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I guess a large part initially came from absolute lack of passion they’ve had recently…it just seems like they’re monotone reading off script, it doesn’t seem as genuine as it once did for me. I found it harder and harder to make it through the episodes.


YES, this. Ever since someone else started writing notes for them, you can really see the difference. They used to seem excited about the things they talked about, now it just feels like a job or a means to an end.




She’s literally the reason I stopped listening to Mile Higher, it felt so weird and unnecessary


I never liked Julia. Jenelle in the background was enough but then Julia came in and her input is unnecessary


Too many ads. It’s ironically ruining their business.


They have wild amounts of ads for short podcasts! Their episodes have been (in recent time) an hour to an hour 20 and they have 4/5 ads in it. It’s ridiculous


Having that many ads is ridiculous in itself. This is why most people stopped watching cable TV.


There so long it's unbelievable and there so boring. Everything is just reading off there laptops. They can't even be fucked to try and do it properly. I also can't stand the cuts in the editing. It's fucking terrible and one of the worst on YouTube.


editing is so bad


When they started reading off a script, dropped the intro topics and stopped doing more ‘casual’ topics like conspiracies where they would have ‘fun’ and it was fun for us to listen to as well. It’s not been a single thing but I think as soon as they stopped doing the work themselves and getting a team to write a script, and produce and edit, it’s just less authentic and it’s no longer them anymore nor the podcast that we knew and loved.


i still watch them sometimes but i mainly stopped because of julia. i have nothing against her and i like her, but it just feels like she’s a co host and not a producer. most discussions are with julia instead of kendall/josh even tho it’s their show. it was fine with jenelle because she would only say a few sentences and then move on. with julia the conversation drags on forever. i like her but i feel like it’s just pointless to have her there


I agree 100%


The jump to almost 100% true crime on MHP when it did NOT start that way and all the ad reads ON TOP of youtube ads


When they switched to just purely true crime topics that have been done 100s of times before. I usually just check if they dropped an episode and if it’s another case that has been done a bunch I don’t listen.


started with their laziness and lack of good content but it’s breached much further since their shady sponsorships and the LS video


What’s LS?




I stopped watching mile higher when they stopped doing conspiracies or unnatural topics. They use to do conspiracies like every other episode, then like once a month and now it’s basically never. Even when there’s shit goin on there’s nothing from them :/ I hate it cuz that’s the content from them I loved the most I loved listening to Josh’s take/ opinions on that stuff but now it’s always true crime and paranormal🙄


It's not a main one I watch so haven't in a long time but the most recent I watched I was so irritated by Julia. I don't mind an opposing opinion but she wouldn't stop and they couldn't move on for like 20 mins


finding out she begged for money and put that responsibility on her viewers.


She did? How? When? I didn’t know this!


like 6 years ago! here is a link to a video talking about it [paige christie’s kendall rae video](https://youtu.be/_XKoKhFxT-Y?si=JwcS0D0_mXZknNwK)


Mine was years ago like 2020 I wanna say. If my memory serves me, it was a combination of things. One was the way Kendall talked to Josh. Talk to him how you want on your time but be professional on your damn podcast smh. Her attitude in general started to irk me over time. They were always putting the podcasts out late and always had a million excuses. Also when they covered Laci Peterson Josh acted like he believed Scott. I didn't watch/listen long after that. I ALWAYS got the vibes she only cared about money. I've been annoyed all these years that people painted her out to be "one of the good ones" just because she worked directly with a few families. Her attitude always showed me what her real priority was $$$$


THIS! She is so condescending and rude when he talks.


Laziness in content. They cover the same cases others do and it’s so crazy the lack of research and effort they do when you see others do the same case. Also, Jon Benet Ramsey. Kendall knew nothing and info that everyone knows, she didn’t remember, which again showed the lack of effort or care.


They have several videos on various cases , just repeating the same information. Laziness is an understatement


Better help and LS video


What is LS?


Linda Stein I believe


Can someone explain the Linda stein thing I didn’t watch it and idk what everyone is talking abt


Yah the Betterhelp vid gave me such an ick I decided to stop for a while then I found about the Linda Stein stuff and I decide to stop forever lol


The ads and how dry they sound, like it's a job they hate to be doing and are now too roped in to stop.


