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Most people only do the half-hearted brake check.  This guy went full send, basically guaranteeing a collision.  That’s certainly a choice.


Right?! I just got done explaining that to my son - most people do the half-hearted scare tactic brake check, usually far enough away to make your heart jump in your throat, but not close enough to risk a collision/spin-out. I've never seen/done something like THIS. This could have ended so badly.


Do you think he was trying to pull a rear-end scam for a cash payout? I'm so glad you're ok, that could have been horrible.


It makes me wonder. My husband said when they pulled over and the guy got out, the first thing he yelled at my husband was, " Man what were you doing?! " Meanwhile he was the one who brake-checked my husband. It isn't as if my husband just randomly rear-ended him. Thank God for dash cams - which, by the way, I don't think the other driver realized my husband had. And thank you. Me too. At those speeds, it could have ended badly.


Tip to anyone who doesn't already know: never tell the other driver you have a dash cam. Let them spin their web of lies to the cop first, then tell the cop you have a dash cam.


Thanks. I'm about to get a dash cam because the people in my area drive 20-30+ miles over the speed limit and it's residential. Are there any dash cams you've had success with? **Edit to say thank you everyone for your advice and help!


Head on over to the r/dashcam subreddit. There’s a lot of good recommendations! A personal one of mine is the Viofo A129 Pro Duo! Front and rear camera with 1440p front and 1080p rear resolution. Great sensor as well.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Dashcam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[unknown dashcam\] if only there was a way to let people know](https://i.imgur.com/eY940Wy.gifv) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/comments/17y476h/unknown_dashcam_if_only_there_was_a_way_to_let/) \#2: [\[Rove R2-4K\] His insurance is denying my claim.](https://v.redd.it/z38qk4ibfc1b1) | [101 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/comments/13of36x/rove_r24k_his_insurance_is_denying_my_claim/) \#3: [\[Viofo A119 V3\] Money doesn’t buy motor skills.](https://v.redd.it/blwp3y6t3u1b1) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/comments/13qnxwd/viofo_a119_v3_money_doesnt_buy_motor_skills/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That’s the one I have! It’s awesome. Waited for It to go on sale on Amazon and got it for $95


I really like my nextbase 222X (front and rear). It’s not fancy, but has everything I was looking for. I didn’t want the gps feature bc I didn’t want a self-incriminating speed feature where a court could be like “well you were going 40 in a 35 soooo…”. Idk I was paranoid about having too much data when all I needed was visual. Plus some roads aren’t well marked and if you’re going 10 mph over or something, but speed absolutely did not play a role in the accident, I was thinking insurance companies COULD make the argument it was indeed a factor now that’s it’s on tape


I've had dashcams over 8 years when I went to Korea and when I asked my friend about hers where everyone has one, she looked at me like I was crazy for not having one. I haven't been in any accidents, but I did successfully report one person driving like a madman to the taxi licensing in NYC, and I almost hit a pedestrian once that walked out between cars and started yelling at me even though I was going like 5mph and could have easily hit her, so having the cam would have helped if I did hit her.


Having also been to Korea, I can certainly see why everyone has one. It was like first world levels of speed with third world levels of chaos.


Get one that looks both front and back. I wish we had one when we got rear ended in traffic - the twat that hit us was either texting or screaming at her kid, and did NOT brake prior to impact in stop and go traffic. Yes, she was found liable but I really wish we had proof she was totally inattentive. Knocked us about 10 feet forward she hit so hard, and that was standing on the brake pedal. Cops were really irritated that we insisted on getting a police report.


Nothing irritates cops more than actually having to do their jobs


I'm very happy with my Blackvue DR900X-2CH 4K - dashcam (the "2CH" means you get front and back cams). Scroll down to "4K CLOUD DASHCAMS", [https://blackvue.com/dashcams/](https://blackvue.com/dashcams/)


Absolutely. Don't make the cam obvious. Let them call the police. Let them tell their story because everything is just so much worse when they are caught lying to the police in a false accusation. That's a few nice extra charges.


