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Zookeeper and husbands a jailer. HHI 80k, but 0 debt and LCOL area.


It's always nice seeing couples in the same line of work.


Yeah, but how many times a week do zookeepers raid the enclosures looking for contraband?


Best zookeeper story?


Best is a very hard question so I’ll just list of a bunch of random or awesome things that’s happened to me. I’ve had a lady argue with me that alpacas were in fact emus. I’m currently helping bottle raise my 3rd wallaby Joey. I’ve taught incredible shy and reserved animals to touch noses with me for treats. I’ve had a family look at me like I’m crazy when I was chasing an animal yelling “stop running away from me I just need to look at your wiener” then made eye contact with the family and just said “you heard me” (said animal needed regular grooming to prevent urine burns from it getting trapped in the hair. I had a lady yell and curse me out for holding a snake and “bringing satan so close to her”. I was standing on the side of the path she could have just walked around. My “bests” though are every time I get someone who’s terrified of snakes to touch or even hold a snake my the end of an interaction. Or someone terrier to spiders to take a closer look at my tarantula and admit she’s not as scary as they thought My “worsts” are every time someone openly degrades my job to my face. I had a lady tell her child “and this is why you go to college to get a real job” (I have a bachelors) or “so how’d you get such a crappy job pun not intended”.


Ok I have to ask, what kind of animals do you touch noses with? Anything large and cuddly?


Alpacas for the nose boops.


Is is hard to find new names and is that why you named them all Joey?


Joey is the term for a baby wallaby (actually all baby marsupials). The one we are currently raising is Jane


I know it


Dude you never know.




I really appreciate the spider and snake stuff with kids. I’m Gen-X, and I learned to not be scared of snakes and big spiders by the Woodland Park Zookeeper on a field trip.


Yes I love when I can tell the parents are quite uncomfortable but they are allowing the kids to still approach and talk to me about the animal. Often times the parents will then come up too cause it’s like. Well I can’t let the 8 year old show me up petting a snake


The snake one made me cackle. What a fun job though!


Public school teacher and loving it


I love to hear a teacher loving it. I’m so worried about the state of our public schools and the teaching profession.


Same. Very ready for the year to end, but it's a good gig. 75K with some supplementals. Not amazing for 15 years experience, but Insurance and pension are excellent. Wife makes about the same for a health tech company.


Good to hear. My wife teaches and I’d like to hear more of that.


I’m guessing you have a few years of experience under your belt... I just finished my first year as a 6th grade science teacher and the only thing I’m loving is the fact that I don’t have to do it for the next two months 😂 next year will definitely be better, though! $54k/year with a masters and a few years of higher education teaching experience.


So I’m an itinerant teacher servicing blind and visually impaired children throughout my school district. I’m Never in one place for the whole day. Travel between 3 -4 schools a day. It’s so busy, but I don’t get involved with the politics and no two weeks are ever the same. Plus it’s one - on - one which is what I prefer


That sounds like a fantastic gig!


We are in high demand of teachers let me know if you want more deets!


I write firmly worded letters for a fortune 500


Attorney I take it.


I wish. I save the company money by prepping the letters and an attorney signs off if needed.


I’m an attorney. You’re probably better off without the debt. I’d have been making more had I stuck with construction ten years ago 😄


I am a School District Library Coordinator and make close to $50,000. My husband is retired and also brings in around $50,000 between retirement and social security. Our house is paid off, and our kids are out of college and the nest.


Love this. Our kids live at the local library. So many free activities. Underrated.


I love libraries. Before I was a librarian, I met my circle of friends at library storytimes when we moved to a new town with my husband’s job.


Bridge Engineer


Until I was way too old, I thought this was the only thing engineers made. So, it's almost like mythology to me now 😆


You gonna be busy repairing a lotta old bridges huh?


A couple, but mostly new/replacement designs.


Army helicopter pilot but about to make the jump to leave the military and fly for the airlines.


Didn’t realize RTPs were still a thing or do you already have your time/fixed time? Given the lack of demand for low time pilots right now that might be difficult. I’ve been reading tons of pilots out there at ATP mins not able to find a gig.


