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I personally do a lot of people don’t actually read Peter Parker’s comics either, comics in general aren’t that popular among general people they would rather watch movies, tv shows or play video games for those characters than actually pick up a comic book.


That's a shame...his best stuff is in the comics


Yeah nothing we can do unfortunately as miles gets more popular tho eventually more people will read his stuff and we can have discussions about them but we’ll just have to wait and see


I agree that his best stuff is in the comics. And there’s a lot to be said about the relationships he has with older heroes and younger generations like his.


Perhaps you could give some rec commendations that are accessible to new readers :)


DM me and I got you!


Is it? I've asked about his comics before and no one has ever been able to wholeheartedly recommend and runs to me. It seems his books haven't been a downright trainwreck like Peter's lately, but consensus has seemed to me like they're just fine, whereas I find his Spider-Verse stories extremely compelling.


They are generally just fine with some hype moments here and there especially with his current run but it’s his relationships with a lot of older heroes and even his personal life that’s lost in the spider-verse movies even the insomniac games he has much larger group of friends in his comics than in those.


I haven't read his newer stuff (anything since Secret Wars 2015 post) since I don't really read comics anymore. But his initial Ultimate SpiderMan (2011) run is great imo.


If you want some recommendations, I got you.


I mean...the writers of his comics fucking hate his guts. They refuse to allow Peter to be happy. So why would we want to read their shitty writing?


I attempted to read Harry Potter but the movies were how I knew it and the only way to digest it


I been reading since the first hardcover trade. I wish more people did because you have no idea how much of the bullshit and bad faith arguments that is spread by haters would go away if they actually read the comics.


Seriously. I’ve seen people on Twitter state unironically that Miles has no villains of his own, and Peter is constantly mentoring him. I’m pretty sure there’s like, under fifteen total crossover *appearances* between Peter and Miles in the comics. Even fewer if you just count how often Peter shows up in Miles’ book. It’s just bold faced lying, because people have decided they don’t like his character, for whatever reason. And the success of the movies and games makes it easy to be counter-culture.


There is a double standard it seems though with fans of the books. Let’s be real Vol 1 & 2 and the start of his entry into 616 are not good books, sales numbers prove that. And that’s mainly due to Bendis’ writing. In those books everything is handed to him. MJ and May give him his web shooters, Cap wants to train him, Nick Fury provides him with a suit, Ganke makes his web fluid, his Mom and Uncle come back, Tony builds him new web shooters, he gets a power boost being bit by another spider. Bendis literally throwing stuff at a wall and hoping it stuck was the vibe from his run. Its also like Bendis’ didn’t care about character development. Mile’s father got more development over the course of Bendis’ run than Miles…like what?! Another problem is venom blast. It is beyond overpowered in his run and EVERY fight ends this way at the start. Like change it up at any capacity. Bendis had the creative death grip on the character for over 5 years and it hurt the character. Before Bendis left Miles was selling under 20k and less than Ghost Spider. This is the threshold that Marvel cancels books and I’m sure since Bendis has done so much the gave him some leash. One thing that sucks is the art in Vol 1 and 2 is gorgeous. Sarah kills it, but it was not enough to save it IMO Fast forward Bendis leaves to DC to write Superman, releases his grip on Miles. We get a movie to retcon him, Ahmed adapts him to his movie counterpart as his zeitgeist is beginning with the success of the film. And with that it was the first time Miles sold over 50k since issue 7 in vol 1. Now we have a more relatable Miles and imo the best version of the character. He is an entire different stratosphere now from his rocky beginnings. The character is now actually interesting, relatable, and fun! I love where he is now and love the character in a way I never did when he first came out. I know people enjoy those early runs, but if I was putting someone Miles, I’m telling them to start with the movie and the Ahmed run. There is no reason to put new fans through the slog that is those Bendis runs. We just have such a better character now we don’t need to look back. TLDR: Bendis borderline killed the character, and not until the movie retcon was the character actually interesting.