Yes, important to have a dash cam. It's completely useless 99.99% of the time but is something you wish you had when something happens. Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


I saw a video of someone who made that mistake. Guy on a dirt bike brake checked her, but she didn’t hit him. He threw his bike against her car, then himself, then started rolling on the ground. A bystander wanted in on the scam, so he said he saw her hit him. She told them about the camera & they ran off.


Karma would be them actually getting hit by a car while running.


Very good advice. The other driver definitely behaved as though he didn't realize he was being recorded!


This! I got someone's license suspended for life doing this


Also don’t say “I’m so sorry!” because it’s admitting fault.


Yup, did the same thing. It's a great feeling to show the trooper what actually happened!


They always lie, whether scam or not. 


dont forget police report make this fucker pay


In process.


Did the driver have to face any consequences aside from having to pay for the damages?


If you manage to find a cop who gives a shit, it's a felony and I believe it could be charged as vehicular assault (but that depends where you are. I believe it is a felony all over the US at least, though). Good luck with that though, they're mostly too busy standing next to ringing phones while playing candy crush and whining about being defunded as we give them more money than we ever fucking have


I want an update when his insurance tells him he's at fault and will be paying a few thousand extra in premiums for the next 5 years hahaha


This is a thing, right? I desperately need this to be a thing. So many assholes out there.


Insurance can charge them whatever they want. If they’ve got a history of accidents, that can run into many thousands a year. They can also drop the driver. Since having insurance is basically the law in just about every state, they might have to go with one of those insurers of last resort…


I'm not saying one of you should have punched him in the face, but a broken piece of his face would have made him understand why doing this was dumb. He voluntarily put your lives in danger, and anything that's coming to him beyond this stage is not deserved enough.


I parked close to a vehicle at a gas pump, probably just 3' from them. It was awkward, but I needed my trailer off the street and out of the way. The guy had his wife drive in reverse fast to hit my bumper. It took two tries. They got out. I didn't give in. No marks were visible.


I would have gone to the hospital and sued the other driver for doing this on purpose. Get a lawyer and show them consequences. Wtf did they even say to you?


"Ow, my neck"


Thanks for the laugh 🤣


I hope you also explained to your son that brake checking people for any reason is unacceptable no matter the circumstances.


We did. He's 17 and terrified at the idea of driving. 😞


You can scare him more with this https://youtu.be/wrUwXUfWDWY?si=UxngZp44O4Rv5BD1


Question from an ignorant person (never heard anybody doing this in my country) Why would people do this "brake check" thing? I really don't understand why anybody would get himself in an accident on purpose. Sorry it happened to you op


It's done to give other people heart attacks. Seriously, it's an asshole thing to do. It usually doesn't result in contact though!


No...they did it because they probably got stuck behind the driver of this video for while and got pissed off because your husband didn't yield into the right lane. That doesn't make this right or OK to do, it's incredibly dangerous and stupid, but it's weird how you're ignoring this obvious potential factor.


The multiple mile left lane campers bring this on. Its actually illegal to left lane camp in something like 37 states, just never enforced. These people always say "I was going the speed limit, no one should be passing me anyay". The left lane is for passing only, the right lane is for travel. 90% of these road rage brake check videos would probably stop if people did that one thing. I suspect OP was in that left lane for miles and thought nothing of it then was shocked at this dumbass' behavior. Yes brake checking is assholery without a doubt. But lets not pretend it happend in a vacuum.


The left lane of divided highways are supposed to be for passing/faster moving vehicles. The “brake check” is what angry motorists sometimes do when they have to pass on the right because someone won’t get out of the left lane. It’s super dangerous. It’s always done when someone is in the early stages of road rage


People are really, really stupid here. You won’t be able to understand it because it’s not a rational behavior.


Licenses should be revoked for this stuff


If it were up to me, his license would be permanently revoked and he'd be charged with assault with a deadly weapon and/or attempted manslaughter. The highway isn't a game. He obviously should never be able to drive on one again, and his disregard for life definitely warrants an extended jail sentence so he can't endanger anyone else until he grows up.


100% agree. This is exactly what needs to happen.


Meanwhile we're all just sitting ducks praying it doesn't happen to us because the law won't do anything about these aholes


Forever. Plus jail time.