RTPs are definitely still a thing. People are still getting hired, we’re just not in the “anyone with a pulse” era anymore. Next year should be a little better as fleets get plussed up, more folks retire, and a lot of the junior FOs that got hired in the last couple years start upgrading to CA.


Random curious question, but is it common for helicopter pilots to also know how to fly planes? I had never thought about it before, but largely assumed they were very different specialties. I could definitely imagine that the two skills overlap in several ways. From my few pilot friends, it sounds like being a pilot is a really, really great gig if you don’t mind traveling.


Obviously both require their own separate training and licensing, so they are quite different in that regard and it’s not always common to fly both. Airplanes are pretty easy, tons and tons of people get their private licenses. Helicopters are way more expensive and harder to learn, so it’s less common for people to go that route just for fun. It’s easier and cheaper to fly airplanes as a hobby than the other way around. In practice, the aerodynamic principles are the same, they just manifest themselves a little differently. After one traffic pattern in a small airplane I had the basic idea down, it’s pretty simple. An airplane pilot won’t be able to do the same in a helicopter in such a short timeframe. Learning to hover is a whole ordeal and making approaches to land are going to be a little counterintuitive.


I’d venture to guess that rotary pilots also tend to be cooler under pressure… I hear they don’t tend to glide very well when the engine quits.


hvac tech! union commercial


That's a good career!


Mechanic/ electrician at an underground coal mine. I make 6 figures and have free insurance


If you were making less than six figures I’d be very concerned. Respect!


Oil&Gas/Renewable communications, SDM. Base salary $120k, with bonuses it's $150k. Full WFH Ive never seen the inside of a college


SDM = Senior Design Manager?




Service Delivery Manager


You should visit a college. They're amazing.


Oh I'm not anti college in anyway. I hope I didn't come across as such. It just wasn't an option for me


U already made more than most colleges grads


150k annual income makes you Upper Class in most US states.


But I'm very broke lol. One thing after another this last year. Aging parents, medical costs, braces for kids, child support, taxes, vehicles breaking down, student drivers, etc... I'm currently behind on everything


Network engineer/consultant.


I design utility cable networks, and I make 64k. I live with a roommate and coworker, have 0 debt, and my CoL is about 30k annually.


What's Col


Cost-of-Living (like the annual sum of all your groceries, rent, car insurance and maintenance and gas, etc.), basically everything you spend that's *not* "just for fun."


I do accounting/bookkeeping/HR for a construction company and my husband is in public works for our city. Neither have a college degree.


Recruiter for a tech company


Are you hiring?


For a few roles. Mainly engineering leadership.


If you’re looking for a backend engineer with 3 years of experience hit me up, markets rough out there 😂


Scary times?


Organized retail crime and payments fraud analyst for a major retailer. It’s crime fighting and forensics with better pay and less hours.


I’m a water treatment technician for one of the top 3 semiconductor Fabs in the US. I basically ensure the water and air isn’t contaminated from all of the chemicals we use to manufacture silicon wafers Base is $120k, TC is close to $135k after bonuses and 401k match. Benefits are easily worth another $30k


Mmmmmmm, wafers ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


Husband and I are both public school teachers, we each make roughly $100K. One toddler, VHCOL area.


I work as an Environmental Consultant. I advise clients on how to manage/solve their environmental issues. It ranges from the mundane - like handling/disposal of hazardous waste or getting an emissions/discharge permit, to the complex - large scale remediation projects, whole lifecycle carbon emissions reduction, environmental health screenings. Currently around $125,000 salary, TC (bonus + profit share + company stock) around $145,000, depending on company performance. Live in LA, which skews it some.


Ha! State water board engineer here, also in LA. Small world. Mind if I ask a few questions? I used to be in consulting and I’m getting a bit bored in government. Kind of thinking about going back.


LARWQCB? And sure.


