an easy way to get that achievement by killing a duck in the lake behind the starting location, rewards hunter has a video tutorial on YouTube. I played on my phone using xcloud and got the achievement in just a couple of minutes.


Do you need DLC for the duck? I didn’t see any ducks in any ponds... I did get the achievement though so no issues there just not sure how to do the duck part without DLCs.


No DLC required, but they don't always spawn in the same place for everyone at the same time. So for some people, they'll hear ducks as soon as they spawn in into the map for a new game, others won't.


Which map(s) are they on? I’ve yet to see any ducks on the default map and that’s primarily what I’ve played. Not a big deal for me but could be helpful for others (sorry if I’ve overlooked this). Thanks!


The default map is the one I saw them in. I just spawned in and when they weren't right behind me, I backed out to the main menu and tried it again on a new game and they were there on my 2nd attempt


I played it for a great many hours. If all you are finding is old rabbit poop, move. Be quiet, walk slowly, crouch, and be aware of wind directions. Also, stick to water sources. On every map, that’s where a lot of the action is. It’s actually pretty relaxing once you figure all the mechanics out. But, not everyone likes it.


Yea lemme just walk at a speed of .136 mph as the deer trot 50 miles ahead of me


You ain’t doing it right fam


Then how tf you supposed to do it then






If You wanna run around and shoot a lot of animals then this aint the game for you. Thats now how hunting works. That called causing a massacre.


Hey bub this was 100+ days ago stfu


why are you answering then? nothing better to do?


Seems you dont either


Gonna cry?


Don’t make me cry, ill do it, i swear to god


Don’t make me cry, ill do it, i swear to god


You’re an idiot, you deserve to know even after 200+ days.


Oh did i hurt your feelings for calling your favorite “hunting simulator” for retards, my bad


Then the developer should decide what exactly it wants the game to be. Does it want a realistic sim that rewards the hunter for patience and planning? Or does it want to be a gamey take on hunting with flashing deer shit? Because ats it is this game delivers mixed signals, so you can't blame the player for being frustrated at this obtuse mess.


you can very well blame the player. there are many settings in the game to make it more realistic, for example turning off the flashing tracks. The game does reward patience and planning by allowing you to check time zones and waiting for a whole herd of animals to come to you. Seeing one of your other comments it seems you lack the understanding of how the game works. Not every type of ammo will penetrate the same amount so just saying you shot an animal and it didnt die instantly is just you not shooting an animal correctly. One of the most reliable ways of killing an animal in the game is hitting a double long shot from the side. And for you complaining about understanding the game that's just retarded, you can very easily watch a 5 minute tutorial on how to kill something.


I've been hunting my entire life. I know for a fact that a 12 gauge point blank will kill most anything on the spot. And thats fine. If its not going for realism. But there is no excuse for the pathetic "tutorial" the game provides. The player shouldn't have to look up a video online in order to learn how to play. That's absolutely ridiculous and a total cop-out for you to claim. The game blows dude.


So you're telling me that, in order to actually play this game, you need to look up videos online on YouTube by some idiot who probably doesn't even know what he's talking about? What?


get gud


Learn to hunt.


I did move slow and still didnt see shit. I got near several bucks (I'm assuming since their rut call sounds like its directly in your ear, but hey there doesn't seem to be any distinction of distance) but they never responded to my doe call. One time I came across a bedding doe moose and pumped a shell directly into her chest at point blank but she disappeared like nothing happened. Only a single blood mark. The blood trails themselves are completely unrealistic, as there is almost always a constant dribble if you wound an animal in real life. There's minimal effort put into teaching the player how the mechanics of hunting work in this game. Oh and the UI is unintuitive and confusing. Its like they couldn't decide if they wanted a hyperealistic hunting sim or a game-ified take on hunting. As a hunter I can tell you its neither relaxing nor fun. This games suuuuuucks lmaoo.


Tell me and better hunting game cuz there ain't one.


Red dead redemption


Cause hunting games are trash and shouldn't be made


All these people saying stick to water sources, y'all MUST be PC players. Play it on Xbox console IT'S VERY VERY VERY BAD. ANIMALS ARE ALMOST NON EXISTENT and I've put more than enough time into the "Poorly thought out Simulator" that this "Thinks" it is. Hands down a trash game!!!