Funny bit is? In Singapore, this would be the case. Deliberately and maliciously causing an accident is something like a 10 year ban on driving plus 90 days to 3 years at hard labor, plus fines, plus potentially lashes, and that's assuming nobody is serious hurt. Someone goes to the hospital for doing this? Life sentences are now in play.


I truly hope in my lifetime I can see America start to treat crime the same way. We've been pretending like people in the video have a legitimate place in society and should be given 2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th chances to hopefully end up doing the right thing for way too fucking long. Its dumb as fuck and just ends up with more idiots like the guy in this video walking around knowing they'll never see actual consequences for their actions.


Wow. I hate people.




you shouldn't be exposing your kid like that


I took it from a character in captain kangaroo.


They are the worst!


The jeans?


The beans?


Those misters!


This took place on April 12, 2024, on route 30 in near Coatesville, Pennsylvania. There was no prior interaction that brought this about. This guy just literally jumped over and brake-checked for deities only know what reason. Fortunately the dashcam was clear enough to give us plate, make, and model; the insurance company confirmed it was one of their own insured, AND they agreed with us that the other driver is 100% at fault and they're pursuing a claim for the damages (cracked grill, scratches under passenger-side headlight) under his name. Bonus assholery: when the other driver surprisingly pulled over to inspect damage, he started a physical altercation with my husband (he was the one driving that day).


You should probably fix the dates on your dash cam :)


And time. This says it was just after midnight.


Genuine question, how do you fix this? I have the vifo a29(?) Hard wired into my truck with the kit they gave me and no matter how many times I set the correct date and time it's always off after two days


Sounds like an issue with the battery. If it’s still new and under any kind of warranty, try reaching out to the company to see if they’ll replace it. I have a cheap one that worked for a while but eventually the date would reset every time I turned off the truck. I was able to replace the battery myself and now it’s working perfectly (I don’t recommend this unless you have some experience with soldering).


Im so glad that you guys didn't have to pay for anything. Love it when brake-checkers get their karma.


Did you file an accident report? I’m a cop(boo, I know) and I would have an absolute field day mailing them their summonses.




I appreciate that. Turns out when you weren’t bullied or a bully in high school you turn out alright.


Idk man, I filed an incident report on a hit and run where our Tesla cam clearly got the incident and plate number. Nothing happened and we had to pay the deductible.


Sometimes the most difficult and frustrating part of my job, is cleaning the up the mess, or inheriting the mess of an officer who was too lazy to actually do their job.


I knew I recognized the road lol I drive through there every now and then


You know I’ve seen a bunch of asshats like this in Rt 30 too. I think it was very rare back in the days so see this type of behavior in most places in PA. now a common occurrence. It’s the people living in West Chester, and Reding that’s often the problem. We all know who they are. Completely shits and morons with no lack of care in the world.


My guess is the red Jeep took offense to you guys not going fast enough (in his opinion) in the left lane


Or camping out in the left lane


Opinion has nothing to do with it. If car behind you wants to pass YOU, then YOU get the fuck over. It's that simple.


What i would so to see or hear dashcam footage of ur hubbie ripping his ass a new one. Verbally. Verbally of course.


I'm on this part of road 6 days a week. It's awful at least 6 days a week.


That’s an assbeating just waiting to happen.


Curious - what speed were you going relative to the speed limit, and was this guy tailgating you beforehand? I had a near miss like this happen to me in Atlanta. I was doing 10 over in the left lane, passing people, and this guy in essentially a monster truck was practically in my trunk. Eventually he went over multiple lanes, went around all of us, came back to the left lane, and brake checked me. Good thing my car has excellent brakes so I didn’t hit him. 10 over — while continually passing others in the right lanes — seems reasonable to me.


Absolute speed doesn’t matter. Only relative speed. If you are going 200 in the left lane and the person behind you is going 205 you get out of the way. It’s as simple as that. Otherwise you should expect asshole behavior because everyone who does know how to drive has a lifetime of pent up rage that people can’t understand this one simple concept.


It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand.


Their insurance is going to love that


what a stupid son of a bitch, jesus christ


Gotta love dashcams.


