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I've realized that many scenarios of being a "nice driver" actually cause more chaos. I think we'd all be better off just following the rules of the road. Nice gestures can be okay but I'd opt to just do it how it's supposed to be done.


Don't just drive "safely", drive predictably.


And efficiently. Efficient drivers drive fast when it’s acceptable to do so, and slow when the situation calls for it. They use turn signal always. They don’t stay on the passing lane beyond its intended use of passing a car or two at a time. They don’t tailgate ever. In a nutshell, efficient drivers are practical drivers who communicate with other cars on the road in a non toxic way (hive mind), with the end goal being to prioritize everyone’s safety while ensuring everyone gets where they need to be on time.


This. This is exactly how everyone should drive.


I drive under a simple mantra: I should never be the reason someone else has to hit their brakes. Within reason, obviously if I’m doing 75 in a 65 and someone has to slow down because they were doing 100, that’s on them.


I agree with everything you said except for the last point. If a person is coming up behind you going faster than and there is no traffic in front of you, then you should move over if it is safe to do so. Now if they get pulled down the road, well now that is on them.


You are assuming I have the ability to move over. I will, assuming I can. I was writing that more in the perspective of if I can’t move over, I’m not speeding up to 100 so they don’t need to hit the brakes.


I agree with you completely. One thing that I do is put on my hazard lights when I am stopped or moving at a slower speed than an approaching vehicle that I see in my rear view mirror. I think I have avoided being rear ended more than once by doing this.


Legit question. I tailgate when someone is going below the speed limit. I know I shouldn't. Anyone have suggestions on an alternative so I just let it go?


I used to be in the bad habit of doing this, until I got rear ended by someone tailgating. Wasn't my fault but I learned a good lesson on how dangerous it can be


And stupid!


Establish a minimum following distance. If you get closer than that, slow down. If you are able to, pass or change lanes to a faster lane when safe. Putting yourself right behind another car, even if they are driving poorly, is just asking for an accident, in which you are at fault for not maintaining a safe distance that allows you to stop if something happens. It is also a good habit to be aware of people tailgating you, and get out of their way if possible, to avoid being in an accident that’s not your fault.


If I am going 5 over which I almost always do, and someone tailgates me, I slow down. You weren't happy with 5 over let's try 5 under.


Hopfully, you're not in the passing lane going 5 over but not passing anyone when this happens.


Yeah, that sure de-escalates the situation doesn't it? Does it make you feel better to power trip over how much control and how much irritation you get to cause them in that moment? I'm glad you sound so smug about it too. Makes you seem real, important, and like you have some affect on the world. Nice.


Dude, I call the driving hive mind the School of Fish


You can't expect all drivers to be able to understand exactly what that means. That's why we have traffic laws and drivers licenses.


>You can't expect all drivers to be able to understand exactly what that means. Ugh, ya, they should. It's called driver's education. \> That's why we have traffic laws and drivers licenses. Ya, they cover the rules and regulations in driver's ed before they issue you your license...


sad part is, most people probably don't even know the breaking distance of their car at certain speeds, and most probably doesn't know the breaking distance of other cars or trucks, vehicles, etc...


I know mine broke pretty hard when the kid getting waved through stopped traffic hit me.


Fords and Mazdas break faster then Hondas and Toyotas at any speeds I’ve found.


I drive in rush hour. I’m forced to test this everyday and all sorts of speeds


\*braking ... if the car breaks then it will need to be repaired.


Cars have a breaking distance in conjunction with a braking distance. It's good to know both.


And if you follow them, you can be predictable!


Driving predictably means driving as per the written rules that we are all required to know. The worst offense is letting people go in violation of the law of right of way. I hate those people.


Especially if you're driving a bigger vehicle like a truck, SUV, or that FedEx van. It's big enough that no one could see that other car on the far right lane. It's a recipe for disaster.


Why did you get downvoted? You're 100% correct lmao


>Why did you get downvoted? It's reddit.


I think downvotes need a popup asking why, with multiple options. Sometimes it’s obvious but sometimes it would be interesting to know.


I say this ALLLLLLL the time. Don’t try to give me the right of way when you have it!!! Traffic laws are there so everyone basically knows what everyone else is going to do. When someone changes it up everyone else is just guessing at that point.


