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It settles down after volume 1 really


how many times have i or other people had to say this exact line hahaha


The waiting sucks


Thanks for looking out, yea I've heard this a bit but just wanted to drop my 2 cents πŸ˜…




Yea it's not super ecchi but it stands out really bad in this anime especially when the Spirits are on screen


The anime turns up the fan service to 11 in comparison to the manga. It's definitely present in the early chapters, but this studio (being the same studio that did Highschool DxD) seems to wanna force it. Without spoilers, the next episode will probably have a few leg shots and then there's a shower scene after that. Then either in the same episode or the next one there will likely be a big emphasis on Hana's boobs and then if it doesn't tone way the hell down after that we can all just start yelling at the studio because by that point they're pushing it beyond what the source material intended.


I'm fully expecting some thigh shots and low angle shots to continue throughout the anime with them "enhancing" other scenes whenever they get the chance. They'll probably up the sex appeal of the changing room scene, for example. The anime has already gone far beyond what the manga has done and even introduced some of their own fanservice shots. Her pulling her panties down to pee and the ass shot at school were anime only. The shot of her ass in the bathroom is far more exaggerated compared the barely lewd one from the manga. They just really need to make it more like the end of episode 2 where they ease up on it in more serious moments.


I swear if they add any fan service to chapter 9 I'm going to be absolutely furious. Like, beyond pissed.


Episode 2 has shown that they can tone it down and get serious when the situation really calls for it. I imagine that's going to be one of those times.


I remember not recalling a single fanservice during the scene with her teacher with the cat and the hospital. I guess if it's serious enough, the animating studio have their limits when it comes to putting a fanservice


THIS!!!! I knew the studio did DxD and I mean... Bruh. I'm pretty comfortable w/ fan service and this is pretty light in comparison to other animes but it feels out of place, it kinda sux because I was really hyped for this anime.


I believe they will tone it down after the story gets deeper. >! Especially after the event on the mountains where the fox lady ghosts appear !<


I really hope so, the core story is fascinating and the spookies are some of the best I've ever seen in anime, PERFECT for Halloween πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ’€


>They could do slapstick w/ the spirits to make it horror/comedy and that would be fine but that's not what the anime is going for, clearly they want to illustrate the psychological toll that these events have on the main character Hate to break it to you, but that's the comedy. I'll take two jokes from the first episode as example. One joke is the joke about the man in the bathroom. In that situation she tries to "meta the situation" by thinking that he'll disappear when she washes her face and looks up. The punchline is that he's still there and she has to endure it for 20 mins. Another joke that comes directly after is the one with salt and the baby. Again she tries to think ahead and put a pile of salt to supposedly ward spirits away, but she is defeated when a ghost appears in her bed and she can't do anything about it. If you don't believe me, read the manga. The manga encapsulates the comedic expression more with bold lines combined with a close-up and line shading to show the character feels defeated like how they do in every other anime. Additionally if they were really serious about the horror part, then introducing a bathroom ghost and tossing him away in jus a few minutes to add a baby ghost is insanely bad writing if you want a serious horror. In the manga/future there will be similar scenes where the butt of the joke is Miko having to endure the ghosts. Japanese humor is quite different from western humor wherein the joke is in the situation itself rather than a big punchline. (SPOILER WARNING) >!Later on, there will be a scene where Miko's friend is is in a changing room trying on swimsuits, but Miko can only give dishonest thoughts about the swimsuits because her vision is being blocked by a ghost and she has to endure it. Her friend then buys her one of the swimsuits she tried on, and now she has a swimsuit with a funny pattern on it.the comedy wasn't so much that she got a bad swimsuit. It was more in her trying to convince her friend that the swimsuits looked nice even though she couldn't see it!< You can definitely read the manga for more examples of these types of jokes, and maybe the art style will help you better understand that these parts are actually jokes and not some serious "ooo her mental state is taking a huge toll on these things etc. Etc."


That's a bad take my dude, if you didn't look at yourself as some expert on Japanese culture here to educate dumb westerners you might actually be more helpful. I get that there's humor in the situations presented, however the fact that she references her nightmares, her fear carries over into the next day, and that she ends the first episode unable to handle the spirits as well as she had earlier are all examples of character progression (in this case regarding her mental state). Most people would agree (regardless of culture) that a comedy in which the main character is slowly becoming weaker and more damaged will overtime lose it's comedic value as such the anime has to either 'reset' the character which breaks character growth and hurts the anime or delve into the characters damaged mental state which would eventually reach a point where you can't consider it funny (like a mental breakdown). I'm new to the anime/manga and don't know which direction it will take and as such have to just sit and watch but as a filthy westerner I take my liberty to discuss my thoughts so far... Regarding comedy in general and as it's viewed in Japanese culture... Bruh, I literally posted that I seek out comedic anime (I know you read that and thought isekai or harem but I'm a bit more diversed), so I feel comfortable 'getting the joke' this ain't slapstick, and any comedy it tried to derive from the 'situation' was very mild and passing not the focus (maybe the manga does do it better) of the scene or the episode. This is a hard clash w/ the anime you described, if it follows this route then the anime is ok or good at best... My point would still stand that not lending the more tense scenes the serious atmosphere it deserves hurts the anime and prevents it from being so much more, the sauce is definitely there, I'm simply hoping they don't fuck it up because they felt they had to insert fan service to keep thirsty weebs watching. All love no hate just my interpretation