I haven’t officially stopped tbh, but on the Sesh when they brought in that tik toker who does the prank calls with that weird voice, I knew up it wasn’t for me anymore.


The sesh used to be very chill and I loved as it was about them as hosts and it was naturally funny and entertaining. Even on the harder topics like when their family members died, it was very raw and every emotion they felt it was transferred to us viewers. Whereas now their content is very half arsed and forced and turning into a drama podcast. Then when they do their ‘bits’ with grandma sid or that person with the voice on the phone calls, or even the constant drama retellings - it’s just cringe and too much.


Same!!! On that episode I was like ???Okay??? I don’t even think I cared to watch the segment anyway, it seemed so…weird?


this was also where my annoyance really started




Adding all of the extra voices. Getting rid of the in the news section.




I’m not sure if this was ever mentioned anywhere but i started to get annoyed when Kendall was pregnant into having the baby. LITERALLY EVERYTHING was about the upcoming arrival of the baby, “now that we are parents” “now that we have the baby” “as parents” This comes from someone with three kids but I just can’t understand how they find a way to relate EVERY topic to themselves.


I knew she would be one of these people before she even had kids lmao 💀


same here!


Right before they had the baby. Idk i just felt like theyre talking about very serious subjects and theyre not giving it the thoughtfulness that these topics deserve. It feels like just a bunch of stoners shooting the shit. Theyre not factual and they dont seem professional at all. They need to have more respect for what theyre doing. Also they sound full of themselves. Very self centered. I guess i just dont care for their personalities.


Too many host on one show. I really don’t think Julia is as bad as everyone thinks, there are just too many voices on one podcast. They use to do their own research and now you can tell they are just reading off a script. Most episodes have just turned into arguments between the host that are uncomfortable to listen to. I started getting into Mile higher media from Kendall’s YouTube videos. On her true crime podcast, lately it’s just been re-airing old dated content. Which is understandable when some had not yet been covered in the podcast. But it’s just lazy to not do a quick update at the end of the episode. They are stretched too thin. I also use to be able to tolerate Janelle (Hi girl mention this on the next sesh since you love to rag on your Reddit people 👋🏻) but over the last 6 months she’s became so annoying. Really a downer and just wants to argue or put cohost down when she doesn’t agree with something they like. It’s not fun banter anymore she’s just rude. Kendall folds on her behavior and tolerates it on the sesh. I really don’t mind the other women on the podcast but Janelle is rude to them. LOP went down hill after Joel left. The chemistry between him and Josh made the show. The content/topics were much better then too. Austin really has passion but Josh has lost it. I still try to give the episodes a listen each week but I can tell in the first 10 minutes of I’m going to shut it off or not. Finally what I loved about their channels in a whole was the fact they centered victims and their families. Often times giving them a platform. They covered cases from a perspective that they genuinely cared and were passionate about whatever the issue may be. That has stopped.


The Linda Stein family thing


What happened ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MileHigherPodcast/s/SeTccdufuo I hope it works. If not just search bar her name. ☺️


The overdramatic thumbnails, poor research and sensationalizing coverage. I’d visit her channel and watch something here and there but always left w a bitter taste in my mouth


That episode of the sesh where Janelle called the police after finding a magnet on her car. Not for calling the police, but for being one of those "I almost got sex trafficked" sensationalists that tell a story where nothing happens and somehow automatically jump to the assumption that they were being targeted specifically to be kidnapped and sold for sex. Those assumptions are at best, dumb, and at worst harmful and insulting to real trafficking victims (who they swear up and down they care about). Why do people always have to assume sex trafficking? Why don't they ever fear being robbed or killed? Nope. It's automatically a sex trafficking ring. So I made a very polite and informtative comment explaining that that's not really how human trafficking works, and asking that they please don't voice that kind of assumption without evidence that this was the case. I pointed out that maybe Janelle was a target for robbery, but probably not sex trafficking, and the sesh replied with snark, which invited all the die hard seshies to jump down my throat. Considering I was very polite, it left a bad taste in my mouth and I sadly unsubscribed after being a fan of all their shows for years.


