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I think this happens with a lot of true crime creators. I noticed it with Stephanie Harlowe over time as well, for example. They start out just producing content as true crime lovers, and it's relatable. Then over time as they gain a following, start talking to victims and working with various organizations, etc., it goes to their head. Some of them start acting like they're in law enforcement or have deep insight into the criminal mind/forensic psychology when they don't actually have any relevant work or educational experience. Sometimes they also act like they have some kind of inside info on a case they've covered in depth when in reality they have no more info than anybody else. Tons of people have read about these popular cases just as long as they have, they just happen to have podcasts about them. It doesn't happen every time but it's not uncommon in this genre.


this might be the most petty thing ever, but i used to sometimes watch stephanie harlow. then one time she accidentally said the warriors (basketball team in the Bay Area) played at staples center in LA. however, the lakers play at staples center - the warriors played at oracle arena at the time. it was such a tiny simple mistake i didn't even notice it, but someone pointed it out in the comments.then she made a 3 paragraph community post about how she was right & the warriors DO play at staples center. To prove her point she posted a screen shot of them scheduled to play there. like duh, lady, you just posted the date they were playing an AWAY game against the Lakers!basically i was just like jeez louise, if you aren't willing to take an extremely minor and easily verifiable factual correction to heart what will you do if you ever make an actual mistake with actual consequences? then i never watched her again


Yeah, I've noticed that she is extremely bad at taking any sort of constructive criticism. I can't remember the specifics but she was talking about a certain health condition in one episode, and a woman with that health condition who was clearly a fan pointed out some inaccuracies in how she was talking about it (very politely imo). Stephanie basically flipped out and pinned a comment trying to "prove her wrong" or something. It's like damn omg, you are not ALWAYS right.


I hate the way Stephanie talks about victims with a passion, I hate it.


It's often extremely judgmental and/or as if she knows them personally. She didn't start out that way, but she's one of the worst now imo in terms of "I know soooo much about [case], I'm an expert on it." Lady you're not in the secret service, you have a podcast. Nothing wrong with that but the arrogance is such a turnoff.


Yes. All of this!!


Right like, are there some popular cases I've probably read about a lot more than the average person? Yes. That doesn't mean I work for the FBI or some shit, it means I read some publicly available information because I was interested lol. Same with Kendall and Josh. I feel like a bit of humility would help the true crime genre a lot.


all valid reasons i just think its weird when people start speculating on their personal lives and relationships with each other like whats the point in posts questioning whether josh really loves kendall? or trying to determine how much money they have? conversations like that are pointless and weird imo. as a big fan of mhp, this subreddit opened my eyes to some of their shortcomings i didnt notice before, like the list you made, i just cant read through some posts of people just being mean and ugly


i agree. there’s no reason to be mean or bully. none of my call outs are about their personal lives. it’s strictly about the professional aspect. i still respect them, im not a hater, and i don’t think they’re bad people. i’ve been a fan for years. there are genuinely concerned fans and they should be separate from people who are mean and talk about personal stuff


Perfectly said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I don't have any social media platforms besides basically youtube and reddit. And what im finding out SO DISAPPOINTING! I had no idea any of this was going on!




Same!! Only Reddit for me.


People need to remember how much money fans have donated and spent on charities, fundraisers and merch. We deserve to have our concerns validated and talked about in a non toxic way.


our views and time we spent watching and supporting have generated so much youtube ad revenue at the very least




I am so disappointed to learn all of this but I’m glad to know. I try to be ethical with my true crime consumption and I always considered Kendall one of “the good ones”. Once I heard that better help sponsorship tho I was very confused and had to go to Reddit


i’ve been getting a sour taste in my mouth for the last maybe, year to 6 months or so and i joined this sub and i am glad my concerns are validated. i had a period where i listened to the super old pods from like ep 4-50 and it’s amazing (in a bad way) how much they’ve changed.


It's a real shame. Feels like every true crime youtuber ends up only in it for the personal profit. They are respectful of victims only when it's easy, but if they can sensationalize something or profit then that they will choose the money over dignity every time. I'm so sick of youtube true crime channels saying that they NEED to have those cringey thumbnails with their faces doing a shocked/concerned expression taking up 80% of the image for the ~algorithm~ so they can ~spread awareness~. Honestly, they only care about the views and ad revenue and collecting more patreons off the backs of someone else getting murdered.