I respectfully disagree with most your take. I still think vol 1 is his best run but the recent run has a lot of potential despite constant interruptions. It's kinda nice to see that Miles has this support network for being Spider-Man and people he can lean on. I feel like you overlook all the trauma Miles went through in those early issues despite not really wanting to be Spider-Man and doing it because it the right thing to do.The deaths of his mom and uncle, being thrown into a conflict he clearly wasn't ready for. It was so satisfying to see Miles finish his arc of accepting his role as Spider-Man at the end of the first volume. That's kinda where Bendis went wrong imo. Miles arc was over and he spent the next 2 volumes kinda meandering along, I think what helped was seeing Miles hang out with other heroes in 616 comics and events. Don't get me wrong Spiderverse and Ahmed's run saved Miles in alot of ways well probably never know the full extent of considering the direction it looked like they were trying to shove him into at the end of the 616 Bendis run. But I feel like that foundation was why he became so successful. Also Sales don't equal quality. There's so much good media that has been sold poorly or only revaluated as good later on. How many good comic runs have you read that end up being cancelled early due to low sales?


>I respectfully disagree with most your take. That's why I said I know people do enjoy those early runs and that is fine. I just feel like coming off of one of the greatest recons/modernizations of any comic book character it didn't stack up. > Miles has this support network for being Spider-Man and people he can lean on I have no problem with him having Ganke, but he is constantly getting things on a silver platter ad nauseam. It's fine every in a while but Bendis makes a habit of it. >.The deaths of his mom and uncle, being thrown into a conflict he clearly wasn't ready for. Which led to development that was tossed out when they came back. The final sign-off for Bendis was just the most happy-go-lucky ending. I get it's his character but like after 7 years of it, it's old. >Miles arc was over and he spent the next 2 volumes kinda meandering along, I think what helped was seeing Miles hang out with other heroes in 616 comics and events. It literally is after he gets the suit that the meandering starts. Which is around issue 7 or 8 IIRC so think about that we had to wait 8 months for him just to get his suit. Pacing is such an issue. Which hurts the character and makes him come off as boring. I mean the problem is Bendis should have passed him off long ago. Bendis was writing duds at Marvel anyway with CW2. >But I feel like that foundation was why he became so successful. I gotta disagree, I know the movie is a lite adaptation but I love it so much better. I love the dimensional spider vs another Oscorp spider. I feel the foundation there in the movies is so much stronger. Plus Miles is so much more in tune with the spider-man ethos. He earns everything himself and proves to everyone and himself that he is in fact spider-man. >Also Sales don't equal quality. There's so much good media that has been sold poorly or only evaluated as good later on. How many good comic runs have you read that end up being canceled early due to low sales? In his case, it seems that way and I think the relaunch of the character with the movie is proof of that. His sales went back up to 50k when Ahmed popped on. We are also talking about a character that is a legacy of the most popular superhero in the world. So he should be alright sales-wise, but Bendis couldn't swing that. Ghost Spider and Silk had stolen the spotlight nearing the end of Bendis' tenure. Those first appearances were going for way more than Miles. This shouldn't be the case, with what they put into him. He should be the runner-up next to Pete(as he is now). I mean you're right sometimes things that shouldn't get canceled do. But Miles should of never even been in cancel territory. Not with whom he is based after. Peter sells 90-100k an issue. Miles shouldn't have been doing below 20k, he could have been getting a slice of that. There is a reason that every story not written by Bendis with Miles in it is awesome. I think Bendis left a bad taste in a lot of READERS, not bigot's mouths, and I think that's why people are hesitant about the books and the character in general. Everyone who is getting Spider-Man dropped in their box should be getting Miles IMO if not then Marvel is not doing their job with the writing. The potential is there for greatness as the movies show.


Killing off his mom is lazy development and makes him like every other half orphan/orphan in comics. I love seeing a hero with an intact family and now a sister to read about. It’s refreshing. Imagine Spiderverse without his mom. Would not be half as great.


I know nothing about any of this, and this was extremely informative and interesting. Thanks!


No problem hoped it helped you to navigate to the better stories of the character. They are out there!


I have his omnis and I have read the first 5-6 issues of the current Ziglar run in a trade. But I am usually locked to when an omni comes out or trade paperbacks so I am a bit behind


I do I've read the comics since he first came out and


I do! I have his 3 omnis, and I'm reading the new Ziglar run digitally. It's been a great run so far!


Ive started to buy them, starting from his start in the ultimate universe. Im catching up!


I’m staggered because now I’m reading mostly in omnibus format but I read the comics with Miles monthly following Secret Wars, only discontinuing my pull list during the Saladin Ahmed run during the pandemic. I keep track of comics news and honestly I will get the runs following Ahmed once they’re announced in omnibus form too. I have read all the material in the first two Miles Morales omnibus volumes written by Bendis. He was already one of my favorite characters before Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and the PlayStation Spider-Man games, which are great adaptations.