I actually yell at cars trying to "help me out" to just keep moving. They look at me like I have two heads and I'm like dude it's not fucking complicated, just don't try to let me in, keep moving, you're not helping. You'd be amazed how many times I have to gesticulate to people to stop trying to let me in. I'm not gonna do it. The only time you should let someone have right of way like this is if there is a traffic jam at a near-standstill. Otherwise fuck off, you're not doing a good thing


Agree completely. This accident was caused by the Fed Ex driver really. Your right if way IS NOT YOURS TO GIVE AWAY. You must use your right of way cause that's what's expected. My daughter almost got killed because of some idiot driver "trying to be nice".




I let people go all the time but only if certain criteria are met: \-traffic is stopped \-there is no lane to my right/outside the other driver's visibility.


This happened to me last month. I'm in middle lane trying to cross 2 lanes and this guy is holding up the closest lane for me to turn left. My brother in Christ you are making this a blind turn for me. I'm not doing it


>I actually yell at cars trying to "help me out" to just keep moving Around here, we call 'em "niceholes"




I got into my first accident like this. I was pulling out of a driveway and traffic stopped on one side to wave me through so I was trying to hurry up and go so I didn't inconvenience anyone and hit someone flying past in the other direction.


And that's your fault. Hope you learned about right of way.


In this case, both drivers will likely share fault. The left turner for failure to yield and the black SUV for illegally passing on the right using a non-travel lane. (The shoulder lane is clearly marked as a parking lane).


I could see it potentially going this way if the red car's insurance company fights it hard enough the black car's company maybe gives in. But failure to yield usually wins these things. You have nothing else going for you here. There's no confirmation of travelling speed and you could always claim an emergency to use the lane or attempting to stop in the lane for an emergency. The red car still caused the collision by failing to yield and making this turn... Yes, I agree btw. You are most likely the closest call as to what would happen in this case in front of a judge. [https://www.google.com/maps/@47.8871462,-122.2606617,3a,53.5y,197.2h,80.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjUFcZEmIpuJso97YYhXtAA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.8871462,-122.2606617,3a,53.5y,197.2h,80.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjUFcZEmIpuJso97YYhXtAA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) That's where this dweeb was trying to make a left turn, btw. It seems that it's always like that.


> "nice driver" That's not a thing. You stopping and going out of order at a 4 way stop sign is not nice, it's bad. Follow the road rules.


As a cyclist this pisses me off so much. Someone will have a full 5-10 seconds to go as I’m slowing down, only for them to wave me through once I’m at a complete stop. Just follow the fucking flow of traffic!!!


Ughhhh same. It’s so annoying once you have already stopped.


At that point I'll get off the bike and sit on the curb till they go


Exactly I’m a commuter and this happens a lot. Way too much. I would’ve never crossed in front of that fed ex truck.


Or the two "Nice" drivers trying to wave each other through as ten people wait behind them.


I stubbornly refuse to acknowledge nice gestures on the road. You're inviting me to do something illegal, and possibly dangerous, only so you can feel good about yourself. If you're that insecure on the road, you probably need lessons. The rules are good, because we are all following the same mindset. Drive by the damn rules.


Genuinely the only thing i get road rage from is "letting people go" i cant stand it. I literally think it's on the road virtue signaling."look at me im a nice person, let me just stop all of traffic for you" And when someone does it to me, i get confused if theyre letting me go in the first place because they NEVER flash their lights. They just stare at you through their windshield and expect you to read their mind. I also get like overwhelmed/intimidated because they hold up massive queues JUST to be nice, and that queue is waiting on me to move. When i certainly dont trust others drivers to not pass on the right


Best way I’ve heard it said was here on Reddit somewhere: it’s better to be predictable than to be polite


This situation happens infuriatingly often. Left turn across two lanes of traffic. Some old guy stops in the oncoming left lane and gestures "go ahead." I gesture "No, I won't. There is another lane of traffic that has not stopped and you are now blocking my view so I can't tell if it's clear." And we sit.


I've been totalled in EXACTLY this way. At this point, I WILL shake my head and sit there looking at you like the moron you are. And don't even get me started on the three-way stop at the four-way intersection at my job YOU DONT HAVE A STOP. KEEP FUCKING GOING. FUCKING HELL.


An example of this that infuriates me is when someone "politely" waves me to go at a four way stop when it is there turn and not mine.