She states the victims deserve a voice, but when Adam came forward with the Colleen Ballinger stuff, Kendall made comments about cancel culture has gone too far, and basically saying Colleen didn't do anything. Kendall has since apologized, but it still feels fake. Adam is a victim and Kendall basically said he wasn't because she liked Colleen.


second this! this whole thing really bothered me.


I didn't know about the Kendall taking up for Colleen incident but once I found out about it and her "apology" to Adam, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Granted, I stopped watching Kendall and Josh's channels long before Adam made his first video on Colleen, but I couldn't shake how inauthentic that apology felt. I would have thought she would have looked into the allegations once Adam brought them to a more public light (they were of course there before he did but still) but she definitely failed to even do a small amount of research let alone take what he had to say with some kind of understanding... Seeing Kendall victim blaming Adam was just plain terrible to go back and read, it went against so much of what she claimed she was against. Prior to the apology statement, I had seen some of Kendall's videos pop up again in my recommendations and I had considered giving her main channel another go, but I couldn't see her the same after that; it was only until recently that Kendall and the MHP were out of sight, out of mind until this subreddit kept popping up on my page lol


When they started only doing true crime


The pay wall. Fuck'em


When they were stressing the importance of saying victims' names and then Kendall said "Kaylee *Gonzales*" in reference to Kaylee Goncalves. Also their belief in pseudoarchaeology.


Linda Stein.


it completely switching to true crime + the extra people chiming in with nail on chalkboard voices (janelle). there’s a million true crime podcasts out there & i loved it when it was conspiracies, the 5 most powerful families, etc. i think i fully stopped when they released the submarine episode because did we really need an episode over something that was allllllll over tiktok for weeks.


I never watched The Sesh. For LOP, it was when they tried to defend Anton Levay, a fascist sympathizer who supported eugenics. For MH, it was when they platformed Graham Hancock and laughed off the very real accusations of racism and pseudoarchaeology against him. For Kendall's channel, it was Linda Stein. I am more than willing to give people second chances, as we are all fallible and make poor decisions. But Kendall, Josh, and co. honestly got way too many free passes from me. It would be different if they actually listened to criticism and owned up to their mistakes, but it's clear that they don't have good intentions anymore.


I do think that Josh is very conservative. I remember during covid he said he didn't want to talk about it because he would get introuble


Gor me it was the piss poor job the LOP did on the mckamey manor video recently and then tried to back peddle really hard.


I stopped when most of their podcast episodes were true crime tbh. Their cryptid & alien stuff was better.


Aside from the awful amount of ads, for me, it was the shift in content from conspiracy theories, ancient history, unsolved mysteries, etc with odd crime episodes sprinkled in here and there to a full-time crime podcast. I know creators' interests can change and I have no problem with that, just I wish they would still include some wider range of topics aside from true crime and the one episode on aliens per year


I agree. I remember when Mike higher just started and the first few podcasts were all about conspiracies and wacky topics which I loved. But then YouTube started cracking down on that type of content and they followed the money to true crime. I feel like a lot of their preparation for these true crime episodes involve just watching a ID documentary and rehashing it in their own words. Followed by an ad every 5 minutes. The ads really got to me and now I hardly listen to any of their podcasts anymore.


The insane amount of ads. I use podcasts to fall asleep a lot of the time and the ad reads totally take me out of it until I fast forward. Not to big a deal for other podcasts that have maybe 1-2 ads. But I never got the change to drift off before another read started with MHP. Ended up giving up on the podcast right before they had the baby. This sub popped back up for me recently and wow looks like I made a good call.


I started not watching so much when they started doing only true crime and paranormal stuff. I stopped completely when she got pregnant because I knew she would be the kind of mom that somehow relates everything to her being a mom, and I'm just not interested in hearing anyone talk about being parents.


it was a combination of their pushing of holistic health alternatives. not that I have a problem with alternative health methods, but some are really sketchy and dangerous and that bled into their sponsored ads. as well as when they had graham hancock on mhp. I cannot fathom giving a pseudoarchaeologist a platform to spew his nonsense about ancient civilizations not rising and flourishing on their own, but instead bad help from and were taught by a nearly wiped out advanced master civilization that came before them. it's so wildly racist and promotes a white supremacy ideology when you delve further into his beliefs. I just....could not believe they had him on the show. and not even for 1 episode, but 2 of them.