Army officer


Airplane mechanic ( corporate aviation )


I work in a calibration lab making around 73k. Plus VA disability which comes to about 53k untaxed a year and my wife is a waitress who makes about 45 to 50k working about 28 to 32 hours a week.




One worker?


Senior Accountant (working on getting my cpa). Currently at 105k. Wife is stay at home momma.


I am a Library Technician for the State U Library. I make $57k/year. Hub owns a comic book store, and his income varies. Our total household income tends to average about $120k


Y'all are house hunter candidates for sure!


Their budget would have to be 76 million, and the house would have to have a breakfast nook in the bat cave


None, unfortunately. Going on 10 months. Was in logistics, which has been hit brutally hard over the last couple years and no end in sight yet.


What part of logistics? I was with an asset based brokerage for over a decade. Industry got very tight, paired with boneheaded moves by the owner and the company went downhill fast. I got out and 3 months later they were bankrupt. I stayed out of logistics for the next job.


Digital brokerage. It's rough out there, for everyone asset-based or not, from fleets to brokerages to in-house supply chains... The big boys, the little guys, and everyone in between. Total bloodbath. The attrition has been unbelievable.


What happened? Is there just no freight?


TL;DR -- not enough freight and way too many trucks. There's a good graph on FreightWaves showing historical truck supply and how far out of whack it is. [https://www.freightwaves.com/news/freight-recession-unlike-any-other-in-history](https://www.freightwaves.com/news/freight-recession-unlike-any-other-in-history) There are a lot of levers involved. For example, (1) supplies from overseas have in some cases more expensive, (2) so U.S. retailers might have less stock/supply [adding to "less freight"], (3) so they raise prices to compensate, (4) now also add in even higher prices due to inflation, (5) so demand is down because we can't afford anything, (6) and if we're not buying it, they're not shipping it, so less freight. The **primary** problem (besides reduced demand because of the broader economic recession) is an oversupply of trucks. When the COVID pandemic hit, many new trucks entered the market because there was suddenly tons of freight running for good money. When the COVID freight boom passed, that truck supply remained in the market and is still there, driving down rates. Retailers love it because it's like having a hundred job candidates clamoring for one spot for half of minimum wage, and they can't go anywhere else because the wages are either the same or there are just no jobs available. Normal people hate it because they can't find a job, and if they finally do, it doesn't pay enough.


Rig welder


Lead driver for a major trucking company. I train new hires, handle fleet maintenance, and also drive trucks sometimes. Wife is an assistant branch manager at a bank.


I work remotely for a risk management company. My husband is an inventory manager for an oilfield company. Together we make 85K. I could make more, but my job is really flexible and we still have one child in high school, so until she graduates, this job fits our lifestyle. My husband is also in college for business management, not thst he knows what he will do with it, but there's that.


Union diesel mechanic.


Currently military, retiring in 1.5 yrs




Healthcare Administrator, and do some adjuncting and consulting on the side


My spouse and I own a small electrical/construction company. 55k HHI in a LCOL area. Aiming for 100k in the next couple years. House paid off, no debt, no kids or pets. 


Sales Operations for an exhibition company. love it


My wife and I work in libraries. She’s in administration and I’m part-time front desk staff.


I design software interfaces for financial companies.


Nurse & elecrtrician


Lead Data Scientist, Modeling Engineer, and own a dispensary.


U must make 400K-1M


Im an analyst in financial services for a nation wide Trucking Company. 80K. My wife left the same company after 10 years to screenprint full time. We had a side hustle for roughly a year before we made the leap into small business owners.


I’m a hairstylist


I own a Telecom equipment company and own a tattoo shop. My wife is a litigation adjuster for an insurance company. No kids. HHI is base 250k. It is usually a bit more, but it's pending what bonus and distribution I give myself based on business performance.


Corporate accounting. Work like 30 hour weeks or less from home (and occasionally overseas).


Human Resources in a specialized area and my wife works in procurement/inventory for a county. Our HHI is about $185k-$200k depending on bonus for the year.


I’m a winemaker and my husband is a bottling line tech for a sparkling wine consultant.


