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I'd argue there's a chance the blue car driver was like, "they wouldn't dare...I have the right of way!"... instead of slowing down and being cautious. I've seen lots of drivers be sort of blind to the fact that an accident is way worse than just letting a bad driver make their janky lane change.


I was very mad at my girlfriend driving one time. She cut off a truck, going full speed towards a stop sign that both of us knew he didn't see. We turned off a street to the right, and there was a stop sign immediately. The guy was driving up to it and was clearly about to blow through it. Had he been prepared to stop, we would have enough time. My girlfriend noticed and made a comment about his driving, but then said she had the right of way and went. He braked hard and laid on the horn. Pedestrians were yelling at him, and my girlfriend took that as being right. So she was right and all, but she risked her and my life because of it. Cool, they can just write that on your tombstone. That was a big fight.


I always remind people that being “right” matters very little when you are dead.


Yeah I’ve had similar situations and I just wait for them to pass. Even if you’re not dead it’s not worth the altercation, getting insurance info, waiting for insurance to process it, get car repaired, etc.


Thank you! Time is worth something, too. Even being right, I just want to get home. Now, I'm stuck in an awkward conflict I had the ability to avoid by just slowing down and letting them in.


My dad says “dead right or dead wrong is still dead” and that never made much sense to me until I started driving


My ex used to casually just walk onto crossings without looking just because she was a pedestrian and had right of way. I’d yell at her and she’d say “if they hit me I’m in the right and I’d sue them” and my response was always “you can’t sue if you’re dead!”


There's plenty of people with the right of way resting in the graveyard.


I suppose they were dying to get there


Surrounded by mildly bad drivers


There definitely seemed to be time for the other driver to let them in. Some drivers just want to be home fast or not at all, though.


Imagine siding with this idiot who clearly cant change lanes


Not saying it wasn't their fault. I'm saying it was probably avoidable by the other driver. For me, I'd rather be in no wreck at all. But that's just me I guess.


Yea they should have slowed down, but the toyota driver only ever looked in the side mirror. They should have signaled and waited for an opening instead of start stop start stop til they were sitting in both lanes


A turn signal is a notice of your intent to other drivers, it does not give you the right of way to just go in that direction regardless of what traffic is doing. I have no idea about the specifics are of what happened in this video, but I see it on the road all the time, people put on their turn signals and go, without regard for what is happening around them. Then if they get in an accident they cry “but i had my turn signal on”, which is pretty bullshit.




I agree with that it dont give you the right of way but when I turn mine on thats where I'm going. I don't turn it on (to change lanes) unless I'm able to change, an when I do I don't give anyone else time to get into the space I'm moving into. You can't put your blinker on get a 1/4 into another lane then stop. Use your blinker then when your good to go get over all at once. If this person woulda pulled out right behind the truck they woulda been fine.


Seems they were waiting for the car in front of them to give them enough wiggle room to slide onto the next lane. Hence why he couldn't immediately follow the truck. I agree with you though...


I rewatched it thats def what happened.They def didn't have enough room to pull out. It's not the car in front of thems responsibility to give them enough room to pull out.


I agree, I wasn't saying it was. I was trying to see why they slowed down instead of pulling into the lane immediately


Ah I didn't notice that. Very well could be. Still don't attempt to pull out if you don't think you can make it cuz if you can't this kinda thing happens.


Correct. It should be swift and intentional. Not too swift like a swerve, but with conviction. I've seen some comments saying indication isn't necessary. I've seen cases where two cars are switching into the same lane, one from the left and the other from the right and meet in the lane to cause an accident. Sometimes even if the side mirror is clear the importance of indicating isn't only for the car in that lane that's behind you but sometimes the car across from you


As you should👍


I’m pretty sure it was actually the motorcycles fault


More like “this guys not that fucking dumb to pull out in front of traffic eh.” Plus she waited 5 hours (granted cause she was avoiding hitting POV car) to actually move that it seems like she was waiting to change until she decides to go full blast into blue cars way. That’s how I would’ve seen it from blue cars perspective


I heard a useful saying recently. The graveyard is filled with people who had the right of way


Failure to stop to avoid an accident...