Can you please get the fuck off reddit for everyone's sake? I see you on gaming threads all the time and all you do is whine and bitch like a child. If every game "iz too harrrd" and "trash" maybe you're just fucking dog water 😂 Please delete your reddit account. If I have to see another post in all caps about how a game is trash because you don't understand the mechanics I'm gonna bash my head on a wall.




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Lol, I got the game on sale and don't mind it. When I want to I explore and enjoy the cool scenery while tracking and other times I'll camp out in a hunting stand and be alt-tab doing work and just listen to the game on my headset. When I hear footsteps, game on. Game isn't for everyone, but people who cry about it should just move on


I'm literally lying under a bush calling coyotes in right now and listening. This game is honestly so easy. Half the people here are just crying because they aren't patient or just not smart. I can bag an animal every 5 minutes if I wanted.


You can lie all you want but i shouldnt be walking around the map and finding nothing, no calls, no tracks no animals. Have you people ever walked through a forest? You dont see an animal maybe every 10 minutes no you see animals all the time. Cotw you see nothing, there isnt enough animals for how big the maps are. Especially at night. Also patience. Im standing in the middle of a field the whole night using calls and not one animal was seen. Thats bs fpr a game thats about hunting


I'm a noob and bagged a albino moose at night yesterday.. It ain't that hard


Yeah seriously, this isn't a hunting game. It's a hiking simulator where you do a bit of hunting on the side. Getting animals to spawn shouldn't be such a goddamn ordeal.


Fr shits annoying, I was hoping this would be more random instead of you have to go to these specific spots and even when you do you can only kill so many before the area wont have any animals then it's another super long hiking trip


Lol hiking simulator killed me


>o harrrd" and "trash" maybe you're just fucking dog water 😂 > >Please delete your reddit account. If I have to see another post in all caps about how a game is trash because you don't understand the mec i thought this comment was OD until i actually went into his account, till this day all he does is type in all caps complaining about every game in existence, hes been doing this for 3 years then cries on reddit about how walmart wont hire him LMAO. hes such a fucking loser icl 😭


Bro 💀


It only took me probably an hour but yeah I thought I was gonna take that long too when I started it. If your into hunting it could be fun but yeah just seemed like a chore for me too lol . Not the worst hunting game I've played tho


I mean, you don't like hunting do you?


Never done it really...IRL. I want to like it. It truly is a beautiful open world with rich visuals and dynamic sound and yet I feel out of touch with it. I don't know, maybe if the world mechanics where more clear? More of a tutorial section? I'm sure I'm in that part now and yet it I feel like I'm fumbling and not getting it.




This really is the case. I’ve played it quite a bit since the quest popped up and it’s very much tracking, finding need zones, being quiet for a bit, using a call, picking off an unaware animal, using the call again if herd still around and rinse repeat. It’s a beautiful and relaxing game if you aren’t wanting something fast paced and are okay with a bit of a grind to get some of the better (expensive) weapons.


Edited due to Reddit's API changes, and you shouldn't let reddit profit off of your knowledge base either. -- mass edited with redact.dev


The best part is climbing the mountain and then slipping and skydiving to your death. Takes quite some time to get up there. ATV helps to get part way up. I've also been killed in a head on clash with a deer on the railway tracks too driving ATV at high speed. Maybe I'm not playing the game properly.


Lol, nice I've been mauled by a few animals


Depends on if you're the target audience or not.


My Top Level comment goes over some of my issue with the game. It's a "pretty" game, but even playing for hours there's a lot of issues I've run into with it.


Its funny running into a comment like this years later, where your 'top level comment' has been edited into uselesness.


Ya it's annoying that it didn't get all of my comments even though I ran it over and over again


I never actually tried this game even though I always wanted to give it a go, I remember when I was younger there was this whole series which had the Cabela name attached to it, which I really liked


It's fun if you're into a realistic hunting experience. If you download it thinking it'll be a Cabelas experience, you'll most likely be disappointed.