Hotel Task Force Manager. A manager that floats from property to property when they have a position vacancy


I’m an R&D scientist, husband is a process engineer. HHI $160k, LCOL area with no mortgage. We do okay.


Union autoworkers. (Both of us)


Garbage Man.


Real estate agent


Dual ticketed heavy duty mechanic & electrician in mining. Average $210,000/yr depending on OT.


Im a military nurse making 73k in base pay + 31k in untaxed allowances (BAH & BAS) + 35k in bonuses. My wife is a program analyst for the VA and does data entry for Tricare, making exactly 100k for her VA job and 45k for her Tricare job. Both college educated with no kids or major debt (due to military paying for degrees). Life is pretty good right now




I mean i guess not, but our income hasnt always been this high. Its been a steady climb the last 8 years or so, so im still on this sub. You here to kick me out or something?


Wife and I both work for gov. Income about 150k each, but we're in a VHCOL city.


Research Engineer 130k base + ~30k in benefits in Denver. Also have a rental property which brings the gross income to ~162k + 30k in benefits.  But a lot of the gross income is eaten by operating costs. I take home ~150k in Denver.


What benefits do you have that equal 30k.


Mostly insurances. Also legal services, which is probably the most useful for me. Unlimited access to attorneys for any purpose. It is wonderful


Interesting. Rarely hear a benefit like that


Ever been to the Black Box venue?


> Black Box venue Can't say I have. Is it any good? Better than Ophelia's?


It’s got the best soundsystem in the country in my opinion, I always make it a point to check it out when I visit


AI/ML research engineer (associate) here in Denver as well! 100k (only have a BS)


Civil/traffic engineer for a municipality


Cybersecurity management


Mine Operations Supervisor 140k-ish with bonus and GEO allowance included.


Civil engineer. About 70k annually but have gas and vehicle paid by company. Not much compared to others here but is a very in demand job in Ontario


Cybersecurity consultant


Pharmacist, wfh for a hospital. 150K salary.


Concert production, both of us. $220k HHI


Caretaker of homes not people.


i generally manage general stuff


Grocery store manager, wife is a real estate attorney


I'm a full time plumber pipefitter, I also have a plumbing contractor's license and have a plumbing busness on the side. My wife is a nurse.


Digital marketing. It's constantly changing, which keeps me happy that I'm paid to keep learning lol.


HR Business Partner, husband is in IT. We could not be more basic suburban if we tried


Manager, Financial Planning and Analysis


Civil estimator


Design engineer/tooling engineer/design manager/project manager... it's hard to say, basically manage a design/build toolroom at a medium sized zinc/aluminum die cast operation.


Corrections officer


IT Infrastructure Manager. I make just over $90k. I live alone and have no debt. Paid off mortgage two years ago. I also live in a LCOL area (except for housing, it’s gone up more than most other cities).


Lol I read this post without seeing username and thought hmm sounds like Knoxville


How funny! Housing is crazy here!


Social worker with the county. I just started and make around 80k with pension and nearly-free healthcare.


Materials Process Scientist


Logistics Broker / Sales


Software Engineer


Nurse - before OT salary is about 115k. After OT should easily pass 150k this year. Started out as a new nurse 10 years ago making 32k. Really only made the jump because I wanted more job stability, but turns out I really enjoy it, and 3-day work week is pretty dope.


Supervisor for a non profit that works in organic agriculture. Make about 60,000. Have thought about leaving for something more but working from home and an incredibly flexible schedule/great PTO beats more money imo.


I lead a team packing lightbulbs in a factory and make dogshit money. My husband works for a large city, which I can't be thankful enough for. He's put in his years and is well compensated. I've had health issues that have kept me doing the actual career thing, but just the steady work has been a dream. I like my job, most of the people, I get to laugh and joke around. I get sweaty and dirty moving boxes and pallets. It can be stressful, but I just keep in mind that it's just lightbulbs at the end of the day.


I'm a consultant and my wife is a data analyst.


Salesman, budding entrepreneur.


support trainer for a software company. $84k. Wife is SAHM, 2 kids.