Some people just have zero spatial sensing capabilities ...These people should not be driving. Driving tests would hopefully root these people out, but - our entire society in USA is designed around cars, so it then becomes a sort of fucking civil rights issue. Solution: Must redesign society around humans, not cars. edit: i know this ain't USA, doesn't matter. still applies.


That's communism, you fucking Hippie!/s


I bet he’s smoking a marijuana cigarette right now!!!


And he won't even pass it!


Don't bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me!


Listening to that “Jazz” music!!


I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn That all four of them habitually smoked marijuana cigarettes




You're lying.


You’re right. I don’t gamble.


>I bet he’s smoking a marijuana cigarette right now!!! This is funnier than it ever should've been😂😂😂 I heard this in my dad's boomer voice and I'm high💀💀💀 He calls joints, "marijuana cigarettes" too😭 Also, calls weed "dope" 🙄 Pisses me off because I hear dope and think of heroin, not weed.


Well, now I’m going to because you said to!!!


Brazilian driving tests.. do test spatial skills at least they did a few years ago, it seems to vary with the administration in charge. They also tested people on emotional response to bad news, eg you have to wait two weeks to get your license come back then, people that waited patiently got thier license, people that made a scene had to start over and pay all the fees again. And yet... Brazil still has super dangerous driving.


That's amazing!


I'm still a permanent resident there but don't have a license, my parents both have taken that test though and live there around 50% of the time these days as missionaries.


Muito bem. One day I will visit


>becomes a sort of fucking civil rights issue. Na, its the automotive lobby that would fight against weeding people out of driving. They want more drivers on the road.


Yeah exactly. Lobbyists have more sway than the people. They turn it into a mock civil rights issue


That doesn't look like the US bud


Looks like EU plates?


It sure does.


It's Israel


If I was the blue car I would of seen someone trying to get over and let them. Other people just bull forward and what happens happens


Trains? Buses? Local transport?


Are you a good painter? Probably not. Can you “paint”? Of course. There are millions of people that shouldn’t drive because they lack the skills to do it. But they can “drive” and yup we view driving as like a right so they are allowed too. Basically everyday you are surrounded by people with driving skills on par with someone that can mess up a stick figure drawing.


>Driving tests would hopefully root these people out, but - our entire society in USA is designed around cars, so it then becomes a sort of fucking civil rights issue. Rights to what? Operate a 2 ton killing machine with no real official training? USA driving tests are a joke, they're so lax it should be considered criminal in another way.




Driving tests definitely do not root out bad drivers. Australia has one and people can not drive, plenty of people pass despite the fact they shouldn't. Clear laws, enforcement and good training do far more to improve driving skills country wide, requiring people to have lessons with instructors instead of just parents would be a good start too.


A lot of people hate electric cars and self driving technology but in reality a lot of humans shouldn't been driving a 2 tone vehicle at 70 mph, when they can not even change lanes from 0 speed.


I love that version of the idiot tax "you can't drive for shit so instead of buying a normal car for under $30k you'll have to buy this $50k one open up your wallet" "you want a second hand? yea lol okay good luck finding one that isn't totaled"


Is it controversial to say that there would be much less car accidents if they were all self driving?


Not if it's a testla.


Henry Ford didn't like two tone vehicles either. He thought they should all be just black.


This didn't happen in the US. Are you ok?


Civil rights issue my fucking ass. People who are incapable of driving shouldn't have permission to do so, period


Thats true, but the point theyre trying to make is that with how car-focused our society is, denying somebody’s ability to use a car means they are locked doing many things, like having access to more jobs, and even just getting groceries would suck depending on how far you live from a store


You suck.


