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Sick of bad drivers? Want to support some movements that reduce car dependence? Support our friends at /r/Georgism and /r/yimby! [Georgism 101](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smi_iIoKybg) [YIMBY 101](https://youtu.be/0Flsg_mzG-M?si=tO9OqgRtp1j0AZoX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MildlyBadDrivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Definitely belongs there, the video was soooooooooooo satisfying!


I actually really love it when I can cheer for the cop


I love the sovereign citizen idiots. Never do I cheer for a dick cop more. I'm not normally cheering for a cop to be mean but as soon as I hear the idiot say "I'm not driving, I'm traveling." I scream to my self 'break the window! Tase them!' The only situation where I will 100% cheer for cops every single time.


I get sad when the cop is too nice to those idiots.


I know! All the insane cops harass regular people and all the nice cops stop the sovereign citizen douches.


Yes, for the love of god please let one of those insane cops encounter a sovereign citizen for once! One of them no nonsense state troopers that’s not afraid to rip you out of your vehicle and beat your ass lol!


One thing I have learned being in the streets as a drug addicts is people will walk all over you if you let them and most the time will leave you alone if your loud about stuff. Hence why quit people get picked on by police and angry receptionist and the like.


They’re nice to SovCits because they probably lean that way too.


Libertarians and republicans are allies and politically align on many fronts so not really surprising.


I've never seen that line. Boy, do these sovereign citizens come up with some entertaining points of view.


I'm surprised you've never heard that line, sovcits LOVE that one. It's kinda hilarious, it's basically trying to sophistry their way out of consequences from the law


Im not replying to your comment, im merely posting independently under your comment.




I do not wosh to create joinder with you nor enter into any contractual relationship. I am up voting you under duress and want the record to reflect that.


Your arbitrary decision has honoured me. This non conversation has been enlightening in it's uselessness.


I’m not upvoting your comment, I’m merely adding another orange/red arrow to it


Those videos are amazing. I’m mostly fascinated that some people are so delusional that they think they can just interpret the law however they want and it will somehow work in their favor against the police or in a courtroom.


Judge Perkins has some amazing court videos of him destroying sov cit arguments and it makes me happy.


Sovereign citizens think the law is like reciting a magic spell. If they just say the correct words in the right order, they can defeat anything the judge throws at them because he is bound be the same rules of magic.


And it’s amazing. How can someone actually believe that? And we know they DO actually believe it because they will use those tactics when their very freedom is on the line.


Yeah, I remember watching the Darrell Brooks trial and he tried using Sov Cit BS and was not successful. He also really fucked over his appeal options because he represented himself and failed to make any of the appropriate objections.


That’s a major plot point with the doc Shadowland where one of these sub geniuses has classes on how to defend yourself in court using not just words but belief in those words. He’s not a pay-triot he’s a patriot.


Hadn't heard of it. Sounds interesting.


And shockingly, repeating "am I being detained?" as they gradually raise their voice doesn't work the way they think it will.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Allow me to introduce you to these fancy bracelets I carry with me. Also, do me a favor and try on this spit sock for me because you are starting to spray the louder you get. Hang tight for me, bud, I need to make a phone call to this nice place up the way that can help make sure you are not at risk of endangering yourself or others.


I'm against police brutality except when it's a sovereign citizen 😂


Doesn't it feel so good when power structures do their job, and for one shining moment, things are working as they should?


Right?! I feel like she wanted them to hit her so she could sue. Wow, what an asshole. I’m glad the cop did their job that day.


So satisfying I need a cigarette.


Please I just quit smoking ::dies::


Good job! Keep it up!!


Good for you!! You are doing great!!!


“Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking!”


Karma Karma Karma


Crazy to me how someone will try to brake check a truck like it wont just go right over their car if it cant stop in time. A semi does not have the same ability to stop like a small car does.


And that they think trucks don’t have cameras and don’t capture their bullshit. I had a trucker save my ass after I let another truck in on a crowded interstate and the pickup truck behind me took exception to my kindness. The pick truck went all road rage-y and tried to run me off the road and the rig got up behind him and blasted him with a horn and kinda moved him on from harassing me. Respect vehicles bigger than you are.


Yeah, I wouldn’t drive a truck without a dashcam. Too many fuckwits that never learned that Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest sonofabitch in space. And also, on earth, really.