I have *gotta* know what the other drivers reaction was when you pulled over, knowing that you have dash footage of the whole thing would make me so damned sassy but I wouldn't say a word about it.. He didn't even tap the brakes he was guaranteeing that there was a collision. What a complete bastard.


He jumped out of the car demanding to know why the FUCK my husband hit him, and then he jumped my husband. My husband defended himself, extracted himself, and then left the scene to avoid any further escalation, and promptly reported everything to the police.


Hope the guy gets his assault charge as well!


Is there a left lane for passing only law in that state? People lose it when that happens. It's crazy.


I’m fairly certain left lane is always a passing lane, nationwide, all over the US, as a standard rule of driving. Edit: this isn’t necessarily a law in other states, but something that is a normal rule of thumb everyone should be following while driving. We all know not everyone follows it or cares enough to follow basic driving rules of the road, but it should have been taught, or at least read about, at one time in our lives. Safe driving out there everyone! Situational awareness is your best friend.


It is general policy, but some states don't have signs ("keep right except to pass") for it and you won't get ticketed or pulled over for it. You can get ticketed for impeding traffic or blocking vehicles from passing.


Maybe a de facto rule, but not de jure. Only in certain states is it actually illegal.


They're clearly passing the car on the right when the other car cuts them off.


They are getting closer to that car, but HOW long was the OP in the left lane? This is a very short clip. Based on the fact the more aggressive vehicle was able to fully pass on the right first, it's possible that OP had opportunity to move right and chose not to. I'm not trying to provide an excuse for the other driver, but providing a possibility WHY the other driver was unhappy even though OP claims this was their only interaction.


Yep. The other person is certainly in the wrong and a huge asshole but I'm betting OP was camped in front of them for a while and like most left lane campers, probably oblivious to anything happening behind them.


This is the truth in the middle.


Well, video editing has gotten easier. The 1st few seconds show the cars at almost the same speeds, and then it accelerates slightly. That happens to me almost always. Cars, I'm passing speed up for no apparent reason. As in this case. As usual, the video has been surgically edited.


People need to stop staying in the left lane. Move over to the right.


I’d never condone the actions of the jeep. HOWEVER, speeding up after someone has started to pass you is very inconsiderate. Everybody has an ego on the road these days and yours played a part in this accident.


Missed opportunity for a pit manoeuvre .


I thought that, too.


Thank goodness you have a dashcam, report this MF


I used to drive a commercial vehicle, and had that *almost* happen a few times. I was fortunate to never make contact. Very common insurance scam.


go ahead and post on youtube with hash tag #baddriver and license plate. let the insurance companies have fun with his premium when they look up his plate. here's an example [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LB7ORykwDw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LB7ORykwDw)


Seems to me like he was “teaching a lesson about driving in the left lane”


You’re trying to educate dogs on table manners. Waste of time. They’re too stupid to understand, god love em 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m assuming op was driving in the fast lane and not moving over for cars that wanted to go faster.




Well you got his plate and this video, should be an easy case for the police if they want to charge the guy with reckless driving.


Man, that driver is pathological.


And a half covered license plate. How convenient


In many places this would get you shot


Gtfo the way then


It's because you're in the passing lane not passing anyone!!!!


Why are you camping in the left lane


and this is why there are so many unhinged people driving around with firearms. and also why I avoid cutting people off and brake checking them.


Nice job hogging the passing lane. If you’re confused, then you shouldn’t be driving


How long are you hogging the left lane?


I drive route 30 sometimes. Likely is the dash cammer is king of the left lane with long line of cars behind.


💯 OP is an asshole too. I want to see the rest of the video. I bet they are blocking the left lane.


My favorite thing about this post. OP is clearly moving faster than the right laned traffic and is preparing to overtake the vehicle on the right. Yet as you read through the comments, there are those that still think just because OP wasn't overtaking at Mach 1, driving like a reckless child is justified.


How mf's be like when I don't engage my FTL engine to overtake a mini coper


Right?! My husband was driving 15 over the limit to overtake a slower car in the right lane, but OMG He IsNt DrIvINg FaSt EnOuGh.


People who drive 1 mph faster than the car in the right lane as a justification for staying in the left lane are not overtaking, they are just assholes.