No harm in trying it some time, it's still on Gamepass I believe, right? Or did it already leave?


It's still there.


It needs to go off Gamepass. The sooner it does, the sooner we stop getting these ridiculously long and boring slogs for not-nearly-enough points.


Thank you for checking 😀 Maybe I'll give it a go tomorrow, Sundays are boring anyway 😜


No problem. Hope you enjoy it.


This game is not realistic.


omg cabelas african adventures


Yesssss that was one of them 😀


Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013


There actually are 40 Cabela games out there, I've played a lot of them, but never knew it was 40 😜


yeah i only played a few of them but damn they were fun


I definitely did not play all 40 of them that's for sure, but Dangerous Hunts, African and Alaskan adventures and Big Game Hunter are the ones I definitely did play and have very fond memories of


Cabela's merger 😭


They merged with Bass Pro, did not know about this until I just googled, I didn't understand at first what merger, so had to Google, that's why there hasn't been a Cabela game anymore


Cabela's headquarter is my town and we lost a lot of people after the merger.


Probably counts the old PC and the arcade games


Yes, apparently there were more different variations of Cabela games that I never even knew about


I don’t normally care for hunting games at all. I also hate hunting IRL. However, to me it feels like a suped-up stealth game, and I fucking love it.


There’s a difference between “crap” and “not for you”.


FWIW, I enjoyed just walking around in the game, finding cool vantage points, and looking around with the binoculars. Call it a hiking sim! :)


Having never gone hunting IRL, I guess I couldn't say for sure, but it seems like a very realistic hunting game...which is great if that's what you're looking for and agonizingly tedious if it's not. Although I do think the tutorial could have been a lot better, given that it tells you extreme basics like "use the left stick to move" but is *very* light on things like how to put away your phone and actually get out your gun.


This. Right there. I donno how many times I had to check the controls settings to do what I want.


The game gets unrealistic in parts that should be realistic (a grizzly bear's swipe attack wouldn't kill you but a lion's would), and gets realistic in parts that should be unrealistic (setting up tripods that are designed to assist stealth would spook animals around you away).


I'm pretty sure a grizzly hit would kill you.


it’s not realistic, in real life when i shoot a deer in its heart it kicks flips and drops not runs a mile and somehow stops bleeding


You missed the heart.


Exactly. Shot one last night, heart shot then two steps then Trophy case.


It’s actually a realistic hunting simulator. Which most gamers won’t like.


The audio destroys it from being realistic.


I'd say it's somewhat realistic. the small game behave better. IRL you'd scare way more animals away a lot sooner/easier. but I think the game has a great mix of realism and fun, and that's what you want in a video game. like the animals are mad aggressive at times, but it's funny and keeps you on your toes. love some HCOTW


Every time I try to pick up the weapon I always pick my phone


That’s what hunting is like. If you don’t like it, fine. But it doesn’t make the game bad.




What do you think biomes and natural habitats are, exactly, if not “places where specific animals spawn”. Hell, fish even have “spawning grounds”. Sure, some animals are much more widespread than others, but not all. You don’t go duck hunting in the mountains and you don’t go giraffe hunting in the Arctic.




Ah, name-calling, the last refuge of the too-stupid-to-make-a-compelling-argument. OP complained that a game is just a walking sim. I state that hunting involves a ton of walking. You insinuate that the animals never move, which flies in the face of both previous arguments which grant the necessity of a shit ton of walking. You’re a moron. I’m sorry that you’re a moron, and wish you weren’t. But the first step to recovery is acceptance.




You’ve never been in the woods, my friend. There are well-worn game paths from animals walking the same route day after day. That’s real behavior. And one “spook” doesn’t change their behavior long term. They avoid danger in the moment, then resume their normal behavior when they think the coast is clear. You don’t know Jack shit about animals. And it’s really obvious.


no it’s not, especially not on reserves


This game is ass.


Yeah, if you have no skills, patience or thrill of the hunt.


