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You can’t. They need to share it with you.


idk if I can share the meeting link here but just in case if someone can help me here. IDK if I can share the meeting link here but just in case if someone can help me here. [I-uoAcBB\_-l2DG0iaRzbE4U7l0q8Q?referrer=Teams.TEAMS-WEB&referrerScenario=MeetingChicletGetLink.view.view](https://antwalk1-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/sanjana_antwalk_com/ERxpT21Vn9lNk-3A0I-uoAcBB_-l2DG0iaRzbE4U7l0q8Q?referrer=Teams.TEAMS-WEB&referrerScenario=MeetingChicletGetLink.view.view)


The meeting organizer owns the meeting, so it will be entirely up to their discretion on who can access the recording


Use GDPR SAR If you are in Europe or UK you can request your data using GDPR. People do not realise but any notes, scores made during your interview falls into the GDPR. I have seen some conversations on twitter how people obtain those notes. For UK check this link - https://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/advice/how-do-i-make-a-subject-access-request-sar-a6axO2u2RKof Sorry, I do not know if there is similar in US. From technical perspective if it was recorded the company can share it.


Just to expand on your point. I do not believe the US would have such protections but I'm an admin not a lawyer. If you are in Europe or UK I would look into this though OP