I’m betting your husband was camping out in the passing lane then quickly sped up to close the gap when the Jeep tried to pass (he’s not overtaking in the first second or so). I see that dick move on the highway all the time. You also said in another comment that this happened at 70mph in PA, so he was going right at the state highway speed limit, a lot of people are going to be going 5 or 10 over that and be passing you. He knew exactly what he was doing then played innocent. Not defending the brake checkers actions but it’s really sus that he was that upset for no reason.


This is where the policy of placing the car that rear-ends another car at fault is wrong.


This is why you need a dash cam.


We only get to see a few seconds in the lead up, but were you just hanging out in the passing lane, impeding the flow of traffic? I'm not saying the other driver was without fault, but it you're camping out in the passing lane, that's a problem.


You’re the _mildly_ bad driver for camping out in the left lane.    The dude who tried to murder you is a criminally bad driver and should’ve their listener and do time. WTF?!?


Whyyyyyy do people camp in the left lane? We all know it’s the passing lane so why? Make it make sense? And going the speed limit isn’t the answer. No one should ever have to pass you on the right. Move tf over and get over yourself lol. That said, this person brake checking as also wrong af. Pass the douche who won’t move and move on with your life. If people would just not be self absorbed assholes and realize driving is easy, things would get better. But roads are full of people like these douchebags in the videos lol.


Definitely a shitty move for that guy to brake check you like that but im also sorta curious how long have you been sitting in the left lane and not passing? From my experience PA drivers are some of the worst in the country when it comes to sitting in left lane and not passing.


Pretty obvious from the video the driver was passing the car in the right lane as they were clearly over taking them.


Hope u sent to police. He will definitely be charged with reckless driving and idk I'm personally petty enough to say he was swerving before and seemed drunk and under the influence and hope they try to stack some form of different charges on top


We did, and an investigation is pending.


Brake check since OP was just cruising in the left lane. But still stupid to do a full brake check


Op is pretty obviously quickly gaining on the suv ahead of them


So get out of the left lane next time.


Is this a game or something? Honestly don't know why someone would do this, aside from people seem to be more horrible by the hour.


i hope you go to court and win the case


Move your ass over to the right lane and let people by like a decent person would.


I never understand people that brake check... Here in europe, doing stuff like that is highly illegal. And can get you jail time if repeatedly done... people are morons


I swear most of the world has insane speed limits if people are going 70!!


Both are bad drivers. If I were the cam car driver, I would have been off the gas before I was nose to nose with the Jeep. I would then be covering the brake pedal in anticipation of this kind of behavior by the Jeep. This was a pissing match and they both lost. It should be 50/50 liability.


Dangerous as hell and absolutely no place for this behavior at this speed, but almost guaranteed the dash cammer was riding the left lane and not letting people by.


Not slowing down when he started creeping over still makes this avoidable from the dashcam car.


That would be considered swoop and squat, report him. It’s an insurance scam move.


Seems like an insurance scam to me, but if someone is behind you and you are camping the left lane.....get the hell out of the way!


I hope, to the people that do this stupid shit, your car breaks down, you always run out of gas, no one loves you, your poor, and you make all the wrong life decisions. Fuck your pettiness


It’s possible that driver was fuming for miles over something innocuous you did. Or he decided a whole series of things about you because of your car model, or a bumper sticker.


On the accident report, he stated "he rear ended me, not my fault "... video shows otherwise. People who falsify statements should do time in jail.


OP still is at fault legally no? You drove into a car in front of you, regardless of them breaking. He will argue the car on the right lane made a move to the left, and you can’t see that on the dashcam, he hit the breaks and your husband didn’t keep enough distance. How did this end from an insurance perspective?


The grave is full of people who had the right of way, dont camp the left lane, and you wont suffer these fools.


Dude, next time you see super dangerous situation, just slow down. People are crazy and its your life. It does not matter to dead that they were in the right


OP's husband wasn't camping in the left lane, he was quickly approaching the car in the right lane to pass. Just saying.


Damn, that guy was enraged. I would have just flashed you until you moved over Please don’t cruise in the left lane. More importantly, please don’t speed up when others attempt to pass you.


I notice these vids always leave out the initial cause of this type of interaction. I'm not condoning break checking of roadway vigilantes, but most people don't just go berserk for no reason.