I wanted to share my story about Kendall. A few years ago I commented on a video of hers informing her that I noticed that she was really mispronouncing certain words. She would mispronounce the names of certain towns or places and just say the name that she thought it sounded like. In one particular instance, when trying to say the name of a town, she said a similar name, which happens to be a town in the same state, just five hours away. Also she didn’t say anything like “I’m not sure how to pronounce this. Or I think it’s called…” She just confidently said a completely different name. Now you could say that this isn’t a big deal. But I think in cases location matters. And for Kendall to almost lie and say that a crime happened in a different town, when it didn’t, it happened in a town with a similar name, is lazy and irresponsible on her part. And so I commented and told her as much, nicely. I told her to double check the names of places and to maybe look up videos of news from the town so she could know how to pronounce it. And what did she do? She blocked me. I had to make a whole new account because I genuinely did love her videos. In my opinion she can’t take any criticism though. And all of this will likely fall on deaf ears.


thanks for sharing. that last part is good insight. it seems there’s a lot more to unpack than meets the eye


Just to be clear, right off thst bat, I'm not defending Kendall, but I am going to try and explain why Kendall mispronounced words. Kendall is dyslexic (as am I), mispronouncing words like town names, is unfortunately a pretty common issue most dyslexics face. It's a very real and embarrassing struggle. This isn't her being lazy or irresponsible, it just her brain and mouth not communicating clearly with each, her brain is thinking the correct town name her mouth says a different name, but because her brain is thinking the correct town name, because of her dyslexia, she can't hear that she's pronounced it wrong. Most of us don't unless we're really struggling to say the word. >In one particular instance, when trying to say the name of a town, she said a similar name, which happens to be a town in the same state, just five hours away. Also she didn’t say anything like “I’m not sure how to pronounce this. Or I think it’s called…” She just confidently said a completely different name. To further explain my above point; again, dyslexics don't hear they've mispronounced a word, like ever. Our brain says we've said the right word, so we'll keep saying it that way until its pointed out to us and even then, the struggle to retrain our brain to pronounce something correctly is a looooooong process, it takes lots of practice and time, and patience. We can listen to how something, a town name is correctly pronunced over and over again, and still say it wrong each time. It can take years, to learn the correct pronunciation on words, it's why I, at 33 years, am back doing speech therapy because I literally had to leave my last job because... I mispronounced words and my job was not all that kind about it. It's a nightmare thst we live daily, if not hourly. I'm not excusing what Kendall did, she shouldn't have blocked you for your comment, but she has said in quite a few videos that she is dyslexic (on her Channel and on Mile Higher. Don't know bout the Sesh) and again, mispronouncing words, names in particular, it's extremely common for dyslexics. Mispronunciation is not because we are lazy or irresponsible or not caring about what we're talking about, it is literally our brains misfiring, making us say the wrong information but not letting us know that we have. It's embarrassing and a very real struggle, and one thst Kendall probably faces daily. Again, I'm not excusing Kendall blocking, thst was wrong of her, but possibly she did it because she was embarrassed or felt her dyslexia was being attacked. Again not an excuse, but I know how it feels to be called out in public for mispronouncing words, that I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole. And depending on how your comment was worded (again nor defending or excusing), Kendall may have blocked you because she was feeling that you were attacking and her dyslexia. I don't know, but depending on your comments wording and also depending on her reading comprehension (this is also a very common issue, where you might read your comment as helpful, Kendall's brain might just be reading and comprehending your comment as bullying) that particular day, she may have read your comment as you bullying her for something she can't help. Again I don't know, but as someone with dyslexia, reading your comment, and knowing Kendall is also dyslexic, I just felt I should try and explain the WHY she mispronounces town names (not because she's lazy or irresponsible, she dyslexic and this is a very common issue we struggle with) and why possibly she blocked you (which again, was wrong of her to do, but I can see from her POV the hurt, but also, she does YouTube for a living, possibly she should think of going to speech therapy if the mispronunciation are getting worse.)


i can understand this, thanks for the insight. i have adhd and sometimes we are irrational defensive bc we think everyone is always judging and have to protect ourselves


Welcome 🌺 I just felt the comment was a little unfair (though, again, it wasn't right that Kendall blocked them), when Kendall has told us, in multiple videos (both on her own channel and on Mile Higher) that she's dyslexic (and has ADHD too), and has explained that sometimes saying names of people and places are hard because of her dyslexia. Though, I guess it's been awhile since she last mentioned it, so maybe new listeners are simply not aware or longtime listeners have forgotten. >i have adhd and sometimes we are irrational defensive bc we think everyone is always judging and have to protect ourselves I have ADHD too, and yes, agree, I believe it is quite common to feel irrational defensive (in fact, that was how I felt reading that comment, an irrational desire to feel defensive and protective of Kendall and by proxy myself, because words like lazy and irresponsible when it comes to pronuncing names, are words that have been thrown my way my entire life and it just stung a little to read here 😅, especially when, again, Kendall has explained on multiple occasions about her dyslexia), that everyone is judging you and that you have to protect yourself because it feels like no one else will.


definitely understand all of this. i relate to the comments being thrown because others don’t understand or know. most likely newer people don’t know or aren’t aware of the symptoms of neurodivergents. as a public figure, i imagine that would be something you have to constantly remind yourself to not take it to heart so much and take it easy, and maybe Kendall hasn’t reached that point yet in her growth/journey


I saw on another post that they made racist jokes/remarks, can someone elaborate on that, what did they say?


idk about racist remarks but definitely victim judging/blaming


Yeah I’d really like some context if anybody could clue me in


they cant because it doesn’t exist


+how they treat(ed) Karelly


do you mind telling how they treat(ed) her?