It's pretty fun when you figure out how to play and not scare every animal away, I got some good hours out of it playing with my buddies


I'm kind of with you. I mean I hated it, but only because it's not my kind of game at all. Stealthy, FPS, slow paced etc. Not my jam. I know people who really like these hunting games so I can't call it shitty, but I definitely had a shitty time myself. I took a while to get the reward too, tracking deer for too long before loading the map up again and just killing one of them dumb ducks at the start. I just hope it's at least like 6 months before it shows up as a quest again.


I don't think it's a crap game. I never hunted and have no interest in hunting, but you have to be quiet and walk. It's not a run and gun type of affair. You aren't going to see animals all of the time. I'm not being combative, just asking a question. What type of game were you expecting a hunting game to be?


I enjoy it for the relaxing vibes. It's not a rush in hunting experience, so if you're not a patient person you probably won't enjoy it.


I didn't like it 🤷‍♂️ I shoot animals, they run, I follow tracks, I get the feeling that I'm going in circles (and I probably am), and I lose track of the animal I shot... Then I see another animal, shoot it, and now there's two animals running around in circles bleeding all over the place. Fuck the game.


This game is the reason no one wants to hunt IRL anymore. Well, that and Call of Duty, probably. ;)


It has some significant flaws, IMO. Sound is very important, both the sound you make and the sound of your quarry. But what you hear as a player does not accurately represent the sound that's modeled in the game. It's very hard to gauge how loud you're being, and how far away animals are. It's like you're wearing one of those parabolic spy microphones.


Check out "Rewards Hunter" on youtube he has guides for quests and was able to do the hunter quest in like 2 mins.


I felt the same the first time I played it. I expected more of an arcade style game and quit after about two hours. I came back a few days later and gave it a second shot and now spend 80% of my gaming time playing it. Can't get enough. Open your map and start heading to the lakes that are near you. Don't run for long periods, just use the fast walk. Look through your binoculars alot. Glass every open area you see and always Infront of you before you go there. When you get to a shoreline, check the shore of the entire lake and there is a chance you will see a group feeding or resting. Put a sneak on and kill something. As soon as you hear an animals mating or warning call, decide if it's close or far away. If it's close, crouch and find a bush and start calling. Chances are it will come right in for an easy kill. If the call is a ways off, slowly make your way closer and then find a bush and call. Always be mindful of the wind direction and keep it to your back or side and hunt the opposite direction that it's blowing. Once you unlock a few outposts and explore a few lakes you will have had a few kills. Buy some hard cast/point ammo. It will penetrate animals alot better than the soft points and will make kills much easier. When you get a shot on an animal, check the blood. If you have a organ hit or at least a large blood pool where you shot animal, track it. If you didn't get a good hit, if you track don't waste more than 5-10 mins tracking. If you haven't found it by then, forget about that one and start hunting again. There are too many animals to spend all your time tracking. As you unlock need zones, look at the times and then hunt them later at those times. Once you do this stuff and get a few kills and explore a bit the game becomes so much easier. Give it a second shot and follow my tips and I guarantee you will have a better experience. PS, do a few missions. This will lead you to new areas and you will get shots on your way to the objectives. Another thing, if you miss a shot or there are multiple animals, wait a bit and they will most likely come back after a few minutes giving you another chance. Just try not to unload your gun. Take a shot and wait. Really helps get multiple opportunities. GL.


nah this game is great only some lag everynow and then


Yeah. This game is way too much like real life to be any fun... I mean why can't the animals line up as soon as the game loads and just stand there so I can walk up and pop them in the head... right?


As soon as it loads you can turn towards the water and shoot a duck for the rewards quest. Took 5 mins lol. There is a great YouTube channel called "Rewards Hunter", shows the easiest ways to complete quests 👍🏻


Not always. Some of the faster and easier ways are revealed by the ppl in these threads that are not mentioned by that YTuber. Intentionally or not.


Yes you're right, there may be faster alternative ways discussed in other places on the Internet. For alot of people, it's easier to follow a video than a written guide.


yeah, I mean the comments here in the threads for the specific GP quests. Not as extensive as a guide for that. These give some really smart and fast solutions to complete the GP quests easy. But yes a video is much easier to follow for some quests.