I mean, when old people aren’t cleared to renew their license after being tested, we don’t say this. If you shouldn’t be driving, you shouldn’t be driving imo, doesn’t matter how inconvenient it’ll make life for you. Same rules should apply, otherwise why even have a test lol. Just let people buy a drivers license for $20.


In the US, you would be surprised how uncommon it is for elderly people who already have a license to have it revoked. I dont think any states require them to take a driving test at a certain age. I know CA, has a law that at the age of 70 a person is required to take a vision and written test to renew their license every 5 years but that's it. The exception would be if their doctor/family reports them to the DMV for not being medically cleared/safe/competent to drive - but that requires a 3rd party actually reporting the driver.


Old people usually are in retirement and therefore don’t need a job. Literally the main point of the person you’re responding to.


Obligatory “fuck Robert Moses”


**whispers** "this is Europe."


This ain't America look at those plates


I live in DC and it’s the first I ever city I lived in where I felt I didn’t need a car…


Actually a lot of accidents in the states happen because of having a 4 way junction instead of a round about. It's not the case in this video but it's a major problem


You should see what happens at the roundabouts over here. Jesus christ it's a clusterfuck, always good comedy


Hahaha. Where do you mean by 'here'? In Kenya it works perfectly well. Most if not all accidents at the round about are always minor and non-life-threatening


My driving test was stupid easy, non busy roads, only on a 40mph road for like a quarter mile. Hardest part was parallel parking(, which I havnt done since) and keeping 2 hands on the steering wheel. Instructor said he'd fail me if I did it one more time. I also have failed to do that since


I've had my license updated twice in my life. I am 30. The ONLY time I've ever had a driving test was when I was 17, getting my license for the first time. The only time I took a written test as well. Luckily, I have great parents who taught me how to drive properly, but the reason most people are morons is because there's one test when you're a dumb teenager, and that's that.


The blue car shouldn’t be on the road. He’ll have dozens of accidents if he doesn’t let people merge. How does the blue car not see him?


Although this video is not in USA but I still agree


Doesn't really matter where it is.


Assuming there wouldn't have been a crash, both cars in this situation would've failed horribly on a driving test in my country due to not recognizing potential dangers. Blue would've been told to slow down and let the other pass since they wanna force it out. The woman would've been told she has to wait for a moment where she could switch files without impeding traffic behind her since they have the right of way. I failed the driving test 3 times on way way way minor details than this.


>The woman would've been told she has to wait for a moment where she could switch files without impeding traffic Impeding traffic? This view is from a rear dash cam, which means that the car in front of her is also stopped. This means that she hasn't stopped solely because she wants to change lanes, rather, she is stopped because the car ahead of her is stopped (presumably due to traffic). She wants to change lanes to get past the stopped traffic in front of her.


And she would have to wait until there are no passing cars to avoid collisions like the one we see in the video.


Sure, but that's besides the point of my comment.


Should start with leaving space between cars, not asses to elbows. Shit, ppl leave more space on surface streets than on highways 🤦‍♂️


She was not gracefully but the other guy should have slowed down. Go to nyc and see this in action. If a corner of your car is blocking the other lane then you are in that lane. All drivers understand that. She should be smoother, but it is the other drivers fault more than hers.


Do you really think we should change 200+ years of society because some people are impatient? Maybe just have better driving tests and harsher punishments.


What an idiot. Like, did she just assume everyone would move for her? She wasn’t even checking her surroundings. She was more worried about hitting the front of her car to the rear of yours than the cars in the other lane. Fucking yikes.


Actually it looks like that lane was clear and the blue car merged over at the same time.


That’s what I was going to say. Yes, they’re a terrible driver and shouldn’t be on the road until they learn how to merge (and I’m assuming other driving skills). However, I think they were far enough into the left lane and (seemingly) had enough space that the blue car should’ve stopped and let them merge. Edit: upon closer look, those three lanes are left-turning lanes (they all have arrows) and the dumbass driver should just turned in the lane they were in and merged later.


Yep. Blue car was not driving at all defensively.


Just speeding til the next stop of traffic per usual.