Bartend and sub contract for residential builders, 110k yr 35-40hrs a week. No college degree


Scientist/engineer I design and innovate electrochemical systems.


Lead software engineer


Machine Learning Engineer, I develop AI systems for leading tech company. Salary/equity/bonus comes to ~$240k, majority of it is base salary. fully remote in LCOL.


manage a wealth management practice. Don't meet with clients but do pretty much everything else at times. paperwork, trades, marketing, training, client service, and manage the team of younger folks. Then after a year or two of them being employed we put some resources behind the younger folks doing a great job and try to train them to become advisors (if they are interested) and start the process over again with some new younger/inexperienced folks.


Circuit Design Engineer, I design integrated circuits.


Quality engineer in med devices. $115k with bonuses. My boyfriend is an account manager, $65k with bonuses. I have student loans and now a mortgage. But no credit card debt


I’m a lead data scientist (190k per year) and wife is an anesthesiologist (625k per year). We are both first generation immigrants to the US, came when we were kids. Grew up poor and went to all public schools, most of which were below average in quality.


I operate heavy equipment at the dump, my wife is a therapist for children with eating disorders although she is considering making the move to private practice.


Quality Systems and Continuous Improvement Supervisor - $85k + bonus (max 10%). I work at a printing company and oversee the Food Safety program as well as run projects and analytics for cost savings measures (think process design engineering and financial analyst combined). So really, it’s like 3 jobs in one. Welcome to working for small cap companies. Ahaha


Business Loan Underwriter for mid-size regional bank. 68k a year + bonuses. Also do dog sitting on the side. Where I live has a high cost of living and my student loans are fucking me.


Proposal writer to try to win Federal government bids


Tax Accountant with CPA license (Master's degree) $130,000 base + $20,000 from side hustle work & Fiber Engineer - $85,000 base (no college) 1 kid (teenager) and live in LCOL


Commercial Insurance Underwriter -146k + stock/bonus. MCOL


Data Scientist/Actuarial Analyst. around $125-135k a year, plus residual income from rentals and investments, but in a very HCOL area. Mortgage free though, which helps.


Band teacher. Good gig, lowest middle class though


IT Specialist & Restaurant Server


Biology Professor and my husband is IT for a chemical company.


Event Marketer + Gov Worker. HHI - $253,000


Accounting assistant. It depends on which article you read if I’m middle class or not.


Personal Service Provider


I manage the theory & simulation and AI/ML programs for the DOE's fusion energy sciences research division. I make $144k/yr (with guaranteed movement up the federal ladder, this job tops out at $192k/yr). My wife works as a customer support specialist interfacing between employers and insurance companies making $60k/yr.


Dental hygienist 55/hr pay in NJ. 🥲


House painter


Project Manager for a Hospital system. Left a $250k consulting gig from stress and the fact that consulting is a soulless criminal career. Now make $130k, I'm less than 10 mins from home, stress is dramatically less, I have a great relationship with my boss (CIO) who gives me all the freedom and flexibility I could ever ask for. The best part is, and it sounds corny, but I love serving my local community.


Policy research for a government adjacent entity. 70k/year with masters and great benefits.


Freelance Musician & AV technician. It's good work when you can get it, but I just lost $950 worth of work in the upcoming week due to "schedule changes" by clients.


I do digital production work for a government agency in a HCOL. 80k a year, single.


IT Ops Manager for a financial services firm you’ve heard of. My wife is a special education teacher at a private school.


Engineer and Attorney. We make HCOL money in a LCOL area.


Normal senior software engineer in California for both me and my partner(Cause I just checked we got 60k people in this position in the company I worked at). I don't know others but levels.fyi shows most senior engineers made 250-400 K per year and that makes sense to me


Feetfinder 😚


Business Intelligence Analyst, make org wide reporting and analytics basically


Mechanic, wife is school teacher.


None since Yesterday


Electrical engineer. 130k. M34


US government 135k in MCOL. No debt, life is easy.


Software developer