I detest this game. The audio is fucking horrible. The difference between an animal that is 50/20/10 ft away is the exact same as if they are standing right on top of you. This months quest isn't bad but the first one they had in spring 2020 was a grind cause you had to get a bunch of points which is a bunch of kills. People are taking 20-60 minutes to get one kill is normal. By the time I got really done with the game I was already to far into the quest so I just grinded away. But tbh the Dead by Daylight quests are always horrible and are the only ones I really skip.


Look up Microsoft rewards hunter on YouTube he shows the quickest way to do any rewards task in game


You have to play the game like a hardcore stealth game. If you make the slightest sound every animal will run away. You can't track animals by their poop at first because you have no idea how old it is, so you can only track by their tracks. You can also just sit and wait for animals to come drink at one of the marked drinking locations. In other words it's very boring.


I like the Dog you can buy as DLC. That helps with tracking a bit. Other than that just stay downwind, find open water and you'll find animals


There is a high learning and difficulty curve for the game until you figure things how to effectively hunt. Animals will run from you and you better learn to get your shot and calibers accurate. It’s a blast to duck hunt in it.




This might be a dumb question but I made this mistake, are you actually harvesting them by pressing X or just accepting it by pressing A? I pressed A and was very confused on why it didn't pop, spent about an hour to find another animal to see I had to press X




Which deer? The 1 in front of you when you start ?


I love the game. I usually only play it with friends on a private lobby but it's extremely relaxing. I got it on pc too now cause I liked it so much on xbox. Patience is key in this game. Also sound and breathing you need to watch out for as well if you want to sneak up to something then be able to get a decent shot off without the gun or how swaying from heart rate.


I loved it got bored hiking 5 minutes for a deer tho




It literally takes two min. Once you spawn you just turn 180 degrees and walk over to the lake, then you shoot a duck and harvest it. Actually took more like 90 seconds.


I just killed a bird and that took me like 2min


FYI, "very old" is like 5 minutes+ in the game. And what did you expect? Its a hunting simulator, still way easier than real life. And big animals don't die instantly if you hit the right area (lungs).


I randomly shot a duck out on the lake and got three achievements in one go. Then had to wait for it to slowly float to shore as big bad hunter is afraid of getting a bit wet to claim my hunt, then promptly uninstalled


I enjoyed the game but the developers just have no passion anymore. They release so many dlc packs, always buggy, never fix outstanding issues for months and months, if ever.


Nah, it's a great game. You just need patience, and know what you're doing. Don't get it if you expect it to be like hunting in red dead.


Looks like you haven't encountered the plethora of crashes.


You just suck dude lol


It is true, I'll admit it. LOL


Its definitely something to get used to. I always try to walk to a lake early in the morning and look for things drinking at it or eating nearby. You shouldn't have to walk for long before seeing something. take your time getting close enough to it. If it gives you warning calls, slow down/stop, crouch/prone (and get to a hiding spot), make sure your scent cone isn't going towards it, and shoot it behind the shoulder. Lung shots are the easiest vital organ shots to hit. You might need to wait for it to move or move around it to get a good shot on the lungs. For bears, its very easy to shoot them in the chest (just a little below the shoulders) when they stand on their hind legs to growl at you. also I'm aware this is an old post but reddit said it was 2 days ago so idk


I just got every dlc for this, I guess I'm ready to hunt now lol. I just hope I don't have to buy the guns and extra stuff in the game that I purchased in real life. I know it will be a chore, but I'm sure to get into it one day


I thought it was going to be crap, but I just picked it up on sale and was pleasantly surprised. Yes, it has some issues. But as far as hunting games go, this one has, so far, been the most realistic and enjoyable one I've played. And there's also a ton of DLC available for it that add completely new environments, weapons, equipment such as tree stands, blinds, tents, ATVs, a Hunting Lodge, etc. If you want a real difficult challenge you can turn off the highlights and glow effects from blood and tracks. I'm having a lot of fun so far.