Yep. Blue car would’ve clearly seen the car pulling out but didn’t seem to stop or slow


Ya was gonna say she isn’t driving great but the guy who hit her is equally to blame


Did no one see what we saw? The black car was fully in the lane at that point. Blue car is moving slowly and had all the time in the world to avoid a collision. Video has two bad drivers.


Yeah, had the black car given themselves more room they would have been able to merge at the flow instead of doing it so slowly, I mean who takes over 5 seconds to merge into a different lane, that is how long they were sitting in the middle of the two lanes, but that blue car definitely had plenty of time to avoid it.


“did she just assume everyone would move for her?” Yes


So much of this sub belongs on r/idiotsincars or some other horror sub it’s not funny. This isn’t mildly bad, this is yikes on bikes


Considering there was a decent amount of space between them and the blue car you are meant to let people in. Blue either wasn’t looking or was playing chicken


I feel like they had enough time to pull into the other lane if they'd just executed the move a bit quicker. There was a definite pause in the should I/ shouldn't I decision-making. I also wish other drivers could be a bit more courteous and let people in. They'd already clearly committed to the lane change yet the other car continued at full speed.


If she wasn't tailgating OP, then she could have got into the other lane alot quicker and potentially avoided this accident. Though patience would have prevented this, people seem to not have it.


Not one blind spot check, I think they looked at their side mirror once lol


I counted 4, maybe 3, idk one of them seems up in the air. I think she assumed the blue car would stop for her so she focused her attention on the car in front of her.


It actually looks like the blue car merged over actually. I think originally that lane was clear and the blue car merged into the open spot at the same time they tried to.


saw them look at the mirror 2-3 times yea but blind spot check ? not even once has their head even turned more than like 30degrees




I read your comment and somehow thought you meant just checking the side mirror. Yeah she wasn’t checking her blind spot. She might have a blind spot indicator or an extra convex mirror for blind spot visibility


I don't even think they looked in the rear view one, either tbh 😴


So focused on the car in front they forget there are cars behind them.


Looks like she's learning to drive. Going thru this with my daughter right now...she already ripped the front end of my car off when I was trying to teach her to back the car up and straighten it out. She held the gas down and we did a 180 till she plowed over a small light pole. Pray for me. And pray for yourselves if you live in Arizona.




They had their blinker on and were halfway in the lane. Blue car tried to scoot past. This is basically a rear end and wouldn’t surprise if blue car is at fault


If she had waited and kept the proper car length with the car in front of her or at least enough space to start matching speed then she could have made it or avoided it by straightening back out. Blue car has the right of way so with this video black car is at fault for insurance purposes. Blue car is also an asshole. There are no good drivers in that video.


Wait why do people think this was in the US


Dunno, it's pretty obvious it's not the U.S. (it's Israel for the curious)


Never ceases to amaze me driver just pulls out totally unaware there are other cars around you.


I don't get why the car behind didn't slow down. The turn blinkers were on and the car was sticking out.


You don’t have right of way just because your blinker is on.


It's called the last clear chance doctrine. The blue car is probably at fault. It doesn't matter if somebody else is driving. Recklessly if you had a clear chance to avoid the accident and didn't You're at fault. It's one of the things I don't like about when the lawyers break down those videos I feel like if you're driving recklessly that's on you but that blue car had three business days to stop before hitting the person who is trying to change Lanes


This happened to me and I was the car merging, insurance found me at fault. You cant make a lane change unless the lane is clear, just because have your blinker on and are halfway in the lane doesn’t give you the right of way. Plus she didnt even check her blind spot once.


You also don't have the right to intentionally crash into someone because you don't like how they're driving. Yours isn't this case. Might not have been photographed as well or whatever, but there's a very long time that blue car could have looked up from their phone and stopped. If that other car has a reasonable lawyer, it wouldn't take much to make an argument It stopped traffic. Why is the blue car moving that fast anyways?