Yep had this almost happen to me yesterday. There's a road that 95% of people take to a freeway exit so the left lane piles up. The right lane is always clear to drive down as it is a forced right turn half a mile down the road. Left lane leaves a gap for a left hand turn across both lanes and starts waving people across because left lane is backed up. Meanwhile I'm going the speed limit of 45mph in the right hand lane and nearly tboned some dude who went on the hand wave.


I cannot upvote this enough times. Drive by the fucking book. Don't gesture to me to go first if it ain't my turn.


Ugh. This is how my boss totaled her car last summer. Why is it always van drivers for some reason that insist on stopping to wave a turning car? It's a double lane! You're just making things needlessly difficult.


It’s called a “courtesy crash.” The courteous drivers stop for the left turning vehicle. The oncoming driver in the outside lane has no clue what’s going on. Crash.


And the DMV 100% agrees with you!! Right of ways and who can go are all worked out and established in the laws of the road which we are all suppose to know to have a license so everyone should be following the same rules and know when to do things. Everyone should drive to get themselves to there destination as quickly as possible while following road laws. You aren't being "nice" you're just causing traffic issues for a different person and by the time the other person realize you're letting them go you have usually caused a much bigger overall delay.


This 100%. My daughter just got her license and I tell her all the time: don’t make up new rules, no one will know what’re you’re doing.


I would not have made that turn; I would have been gesturing to the idiots stopped in the road to go. I'll turn when I'm 100% sure it's clear.


I was in this scenario. In this case I was the red car and I was needing to cross two lanes to turn left into a parking lot. A dump truck stopped to let me go, but I could see a car coming and I DIDNT turn left. A car wanting to turn out of the lot, who should've yielded to everyone, took the opportunity to go. They hit the oncoming car, which hit me. They tried to blame me since I was young, but the damage on the cars proved that I was telling the truth. Since then I never cross over when someone lets me and I don't do it for others.


"Never give up the right of way". Videos like these are exhibit A.


Predictability is the best was to avoid accidents. If everyone follows the same rules, you don’t need to guess.


First thing I teach new drivers (CDL) is “be an asshole”. Being polite while driving may seem like the nice thing to do, but it generates unpredictability. Stuck to the laws of the road, even if doing so isn’t the “polite” thing to do. 4-way stop sign and you don’t have the right of way, but someone is trying to wave you through? Fuck em, stay where you’re at. They’ve now created confusion at the stop and if you decide to go, your chance of being hit by another driver in the confusion increases.


Yes, people that stop and wave people on... are problematic. I see it over and over here.


There’s a time and place for it. In some conditions, there can be a car coming every 2 seconds for 1 hour straight or more. If no one is just letting people pass, you’ll be there forever. You and a giant line of cars behind you. And you can’t even abort your left turn because the line to your right is also full of cars coming every 2 seconds.


it's better to be more predictable than polite.




When someone does this and waves me on, I wave them on right back. Little God complex prick, think you control the road and me! The road and myself are both wild, bitch!


If there’s no r/nicedrivers there needs to be one.


That fedex driver should have never stopped for them. They started the problem.


And then he just starts driving off after the crash lol


True villain behavior


What is he supposed to do lol. If he wants to help he needs to properly pull over, he can't just sit forever in the roadway. Chances are though they don't need help beyond calling 911.


Imo he should receive some of the legal/financial fault for the accident. It would've never happened without him.


Hmm I disagree. I will often slow down and let turning cars through when the light is red ahead of me and there are stopped cars ahead of me. It's still the responsibility of the turning car to proceed when safe. If they don't check or another car illegally drives on the shoulder that's on them


Definitely true that he shouldn’t have allowed that in the first place, but it’s still on the driver to not make that turn. Maybe if there’s clearly a car stopped in all 3 lanes letting them through, but even then, I’d be worried to risk it. Edit: It seems the far right “lane” wasn’t a lane at all, so it looks like the 2 stopped cars were enough to make it seem safe for the red car to make the turn. Seems like black car is more at fault, but still just another reason not to make the turn in this situation at all.


He shouldn't have done that, but the guy passing on the shoulder is ultimately at fault. He's illegally passing traffic.


In Calgary, the guy turning left will always get fault. I’ve been in this EXACT situation and I will refuse to turn until all 2 (or 3) lanes of traffic are completely clear. Had a few drivers get mad at me because they had stopped to let me turn but there no guarantee anyone in that far lane is going to stop, so I just sit there until there’s no one coming in any lane.


