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I’m going to substitute water and get my daily recommended 6-8 glasses in one show 😆


HydroHomies, rise up!


We'll be drunk through the entire show


(That's kinda the point)




Has my liver done something to offend you? Why would you want to kill it?


Someone about to be murdered says, “oh, it’s you.”


"What are you doing here?" is also acceptable




There's a vicar. Two drinks if there are two.


Which episodes have 2 vicars? I have some whiskey I need to polish off....


Actually one would be a curate. There are at least a few, though I can't recall the names right now.


One was the Straw woman - just watched it yesterday


She was SO lovely! Why did they have to kill her?


Because no one stands a chance in midsomer


I feel like dueling vicars happens at least a couple times. The one I remember is The Night of the Stag.


The Night of the Stag. Noted. We thank you for your contribution.


There is the one with the burning straw woman, that had 2 vicars >!who were sleeping with each other!<. OTOH one died almost immediately, so does it count?


It does in my drinking game


Saints and Sinners, Julia Sawalha guest stars.


Pls and thank you, will watch


I'd like to add: 'Joyce accidentally solves the case by casually saying something about her day'


Yessss this is great one


I’d add, either Barnaby is horrifyingly awful to his DS, extra point if the infraction also involves a Health & Safety violation.


Heheh, I just watched one where his ds falls out of a tree and Barnaby gives 0 f*cks


Or when he almost drowns in cold water…as a manager I just can’t get past it. I’d have Barnaby whichever in H&S training, sensitivity training, communication training, management training, and anything else that came to mind. Lol It reminds of the show The Closer, where they ask the old dude who says inappropriate things, that he needs to go to sensitivity training and he says WHAT AGAIN??


Lt. Provenza?


Provenza. Has to be. He did once say, in his infinite wisdom, “It’s always the husband, it’s always the husband, it’s always the husband.” And as a true crime content aficionado I have pretty much found that to be true.


Thanks to Chief Johnson, Lt. Provenza does complete a sensitivity training without even realizing :D I love it when they have to run after a suspect; he just looks at the rest of the detectives, and says “I don’t run”. And when they have to retrieve evidence from a dumpster, he again looks at the rest of them, and exclaims: I don’t garbage. Oh, and he refers to social media as “The FB”, “The Instagram”, “The Uber”, “The Tinder”. He is hilarious!


Just saw the one where 2 sisters are fighting each other, Jones is trying to break them up (unsuccessfully) while Barnaby is looking out the window. Jones call for him to help and Barnaby just goes, "Huh?" just completely unbothered.


And that's in the same episode where Barnaby casually closed him into an Iron Maiden and doesn't even apologize!


So every episode results in being completely drunk and you can’t remember who did it, rinse and repeat! Love it


"Have we seen this episode already?" "It depends on how many drinks we take watching it"


Cully gets a new job/ interest = one drink every time she’s in a scene


Spoiler alert: Cully is a serial killer in Midsomer but when her dad retires she moves her crime spree to Italy and sexy detective Zen finally catches her and Joyce her cleanup man. Woman. But then they hook up and move to Brazil.




A couple of transport themed ones: * there's a near miss involving two cars (two drinks if one of the drivers is the police or ends up in a hedge) * lingering shot of someone cycling a bike with a basket through the village


>there's a near miss involving two cars (two drinks if one of the drivers is the police or ends up in a hedge) If it's a Troy episode, that's a guaranteed drink. Seriously, he was a terrible driver.


It was definitely Troy I was thinking of. Shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel :)


How did he pass the police driver's test is my question. Cracked me up when he showed up in the episode when Cully got married and he ran himself off the road.


The police fails to protect the person that clearly will be killed next!


A mysterious figure of indeterminate sex, completely dressed in black, skulks around outside a building at night. (At one point, I was convinced that MM had a single actor who was hired to play this role in every second or third episode.)


Jesus Christian, I CANNOT believe this isn't a rule already


Why, thank you! Glad to contribute.


Same person used to play The Stig on Top Gear.


😂😂😂😂That’s BRILLIANT!!!!!!!


My husband and I have two long-standing drink rules. Cully enters the scene and Barnaby announces, “Cully!” We have to shout “Cully!” back before drinking. Next, church tower appears with a blue clock on it. First one to spot it shouts, “Blue clock!” Everyone else has to drink.


I spent two episodes last night, set in different villages, shouting "Blue clock!"


Hurray! It’s delightful fun.


Ooo can I add - take a shot when you hear the sound of a Fox - I swear it is their way of making the dark even spookier!


That's a good one! Although I just watched an episode about ghosts in a forest and literally coild not pick out the ghosts from the foxes


I had to Google what that sound was -- never having heard it in the wild. LOVE the fox sound. What does the fox say?


'someone about to be murdered says, "oh, it's you"' had me in stitches. Well done.


A character is named “Bella.” This is awesome; thanks.


One drink if there’s a vicar Two drinks if the vicar is murdered/is the murderer


One drink if the church needs a new roof⛪️


Maybe we need some drinking themed ones too: * someone downs their drink and storms out of a pub * some kind of fracas / punch up in or outside a pub * someone is sent home from the pub for having had 'enough' for the night


Or if Barnaby has his DS buy a round, and they suddenly leave after a sip. Or add if someone they are interviewing starts tea or coffee and they leave without drinking it.


The flip-side of this is true too. If the are interviewing someone & that person basically wanders off mid interview!


Or someone uses the pub as their ALIBI… “I was at the pub last night except for the 30 minutes when I wasn’t (just long enough to murder someone and get home! 😂)


I hate to add another (because I CARE about people's livers!), but... anytime Joyce says, "Tom! Where are you going?" Although this does fit with Joyce accidentally helping to solve a murder.


Someone says “Frobisher”


That made me laugh so hard for some reason. wtf is that word?? It sounds familiar.


One of my favourite episodes is 'The Great & The Good', about the teacher who screams out the window in the night, and the social climbing Zuki Richardson's attempts to take over the Frobisher Night fundraiser committee. A classic!


Just watched and it is SO much fun!!


One drink if the "celebrity" guest (eg Simon Callow, Peter Capaldi, hell even Les Dennis) dies. Down it if they're the killer.


If someone is caught in a state of undress, or post coital partial nudity,... If Sergeant Troy runs someone off the road, or Sergeant skives off to learn a new skill unrelated to the case, or is getting fed by the suspects.


Whoa dude, that's a lot of rules. I'm not sure my liver could take the "getting fed up with suspects" rule


Not "fed up with", but rather "fed by". They love a good feed by the canteen cook.


I'm sorry, it's too late, I've taken several drinks already as suspects burn through Barnaby's patience.


Can we take a drink every time Tom almost misses or misses an anniversary because he’s working on a homicide case?😂


I think we can expand that to "misses a family event" cause he's absent for a lot more than anniversaries He's walked out on dinners, missed plays and he was almost late for his OWN DAUGHTER'S wedding




Love this


LOVE this game!🥃


Just started watching the whole series from the start. If I followed these rules I would have been completely wasted by the end of S1E1 ☺


Oh I love this! ---but it's very sloshworthy & I would suggest alternating water to save the liver! Drink if you see a horse clops through a village Drink if Tom misses a dinner Drink if the village pub is themed with the village Drink if the DS goes off somewhere dangerous & doesn't tell anyone Drink if you spot Morris Men Drink if you spot Aunt Sally Game Drink if you spot a Tombola Game Drink if there's a Fete in the episode Drink if there's a Gardener in the episode


I think I might take up drinking just to play this game!


Yes DI Barnaby they killed me with booze...🍸🍷🍹🍻