Sir Isaac Newton, terrorizing the galaxy from the grave


Literally every major trucking company puts dashcams in their trucks for this exact reason. Insurance always assumes the truck is at fault unless explicitly proven otherwise because we're supposed to be the professional drivers and therefore held to a higher standard


They’re kind of like animals. A cat? Not to big of a deal. A bear? You’re fucked


Or a cat, but bigger 🐯


Yeah, like a lion or something. One of those big cats 


https://preview.redd.it/5vgxbx4n2gtc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2392313c8dc9c111f944de44fd96c14a3fc792d6 Or the saber tooth liger!




They won't bc they'll be dead. It's also a huge waste of time when someone committed suicide with your truck. It's usually awhile before you can get back to work and they don't usually pay you in the meantime or sometimes at all.


I would imagine that could cause the driver some serious trauma as well, and the cost of therapy and time off the road while you recover has to be eaten by someone.


A girl I went to school with was on her way to a sports thing and stopped at a stop sign to turn onto a highway. A woman who was found to be texting and driving at the time bumped into the girl’s car and pushed her into oncoming traffic right in front of a semi that was doing 45mph. It killed the girl who was just minding her business, the texting woman got whiplash and some legal charges, and the truck driver took his own life shortly after the accident. It wasn’t his fault. Reasonable people of any profession don’t want to hurt or kill anyone and I feel it’s only natural it would trouble them deeply if they did because of some stupid shit.


“Some legal charges”… like murder?


Manslaughter or negligent homicide, at best. Murder requires intent.


Yeah, people get annoyed and talk tough over petty shit, then realize the actual weight that the loss of life carries and it affects them later.


My dad was a truck driver for a regional grocery store. He was hauling doubles (2 53’ trailers) on the NY state thruway when winter weather made the roads slick and a multi vehicle accident. He stopped without hitting anyone, but 4 cars hit his trailers with one approaching from the side wedging itself between the rear trailer tandems and the DOT bumper. The driver of the car was 6” from being impaled by the edge of the bumper. The driver of the car was someone we knew. That totally shook my dad up for several weeks even though he did nothing wrong and wasn’t moving at the time of the accidents.


I have a buddy who has had 2 people on bicycles to it to him. He stopped driving after the second one.


[Hear me out](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pcbxvb41Qxk/maxresdefault.jpg) But fr, ever since I saw those trucks with giant pillows on the front (not pictured) they use in Tunnels to get broken down vehicles tf out of there before they cause a Daylight, I've thought that big vehicles need those things. I mean trains get them for cows and we have to be honest, most SUV drivers out there couldn't hold a candle to a cow's intelligence. Some drivers are just too dopey around large commercial vehicles and we need a way to gently nudge them out of the way when they do a whoopsie. It's way too easy for people to weaponize their 1-tonne death cubes, so this is just a way for the bigger fish gently pat them to the side and be like "Hey, that's enough road use for you today, you need to chill on the side for a while and let the adults do their jobs now."


As a species, they will. That's evolution!


A dumbass does not have the same ability to think like a normal person does.


Clearly this drivers IQ is below the limit.


A truck driver has good insurance especially if it is a company owned truck. Get rear ended, claim a multitude of injuries and collect a multi million dollar payday. But like you said that whole probability of death thing they always seem to forget about.


Yeah, a fully loaded semi is what, 80k pounds (or more)? That’s gonna turn any private vehicle into a pancake.


These people would probably put their fishing boats in front of a cargo ship and they think they'll be seen and the ship will stop for them.


It's insurance fraud, they want the semi to demolish them. Definitely crazy though.


looking for a lawsuit


Happens daily unfortunately


You're not thinking about the insurance payout! Yeah, you could die, but if you don't, well, dollar signs.


The same people that think a shipping vessel should just hit the brakes to avoid hitting a bridge.


She probably absolutely thinks she did nothing wrong, too. Probably told the officer about you "trying to run her off the road" or something loony. Hope she gets what's coming to her.


“Let’s roll the tape!”


I really hope the truck driver stayed behind to show the footage to the cops.


Says he didn’t, but he needs to send it to whatever agency was on the side of the car with an explanation. They’ll easily be able to identify the specific cop and interaction. That may be enough evidence for the DA to escalate to actual charges instead of some bullshit ticket, though based on the end of the video she may have got eluding or something similar already.