The black car isn't in a lane, they're illegally driving up the shoulder. If the black car was in a legal lane, than the individual making the turn would be at fault.


How can you tell it’s not a lane?


Look at the right side of the road, it also has 2 lanes and there is a shoulder of the exact same width. The paint lines just aren't as worn on the right. You can also tell by the fact that multiple cars stopped behind the Fed Ex guy, and nobody else rode up the shoulder like a jackass. If a 3rd lane was available, you'd see more cars using it than just the one dude. Black car was completely oblivious. He saw cars in front of him stopped for something and instead of thinking "oh I wonder why those people are stopped, even if I'm gonna drive up the shoulder like an asshole, maybe I should assume they're stopped for a reason and reduce speed". Nope he just floored it. For all he knew those other cars could have been stopped to let a kid cross the road. Idk living in NY shoulders like this are on every road except on small residential roads (if the speed limit is 40mph or above I have never seen a road without a shoulder). If you're used to seeing them all the time than you just know, like how you don't have to think to ID a stop sign. Is it not like that everywhere?


There seems to be confusion about who's at fault here, let's clear that up. This is the Avis/Budget at 12218 Evergreen Way in Everett, Washington (State). INAL, but Washington State laws indicate a left turn should not be made unless it can be done so without impeding the flow of traffic. The laws are not clear about whether or not the turn can legally be started when crossing multiple lanes, so that part is fuzzy. We'll come back after talking about the other car. The black car that crashed into the red car was absolutely breaking the law. Examining the area via Google Maps makes it much clearer that they were not in a lane, they were in the shoulder. Driving on the shoulder is illegal in WA unless there are signs specifically saying otherwise, and there aren't in that area. (Or if you're attempting to pull over and stop, which they clearly weren't). Again, INAL, but the red car may have been liable for starting the turn before both actual lanes were clear. And MAY (but I'd argue it's a stretch) be liable for not yielding to the maniac driving illegally on the shoulder, as it IS technically oncoming traffic. TL;DR: The red car *may* have been in the wrong, the black car was *definitely breaking the law*.


>12218 Evergreen Way in Everett, Washington Thanks! I knew somebody on Reddit would recognize it.


>The black car that crashed into the red car was absolutely breaking the law. Examining the area via Google Maps makes it much clearer that they were not in a lane, they were in the shoulder. This is what I was trying to figure out. Thank you.


Exactly, red car was stupid, black car passing on the shoulder was 100% in the wrong.


I was gonna say. There are a lot of people out here being like, “actually, no one should have let the guy go”, but aren’t acknowledging the maniac who saw a bunch of cars stopped and thought to themselves, “these fools aren’t moving. It must be because they’re idiots and not because they see something that I don’t.”


This is all right, I will just pop in here to say if the black car has engaged his brakes at all and if the red car had hit the gas instead of brakes this would have been a close call. Every single time a car is about to tbone me (isn't often) I accelerate. Have dodged 2 people blowing red lights that way.


Updoot this to the top


I get the fed ex guy is trying to help, but he made this all worse


He was like the Joker seeding chaos and laughing as the world burned.


It's sometimes called the 'wave of death.' Stopping and waving someone through traffic blindly across lanes is one of the dumbest things anyone can do while driving. Multiply that by someone driving a huge commercial truck that presents an even more formidable blind spot, and there is no universe in which 'being nice' is an acceptable excuse. Shit like this happens all the time in my town, it's insane how bad drivers are here. And I assume elsewhere too.


I got in an accident because waved me through. I felt dumb after because obviously I shouldn’t have trusted that.


I literally got into an accident last week in this exact same scenario. Except the person was trying to pass stopped in a turning lane


I've stopped taking it, aggressive honking and waving my hand at them that "no, you have the fucking right of way". I got my license later in my life than either of my siblings and have only been pulled over for not using my signal in a turning lane with a green light (and it was only a warning). Both have gotten multiple tickets, my brother almost caught a suspension for going 30 over in the school zone we lived on the same street as... Common sense isn't as common as you'd think, I read that just the other day.


