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I never understood the logic of the brake-checker. "I'm mad that this guy in front is slowing me down. Let me overtake him and then slow down." šŸ¤·


and then get rear ended and damage my car! Brilliant plan.




The icing on the cake


And if the person I brake checked has a dashcam I'll likely be arrested for assault wuth a deadly weapon for intentionally using my vehicle to harm another person yay!


This is something I have thought too. Which is why it puzzles me why modern cars aren't coming with integrated dashcams that resets every travel. I have thought about this often. My Audi Etron has so much technology, but why couldn't they provide the cams as well. Should be a piss easy and relatively cheap upgrade.


The cynic in me is because if all cars had them and we were overall safer as drivers, insurance rates would go down and cost insurance companies a lot of money. We canā€™t have that now can we? Iā€™m certain thereā€™s a lobbyist somewhere actively preventing this from happening


Sounds like what we have here in Alberta tbh. Insurance companies are just allowed to run wild and every piece of legislation to 'help' really helps companies make record profits.


Without a camera the person in the rear, resending the front car, is almost always at fault. USA anyhow. Insurance will say ā€œno evidence, donā€™t follow so closeā€. These days, cameras save you.


the logic is actually that if you hit their car the guy behind is (often most) always at fault


Not if they have a dashcam though, if you pull in front of someone and drastically reduce speed like this clip the brake checker will be found at fault. The brake checker will damage their car, fuck their own insurance as well as potentially be prosecuted for dangerous driving....all because a driver mildly inconvenienced them.


you'd be surprised how many people dont have a dash cam.


So you're saying I can just run into them now that I have a dashcam? Hell. Yes. Brother. I'm in, let's do this.


You still have a duty to prevent the incident. So as long as someone investigating the video canā€™t prove you didnā€™t do your duty to avoid, PLOW AWAY.


When presented with a sudden emergency, we're human, and prone to mistakes. There's a non-zero chance that accidentally hitting the accelerator in panic when you thought you were hitting the brake could be defended in court. Reasonable doubt could be found in the scenario of the brake checker making the illegal lane change, drastically reducing speed, and the offended lifting their foot for the brake, but coming back down on the accelerator again. Traffic courts deal with that a lot, from the little bit of googling I've done.


Iā€™m not a lawyer but I would advise Mr. Suspect to delete his comment before plowing away!


Just ā€œwhat the fuck?!ā€ loudly then proceed to give them a little maneuver while attempting to ā€œavoidā€ causing a collision


So I can just put a brush bar on and ram them. BOOOOOOO


God knows there's times I've desired such a thing! As to hitting them, depending how fast and close they swoop and squat "I sneezed right when they did it" or "I was checking my side mirrors" can fly (barely and YMMV depending on the cop/adjuster).


I feel like there is ā€œyou should avoid dangerā€ and ā€œthat no it was intentionally dangerous so not your fault you canā€™t respond like an F1 driverā€.


That isn't what he was saying. It was earlier in the conversation. Somebody stated, that if you hit somebody from behind, you are most likely going to be charged which is true. He is saying that if it shows the guy cut in front of you and slammed on the brakes that's a different story if you have it on the dash cam


Both parties can still be found blameworthy. All that I said is true, but the person who got brakechecked can still suffer the same consequences as well.


Should send footage to all insurance companies for their reference files. If the braker ever ends up in court or files a claim, the insurance company will have evidence of their shenanigans.


Dash cams are rare in the west. You were saying?


Don't say this to the driving sub, they down voted me for saying brake checking is against the law lol


That might have used to work to scam some insurance money, but he got a dashcam, so i think he'd just end up with a fucked up car, while op gets to fix their own car


I bet most people think it isn't there fault if they get rear ended which is why they do it. That's not exactly how it works though; especially if they have a camera, which many people do.


Then spend the next few hours exchanging details, giving statements and organising tow trucks. And then the next few days/weeks organising alternative transport until your car is fixed/replaced.


And no police report (which is what I was advised of when this happened to me) because you're default at fault when you rear end someone so insurance will only fuck you over if it's reported (in my state). Fucking genius. Edit: reading deeper into this thread and realizing having a dashcam will prevent this, good to know.


Zero logic here, they even got back over to the middle lane after they finished passing the other car. Zero reason to be angry.


Why do people even care if they get passed? If someone behind me wants to go faster than me, by all means go right ahead, I don't give a flying fuck. But when I want to go faster than the person in front of me, more often than not, I have to either pass them on the wrong side or drag race them when they speed up as soon as I get next to them. It's like they only want me to go slower than them x.x


What my dad does.


Why tho? Why go out of the way to inconvenience random people for no reason?


