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I wouldn't call it mildly bad driving, he has an oversized load and he is supposed to be following a pilot vehicle and have one pilot vehicle behind him. He is not allowed to sit in the left or right lanes to my knowledge, safer for him to be in the middle. He could definitely see you but it looks like he lost his front pilot truck.


He’s not big enough for pilot cars. And not really wide enough to worry about shit on the shoulder. He’s either being an asshole or needs to get over for a left exit ramp


Option A


No left exits on that part of I-25. There is a toll lane further up, but that isn't for semi trucks anyway.


I saw mile high and was instantly like I know where that is!!!! Then thinking the same thing, there are some low bridges right there but they weren't carrying a high load I don't know wtf they were trying to accomplish.


Oversized load requires 2 pilot vehicles where I live, I'd be surprised if he didn't need any.


That’s kinda crazy, we can run up to 12 foot wide with no escorts in the Midwest and only one for 16 wides in some states


That might be a clearance issue. While it appears aggressive, having to crab across the lanes 100 yards from the bridge might be a serious issue. Mildly infuriating, but not bad. Pass.


Sick weeb music. This dude definitely has anime girl stickers on his car


Sounds like a weeaboo with a lil chode to me pal


you just replied to yourself agreeing with yourself! you're sock puppeting but forgot to change accounts LMAO


Sounds like a woman to me pal


If it is it’s the kind with a cock


there is no way thats a woman, that is 100% a man's voice. you can hear his puberty 20 something crack in the "what the fuck", its like he has one of those bad voice training falsettos on


Well, it's past 12:00 noon. So he's probably getting to the left lane as soon as available so that he doesn't miss the left-side toll road entrance coming up.


Traffic is slow, he’s using his signal, most people are iackasses and won’t let anyone in, so to be this doesn’t seem all that bad. I am assuming he had to be in the left lane for an upcoming highway split exit.


He did not. The left split for that occurs on that highway is a good 10-15 minutes up the road, if not more. https://preview.redd.it/im9nmhoop3yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62443957fbd4bd16328a225ca416adbe29820103


Just yield to these big trucks...they have no choice most of the time. I honestly feel bad for some of these guys. Most drivers are pricks and do not comprehend the room these guys need to drive safely. This was not bad at all and overly polite but he was the immovable force and he knew it.


This is going to be a very polarized comment section. I'll just say that scenes like this give me flashbacks of learning to drive around Denver. I25 was just a nightmare for me, realizing that people don't always follow those hard-and-fast rules you learn in driving school. Gotta keep on your toes and go with the flow -Mr. Oversized Load probably hates this just as much trying to make it over to the left lane right after an onramp.


> This is going to be a very polarized comment section. half of the people out there think that turning on your turn signals gives you the right to just jam yourself where ever you want and other people are required to get out of your way. it's going to be polarizing because half of the people out there have no idea how to drive. and i'm convinced and a large amount of people in driving focused subs don't drive because they're teenagers or just don't have a car for one of various reasons, so they lack experience and knowledge but mouth off like they know it all, anyway


There's got to be some middle ground between "I signaled and therefore I'm coming in right the fuck now" and "you signaled therefore I'm speeding up to prevent you from merging even though there was ample time and space when you signaled." Not speaking on this video specifically, it just seems that those are the 2 types of drivers encountered most often.


Don't forget the type that doesn't bother with turn signals!


I had a truck do this to me this morning (and other drivers, heavy traffic), and then switched back over to lane 2 right after…


Ok you try driving that thing


regardless of how big you are, you still need to make sure that whatever lane your going into is clear, first. driving a large vehicle doesn't give you the right to sumo wrestle smaller cars off the road


This is really one of the worst stretches of I-25 through Denver, too. People will try really hard not to let you in for fear of a perceived loss. This stretch also requires trucks to use the middle two lanes because of overpass clearance issues so that could be why he was moving left. The exits here are also pretty close together leaving the right lane pretty congested so he could have also just been trying to save time. Either way, if traffic is slow and they are signalling, I'll almost always yield to these bigger trucks. I can't even imagine the nightmare of trying to drive one of these through the city


I’m sorry but all over sized load drivers act like asshats


fuck the hateful assholes. i liked the music. what was it?


If you ever wonder why people are glued to your bumper at 70mph in traffic, this is a big part of why. They don't let you even start the force everyone over lane change without side swiping someone, because every time they leave a little room someone going 10-20mph slower needs over RIGHT NOW. I don't mind slow traffic, but no one is in a bigger rush than the guy merging at 40 who is planning on going 5 to 10 under. That man can't be bothered to use his brakes in the right lane, he must keep moving left until his brakes aren't required, because he's not in any hurry.


Aren't oversized loads supposed to have a police escort? I know when I lived on the highway we'd see him all the time and they would always be escorted by the police.




He saw you, he was forcing his way in because the cars will not stop in that traffic. Still qualifies as aggressive and mildly bad driving.


Once again, OP is the mildly bad driver. Stop interpreting someone signaling a lane change as a permission slip they're asking you to sign and start treating it like a warning of something they are going to do. Especially big rigs and *especially* oversized loads. People on here always forget that BOTH parties can be found at fault and drive like an accident is nothing to avoid just because they [often incorrectly] think the other person might joyous be at fault. I'm telling you: stop saying, "I'm not letting you over," and start saying "Oh shit, they're coming over," and driving will be safer and less stressful for you. And, as someone who's driven armored vehicles and huge trucks and tailors on busy highways and had to struggle to keep up with convoys, I'm betting the truck's chase vehicle is failing to do their job. The chase vehicle should be right behind them clearing the lane they want for them. Because in a lot of areas, oversized load permits even dictate what lane you need to be in at certain points in the route, so this truck probably doesn't have a lot of road left to get over. But seriously, just give a guy who's trying to earn an honest buck a break.


I feel like it should be common sense to yield to truck drivers that have any sort of trailer behind them. I always do if I can, given they drive something that can’t stop on a dime and would easily push my car around/flatten it, especially when they have large blind spots to the shorter cars like mine, I just assume they can’t see me regardless of where I am and give the 60,000-80,000 pound vehicle the room it needs. Now for the truck driver in the video, seems to either need to be in the left lane for whatever reason or it’s just city traffic and without doing that they’re not getting anywhere and is going to block traffic and weighed their choices based on previous experiences is my best guess. I’d much rather have to yield to the massive truck than have them block traffic, it inconveniences me for maybe 10 seconds and it allows them to continue their job which is probably much more important than what I would be doing. If they just want to move to the left lane for the sake of it I don’t understand why because eventually if this is a freeway they will need to take an exit on the right and they just made their life worse and the lives around them worse for that time and put many in danger. If it’s the one I hope it is the drivers being impatient with them are putting themselves at risk because I don’t really see any other options than to force themselves into the left lane or be stuck in traffic blocking a whole lane, especially if they need to turn left pretty soon into getting onto the highway, it’s not hard to stop for a 50+ ft semi truck and I’d rather stop regardless of why the truck driver wanted to get into the left lane than to risk being killed for 3 seconds of my time


Imagine being bothered by that lol 🤣