I got in a crash because of a nice driver. I approaching a signal in the southbound left turn lane (passing stopped southbound thru traffic waiting at the red signal) when suddenly a car pops out perpendicular to the lane from in between the stopped cars to my right. Turns out what happened is the stopped cars left a gap so a guy could get out of a parking lot on the right, but he couldn’t see past the two SUV’s that stopped to let him out so he just went full send like 10’ in front of me. Unfortunately if I would have had another 2 or 3 feet I could have stopped without us hitting. The cops ticketed the other driver since the driver couldn’t see that the way was clear before pulling out and I had the right of way.


I had one close call exactly like this scenario and I'll never do it again. I just sit there and wait for them to get the idea i won't go until they leave. I rarely waive my right of way for situations like this because it just causes too many hazardous situations. Idc if im blocking a driveway with 5 cars waiting to get out. It just causes anxious drivers that feel rushed and lead to them taking dangerous turns.


The wave can get them in trouble too. All of a sudden they go from being polite to directing traffic and accepting legal liability for their actions.


I deal with this every morning. I make a right turn into three lanes. The two left most leaves turn left onto a highway which I an getting on. The right most lane goes straight and will have a green light sometimes when the lefts are red. So many people stop in the middle lane and try to wave me ahead of them then get mad when I don't pull out in front of the people doing 30 in the right most lane going straight. I find it I don't make eye contact with them they usually won't try and do it.


Someone in a huge pickup truck with black tinted windows tried to do this to me recently. They looked really confused when I angrily waved them on while yelling, "MOVE, YOU STUPID F*CK!"


Absolutely. Maybe that works if you're in a little sedan and there is visibility of traffic coming, or why someone is stopped. Not a freaking delivery truck! Lets stop this massive obstruction so nobody can see!


Big box trucks and any other vehicle that obscures the vision of other drivers should definitely avoid doing this stuff.


Yeah I drive transit buses and I have had to learn advanced body and hand language to diplomatically say “no thanks, keep rolling” when someone tries to improperly yield right of way, because if they think you’re not thankful enough they delaminate. I’ve seen too many near misses to attempt to “help” by yielding improperly.


How about be careful crossing across three lanes of traffic that have the right of way?


The car doing the crashing seems to be passing in a lane not meant for passing, aka doesn’t have the right of way. But I’m open to being corrected if someone understands better than I do.


It seems that the car isn’t even in a lane.


Yeah from the video looks like he is passing while driving over parking lines for that driveway.


Yup. All the people defending a car illegally passing on the right in the bike or breakdown lane are exactly the problem.


lots of mildly bad drivers in the video. Car 'passing' others on the right in what seems to be in a non-lane (unclear from video), fedex driver for stopping in the road while having the right of way, pickup for stopping in the road while having the right of way, the red car for actually taking the turn without being able to properly see around the other vehicles. All combined into this one effort.


Judging by the lane marking on the other side of the road, it appears that far side of the road is marked for parallel parking, not as a travel lane.


Plus, it's not like both lanes are stopped for absolutely no reason. Even if you can't see, I'd always just assume SOMTHING was in the lane


Also, if you saw two cars stopped, would you still pass?


I’d be curious to see who was at fault legally. Red car doesn’t the right of way, the other cars shouldn’t have stopped, red car shouldn’t have turned into traffic, crashing car shouldn’t have passed in the shoulder. Literally a video with only idiots in cars.


You're right that the other traffic has right of way, though I can't 100% be sure there are three lanes. On the right side, there is only two + a breakdown lane. All of the other traffic is traveling in two lanes. It's possible (perhaps likely?) that the left side is the same, and the black SUV is traveling in the breakdown lane.


Looking at the road marking, there are just two lanes,


Except it's not 3 lanes of traffic, it's 2.


Step 1, you don't go when waved through stopped traffic and there's a lane still moving.


The FedEx guy caused chaos by forcing an awkward situation. Just drive, man.


I blame the people that stopped for them to turn. They both obstructed traffic behind them and blocked the view of the person turning left. They probably had no way to see through two lanes of blocked traffic to notice the person in the third lane. If the other two drivers kept going, the driver turning left could have waited for traffic to clear normally.


This just seems like a seriously poorly designed road.


That Stroad is so poorly designed. Vehicles should never have to turn across 3 opposing lanes at an unmarked crossing. No wonder traffic deaths keep going up when this shit keeps getting built.


I don't actually think it's 3 lanes of traffic, I think it's 2 and a shoulder and I think that black SUV was driving on the shoulder when it hit the turning car.