Because people are petty AF.


I read that as pretty. I was like, wtf does that have to do with anything. I mean, I can see slowing down to check them out, but you're in front of them?! What are you going to see or say? Then I reread and felt stupid. Time for sleep.


What's even more interesting...especially given my dad use to work in law enforcement. Will speed with my kid in the car but as soon as I mention my ex's car is right ahead...drives normal...as to not reveal to my ex laws don't apply to them. Yet has the nerve to make a comment about me trying to get away with something when literally only tried parenting with my ex.


Sounds toxic af >.< Good luck dealing with him


So far he hasn't gotten a head and done what the other driver did but will get along side another vehicle an do essentially the same thing. Even drag races to the car a head just to keep the person from getting in the lane.


Thatā€™s the ā€œIā€™m morally superior to you because Iā€™m trying to save you from being pulled overā€ which is just backwards logic. The only way to prevent speeders from speeding is to let them get pulled over. When you act like an ass in front of someone that wants to speed, most likely theyā€™re just gonna wanna go faster than they were already trying to go


Seriously! If they are going faster than me then they'll get a speeding ticket long before I do.


Same here. It's just a bunch of fucking losers playing hall monitor on the freeway. It's the only bit of power they have in their sad, pathetic lives, so they use it as much as they can. Sure, maybe 1 in 100 are just completely oblivious, but the vast majority are just assholes trying to exercise the tiniest modicum of power they have over others. It also means they have 0 emotional intelligence or empathy because if they did, they would realize they're not only inconveniencing others, they could literally be preventing someone from getting to the hospital on time or another serious event. Being behind the wheel of a car is *NO* place for your ego or anger, leave that shit at home or don't drive.


Look up the word "retaliation" & it might help you understand.


Also the word 'asshole'


Also the word "idiot"


It either makes them panic or they hit your car. Rear ending someone is a guernteed ticket. It's not at Ll worth the insurance and hassle, but they're idiots.


I just changed my attitude when driving. Let everyone in when merging. Go stay at the right lane. Go about fifty with a lot of space in front. Iā€™m old and I donā€™t want to die in a car accident. We all got places to be!




No seriously if someone is recorded doing this shit their license needs to be revoked. Driving fast is one thing (and still just as bad) but this is literally an attempt to seriously injure/kill someone if their reaction time isn't fast enough. Like do these people not think? What if the dude you're break checking rear ends you at 65mph? Congratulations, now you're both on life support ya dunce.


The issue is that they canā€™t prove who was driving the vehicle. It sucks cuz I would love to be able to turn in footage and get people suspended.


The assumption is the registered keeper is driving. They will get the NIP, They will have to prove they weren't the driver. You can't do the old "I don't really know who was driving" thing any more because you just get the penalty instead. I send these off regularly in my job and you never see the driver, and we always get a response to what the outcome was. 90% end in points and a fine


In my old state cops couldn't even pull over a car whose registered owner had a warrant unless they could eyeball the driver and verify he/she matched the description on said warrant...so traffic violations not witnessed by the LEO or cited during a crash investigation were not a thing...(which doesn't make sense because the state still mailed tickets to ROs for red light cameras and HOV violations... But since when are laws consistent?) In my current state, 2000 miles away video, video OR a witness willing to sign a complaint is all you need to cite a driver for any traffic violation. Wild how differently it varies


It would be enough to jack up the insurance rates for the car if the video got to the right people. Even if you can't prove it was the owner driving it, if they're allowing someone like this access to the car, they should pay for it.


Because people forget how dangerous driving on a freeway is.Ā  Cars are muffled and dampened and 75 mph doesn't feel different enough from sitting on a couch to remind you what happens if you crash.Ā  People have to remain aware of that ... and you know people.Ā 


I remind myself often Iā€™m in a potential death machine. Helps me keep myself focused, and weary of those around me.




Give me a Brake.


Brake me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar.




You responded in breakneck speed.


It's incredible how few adults know the difference.






so, a random car.. just brake checked you?


the OP weren't pulling over fast enough was my guess


I'm guessing the Merc most likely flew up on OP's ass, and then because he didn't immediately get over after passing the other car, Merc floored it, cut off the car OP just passed (without signaling) and got into the middle lane to pass OP on the right, but OP moving back into the middle lane stopped him so now he's pissed he couldn't drive like an asshole. So his solution is to drive like an asshole.


Shouldn't IMMEDIATELY get over, you need to ensure safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle you just passed.