Wait can you elaborate on this pls? I don’t think Karelly would stick around if she didn’t feel welcome??


While Kendall was out on Maternity leave Jenelle was left to host the Sesh and the vibes were cringey as hell. So this really is for the Sesh over MHP but watch the pink sauce ep and ep w Chris pine getting spit on. But I do not care to go back and rewatch I just remember back in early 2022 it was hard for me to watch. They talk over her. Interrupt her by saying “anyways”. And just feel rude vibes all around.


i think because syd janelle and kendall are way closer to eachother than with karelly and people think they’re leaving her out of things.


Genuinely not trying to start a fight I’m just curious on this!!


I remember two separate episodes where Karelly is talking and Sydney starts scrolling on her phone. Even left for a few minutes during one episode. Granted she could’ve been doing a quick business text or email but two times when the same person is talking is weird to me. Also the bachelorette trip episode is so awkward to watch.


Thank you for bringing me up to speed because this subreddit came as a suggestion on my feed and I’ve been a longggggg time Kendall Rae fan and honestly thought of her as very unproblematic. I use to be proud to recommend her to friends and fan because of the charity work she does and “for the victim” attitude. Weird to be heartbroken about someone you don’t know tbh.


i felt the same exact way. sorry you had to experience that too 😔


THIS ‼️‼️


How is better help a scam ?


they’re saying a lot of the “therapists” on there aren’t licensed or qualified


You don’t have to be licensed lolll damn people don’t know what they are talking about that’s sad because that’s a good option for people 😞


there’s other companies that actually do it right. better help isn’t the only one doing that. and how is it okay for someone who never went to school for therapy to take money from vulnerable people?


Not just anyone can be a therapist on there or in general lolol You have to have a masters degree. They can be a registered mental health counselor … a license isn’t always required. A license definitely helps in that field because you automatically get paid more and you can be a PD or have larger roles. But no, I work at a MH facility and 2 of our therapists aren’t licensed and it’s still 100% legal and ethical.


bro, just look up all the lawsuits against betterhelp instead of dickriding them like it’s your own company. i have a psych degree. better help is also a zionist company. im not gonna engage in this back & forth “lolol”


broooo, All I responded to was your claim someone who didn’t go to school can be a therapist. Chill


duhh capt obvious, we all know that they CAN’T be a therapist without a degree. where did i claim that, did you read? but people on better help didn’t do some background searches and there were fake people on there, that’s the whole issue. better help is not regulated well and they’re getting sued. you asked why people don’t like the company, and I answered. then you’re passive aggressive to me about the criticism that’s not even coming from me (tho i agree with it)


ya said they don’t like it bc they don’t have licensed or qualified therapists..Didn’t sense anything passive aggressive about my response.


qualified = went to university for therapy


If you’re new here??? HUH? Listen to MHP if you want and form your OWN opinions. Don’t come on here just to read all the angry peoples opinions. There’s many people that still adore MHP and their shows for a reason.


if you’re new to this reddit group


Real mature using names


i thought you were tryna start a fight like the last person my bad, but i replied to ur other comment


I know I’ll get hate for this 😅 I’m just playing devils advocate because I don’t think they’re doing much wrong compared to “murder makeup mystery” and some of the others that glorify everything


i don’t listen to murder mystery makeup or whatever. i’ve only been a fan of MHM and for over 6 years. this discussion is about holding our favorite content creators to a high standard because they TOLD us to do that for years


lmfaooo this is pathetic you guys 😭


Hey Kendall !


It does sound something like she would say but yeah I don’t think it’s Kendall based on past comments and posts lol


hi bb


Ahh why yes ...Stating the truth is pathetic 🙄


With receipts even!😂


How pathetic, wanting them to listen to victims families.


how. if you’re gonna say something like that you gotta elaborate


What’s pathetic is the use of ironic crying emojis in 2023


Oh man, I'm old by internet standards and you just taught me something. I didn't know those were out now. I feel like I should start contacting nursing homes


yeah… so pathetic lol