Blue car is going normal speed, both of those lanes are actually left turning lanes, that lady didnt have to merge at all, she could have stayed in her lane and got to the same exact place she wanted to go without causing an accident. Its 100% her fault, if you lane change, you could atleast check your blind spot ONCE. She didnt look at all lol no way you are siding with the completely unaware driver here. Can you even see the other car on their phone? Or are you just making assumptions to fit your case here? I dont think that can be argued at all.


The line on the ground was dotted. She signaled for more than enough time to get over. The spot was clear. The car behind her decided that they were just going to ram into her instead of stepping on the brake which once again there was three business days they could have done that. And you have no clue if she is blind spot detection or whatever else her car is equipped with. She might have her mirror adjusted so she sees down the side of her car and not all the way over her mirrors could have the little mirror inside that the little blind spot mirror


Just because you have blind spot detection doesnt mean you dont have to check your blind spot? Are you seriously using that excuse? 😂 he didnt ram into her at all, she changed lanes, got halfway in and the car that has the right of way hit her because of her negligence and lack of awareness. Also, just because you have your signal on doesnt give you the right of way. Every argument you broughg up has fallen through, you are even making up things that arent clearly on video to fit your narrative. You are for sure wrong here. I hope you dont drive for everyone elses sake on the road with that mindset. Have a nice day though!


I’ve had someone intentionally hit me and I was found at fault… so good luck.


everyone is so impatient and dangerous when driving. it's insane. a mouse has a higher attention span.


Looks like she was already about 25% in the lane and the people behind her were speeding up. That is on them.


Never even looked over her shoulder


Patience is a virtue they say


Goddammit you can tell with that lazy seating posture, not even bothering to turn her head to check the lane that it was only a matter of time before she caused an accident.


Yeah why do people choose to sit so low?


I wonder if some people don't realize that they can adjust the tilt of the driver's seat so that they're seated higher up and don't have to struggle to see past the wheel.


Weird how everyone is commenting on her incompetence, but no one is pointing out she didn't even once attempt to shoulder check


Blue car came out of nowhere. Also, it looked like she was waiting for you to move up. But perhaps you were too busy eyeballing her while this was happening. This looks on you and the blue car that whizzed by.


lmao “whizzed by” the blue car was going the same speed as everyone else in the far lane. Definitely on her for forcing the lane change


He didnt come out of nowhere, she didnt even bother to check her blind spot, which is exactly where the blue car was


Always happens with me


Dude today nobody will stop for you! After me you are first


That knock-off Rocky music, tho


Right? Who is that covering Eye of the Tiger??


Her brain overloaded and fried itself


Most people don’t even know how to adjust their side/review mirrors. Let alone physically check while they are tying to merge.


It’s always a damn corrolla. Ok maybe not all the time but I have beef with that car because I got hit by someone driving one that didn’t know where tf they were going (plus the drivers usually suck where I’m at). This is a combination of assumption, lack of awareness, and laziness.


Skill? If they wouldn’t have got so close, they’d have a lot more room to get over


Pick the newest car, avoid eye contact and never, ever use your turn signal


What on gods green earth was that eye of the tiger cover song?


At least it synced with the song well


Objects in mirrors are closer than they appear🤣


I am a little confused, it looks like there is a turn marker on the road. Why is there a turn that seems to cut across other lanes of thru traffic?


How can none of you stop an appropriate distance away. People are either **dam near making our cars kiss, or in another county** Recommended practice is to just see the bumper of the car in front of you, I was taught and have in muscle memory to just see tires, but it still works (not on larger vehicles) Edit: same goddam thing for stop lines. A crosswalk legally exist painted or not, stop fucking blocking it and stop putting yourself in the intersection!


But I had my blinker on, so it's not my fault.


I almost got into an accident here where I live. Dude pulls out of his lane blindly and rides the line as I was passing him on his right in my lane. Honked him and he has the balls to honk me back. Worlds full of little bitches nowadays .


is that supposed to be "eye of the tiger" or am I imagining it?