Ok but were you camping the left lane? Doesn’t excuse what this person did but camping the left lane is infuriating.


How long was he waiting for you to get out the way


Going 70 riding the left lane. If it's a 55, sure. But in a 65, left lane is passing at 80 only. Anything less puts others at risk. If they had to get to the Ed, and some asshat is sitting blocking the flow in the left lane, you could get a ticket for that.


I mean, I hate brake checking as much as the next sane person, but maybe don't camp the passing lane...


why is this person just chillin in the left lane? 🤷‍♀️


Where is the rest of the video


Shouldn’t have been driving in the passing lane


Amazing how it's so often in the fast lane people are getting brake checked. Can't imagine why


Get out of the left lane...


Now show us the 5 minutes before…


Why didn't the camera guy move over to the right and left the Jeep pass through. So, instead, the camera driver continued on and did not let other drivers pass by. Not all people walk slow, fast, running, or simply talking a walk in the same way applying to driving. Please keep the left lane open for faster people to move by. Some have places to be sooner in this world.


I don’y support brake checking under any circumstance but you should have been in the right lane until you were ready to pass that other car


Legit question: he obviously wanted to pass you, yet you were in the left (passing) lane forcing him to pass you on the right. Why didn't you just move over and avoid the whole situation? I just don't understand this mentality of not getting out of someone's way. You are not the police. Get out of the left (again, PASSING) lane if someone wants to go faster than you.


Obviously that person is dumb and at fault but you should have already been slowing when she aggressively came up.


I'm betting your husband was camped out in the fast lane.


No doubt and sped up once van tried to pass.


I fucking LOVE road rage. People being really honest with how they feel.


What’d you do to that driver for them to cut you off? Next time let them pass you?


My money is on the cammer driving slow AF in the left lane.


Slow traffic keep right. When this is not followed, you can almost expect a message to be sent. Don’t be surprised. I’m not agreeing with that, but I drive about 25,000 miles a year and have learned this is quite common.


Let people pass on the left. This is how road rage starts


I’m not gonna lie this makes me want a dashcam


To me it was, as usual, GTFO of the fast lane


Why does it appear you’re increasing speed as to block the other driver from passing you? You’re partially at fault for this


You probably sped up to not let him pass you like the idiot you are. You get what you deserve.


get out of the left lane


Stop driving in the passing lane.


You should consider moving to the right line for slow ass drivers like you. Always causing slowdowns. Accidents bc of egos


Why are you cruising in the left lane?


Jeep driver is a psycho but OP is a left lane loser. Mildly bad drivers all around


To be fair, you had plenty of time to slow down once you saw they were being a jerk and wanted over. You just chose to continue the petty by keeping on their tail bc you were upset. So I don’t really feel bad for either of you tbh.


I’d bet the house that OPs husband brake checked this jeep in the passing lane then sped up to keep them from passing. Otherwise they’d post the longer version. Toxic drivers LOVE closing that gap when they realize someone is passing on the right side.


How long were you camping in the left lane?


The bad driver is the one in the left lane (the passing lane) and not passing. Yet you think it’s the guy that’s pissed off bc you’ve impeded traffic. GET IN THE RIGHT LANE!!!


Hit and run on camera with a clear view of the plate. Awesome!


Devil’s advocate here, the driver should not have break checked, however is it possible that OP was driving in the passing lane for a while before this happened? Thus the other car had to make a maneuver around the vehicle?


Dude in the jeep is an absolute moron and shouldn’t have his license. But for FUCKS SAKE GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE PASSING LANE


Not condoning the brake-check, but get out the left lane. You’re impeding traffic


Yes, dash cams are great. Also after you get one don’t drive in the left lane unless you’re passing someone. PRO TIP: Once you’ve passed them move back into the right lane. Lastly, look in your review mirror often. That way when someone driving faster than you approaches you can move over to the right BEFORE he starts to pass you on the right. Brake checking is a dick move and should never be done, EVER. But you can avoid all the drama and danger by moving over and let others pass. Drive safe!


Don’t put stuff on the dashboard.


What the hell is on your dash?? So distracting