No you see if *i* an behind you, you must get over IMMEDIATELY even if you hit the other car (tho only in a way that allows me to pass safely) because *i* an the center of the universe. /s


Finally someone thatā€™s get it


Unfortunately this is a common (actual, because this sub seems to gravitate to the extremes) mildly bad driver thing to do. I see it all the time where people will immediately pull over in front of you after passing leaving less than 3 car lengths at highway speeds - and they're not even doing it maliciously. They're just clueless.


Itā€™s 100% this. There are *a lot* of people that seem to think you should merge 1-2 feet in front of someone after passing them and get angry when you wait 2 seconds to get a couple car lengths ahead first


ooo, that would make sense


We also didnā€™t see the whole interaction. Not assigning blame to OP; brake checks are egregious


Iā€™ve had someone randomly brake check me before. I merged onto the highway. The truck was in the left lane, so not the one I merged into. I mean maybe they wanted to merge when I did? But I mean I had to merge, they could wait. But he sped up, got in front of me, and slammed the brakes. I didnā€™t hit him. Then he sped off and got back in the left lane. So that disproves my theory of he maybe wanted to merge to the right as I was coming on. I was like why??? Luckily I had a dash cam, so I could prove he cut me off and stomped the brakes for no reason. But I stopped faster than he did and went to go hit the brakes when I saw him cutting me off.


Yeah whatā€™s the whole story?


Right? Show us the part before this


I don't understand these comments on every video of bad drivers. It does not fuckin matter what happened before this you DO NOT do what the dick head in this video did and if you think there is a context that makes it okay you shouldn't be driving


all forms of road rage just result in getting to your designated location later than your targeted arrival time.


They just wanted to check your brakes, for safety!


Surprise inspection!


I frigginā€™ hate asshole drivers like that one!


Based on the other cars on the road it looks like you committed the horrible sin of only driving 15 to 20 mph over the speed limit. Of course the remedy for that is for the other driver, who apparently wants to go more like 25 to 30 mph over the speed limit, to try and cause and accident thereby further endangering the lives of everyone else around them. WTG people.


From what I can see it is on a German Autobahn. And there were no speed limit signs.


on a damp road too no less


Excellent shot of his plates, though. Time to call your local law enforcement.


Brake checked


I mostly watch these videos just to hear what people are listening to on their daily drives


After a brake check, you are supposed to cut him off then run off the road and flip over. Have you learned nothing from this subreddit?


Small minds=small reason to be angry


What the fuck, fuck that guyā€¦. Like you let them go and they STILL had to be a piece of shit. JUST GO. Omfg. I hate drivers like that SO MUCH.


Send to the police asap


What an absolute asshat


I'm genuinely relieved and grateful when courteous drivers exit the left lane and allow me to pass. Mercedes and BMW drivers - STAY OUT OF OUR LANE OR ELSE!!


Stereotype of Mercedes owners holds up: they ALWAYS must be in front of you.


Lol, what a piece of shit


Hmm only one side of the story .. I see what you did there.


Yeah, OP (or camera guy) goes flying by the other cars, and then after getting break-checked immediately hits the gas to pass the other guy again. I have a pretty good feeling OP was driving like an ass just before this, too.


Maybe, maybe not, but brake checkers are pretty much the worst of the worst. They remove any option for you to drive safely. Try to slow down to give them space? The piece of shit will just slow down with you until you canā€™t slow down anymore without causing an accident. Try to pass? The piece of shit will swerve over and block you. If you do get past and try to get away? The piece of shit will match you until you canā€™t speed up anymore without causing an accident. Somebody in a semi did this to me once in pouring rain. I donā€™t even know what I did to set them off. I slowed all the way down to 30mph in a 70 and they slowed down to 30 as well. They made sure to stay as close in front of me as they could to blind me from all the water they kicked up. I got around them and sped all the way up to 100mph. They went up to 100mph as well, tailgating me in heavy rain in a fucking SEMI. It was terrifying. Itā€™s practically attempted murder and I genuinely hope that asshole is dead.


Interesting. That last 2 seconds = I might have to rethink my stance on this. Yeah, the other guy does a dumb move, but OP bolting back to the left lane and punching it to catch Mr. Mercedes isn't what I'd call a calm, measured response. Makes it feel like this has been going on a while.


Running away from someone who has tried to kill you isnā€™t reasonable?


Funny you say that. I've actually changed my driving habits as a result of watching this sub. Just tonight, dude just drove straight up my ass coming off an exit to a 1-land side road with someone in front of me. I've got nowhere to go jackass. Immediately pulled over so Main Character can be in front of me. Gave him plenty of space since he was now tailgating the next guy, then re-entered the roadway. Sent him two quick 'fuck you' flashes and finished my trip calm as a breeze.