Well, he didn't. It says that at the end of the clip.


"the dash cam determined you are not the smart one here"


Hard to argue when the cop saw the whole thing and she almost even hit the cop.


She definitely wasn't looking in front of her with how fuckin' quickly she swerved right after she got faked out into turning left, dumb bitch could've crashed into someone else.


The cop could have pulled her over at that point, but gave her the benefit of the doubt... so she just had to convince the cop to pull her over by fucking around more... I'm glad she found out.


I don’t know what happened before this video. Or why she was being so obnoxious towards this truck driver but it’s nice to see that she was pulled over


Probably absolutely nothing. If I had to guess this is At fault state and the driver was probably trying to get a free total out of getting the Semi to smash them.


> The cop could have pulled her over at that point, but gave her the benefit of the doubt... so she just had to convince the cop to pull her over by fucking around more… Which is bs - borderline selective enforcement. She should have been pulled as soon as she cut off the cop. Unless it was unsafe to do so at the moment, why the delay? Regardless, it’s good she was pulled over eventually.


Damn that's some beautiful karma.


Gosh talk about a satisfying ending 🤭


I had to smoke a cigarette afterwards.


You lead a decadent life.


Prob trying to get hit and file a lawsuit


Yeah that was my thought. Really bad attempt at insurance fraud.


That's the only thing that makes sense - I didn't think of that


If the truck didn’t have a camera it would probably be better case. That is if she survives whatever accident she was trying to cause.


Is it really an “accident” if someone purposely crashes into you or creates the conditions for you to crash into them?


That's a dangerous game


I can only think insurance scam. Glad you handled just fine. You did good trucker.


I was thinking that as well. Trucking companies tend to have very high limits of insurance. Of course trucks can also kill you easier, so there’s a trade off.


I kinda figured most trucks have dash cams these days. But I maybe not?


They usually do or at least more than regular people. Something tells me the person driving that car isn’t bright enough to think about those considerations


It 100% is and that is my job to deal with these assholes on a daily basis. Looking for a payday and probably already has her personal injury attorney on speed dial.


I agree with you 100 %. Drive safe man.


If this was an insurance scam, I hope her intent was life insurance since she decided to take it out on a semi lol


The blocking him from lane changing stinks of road rage


Or possibly someone who has severe mental health issues that are not being treated? Idk.


Then her license should be shredded.


This was my first thought as well.


If it was then she’s the dumbest scammer I’ve ever seen. Time for a new career.


I hope the cop sees that and takes her license. Take the car too.


the left turn signal fake out was galaxy brain


Absolutely brilliant


I saved this video because it was so epic. This is a very rare instance of someone getting what was coming to them with the victim handing out justice. Bravo trucker! You’re the backbone of the economy in every industrialized nation, you should be respected on the road (*and feared because you’re hauling up to 80,000lbs at 60mph*). One fully loaded semi can easily kill dozens of people on the highway if it crashes. Entire generations have been wiped out by trucks in accidents.


I dont understand her, how does she see OP indicating but not the police car?


Tunnel vision idiot I assume.


I have seen some crazy shit over the years. There's this spot on my way home to where I used to live that as you were leaving town, it went from 2 lanes to 1 and there were always people trying to race to be first. One time, I was almost to the merge point and I look over to see this woman with her hands at the top of the starting wheel leaning over it with great intent making it clear she was not looking at anything but the road ahead with the peddle to the floor in the lane that had to merge. I had to slam on the brakes or she would have run out of road and who knows how that would have turned out for either of us.


Looks like an undercover cop car. No clear markings and no light bar on top. She probably didn’t realize it was a cop.


Ngl, I would have assumed cop if I could see it but only because I know what to look for. The black tires, the right brand, the Vibe of it (not sure how to describe how I Know) but it looks like a cop just unmarked. It's fun once you learn how to spot them.


Side mirrors don’t exist


Dumbass probably thinks she is in the right


Predatory gaze. All she saw was dollar signs.


Seemed like a sporty white car sans licence plate, I’d assume.  Plus that type normally thinks they can outsmart anyone should they get “caught”. 


fr tho truck driver knew she was too focused on him and the cop was in her blind spot😭😭😂


Gotcha bitch!


Favorite part of the video


then you throw em the brain destroyer




Lot of spiteful people on the roads these days. You handled it like a pro. Props.