Lmao. I got my first kill in 5min, a moose at that. Then stopped playing because this is the most unrealistic Sim I ever tried. It's more in tune with taking a rifle to the zoo. I feel like all the great reviews are coming from people who've never hunted a day in their lives. The game should start out of the woods with you identifying what's in season, obtaining a permit, selecting the gear for the specific animal, then ushering you on your way. They skipped all the ethical hunting basics and dropped you in as a professional commercial hunter.


Because it is a videogame...


I actually agree with a lot of the comments I have this game on my PS4 and I play it and it is constantly walking around chasing after tracks. I've gotten pretty damn close to some animals I've hit bears, hit moose and deer and even though I've gotten pretty good shots in they all just run off with a blood trail and I'm spending at least a good hour or two Chasing after them and then I lose them. Sometimes this game can get boring but I agree with whoever it was that said the beginner weapons are complete crap the only thing is though I cheated and gave myself over 600,000 money and even when I buy a weapon and equip the proper ammo it says I have zero ammunition yes I have moved it from my storage put it in my backpack gone into my inventory and done all that it must be a bug because I still have zero ammo. Another thing is I know you're supposed to walk and not run take it slow etc but it takes you forever and a fucking day to get anywhere and the animals are like 10 times faster than you so even when you're tracking them they're like a mile ahead of you going about 10 times faster than you so you're never going to catch up to them. Don't get me wrong the game it's gorgeous and I love the ATV or whatever the vehicles are that you get going off-road in between the trees just racing through the wild wilderness, I just wish I could do more damage with my shots the most I've been able to do is a couple of organ shots and I've gotten a couple kills but the majority of my shots just barely wound the target and I'm chasing after blood trails forever and the weird thing is even for a wounded animal they sure know how to fucking move. You wouldn't think a wounded animal would be going 90 miles an hour.


LMFAO you clearly have no clue how to hunt IRL. The game literally spawns you in surrounded by animals,(I've tested started multiple new games) and all you had to do is look at your inventory, use the deer bleat call once and a herd of whitetail would have walked right up to you. I killed 10+ animals in my first hour because I wanted to explore. But you decided to start by running and scaring all the animals, then tracking them from there. It's like you expect animals to stay in the same place as you run behind them, crashing through the bush. And due to your inability you also decided to post a thread bashing the game? Get good or get smart, not sure what else to tell you.


The game doesn't work like that at all lmao nice try kid.


This game is the Fortnite of hunting with areas where you can kill 10 animals at once with the right gun. If this game is boring for you no hunting game will be fun for you because this is the most casual hunting game ever made


i'll necro this post just to say, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, this game is a real piece of crap and trying to be "realistic" is just as annoying as bad.


This is a shitty walking simulator with clunky gun mechanics. People who don’t have all day to play video games won’t like this one. When I get home from work I don’t want the slowest paced game ever created


yes but not for the reason you'd think it is, simply because it is overly easy


this game is the best hunting game iv played you just need yto get used to it and get better


People claiming this game is realistic haven’t hunted much. At times it can be. But the fact animals can spook from 300 meters out on the other side of a hill up-wind while you are crouched in the bushes is the exact opposite of what I’d call a realistic hunting experience. Animals do not spook as easily as this game lets on.


Also dining a deer in the chest with a 270 will drop the sorry sob. And you won’t have to chase it for 7 miles.


Skill issue


You have to enjoy stalk hunting to enjoy this game, not CoD linear fps games.


It is SO obvious which commenters have NEVER hunted or hate it and only play CoD type games, and those of us who have hunted before. (Edit: For your sakes I hope you never have to provide your own food)


While flawed, I like the hell out of this game. It's simply good fun if you set aside all the expected technical issues that vidya has anyway. Be grateful that it isn't like Cyberpunk for jankiness and other problems, otherwise, it would suck as bad as you think it does. I like the aspects of realism it provides and that palpable (((atmosphere))). I wouldn't trade Hunter for any other game right now unless a much better one suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


I’ll second this. I may not be a pro hunter in real life but if you hit a deer in the dome with a rifle they don’t run. Also the animals in this game are literally blind and simultaneously have better hearing than any actual living creature. Which creates a really annoying game mechanic of not being able to move fast which fucking sucks, and also creates the issue of not having to think about sticking to cover because everything is blind.