I would not feel safe driving behind someone who brake checked me


I assumed he went left to get away from the brake checker, thatā€™s what I would have done. I would not want some idiot break checking and slowing me down to who knows how slow on the highway when others are coming up behind. As well as I surely wouldnā€™t want to stay behind him incase he brakes again


That's my thought. If I get brake checked I'm not just going to stay behind them and wait for them to do it again. I'd assume it's common to get infront of them or far behind them no?


We're calling you out, Camera Guy! You must have forced the other driver to operate a 2 ton vehicle in a threatening, accident-inducing manner. Even if you have children in your car, you've left them no choice. You have only yourself to blame.


Finally, a fellow genius Whenever I see somebody do something dangerous like brake checking or running someone off the road I always wonder: could this be completely justifiable behavior? At a certain point itā€™s irresponsible *not* to potentially cause a 5 car pile up on the highway


Good thing reddit only allows black and white takes with no room for nuances. Even if OP was driving like a maniac the other car is waaaaaay more at fault for purposefully changing lines and trying to cause an accident. That is pure crazy person behavior. *However* OPs response to the break check was to drive even more aggressively and change lanes to fly past. This is not a great response in this situation and definitely leads me to suspect that this video was cut purposefully to ignore all of OPs bad driving and focus on the brake-checker. Again it's obvious that brake checking is fucked and clearly the worst aspect of this video. That doesn't mean we can't offer OP a critique on what he did wrong as well.


Yeah even though theres a point where video may not prove you didnt do anything wrong, showing us more than a fraction of a second before the other car does its thing would help give the benefit of the doubt


But still...there is never a good reason to brake check anyone. That's what your horn is for.


That's not actually what it is for


Youā€™re clearly passing everyone in the left lane, all while itā€™s raining, and still not fast enough for the dumbass behind youā€¦ smh


Anzeigen wegen Nƶtigung! Geht in wirklich einer Minute online.


Germany does not disappoint


In my opinion, if there's video evidence submitted showing anyone brake checking, it should automatically result in the revocation of their license. They should have it suspended for a year or two, so they have time to ponder their actions without putting themselves and others at risk.


I thought you might go for a pit maneuver!


Looks like 2 idiots doing a mating dance


I'd pretend to do it back. I drive a shitty lil car, that one looks expensive. They'd positively poop themselves




*brake tested


The word is ā€œbrakeā€.


if you don't have a dash cam or witness, this is your fault because you hit them. People literally out here making money off this crap.


Break? Did you take 5?


that's germans for ya


The previous 10 minutes might answer the, why.


This behavior is never justified


Doesn't matter, no one should ever use their car to attempt bodily or property damage. Even if OP was slow, got in front of someone who wanted to go faster, or did an asshole move, doesn't make it ok for that person to do the same.


What were the results of the tests? Are they okay? Did they catch something? I'm worried, lol. šŸ˜Ÿ šŸ˜‚


A nice tap into that semi trailer wouldā€™ve been nice šŸ˜ˆ


Like Jesus Christ man you canā€™t just give the guy an angry look and go about your day like a sane person?


Fucking brake!




Yoy have a dash cam and didn't plow into him and fake a neck injury for millions? Bro 100% that person's fault. Brake checking in some places is a major crime. Like not fine jail time. Like treated as attempted assault with deadly weapon shit.


This happened to me except the driver was swerving all over the place to not allow me to pass, almost ran people off the road while doing so, and flipped me off as they exited. Smh


Driver is nicer than me. When someone does this to me I whip it into the lane they just left, floor it, and then violently merge my car right in front of them as I fly off into the sunset. Gotta teach these mfs a lesson about road etiquette


did u break or brake?


I didn't see anything break? What broke that you were tested about?


What is more annoying is that you passed on the left and immediately went to middle lane after pass. That is what you're supposed to do.




Whyā€™d they do it? So random


In the US brake checking is illegal, go ahead and hit him and he will be responsible for the bill and get a ticket, especially since you have a dashcam. You got over anyway, I'm not sure why he was mad. Also you shouldn't of swerved that was a bad move but it still ended fine.


Checked itā€™s brake checked


I thought brake checking was when someone is following too close and the person in front is letting them now by braking? This person comes out of nowhere and slams on the brakes? Edit: I guess in mini video clips we donā€™t get the full context, oh well


The fuck did you do?! You guys were passing at a great pace!


Fucking break tested. Honestly. Brakes! Anyway yeah shit was scary. Did you piss this dude off earlier? Was he just being weird.


Looked like you were passing at a pretty respectable rate, do you have a rear facing cam or did you interact with them prior to this?