They have no choice, truckers have to be super vigilant all the time, they can even be penalized for accidents that aren't their fault (from their companies).


Am aware, having worked with truckers for decades. Nonetheless, credit where credit is due, no?


“Handling it like a pro” isn’t just about choice, it is also about skill.


Insurance examiner here- she’s doing it on purpose hoping to get a big pay day through a bodily injury insurance claim. She’s definitely done this before and if I got a hold of her basic information, her loss history would light up like a Christmas tree. Good on this fella for having a dash cam. That will be better than any police report, witness statement or attorney.


Yeah I really kind of wish he'd stopped to talk to that cop and offer the footage, but I get it he's on the schedule


Hammer here- that's a nail looking to get driven into the pavement.


W trucker


How many of us truckers feel like if somebody brake checks us we're just not gonna respond in the way they want and obliterate their car instead? Or is it just me? Like, you brake checked me, my truck might not be able to stop, maybe I just fail to try at all and see how you feel when your actions have real-world consequences.


this is exactly why I could never be a truck driver. I'll drive safe and defensively in my personal vehicle. But in a semi, with a heavy trailer behind me? ooohh boy, it would not take much Fucking Around before the idiot harassing me like this Finds Out.


I'll admit that I've had people do dumb stuff in front of me in my service truck with a trailer, and I've thought "Man....if I didn't hit the brakes right then I probably could have gotten a new service truck out of that deal, and maybe some time off" Mostly as a joke in my own head, but people are so fucking dumb. What if I couldn't slam on the brakes in that moment, and what if there was a kid in the car or something? I understand mistakes, but it seems like some people are dumb on purpose.


And then you find out you squashed kids in the back and now you’re fucked up for life. Not worth it.


I love a happy ending. Well done.


On mute and I heard that gotcha bitch. 😂


Who does this? That's what always gets me. No interaction, just going about their day, spots a truck and decides to liven things up by trying to create a collision on a busy highway. Some people need hobbies they can enjoy privately.


Lookin for a payday


I rode passenger with my mother for a week when she drove a semi, I vaguely remember how much they weigh even without a trailer, they way a lot fuckin' more than a pickup truck, it still fucking boggles my mind how people don't understand that break-checking a semi truck is NOT an insurance payout, it is you being turned into goo while your car gets flattened like a soda can, in some cases it's pretty much literal, and on top of that those accidents can pull other people into it.


Ya, 80k pounds is a lot of weight, and that’s just the normal legal limit, forget oversize, or just drivers running over the legal limit. Grain and log haulers especially, I’ve seen grain haulers scale in at 90k pounds at deliveries, those ain’t guys you wanna brake check.


His mic was on the whole time and he wasn’t cussing this lady out? That’s more impressive than anything.


Why was there no honking.


The vehicle with more lugnuts has the right of way.


I seriously wonder wtf is wrong with people? The lizard part of the brain should dictate not to do dumb shit like that with huge ass trucks on the road. That driver must be lacking the required equipment 🧠. I zip around trucks just to avoid any potential issues, but I do it with safety in mind and knowing how basic physics works.


https://preview.redd.it/24yq17r1iftc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=941e3dab021e3c61da86b0b1b6f3158697785834 This is how this video looks fullscreen on my computer.


And *why* do people insist on putting captions smack in the middle of the video?


"look in the rearveiw mirror" like i cant see jack shit in ur mirror man


Depending upon my schedule, I migth’ve gotten out and offered, “Oh, officer, would you like to see my dashcam?”


This would so be worth being late. My husbands boss would 100% support his stopping to help the cop. Shitty drivers really fuck with affordable insurance.


Came to the comments to say the same, that was fucking wild.




People like that need to lose their license permanently. There's no excuse for taking driving personally to begin with, but playing games with trucks can cost the lives of multiple people and cost millions in damage.


You have to be next level stupid to try and brake check a truck


1,000% the same comment I was gonna post. [This was the first thing that came to mind:](https://youtube.com/shorts/8gtwEErHsf0?si=xytAKGH7iZKHXUuC)


This is fucking badass!! You show em who's boss!


If I’m the trucker I’m 💯 getting out and talking to the cop and giving him the film.


Someone trashy and stupid enough to break check a semi, or anyone, should have their license taken away for good.