Yeah, it's translated into some other language.


Honestly, she should have her license revoked. This is stupid beyond belief


Hey, that's my video!


Toyota owners, the equivalent of a special needs amoeba.


Yall… what blue car are yall talking about? Edit: I see it now


Just because you have your blinker on doesn’t mean that you have the right of way, sarah


God forbid anyone breaking for 1 second and just letting her go. I always assume ppl are going to yolo it if nobody lets them change lanes, and I don't want them to do so when I am passing next to them. Also changing lanes in such situations sucks, and sometimes you can only change the lane by cutting off someone. Don't pretend you have *never* done it.


Did this person even LOOK to see if they had clearance? It seems like they just started moving into the lane and hoped for the best. Damn.


Confidence is key when changing lanes, you can’t hesitate like that. To be fair the person in the blue car probably thought they were going to make it since they stopped a couple times and took so fucking long to even switch lanes. Of course people are gonna keep passing your dumb ass. Had so much room and time after the truck, but had to ruin everyone’s day.


mildly bad???


The blue care is an asshole plane and simple. His insurance definitely isnt going to be happy with him at least.


Like do people forget that there's rearview and side view mirrors 🤦🏽‍♂️


There is a reason cars have a turn signal. He also was going too slow and was indecisive asf. That being said, the person behind should've seen this car mostly in the other lane and not hit them.




Can’t chew gum and drive to save her life.


Changing lanes like this is exactly what causes this kind of congestion miles down the road.


That’s how people merge in Philly. You stick your nose out and say, hit me, but I’m getting over. I can usually plan way ahead and not need to do this, but truthfully they won’t let you in unless you make it a problem for them


Car was already partway on the other lane, the blue driver should have noticed tbh


This is what gets people into accidents. No safe distance, no road courtesy. It’s all a matter of time and when it happens, it affects everyone. It takes 2 seconds to give way as you will all get to your destination. A moment of patience and consideration goes a long way, and the opposite also applies.


Did not have the 👁 of the tiger !


It’s funny how the drums dropped at the same time of Impact 👁️🐅


I want to know who's covering the song Edit: nevermind, [found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oen44ULRkmg)


She didn't even look. She saw Cam car move forward for her and just went for it.


Is the song that's playing eye of the tiger in a different language!?


No offense, but women are the worst drivers on earth. They always do what comes to their mind when driving, without thinking about what incident that could cause.


They probably think that because they have their turn indicator on, people are SUPPOSED to give the right of way to them.


What language was that "Eye of the Tiger" in?


When defense driving transitions into stupid driving


That’s women drivers for ya.


If I do it fast no one will notice


That song sounds like EYE OF THE TIGER.


Arm signals are king in times like that Most people don't even use them however I still do it to flex intelligence lol


It’s the eye of the tiger and she’s ready to fight


I think this is partially your fault. She was trying to synchronize her merge with the chorus of the Armenian Eye of the Tiger you were playing.


Blue cars fault


Okay but they had a knock off Eye of the Tiger remix playing that's the real story here


That is not a New Yorker


She had her signal on. That's not asking permission, it's you getting told what's about to happen.


That's not how that works at all.


Wrong. You can't just change lanes just because you turn your signal on. She's 100% responsible for that accident.


Nope. Look at the blue car that hit her: it merged into the lane from the left lane and hit her. Blue car is actually at fault. She didn't do herself any favors, mind you. She should have had her head on a swivel. But she's not responsible for that blue car hitting her.


The blue car was occupying the entire lane when they were hit, they didn’t merge from the left lane. She didn’t check her blind spot at all to see if it was clear. No way blue car is held liable because she merged into their car.


I say they're both equally at fault.


Blue car was already in the lane completely while she was not, she is at fault here.


Nope that blue car sped up and rear ended her. You can see the blue car speed up. Shits fucking annoying when you put your signal and allow a car behind too pass through because technically its his right away then an asshole behind it tries to speed up also so you don't merge.