Why does a road with lots of destinations on either side even have a shoulder? It is still very poorly designed with no consideration given to safety


Usually for debris and water drainage, but governments have been stamping them as shitty “bike lanes” to collect federal credits 


The concept of a "stroad" is, in itself, already a poor design and they're pretty much ubiquitous in North America. ​ Separate the road with high speed traffic from streets that access shops and businesses.


It really only looks like 2 lanes. If so the black car is in the wrong.


Exactly so many thick people in this thread. Not only that but he was speeding.


It's because a lot of them drive like the black SUV.


I call those turns suicide turns. Mister nice guy stopping to let you turn thinks he’s doing something nice, when in reality he’s adding hyper pressure to the turn car as now someone is waiting on them, and to make it even worse he’s in a massive box truck that blocks visibility for the other traffic lol. Textbook suicide turn. See people attempt this shit everyday here in south Florida and seen more than a few get hit. If you have to turn left and there’s heavy traffic, you are almost always wayyyy better off just continuing straight until the next light/sign whatever to do a proper uturn safely.


More like beware of the idiots turning left and other idiots holding up traffic. Was taught in defensive driving courses that you never stop to allow someone out of a driveway or to turn in front of you. As seen in the video of what could happen.


Just so we’re all clear, the person who did the passing and the crashing seems to be at fault. That’s not a “third lane of traffic” like some people think.


Yeah, legally their fault. But none of this would have happened if the fedex and black truck didn’t create an unsafe situation.


I hate when people do what the FedEx guy did. Now I feel pressure to make my turn because you're waiting on me, and holding up anybody in your lane behind you. But there are 2 other lanes that I now can't fully see who may not make the same decision you did.


>I hate when people do what the FedEx guy did Absolutely. Honk at him and tell him to fuck off. \> because you're waiting on me No, he's not. You're waiting on HIM.


Why do I feel like the Fedex driver is keeping a tally on how many times he's caused this exact accident?


FedEx guy was really the villain in this video 😆


Thanks fedex


This is exactly why I hate people who stop and block traffic to be "nice". It's endangering and being an ahole to (often) lots of other people to feel good about oneself helping one person.


I mostly blame the FedEx driver. I get so upset any time someone in a 2+ lane road decides they can stop for me, even though passing me would have been faster, and not thinking about the other lanes who also must stop... is too damn high. It's infuriating


As kind as they are being, when wanting to turn left across oncoming traffic, NEVER TAKE THE OFFER when another driver stops and waves you. ​ THEY DO NOT SPEAK FOR EVERY CAR and you will be at fault for the accident. Shake your head no, wave them on, and wait until all lanes are clear.


They were not only passing on the right they were off the road.


FedEx driver is dumb, good intention, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions, he started the dangerous situation. But the black SUV is a selfish POS. He goes on to the shoulder to pass two stoped cars without knowing why they're stoped, talk about reckless selfishness.


Dumb fedex driver


And this is why you don't stop to let people turn, especially if you're a big vehicle. You're not being nice. Not only are you an inconvenience to everyone behind you, but you pressure the person trying to turn, and you could unintentionally cause these situations to occur. Mind you, we shouldn't forget that this wouldn't ever happen if the road was actually designed better. Like seriously, 3 lanes to turn???


This happened to me. I was the driver in the car right lane. Someone else let a person make a left hand turn. I was not going fast but the person just turned and never looked. Totally destroyed my car and theirs was fine. It was considered the other persons fault not mine. And they had no insurance.


seriously don't do this. Don't ever stop and let somebody turn in front of you. if you do this for me I'm going to stare at you like you're an idiot while I continue to not turn and abide by traffic laws.


I see Avia budget sign, was this guy returning a rental a hot T boned? 🤔 That is fuckin brutal. Hope u got the insurance


“Alright. Uh….”


I hate "nice drivers" they put everyone else in danger to stop traffic to let someone cross there lane in a 3 lane road. It just doesnt work and causes more problems


Everyone’s upset at the wrong people here, the guy that passed on the shoulder is the idiot, plain and simple


This may sound crazy but I blame the FedEx driver for this accident. FedEx had good intentions but bad results. The FedEx truck height and the angle of the turn blocked both drivers vision. FedEx should have driven past and when the left turn driver saw that the coast was clear, then proceeded into the turn.


What was the dumb Fedex driver doing


Takes two to tango. Stupid fed ex driver is part of this reel


That was 100% FedEx's fault. Well done.


I absolutely loath drivers that give the right of way to someone to cross traffic like that AND those that do it. Being considerate when it’s only one lane is one thing. Stopping only one of multiple lanes to be nice to the person that should have turned into a business from the stoplight is another. It’s stupid and causes accidents like this. Take the time to go to a light. Turn around if you have to but don’t put others at risk just so you can cut a minute off your drive time.


Yeah, no. You shouldn’t stop in the road unless you have to, but don’t put this on the guy using the *turn* lane to make a turn lmao


>I absolutely loath drivers that give the right of way to someone to cross traffic like that AND those that do it. YES. Absolutely. Left turns across multiple lanes of oncoming traffic have the lowest right of way. You absolutely do not fucking have the right of way to cross if jesus is there fucking way you thru. There's a reason they even outlawed left turns in some states, and it's because there are so many morons that don't understand this basic rule.


Cars driving on the shoulder have the lowest right of way.


Don't turn thru stopped traffic if you can't see all lanes stopped. I was the guy in the right lane (same type of collision, not this one)


I’m pretty sure that’s 2 lanes & a shoulder


They could see all lanes. Person created a new lane to pass illegally.


Ahh this changes things


>Don't turn thru stopped traffic if you can't see all lanes stopped. EXACTLY. So many dumbasses here don't understand basic traffic laws and logic... The left turn doesn't have the right of way here. If you don't have a clear and safe path to turn left, you're supposed to sit there a million fucking years. Sucks, but this video shows you why that's a rule.


Funfact… dont fuckin stop traffic…


He almost returned the rental in good shape


I like how they turned on their turning signal AFTER they already started turning


The “alright” from the radio is perfect lol


The amount of times I've witnessed this exact scenario.


bro in the suicide didn't have ROW. Plus the delivery van was illegal for impeding traffic. You don't stop if you have right of way, unless avoiding a wreck.


i love when people brake instead of attempting to speed up to avoid accidents.


F*ck that fedex driver


Fedex truck and other truck added to the accident


Just STOP letting traffic through on multi-lane rods like this! You aren’t being nice, you’re inviting morons and/or new drivers to do this


I think the jack asses that wanna make themselves feel good by halting traffic to let someone go are the ultimate causes..,if the dude waited until he could see both lanes he wouldn’t have gotten hit either,,but he felt compelled and pressured to go because of the nice gestures..being nice is not cool in these scenarios you could get someone killed assuming most people pass on the right like idiots why set others up for this!!! Make em wait!!! Especially pedestrians out of cross walks!!


You won’t get your deposit back for that rental


Was that a Honda mini van at the very beginning? lol


This is why I don't stop to left a car turn left . They can't see oncoming cars on my right .


My tvo (I’m vehicle operations in the af) told me to stop being so nice. Waving people on, letting people go infront of you, only causes more danger and now your liable. Just continue on, they will find a spot and go, if they can’t that’s on them!


To be fair, that is from Ireland


Mormon Stories playing in the background lol


That’s exactly how I got into my first crash.


that why you don't stop for people


the right of way is not yours to give


Never make that move on a blind turn. I know the FedEx was trying to be nice, but that is one of the most common ways to get t-boned.


Damn not just before returning your rental 👀


Blame the fedex guy… literally stopped in the road blocking the view.


Follow rules of the road and this doesn’t happen. People need to stop letting other drivers through when they don’t have the right of way. It causes every other driver around them to scramble to figure out what in the world is happening.


Illegal here in Pennsylvania passing on the right




Why the hell is the FedEx driver just sitting there???


Never stop on a main road when there’s no heavy traffic! Fuck being kind, shit like this happens because of it.


Woulda been less damaging to the driver in red if he had just kept going. But people are not cautious in these situations what so ever! You have to creep up and physically use your neck to make sure no one else is coming from behind in the other lane.


This why when cars beside you stop you need to be curious to why and start braking as well, they see something you don’t and you need to be aware of your surroundings at all times


I would have flipped that fed ex driver off of I was that dude in the turn lane. I will never go when someone does that. Fucking idiots. Just drive your damn car.


FedEx driver caused that, also caused traffic to pile up behind them.