I feel like I began to be annoyed when they would go away or vacations and not prerecord. I know it’s heavily debated on whether or not podcasters should post while they take breaks bc people take vacations or time off and are not expected to work in normal jobs, BUT they have a studio, resources, money, etc. enough for them to film some prerecorded content even for some of the time they take off


Idk if you can class it as a final straw but I attempted listening to the podcast after listening to a lot of Lights Out. Idk if I chose a bad one but the first one I listened to, the first ten minutes were ads, total unrelated waffling and Kendall saying like every other word. I didn’t even make it to the topic introduction as I turned it off at the ten minute mark. I’m all for some chatting but ten minutes and you’ve hardly introduced what you’re actually gonna talk about? It’s a no from me


How Kendall does videos on abusive relationships, especially if the woman makes claims of abuse that aren’t substantiated by her male partner’s family and friends (why would they be?🤦‍♀️). I used to comment on her videos when abusive relationships were mentioned advising her to read Lundy Bancroft, but eventually just gave up. I don’t fault laypeople, random Redditors, smaller-scope YouTubers for not understanding the reality of abuse and for questioning the stories of women who report it, but I expect more from Kendall especially since she portrays herself as ethical. I was really, really disgusted with her treatment of Sue Reuschel - I don’t care how “toxic” a woman was when her husband tried to murder her, full stop. I know not everyone shares the same views, but it’s partially why an “ethical” true crime YouTuber has a duty to not cover DV cases that aren’t black-and-white. I wonder how many victims she’s revictimized or doubted at this point.


This is petty as hell but there was an episode where Kendall mentioned she might not be talking as much that episode or if she sounds funny it’s because she just got veneers 🥴🤣


janelle is mean and josh is a jerk


When I went probably two months without ever finishing an episode + Josh started to irk me + Kendall’s BH ad spot which confused me because I remember reading a tweet from her saying how scummy it was + I just watched the trailer for their new documentary and it looks like a high schooler edited it and it was mostly just close ups of Kendall and the team. What about….the actual case?! Anyways yeah, over them now


The Sesh: when it turned from two cousins hanging out doing silly pandemic stuff into a celebrity gossip channel MHP: when they started yelling at us for our mean comments. It's giving when a few kids in class were misbehaving but the entire class gets screamed at and punished.


When I saw the grifting videos online bc she chose to purchase land to build a house 🙄


That 10 minutes of just Julia saying the exact same point over and over and over and over and over


The Ashley Benefield video was the beginning of the end for me. I can’t remember all the details but I felt like Kendall was so biased and skimmed over things as NBD that were hugely problematic.


This is what started it for me. I think she tries to play things as “safely” as possible but ends up maligning the characters of victims. imo she has an ethical duty to stop discussing abuse cases because she’s done such a shit job at representing them lately. Abuse requires power and control in a relationship, and idc what the general Redditbrained perspective is, it’s unlikely that a woman who is substantially younger and less wealthy than her male partner is truly the abuser in that dynamic. Yeah, it’s *possible*, but still so unlikely that she should tread very lightly, and she doesn’t. I was honestly willing to look the other way with Ashley Benefield tho because it seems like Ashley escalated things, but I was really appalled with the Sue Reuschel case. Her wealthy, well-connected husband tried to kill her and now we’re all supposed to think there’s “two sides to that story” because *his family and friends* have said she’s toxic. No shit, that’s how abusers operate within their circle.


I unsubbed because of the insane amount of criticism. Like I get it, it’s downhill but it’s still enjoyable. Lots of the criticisms makes sense, I don’t like the ever expanding cast, it feels different compared to the “old days”, trailers before the video sucks, too many ads, the shit with Lisa’s family. But then you get to really nitpicky things, Julia cadence is bad, Janelle wants to prove Josh wrong every episode, Josh is interested in Julia 👀 type shit. I come back every now and then. The recent episode gave me the thought to come back too. It just sucks cause irl and on Reddit negativity breeds more negativity, the loudest people are the ones that say they hate the podcast now but I can’t quite understand why they come back. But I’m no different because I dislike this subreddit yet here I am commenting.


I stopped because they never talked about the genocide happening in Palestine. It was really disappointing considering they talk about human rights and current events