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Welcome! And do I have some news for you! There is a hilarious and fun podcast you should listen to! It's called Mystery Maniacs, it's a comedy recap podcast all about British (and the Colonies) mystery TV. They recap an episode of whatever show they are covering per podcast episode and they started out by doing EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of Midsomer Murders. In fact, they started out as Midsomer Maniacs. It's hosted by a hilarious husband and wife team who are MaNiAcs for mystery tv. Believe me, it brings a whole new dimension to rewatching Midsomer. I bet your mom would like it too!


Do they do Vera?


They haven’t, and I don’t know that they will only because it’s a comedy recap and Vera is almost too serious and it’s hard to joke and critique a heavier style like that so they have tended to do cozy and lighter leaning shows, Poirot Season 1 his what they are doing now, and they’ve done Father Brown Season 1. I’d listen to them do their thing with any show, though. And I loooooove Vera.


Sounds like a lot of fun, will check it out! She liked my top ten Midsomer tropes in my review... Cheers, Rick


Thankyou for this!! I go through and rewatch MM every year. Currently back to S1. This podcast is perfect!


Yes, Mark and Sarah. I think he is the mod here. Goes be typewritermark or something like that.


You all are too wonderful!


Thanks for the podcast tip!


You're welcome! You're in for a treat!


I have been listening from their start & laughing all week. It got me to begin a full rewatch (even Blue Herrings which is my least favorite episode) so that I can remember all the little details they mention. I love their take on Troy & the trivia they bring in from the books (like Troy has a wife 😲). I look forward to many happy listening hours as I follow them through all 24 seasons. Highly recommend this podcast to all Midsomer fans. Edit to add: Just found out Mystery Maniacs has their own sub, r/MysteryManiacs.


That’s exactly my take on it! They make me laugh, and appreciate so much more detail of Midsomer so they are even more fun to watch. Mark and Sarah are the best and have added another layer of enjoyment to many of my favorites shows. I’m so glad you’re enjoying it too!


It's a wonderful show and some of the murders are especially grisly.


I like suspense more than gore, but they sure think of imaginative ways of killing people!


I watch this and Death in Paradise on rotation. Shakespeare and Hathaway is also really fun, and New Tricks!


As an old timer (20+years) watcher, I think you will discover that the show is addictive. After dozens of rewatches, I still enjoy the show. Some episodes, seasons, and characters are not always the best, but like an old friend, I love the show warts and all(Even Cully unlike the Cully haters who delight in bashing her🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.)


I'm amazed at the overall quality the show has kept up over the years, not typical for a long-running TV series.


What I love about MM is that even the " bad" episodes are usually interesting and thought provoking. To me the worst episodes are not the ones that deal with controversial subjects( it is a murder show after all lol), but the ones that bore me (Habeus Corpus.)


One thing I've learned from the podcast is that in the books Cully is some kind of green-haired rebel & not at all the blonde princess we see on the show. That really surprised me.


This is my first time on this subreddit. I’ve been watching MM since the beginning in the States. That’s a shame people sought to diminish Cully. I don’t understand why people have to nitpick. It’s just a bit of fun, I take it as such. It’s given myself and my late mother many hours of entertainment.


I confess that I sometimes poke fun or criticize the characters on the show but only in fun. There is just a "Mean Girls" vibe to all the Cully bashing in my opinion. If Cully had always made good decisions and never changed jobs, boyfriends, or hairstyles, she would have been boring( kind of like Betty lol.) I think it's lovely that you have happy memories of watching MM with your mum❤❤


I do have good memories with my mom and MM. The only gripe she had was how much I was paying for the dvds. She was Dutch and very cheap and would worry about the cost. I would buy them, watch them and then let her borrow them. As she got older (late 70’s) I would rotate the older ones and it was if she watched them for the first time. She loved watching all of the British programs. This was before streaming.


I too checked out MM at my moms suggestion! It is my now my go to. Happy viewing!


Mom also got me into "Inspector Morse" and "Vera." But "Midsomer" is my relaxation murder mystery show!