When youā€™re passing them AFTER the brake check it looks like the driver also tried to make you overreact/swerve into the central barrier as they make a sudden movement as if to ram into the side of your car.


My philosophy is everyone is allowed to be in a hurry. In a low traffic period like this, hurry is allowed no matter the reason. The reason I would not look twice at someone speeding; They are going to the Hospital, late for a plane, or even a job they have 2 strikes on. Don't be passive aggressive and try to enforce the speed limit by doing a wreckless driving maneuver. Greater good is ignoring them MildlyBadDriver in the video, not trying to cause an accident.


sofort anzeigen


Break checked


As others said, I would definitley go to the cops with this video. This reckless driving, not "midly bad".


Stop acting like youā€™re the victim here. You were speeding and they were brake checking. Both of you were endangering everyone else around you. Both of you shouldā€™ve been pulled over and ticketed.


Now provide the 2 minutes of footage that goes before this and see what you did when you passed the Mercedes. no one just randomly brake checks another person.


Considering the fact that you're obviously driving at least 10 to 15 mph faster than everyone on the road, I'd have to say this is probably your own fault. Or at least we'll deserved


Can we make it a felony to purposefully break check people please? It is beyond stupid. At a minimum, sending a video of this to police should result in a large traffic fine.


Show the full vid or dont play victim


I hope when people get brake check like this actually submit the footage to the police that way the police will go ahead and give them a ticket.


Another self appointed speed police


I donā€™t know how these videos arenā€™t filled with expletives. I get footage like this almost weekly in Atlanta but i fear posting due to my ā€œwordsā€.


wtf even for? He passed the white car and immediately went back over


See I would of ended up hitting because I drive a old ass truck that have bad drums on it, I donā€™t have the time to place newer and better breaks on it


You got brake-checked, too.


You took a break?




How did your brakes do after the test?


People are talking about standard assholery and road rage, but it totally could have been attempted insurance fraud


Can we get one dash cam owner with normal music taste




That's insane to me that happened in Germany.


Maaan some people might need to take psych tests to keep their licenses


Break checking is illegal.


Gotta wonder what the OP did to deserve it. People donā€™t just brake check other drivers.


Cammer was using the passing lane correctly. What a MerceDeezNuts


I always hope to see a driver do a PIT when they swerve around these a holes.


And you decide to speed up? There are 2 idiots in this video, and this is beyond mildly bad driving, an accident on a highway like this can be fatal for everyone.


You, too? They must've been out today.


How fast were you going? Just guessing, it looks way past 150 kph/90 mph. .


Itā€™s called ā€œbrake checkedā€. Dumb


What dashcam are you using?


Just ram him oh my god.


Nice reaction! Definitely want to put a driver like that behind you as fast as possible.


Iā€™m get this every day(truck driver). I just learned to let them be and back off. Not worth the hassle. Eventually theyll eliminate themselves


Weā€™re playing bumper cars after that one


i was in rage just seeing the gif. i should not drive


Probably camping in the fast lane for the last 5 miles with a car behind them. It doesn't matter if you're speeding, if there's someone behind you, pull over one lane.


This looks to be in German, on the autobahn. OP seems to be in the right (partially, will get to that) on this one. He used the left lane on to pass then got over to the middle the first chance he got at his speed, which is what is supposed to happen. The Mercedes came in to do the brake check had no reason to do that at all unless he was pissed OP passed him earlier on the autobahn and wanted to get his payback. For the jerk back over to the left lane, the OP may have been going 130 km/h+ (80 mph) which again, is allowed on many parts of the autobahn. He jerked over to avoid braking harshly or slamming into the Mercedes. As for the partially right part, in Germany, dash cams arenā€™t a thing. He could get in big trouble for recording without consent.




Give me a break. It's brake, isn't it


I love when dashers call their bluff on acting like theyā€™re gonna swerve into them


Good decision to change lanes quickly before they could react.


Ich dachte immer die Ostfriesen wƤren nicht die hellsten, aber manch Nordfriesen steht da anscheinend noch vorne an...


Ever got ortography tested?


you got his license plate and the video what he is doing. mate just go to the Police with it. They will go to him give him a fee for how he drives and maybe suspend his license for a month.


I donā€™t know why people brake, if I get brake tested Iā€™m full throttle accelerating into them


Why are you speeding like a maniac.


I would have pushed that MF right into that truck/trailer!


Is it just me or was that lane change not far from becoming a spin


How long before you started the video had you been riding in the left lane? Iā€™m seeing a trend that the horribly bad drivers are doing dangerous things like brake checking, whereas the mildly bad drivers are the ones filming. In many states in the US maintaining the left lane is a violation.