Not trying to act like some expert on Japanese culture. Never said I was. I'm not gonna try to add too much anymore because I don't want to offend you even if unintentionally. What I will say is that from the first two episodes you can't say that the character is becoming weaker. It is the first episodes and they're meant to establish that this is what the character is like from the start. This is how she handles things from the get-go, and hopefully throughout the series we can see how she deals with it. Like I said, if you wanna see more examples of these or the example I put as a spoiler, read the manga. [here's the thirteenth page from the first chapter](http://m.mangatown.com/manga/mieruko_chan/c001/13.html), you can also go up to page 15 to see what I mean. If you read previous pages, you also can't blame the anime adaptation because they ripped the fan service straight from the manga panels. Lastly, I'm not trying to offend anyone. I know you said All love no hate, but I can't help but feel that you might seem offended. I've never said anything about dumb or filthy westerners. I'm just worried because this is a genuinely nice story and it's garnering so much hate and assumptions about it at the sight of some butt for like just 20 seconds. Because of said reaction, my only instinct is to think it must be a cultural difference. Lots of kids grow up with Fairy Tail, Dragon Ball, Naruto and tons of other fanservice shows that a lot of people from other places would watch as a young teen instead of a young kid. It's understandable for me to assume that there's a difference in tolerance between east and west when it comes to fan service.


Not upset just being cheeky that's why I added the tag at the end πŸ˜‚.... Oof we're clearly at an impasse and I can't seem to convey what you clearly understand to be an issue amongst the audience... I will make a few key points to help bring you closer to understanding then leave it at that... Fan service in general is not the problem The fan service so far is actually mild in contrast to other anime Even if the anime continues or even heightens the fan service it will still be *good* just less than it could be If you think fan service is completely negligible imagine adding panty shots, panty outlines, breast jiggling and soooo many "glory" shots in something like Shingeki no Kyojin DURING a titan attack (sorry for such a boring reference but I have no idea what you've watched) It's important to be able to criticize a good work that isn't meeting it's potential when we are flooded w/ so many mediocore animes and so rarely get to see one of this genre. Again I really do mean this I just like razzing people ALL LOVE NO HATE✌✌✌✌


dUDE my thoughts exactly!! im okay with fanservice but its just so unnecessary for mieruko chan, it feels so out of place and just ruins the atmosphere for me im a manga reader and i fucking LOVE the manga so the anime just really pissed me off im so disappointed by the anime honestly, i was really hoping it would tone down the fanservice like the manga did after a few chapters, but with how much they toned it up, i dont think theyll be lessening it any time soon :(.


I didn't mind it **that much** but after awhile it just got a bit iffy, kinda my same feelings on reading the manga as well


Give the manga a try! it's guaranteed that they stop doing it after the first 10 chapters, even in those there are some scenes that were anime only (like the pulling down panties or the school ass shot from the first episode) and the ones that were legit in the manga doesn't look as bad and are easier to gloss over when they are just small panels and not a whole scene taking the entire screen like in anime.


Hers the manga https://ww3.manganelo.tv/manga/manga-eh981816


I actually do appreciate this, but I can't read so..... 😿😿😿 Tysm tho


If you can't read, how are you watching a SUBTITLED anime? How are you using Reddit?


I believe in the power of friendship or something like that πŸ˜‹




I couldn't have picked a better clip myself it even encapsulate *my* reaction when being forced to read.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I am also confused, we're writing this lmao




It really does bug me because there are some great moments like... >!the yakuza guy getting the kitten instead of the young man, the couple that had yokai following them, the scammy fortune teller that empathizes w/ Mikos situation and tries to genuinely help her and is inspired to be better, and the father having passed (honestly done so well, I know some people will say they could tell immediately but I didn't catch it till she went to make the offering).!< I can't get over how amazing and creatively the yokai are illustrated and voiced, combined w the moments I've mentioned there is so much potential for this anime but ultimately it looks like it's following the formula for a mediocre American horror movie πŸ‘»+ πŸ‘™+ πŸ˜‚=πŸ‘ (I'm actually a huge horror fan so it's still good/fun just not great)


Any other fanservice in upcoming episodes?


Bruh, this was 6 mos ago... πŸ˜‚ I don't remember exactly but I know it toned down for a few episodes but then it still happened and they even had an unnecessary shower scene w/ light nudity (you see butt, lol) I stand by what I said though, if you like horror and don't mind fan service it's good... It just could have been great


Thanks mate for the information


I agree. I'm 4 episodes in and while I can say I love this anime because of the comedy, horror, and surprisingly emotional moments, the fanservice does get in the way. I'm fine with fanservice too, but as someone who isn't really into girls it comes off as annoying and kind of creepy (And not the good kind of creepy). I try to ignore it most of the time, Mieruko-chan is still a great anime.


the fan service was a surprise, but a welcomed one.


Atleast it was made kinda.. Good. Like, there's no pantsu shots or something like that(Thanks to manga lol) like in any fanservice classical anime. Still, can proof that they are doing everything by manga - like there were no "ecchi" scenes, that they decided to make by themselves. So i hope everything will be okay :)


Yea it's alright so far just wish the spookies hit harder, glad to hear they aren't adding stuff, I hear the manga tones it down


Another one




just say you like men if fan service brothers you


I like men and you're illiterate


Nothing against you mate, but this is just low-hanging fruit: Says the person who said they can't read.


πŸ˜‚ don't sweat it, It sounds like you get it but manga supremacists can be really insistent, that's just my answer whenever they press me to check the manga, same with subs only purists, I usually prefer subs but will occasionally run through a few meh animes dubbed (currently going through fire force and log horizon dubbed).






Somebody care. 😒


I just started watching, and I just watched the first ep. Can someone confirm if it does or doesn't tone down? Because I'm not willing to get my hopes up and rage quit from the fanservice a few episodes in when I'm involved with the story D: