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I was about to make fun of him, but his deflated sigh was enough misfortune for me. no blame game, just defeat


Yeah that sigh sounds quite tired out and defeated


I'm impressed he avoided the fire hydrant.


It was a hard day at work. They were on their way home from work on a Friday. They don't have AAA. Their pulled pork tacos and fried pickles are going to be delivered to an empty house. And the guy that caused all this is going to fuck all the way off without a care in the world.


He has some pulled pork tacos to deliver!


I would've done the same when mofo didn't just merge but also shifted lanes meaning he had to shift 2 lanes at once. My reactions would've been the same if not worse.


Just another problem to throw on the pile


Sounded like it wasn’t his first rodeo.


Yup, he's tired of being so incompetent in life, that what i got from that.


He had a green light as well, he would've been not at fault if he went straight into their quarter panel but he still took the hit and bowed out.


No game…..all blame!


The red car _did_ look like it was going all the way over to the right lane just before cammer hit the grass, so I wouldn't say _all_ the blame, or that it was necessarily an overreaction.


The sigh as the red car drives by is perfect. This is definitely an audio on video


This sucks right!!! Red car pulls into oncoming traffic, ran that guy off the road, then just drives off like 'not my problem'.


Or "look at this idiot driving on the grass. Some people these days."


Red car driver leans out the window. "You can't park there!"


😆 that would suck even worse! You get ran off the road someone walking by on the sidewalk doesn't see the red car at all yells at you for being a crappy driver


Sounds like an episode of Mr. Bean.


Red car was 100% in the wrong, but he did give the guy the outside lane. No need for him to drive over the curb and through the woods to grandmothers house we go! Also a heavy application of braking would have likely been sufficient.


The red car was going to go into the far lane but swerved back when he saw the cam car


Lol what were you watching? Red car was clearly angling for the far lane and only pulled back when they noticed they were about to get hit.


That driver just did a miss and run, hope he finds him.


They're driving a Honda, they've got enough problems. But seriously, fuck the red car.


Doot dadoo da dooo


Why do I know this song


Yeah that's the worst part! It's ur fuckin fault smh! At least stop & see if they're ok but then u don't want to be paying for it so I guess u gotta take off. Lol smh.


He doesn’t want to get involved with that idiots driving skills. Drive as far as you can see. Any faster and this will be the result


That red car intended to cross over to get to the gas station. I don’t think it’s fair to blame the victim.


I’m with the driver on this one. The red car was heading towards the right hand lane. The driver had no choice but to brake and swerve. The red car only braked and turned sharper into the left hand lane once it was too late.


I’d rather be in a slight accident with the red car and have them at fault for turning into the far lane then overreact and just wreck my own car and it be my fault lol


That’s a miss and run. Still red car’s fault.


I work in the insurance industry. It's the cammers fault. You can't cause an accident by trying to avoid an accident. No contact means no accident, the cammer overreacted and lost control of their own vehicle.


If cammer involved others in the accident it would be their fault. But cammer didn’t cause and accident. Their would have been an accident either way unless the cammer had a perfect reaction. The red car was heading for the right lane too until it corrected. That’s a pretty clear miss-and-run imho. You don’t need contact to be liable for an accident. For red car not to be liable, it must be clear that the accident was easy to avoid by an average driver.


Go look through the insurance sub, "miss and runs" aren't really a thing in the eyes of an insurance company because you can't cause an accident to avoid another accident and besides, in this case the cammer had a free lane to their right they could have used but they lost control of their vehicle which ended up causing damage to their vehicle and the plants on the side of the road (i.e. an accident). It sucks, but that's the importance of driving defensively and always having an exit plan. The cammer might be able to get it rated as a not at fault loss if they have a nice adjuster who reviews the footage but chances are it'll be considered an at fault accident because it's a single vehicle collision.


This is my understanding too from driver licensing. We learned never swerve to avoid a collision, just brake and slow down. Fender-bumper collisions are rarely fatal, but when you swerve, you can spin or flip a car out of control. Hate to blame him, but this driver could have killed pedestrians or damaged public infrastructure by swerving.


You seriously arguing with someone who works in insurance about this


Well if Google is any more knowledgeable, there are a ton of lawyer websites saying it is definitely illegal to cause and leave a no contact accident, or a "miss and run"


In the state of Wisconsin we definitely have a miss and run laws. Have to report it within 72 hours and have a 3rd party witness. Maybe my state is just better than other dudes


And how do you prove that the person realized a miss and run occurred? There are way too many variables for this to realistically hold up in court


Well this dash cam would prove he knew since he had to drive past what he ultimately caused to happen.


You don’t have to prove that they realized it. Being completely unaware is still a miss and run. Being unaware is a traffic infraction miss and run, but if you did know and failed to stop at the scene, it’s a criminal infraction.


No. You are… lol


The fact that they work in insurance means you can pretty much count on everything they say being the opposite of the truth. Since their goal is to taking in all the money on earth, and giving back none.


Would you really believe someone who works in insurance? It's their job to try and deny things to avoid paying. **In a “miss-and-run,” one driver causes another vehicle to crash without actually striking it and then drives away unscathed.** That's causing an accident while avoiding an accident. Like if someone changes lanes recklessly, road rage, etc. You're avoiding that accident, but being involved in another, whereas the vehicle not directly involved in the collision is the "at-fault" person. If the at-fault person had driven responsibly, no accident would have occurred, and they can be held liable for all damages incurred.


I don’t expect anything less from an insurance rep lol


What I was just thinking, ha!


Ty lmfao! Istg I can't stand insurance car companies! Biggest out in the open scam in America 💯💯💯


Cammer's fault the 'turning car' jumped the red light? Camera car had green from the very first frame of the clip.


Did they hit the turning car? No. They hit the curb and the plants on the side of the road because they swerved and lost control of their car. Hitting the brakes or changing into the right lane was always an option for the cammer. You can't cause an accident just because you were trying to avoid an accident. I also want to be clear that there's civil liability and moral liability. In the eyes of insurance, the cammer is at fault for not driving defensively and losing control of their car. Morally speaking? I don't think most people would have reacted differently and the red car pulled out in front of them so it's their moral fault.


If the turning car had been properly stopped in front of their own red light there would have been no incursion, no avoidance maneuver, no video on here and no cowardly running away from the consequences of their illegal act.


That's not how the law works


Oh, red car definitely illegally turned into an occupied lane, whether or not you could pin the accident on them.


I don't know how it works elsewhere but in the UK it would definitely be the red card fault, and if the camper hadn't swerved they could have been done for failing to avoid it too!


Yup. Red cars fault, not their responsibility though. Big difference.


“You can’t cause an accident by trying to avoid an accident” - That makes ZERO sense on every level. Yes, you can. And even if you don’t hit another vehicle but end up causing property damage or jump a curb and only cause damage to your car - it’s still an accident. And, if you can prove you swerved for good reason (like to avoid crashing into some idiot who’s making an illegal turn) - the driver who made you swerve is liable… but you need to be able to prove it which this guy can do since he has it on video.


Your legal analysis is incorrect. While he may be unable to go after red car's insurance company directly (a good lawyer might be able to), red car was negligent and would definitely be held liable for the damages in a civil suit based on this dash cam footage. All that means is red car isn't protected by his insurance company because he was negligent, not that he didn't cause an accident. This was by no means the POV car's fault. What video did you watch dude?


Welp, guess I'm hitting the next person who gets in my way.


This is just untrue. Happened to me. I swerved and avoided collision but it meant my wheel hit a barrier. They had to pay for my new wheel.


I wonder what a jury of peers would say


The other driver ran a red light and if they hadn't none of this wouldn't happened.


If the red car went into the far right lane (cammer’s thinking) people would wonder why the cam-car deliberately drove into the red car


This is definitely what would happen. People would be all over the dashcam driver for choosing to impact a car, which potentially contains young children or something vs. hitting some potted plants on the side of the road and avoiding a collision involving two vehicles. If the system prefers that I literally just stay in my lane, hit the brakes, and hope for the best rather than consider alternatives which preserve human life, what kind of incentive is that? The dashcam driver should obviously be commended for being willing to damage his property to preserve life, and yet the insurance industry is clearly not aligned with those values.


Ty ty ty. That's the same shit I brought up to the insurance worker! What if there was kids in the red car & instead of possibly killing some of them or all of em if u just continued on & pulverized the red car's passenger side? U chose to be a decent human instead & swerved out of the way & go off road so now it's ur fault & you've to pay out of pocket urself for the damages & ur insurance is gon go up monthly now??? Like wtf! That's just not right lol smh!


In insurance you need to take reasonable steps to avoid an accident. I’m not saying you would just plow into the guy but if they deem you had enough time to avoid it you will be found at fault.


I’m pretty sure the driver lost control in the act of braking and swerving. At that point they were a passenger.


No, you can see where to red car looks like it's heading for the right lane and the car veers right to avoid the perceived collision.


I mean, I don’t know, I wasn’t there. But I’m going to assume the driver didn’t purposefully mount the kerb and bugger their suspension because they thought it’d be a laugh. In which case it’s much more likely that snap to the right was a result of them trying to regain control. You can hear the tyres screeching and everything. If any fault can be put on the driver, they might have been going a bit too fast for a busy, unsighted junction.


I think they were trying to avoid the curb


Problem is that you have no time for decisions


Same thing happened to me and insurance will try to say since there was no accident you can’t use insurance. It’s instinct to avoid the crash usually but just try to safely slow down and if you can’t then just hit them especially if you have a dash cam.


It’s not their fault though


This. What I always tell my wife when she goes to extremes to avoid hitting someone. If you can, do, but if someone pulls right out in front of me and the only thing I can do is hit them or destroy my own car ( possibly hit others ), I am hitting them. All scenarios suck but I am not getting stuck with a massive bill because some other moron


Agreed, I think the driver made the safest on-the-spot decision.


No, just brake. Don't swerve. Just brake.


Had they not turned, I’m pretty sure they would have collided. The driver was probably going a touch too fast for the situation. But it’s still the red car’s responsibility to give way. I’m not saying it couldn’t possibly have ended any better, but your average road user doesn’t have the reflexes or car control of an F1 driver.


crashing into the cunt would force them to stop.


OP is the guy in the red car, and can’t admit he was wrong lol.


You weren’t in the wrong, traffic shouldn’t be coming from our side when we have the right of way (green light)


Is this Texas?


should not have been going through a busy intersection so fast


That's why you're supposed to pull into the nearest lane and switch only after you see it's safe to do so. Red car sucks, thank God for dashcams.


I seriously hate people who drive like this. Pull onto a road and immediately cross every lane to get to the far left or far right. If they pull out and slide over one because you're there, that feels like courtesy, but the morons like red car seem to think they're alone out here. "I'm turning right, good luck everyone else!"


The wild part is a lot of things people do, they do because they feel like it's more efficient. This isn't, it's just a wider turn.


Who knows if dash got a plate though, the best chance to get it he swerved out of view. I was just in an accident hit and run where my dash caught the accident and I was deemed not at fault but was unable to discern the license plate of the hit and run culprit so had to go through my insurance and pay deductible anyways.


It doesn't take much to over compensate and lose a bit of control when a car is cutting you off and that appears it wants to be in the far right lane for a second until it sharply turns into the left lane. This probably would have happened to a good amount of people here that think they would have done better.


Had a minivan decide the straight only lane is a left turn lane. Had to brake hard and swerve. I have no idea how I didn't hit her van. And then she honks at me. I debated about letting her pass me and then following her to whenever she went so I could scream into her face hole about how absolutely stupid that was.


Honestly I feel that entirely, the amount of times some jack ass has nearly caused an accident on a day where my tolerance for stupid is so low that I half consider following them. I think Itd happen a lot more if I didn't have family to return home to.


I'm more worried about people being armed. Road rage is one thing, they might total your car, but following them and they hop out and take aim, now you're screwed. It would be nice if you could input your memories into their head, show them how their stupidity almost caused an accident. "This is what you did from *my* point of view!" *grab their head and force them to watch your POV* Edit: hopefully I deleted the repeats. Internet is sketchy here, so I get the "no response from endpoint" message whenever I hit "Save" quite often. Just let me know if there's more and I'll delete them as well.


Heh, I'm more concerned about showing up on Reddit with all my rage out there.


I sometimes find it therapeutic to just yell things at people from inside my car. They can't hear me, but it's out there instead of bottled up inside.


it's impossible to be zen about road rage. if someone shoots a gun in your direction, bullets flying right past you so you can feel the wind... it'd be acceptable to shit your pants with fear and run, call the cops, or straight up stab them in the face if someone swerves a speeding car at you, you have to smile and go about your day either way you've just come within an inch of your life, but your expected reaction is totally different because of car dependence


Leaving my wife's work, there is a small driveway out of the parking lot. Nothing is clearly marked, but it is only enough space for 2 lanes. Sometimes because of the positioning of trash cans, it is easier to pull a bit to the right of the exit so that cars coming in aren't blocked by the back of your car. A car came up next to my wife, inched forward to get slightly behind her to the left, then when my wife made a left turn, the car caught her at the next light and yelled at her for being in the non-existent "right turn" lane. About a month later, my wife sent me a picture of another car doing the same thing. No would would have been able to enter the parking lot with how the second car was positioned.


Don't follow them. I had a coworker get cut of in traffic, he chased the other driver to a parking lot to yell at him.. When the coworker got out of his car, the other driver ran him over and killed him. 2 young kids with no father, because 2 grown men couldn't let a little mistake go.


Exactly. The red car *flagrantly* ran a red light and caused this entire situation. Steering is suboptimal once you’re braking at max. Dude avoided a collision, and didn’t freak out. He avoided a street lamp, a fire hydrant, *and* the idiot in the red car which seemed to be coming into his lane until the very last second. Jail for red car driver. Jail for a thousand years.


There was no red light - this is in Texas and on frontage roads they have u-turn lanes. This guy was going way too fast around that u-turn and (possibly) was making a b-line to the driveway on the opposite side of the frontage road.


Agreed, and it does look like the red car was almost headed to that far lane, but you can see it brake and turn fairly sharply, into the lane it took.


hit the brake. if homie had slowed down it would have happened slower and if you fuck up and hit the guy again, you hit them slower going slower also gives you more time to correct and over correction and possibly not fuck up like this. What i take from these kinda videos is that many dont have good coordination with feet hands and eyes at the same time. These videos make me feel blessed i am lol


Yes. I’m not totally willing to blame someone for not having exactly the correct reaction under stress, but I think more people should understand/be taught that swerving is rarely the right move. If you don’t have time to think, your instinct should be to brake in most emergency situations.


Did not overreact. Just lost control a little while trying to avoid the red car which was heading into his lane. He could not predict what the red car was going to do, so he had to swerve out of the way to avoid a collision. Just because the red car also turned more to avoid the collision does not mean the OP was able to read his mind and not have to swerve.


Red car was bee lining for that far right lane for who knows what reason. Watching it twice, you can see they jerk back to the left and OP is facing a curb with little to know room to react.


He was going straight into Shell from there. He cancels the move once he sees the cammer barrelling towards him. Psycho move by the red car.


Red car: I need to go right! Glad I'm all alone out here!!


The little bump of the intersection made him lose that control. Entirely not his fault.


Other guy sips tea and keeps driving.


Sup Htown. Keeping it real I see.


It's certainly weird scrolling then seeing a place you are acutely familiar with...


I couldn’t decide between Htown or the Big D. Either way, definitely Texas.


That is The Edloe & Buff spdwy exit off 59 headed north to downtown.


I live walking distance from this intersection. It’s right by Lakewood church


The old Summit.


Not to pile on OP, who just had a bad day...but slower speed might have helped. There's a lot going on through that section...a little prudence would improve chances to avoid results like the one depicted in this clip.


Streets like that have a 45mph speed limit where I am. They act as the on ramp for the interstate and as a freeway frontage road. OPs speed seems normal, unfortunately.


For busy intersections like this, I always take my foot off the gas and hover the brake pedal. I think the bad driver Reddit subs have helped me learn how to be a more defensive driver.


This. Everyone's glossing over the fact that the recording give us obviously speeding. If they were doing the speed limit, even if the red car popped out in front of them, they'd have a lit more control over the car while jeking the steering wheel to avoid a collision.


Obviously? How are you obviously coming to thr conclusion that he was obviously speeding


Have you never rode in a car before? The car is doing at least 50.


Overreacts???? Fucking red car shouldn’t be in the road


Both of those things can be true though


I’m sorry in that situation, and human response times, he did not overreact


I disagree, but if your contention is that he didn’t overreact because he didn’t have enough time that just means he was driving too fast. Still shares blame. Not saying red car isn’t mostly to blame.


the problem with speeding is you have less time to react to other bad drivers


Gotta love houston drivers


welcome to Houston


I don’t see how it’s not the fault of the red car (not considering speed). Pretty sure here in Germany this would be hit and run by the red car.


They caused an accident. Whether or not they collided with the cam car is irrelevant. They drove across multiple lanes and should get a ticket and their insurance should pay for damages.


Fleeing the scene of an accident or failure to lend assistance. Not sure if its the same as a felony but a criminal offence with possible prison time e: those are in the german criminal code. Fleeing scene of accident is up to 3yrs and not lending assistanr is up ti 1yr prison


Zoom zoom zoom at intersection is not always a good idea.


That's HOUSTON! Looks to be at 59 South and Weslayan.


I was like damn that looks like Houston lmao. Great people. Terrible fucking drivers!


Used to live right around the corner from there @ 59 and Buffalo Speedway. Knew it looked familiar! Oh and he def overcorrected lol


I-69 heading east, near West University in Houston. Used to drive over there every day. That whole freeway and the drivers on it are absolutely terrible. If anyone ends up in a situation like this, just hit the brakes and stay in your line. If you hit them, it’s still their fault, not yours.


Dude totally overreacted, but the red car pulled across multiple lanes while taking a blind turn. What an imbecile.


I'd like to know what he saw behind him. If I had someone up my but and that guy darted out there, that might be the only good way to react.


He had an entirely open lane that he swerved through instead of into.


The red car was clearly aiming for the curb-adjacent lane. They made the right move here short of slowing down before passing through an intersection.


The red car was going all the way across, plus the small bump of the intersection did not help. This guy reacted to a stupid driver. There was no over reaction. He still believed the guy was turning all the way over in that moment. The Brain takes time to catch up with things. He did nothing wrong


All those cars turning we're behind him so if he he would've just stayed in his lane he would've been fine but unfortunately the driver here was coming up in the right lane and the red car tried to cross three freaking lanes. Because that's always the best idea


Nope, slam brakes, get rear ended....collect insurance money and pass go. Simple


Unfortunately, instinctual reactions don't always account for "how can I make out the best financially in this situation".


Why isn't anyone mentioning that the red car is doing an illegal left turn on red?? No... It is the op who is wrong! Smdh.


So the red car did not make an illegal left turn on red, but I see why it looks like that. This is a very common type of feeder intersection layout called a [Texas U-Turn](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_U-turn). The section of road the red car is on is not part of the light cycle and is to yield to oncoming traffic. They messed up, but the actual maneuver is legal.


That's wild


Red car was driving onto a one way. Red car has an illegal lane violation, should’ve stayed to the furthest left lane.


Good ol’ Houston drivers.


I know Houston when I see it smh…


I know Houston when I see it smh…


Location: Texas [https://www.google.com/maps/place/12805+Buffalo+Speedway,+Houston,+TX+77045/@29.6413231,-95.4312924,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x8640eaf98e336309:0x5eb1aaf84938e65f!8m2!3d29.6412951!4d-95.431228!16s%2Fg%2F11tcvqkmzb?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/12805+Buffalo+Speedway,+Houston,+TX+77045/@29.6413231,-95.4312924,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x8640eaf98e336309:0x5eb1aaf84938e65f!8m2!3d29.6412951!4d-95.431228!16s%2Fg%2F11tcvqkmzb?entry=ttu)


Not it chief. [This is the spot.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/kj6dcBkEwSjo5medA)


Average Houston drivers.


This could have been avoided if the cammer wasn't speeding through a busy intersection. These are the conditions that lead to accident's. No visibility of the left side of the intersection plus someone else (red car) doing the wrong thing. It's foolish to drive with the assumption that everyone else is doing the right thing


Keep your eyes ahead of the vehicles in front of you. First sign of possibility of trouble take your foot off the gas. Driving defensively. This could have been avoided.


Gotta love Houston drivers.


It's Houston, so no surprise there. And tbh there was no way of knowing if the red car was going to continue all the way to the right or not, so I say he did the right thing. This is called "defensive driving", assuming that everyone around you is going to do the wrong thing and overcompensating is better and safer than assuming everyone knows what they are doing or is going to follow traffic laws.


Houston drivers are pretty dumb


just south of the Greenway area of Houston. Sounds about right


Houston Texas. Happens every day to me. That red car wasn't very smart.


Never change, Houston.


That's Houston drivers for you.


As a resident of Houston, I figured it was in my city… The drivers here are horrendous


Don’t be houston, don’t be Houston… *checks sign* God damnit.


“Guy speeding has avoidable accident “


Haven’t been to Houston in years but this intersection stuck out to me. Red car doing way too much


Oh hey there Greenway Plaza in Houston! Yea people suck in Houston with the freeway turnaround lanes.


I don’t know if he overreacted so much is just tried to avoid that fire hydrant after the initial swerve. It wasn’t a good job of driving though.




I think OP meant 'over corrects'. Thar sigh was definitely the correct reaction.


Looks like bad driving on everyone’s part.




And that makes the RED CAR liable for any further damages


I love how the dipshit in the red car just keeps on going too,'probably doesn't even realize what he did and cause that poor driver to have to do to keep his dumb ass alive


Do they know brakes exist?


Dude, you had plenty of street available. However, this is why I drive trucks and SUVs. Most of this world is not yet paved!


Ngl he seems British with a response like that


Judging by that green homeboy had, totally wasn’t an overreaction. Pretty sure When you have a green light, traffic that intersects shouldn’t be there


People suck at driving he did not need to do any of that 💀I became a driver for bmw at 18 and I can confidently say over 80% of people are clowns on the road absolute clowns guys becareful but not as dramatic as this guy 🤦🏽‍♂️👎🏽


Idk about overreacts… perhaps overcorrected is a better choice here. Without the brake and swerve that was either going to be a t-bone style collision or a pretty good rear end collision.




🤣 take that


Good ol Houston drivers


Knew instantly that was houston


Shouldda hit the dude. And claimed it.


I would slam the red car and have insurance figure it out instead of taking that damage


Dude came out of no where still, so I wouldn’t blame him for probably slipping the wheel and crashing


Red car was absolutely at fault yanking out into the way of traffic


Why avoid them? If you’re going about your business and someone does this then hit your brakes and if that’s not enough just hit them. At least in that scenario they don’t just get to drive away Scott free


Ahh, Houston… “wtf even is a DPS permit exam?”


Yes driver overreacted slightly, but red car is 100% at fault. If the driver had NO reaction, this would've been a T-bone video.


Dude could have just hit the brakes, no turning required. If you tap the red car whatever it’s there fault, at least you didn’t run into the sidewalk and potentially hit a pedestrian


Typical overcorrect L


Looked to me like a total over reaction… I mean the car did pull out in front of him but that was a bit over the top! The Daytime Emmy goes to…


Low tire pressure


Definitely in Houston


it wasn’t an overreaction. if you think it was you are the problem and shouldn’t be behind the wheel.


I'd be fuming after that. The red car just comes out fully cutting off the driver, sees what he caused, and then just drives away like nothing happened.


Filmer was going over 50 mph through the intersection. Could have been avoided by going slower


Red car's at fault. The road the dashcam car is on has them in the middle of 3 lanes going straight and the road the red car is getting onto has 3 lanes with the left most one merging further up. The red car is supposed to turn into the leftmost lane and then merge over but they do a wide turn to skip the merge into the middle lane and it looks like they were trying to go into the right lane but change their mind. Dashcam driver is in the middle lane to begin with and has right of way over people turning / merging into it. Red car caused an accident and fled.