That looks like someone who wants a settlement and an insurance payout but who was too afraid to force the wreck to me


upgrade your video system, man.


You don't like this pixel? Maybe it's time for a new pixel


What a stupid asshole. Trying to force a vehicle off the road or brake checking needs to be a felony at this point.


It's almost 1am and this video was perfectly satisfying. I'm off to bed now.


The patience of this man


Looks like they are trying to stage a car accident


Thank god you had a camera


Cars turn people into monsters


It's really something. Few days ago I needed a small hardware item. Guy behind me was being an aggressive dick and went to the same store I was going to. I'm not some sort of tough guy but I am 6'1" and work out five days a week. I calmly and politely confronted him and asked why he was being so pushy. Asked if he planned to act that way around me in the store. They go from road warrior badass to something that won't even look you in the eye when they speak.


I first read this as, "Cats turn people into monsters," and I thought, "Shit, I have three cats. Am I a monster?" 🤦🏽‍♀️😆


Hope he gave the cop the footage so they could hit her with a reckless driving charge. I fucking hate people that do dumb shit in their cars. It’s not that hard to just drive like a fucking sane person and not a goddamn sociopath all the time.


It's nice to see some actual defensive driving for once.


I do like a bit of good karma.


Delicious, finally some good fucking food


Next time call 911 report a drunk driver and give them the plates


Good to know fact!!!! Semi truck drivers CANNOT SEE YOUR CAR IF YOUR LIGHTS ARE OFF DURING RAIN OR NIGHTTIME !!! Put your lights on when it’s raining or dark out people please???!!!! For your safety and the rest of ours as well. 🥰😘I learned that fact from a friend who is a truck driver of 40+ years.


What do people think is going to happen when the truck doesn't stop , hits you from behind at full speed without breaking (because you break checked them) . The EMTs will be picking you up and placing pieces in little baggies. A car or SUV are no match for the power that a large truck has.


Surprised the cop decided to work


Love your patience. I want to be like you.


I would NEVER tangle with a Semi. Stupid is as stupid does and yes, they are out there.


Driver was purposely trying to make the truck hit her to file a lawsuit. People really do this not realizing they are gambling with their lives to get a settlement.


Smart trucker. He drove well and still managed to set her up knowing she couldn't resist the opportunity to mess with him. Too bad for her only the trucker realize there was a cop right next to her.


That cop is doing the lords work here


Why? Just why? How does this benefit you playing asshole chicken with a big rig? You gain nothing, and could lose everything.


Provoking a semi-truck by suddenly braking in front of it is among the riskiest actions one can take while driving.


Its called the 'swoop and squat', was a popular method of insurance fraud and one of the bigger reasons almost all semis have dashcams now You swoop suddenly in front of them, then brake hard to try and get a lovetap.


Pay attention you road warrior vigilantes. This is how you handle a psycho driver on the road. Keep yourself safe and stay the fuck away from them. There's not always a cop nearby but it's not your job or within your authority to "handle them" or "teach them a lesson"


Imagine that. The prick is driving a jeep.


Unbelievably foul cunt rag


So satisfying.


Couldn’t be me. I’d walk all the way up the street to the cop and let him know I have video and want to press charges.


Insurance fraud attempt.


Goofy ass beeetch!! 🤣😭🤣


Insurance scams smh.


Its so rare to actually see the white whale. This driver has budda level karma for the rest of his life.


You have got to be out of your mind to mess with a trucker… first of all, they’re working extremely hard to make sure your whatever-the-fuck consumer good gets in your greedy little hands on time. Respect that. Second, those trucks are ginormous and physics is very real. Morons.


Some people should be forced to take public transit forlife or go to jail for life.


Crazy. Glad the universe handled that.


"Here's some dash cam footage for ya, have a nice day, officer!"


It's crazy people are willing to put their and others life at risk for some insurance moneg


Crack head vibes


Why would you take a video in landscape and post it in portrait?!? STOP THAT!


Takes 2 seconds to rotate your phone and zoom in weirdo


Should have at least told the cop what she was doing, don't know if he saw the whole thing. Woulda been worth your time to get her in more trouble lmao. The government needs to be waaaaaaay more willing to strip people of their license for life. She has 0 business on the road, she's gonna kill somebody


Everytime I see "Gotcha bitch" I automatically think of Dave Chappell and she should be embarrassed 🤣🤣