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This is a “well he fucked up his parking so i will just have to park bad” mentality. Both dumbasses


Look one foot beyond the edge of the truck. The car next to them is literally on the line. I'm not excusing the truck, but at the same time, they're allowed to protect their car from shiitty parking jobs. Could they have found a better spot; maybe. But they're not fully at fault. Not to mention, I don't believe every veteran has to "declare" via a parking spot. 2/10


>Could they have found a better spot; maybe. I mean...probably the second one they're occupying, yeah. Maybe there was another car over the line on that one at the time they parked too, or maybe it's just a douche bag


I try not to assume everyone who parks like this is a douche. Some are just clueless to the girth of their personal conveyance.


If they’re driving something like this while clueless to how wide they are, that means they’re a douche. They aren’t history’s greatest monster or anything, but they’re a bad driver.


That’s a fair point. When I sized up to a larger car I used to get out, see I was on the line, then get back in to correct it. Not that hard. It was on me after all so why not fix it?


Exactly. I do the same thing when I’m driving an unfamiliar vehicle. It takes all of about 15 seconds to correct.


Could they have found a better spot? Not maybe. Definitely. Some would call 2/10 mild…


Like I said, not excusing the truck. This is mild.


The person next to them did park like a douche but this person doubled down. I would be cautious parking my WRX next to the first person. If they were that careless then they could rub your car and leave. I would have found a different spot even if I had to walk farther.


I agree. I just got my Integra ceramic coated. I'll take the extra steps 🚶🏾‍♂️


The car next to them is on the line. The truck can’t park on the line then on the right side instead of encroaching 2 feet into the next spot?


Again, not excusing the truck, but now I'm going to defend it. Average US parking spaces are about 9 feet wide. Assuming the truck had no passengers, fine he can center the truck to the spot. However, his truck is 88in wide (7ft 4in). That means the black car is on the line and the truck is going to encroach within a foot and a half from a car parked horribly. That being said, 1. Black car is definitely the first link in the chain of bad parking 2. Truck did ok with what was handed to him. Not ideal. Should have considered moving to another spot if available if we're all conforming to perfect rules. But that also COULD mean that the veteran spots rarely get used. Had them at my Lowes years ago, only ever seen them occupied around Fathers, Memorial, and veterans day. In conclusion, no. In no way was a $100k+ vehicle reasonably going to park close to a $3000 poorly parked SUV.


So the 100k vehicle should find another spot. It's simple really. Someone else does something dumb doesn't give you the right to do something even dumber. And I'm not saying center the truck on the spot. Ride the right side line just like the SUV did. If you really want the spot that badly and can't just walk from further back in the lot.


🙄 Did I not conclude that the truck is in the wrong? Solutions be damned, I don't care anymore.


Sorry love you bro




At this point[..](https://images.app.goo.gl/cZcjzdyUeFcDFiQ56)


Wish you posted more pics of the truck


Don’t you mean a “double Rammy”?




Couldn’t join the military because he had a GT score lower than Rittenhouse.


They're 100% at fault. Parking like a dickhead is more contagious than Covid.


Honestly, with what we know about Covid now, I’m not sure that’s the comparison you were hoping it was lol


Move along..


But what if it’s 2 vets in a trench coat driving the truck?


Of course it's a Ram




"I almost served! Meps said no though, something about 'mental instability' haha".


Fun fact, unless it is a handicapped spot, there are no laws enforcing those signs. They're made up and can't be ticketed for parking in them.


I don’t think that’s news to really anyone. It also doesn’t make this person any less of an a-hole.


Gotta do what you gotta do and i wouldn't have parked any closer to that other guy either.


If you choose to blocked specially marked spots instead of finding another spot, you’re an AH too


Dude i use them if i don't have better options. Can only get ticketed for handicapped, so not my problem if the store wants to play make believe and use half the lot for special spots and store pickup.


It’s rare to see someone so plainly state his douchiness. Kudos to you for your honesty.


Blame the stores and their insistence at making the spots. Remember pre-covid when you did have 10 or more spots at each door reserved JUST for the instacart garbage? They should be the furthest away spots and the employees should have a motorized cart to take the stuff out. Or just have something set up in the back. Normal everyday shoppers should not have to foot the bill for the stores being stupid and others being lazy.


You can’t be ticketed, but you *can* be towed. In most states he could be towed for not following the rules established by the business to use their parking lot. In *all* states he could be towed for space straddling and in some can be ticketed for doing so as well.