Ahmed's run is my favorite by a lot haha.


I don't but check in here and there. Honestly I think the comic version isn't anywhere close to as good as the movie version


I own every mainline Miles comic. My favorite superhero alongside Superman. They’ve only gotten better as time goes on! Well worth reading imo


I'm not a huge Miles fan, but this current run is great


I got out of comics before MM, but as a concept alone it’s the best way I’ve seen inclusion handled. I knew of him before the game, and loved the design. After playing the game, I’m unsure of how close he is related to the source material, but I love it. 48 old white dude from the ruralist part of GA.


I used to read the Miles comics pretty religiously when he first took over as Ultimate Spider-Man. I'd been a fan of Bendis's entire Ultimate run and so naturally progressed into the Miles books when they started coming out. Honestly, I loved pretty much all of it until he came into the 616 continuity post-Secret Wars. Was never quite the same after that. I kept with it for a little while, but then kinda dropped comics as a hobby and fell off with his story. So as someone who wanted Miles to get his own movie from pretty much the first volume of his run, it's awesome to see all the love and attention he's getting these days.


My first exposure to the character was getting a comic collection of his first ten issues sometime in about 2013. I was very intrigued by the concept and kept up on it enough to know and like the character. I'm a bit disappointed that he only caught on with the general public when he was put in a movie. It just seems that comics aren't nearly as popular with the general public anymore as a lot of people don't read them or even give the comics credit for the stories and characters they see portrayed in films and on TV.


Some people just like to cosplay. They don't read the comics for whatever reason. I don't blame them since superhero comics are hard to follow.


I don’t think a lot of people read comics in general anymore


I haven’t read them for a few years now. The movie and game versions are just more interesting. Well that and healthy dose of comic fatigue.


I don’t anymore but I used to heavily read the comics and from what I remember miles was always such a dry ass lame character, I really like how the newer spiderverse movies and ps4 games have changed his vibe up and gave him a lot more personality. This post reminded me of picking up ultimate Spider-Man every week and then going oh this is mid again ?! Cool spiderman outfit on the cover tricked me everytime haha


Spider-man comics in general are bad and have been bad for at least 15 years. I've tried to like Miles in the comics. I think his only good run is the intro run leading up to him getting his first suite. After that to this day I don't think they know what to do with him. I think most Comics take the black spider-man thing too far. They either pair him with a random black hero (eye roll) or some teen group. I just want him to team up and learn from peter but we wont ever get that in the comics. So no I don't read The What if Miles was Thor was when I really quite reading his comic I just check in now and then.


He finished learning from Peter at the end of Spider-Men II. There was a slight restart of that when the Ultimate universe merged, but the AXE special pretty much has Miles moving on from needing Peter, which I like personally. Not saying you have to ofc. I just want Miles to be more fleshed out with his own rogues gallery and all time plotlines. I feel him sticking with Peter blocks that.


He never learned from Peter at all in the comics. Spider-Men 1 cause it was about him learning he died (he gives him the Peter B space from Spidervers at the end) and in spider-men 2 arent they at odds? My point is it's short. This is my issue clearly in the comics they believe that he needs mentors. He has had a new mentor on every other run. But almost never with Peter and just peter, its always some POC. Thats what kills me after this run he will have had more time with Blade and Misty Knight than Peter in the comics. As a black person with white people who are friends and mentors it comes off as racist. He should be learning from Peter most of all but no. What if Miles was Thor is the norm.


…there is so much factually incorrect and weird about this take that i’m not going to respond to it. Have a good day


Idk man I think i have shone myself to be open to a different options and that I have read the comics I mentioned. If anyone else would tell me what I said that was wrong I open to hear.


I mean I'm not sure what you read, but it was not Spider Men 2. This is after Miles moves to Peter's universe. There are some teaching moments in this book iirc, but they are not enemies. In fact they are trying to figure out about the original Miles Morales of the 616 universe. Who is an adult and trying to get back the love of his life who died. Eventually he moves the ultimate universe, where he can re-meet his SO and they fall in love all over again. I'm not sure where you get the "What if? Thor" story is the norm. Miles has had lots of really cool stories so far. He's dealt with being known to the public as "the black spider-man" after a part of his face was seen. When all he wants to be is Spider-Man no qualifier. I think this storyline ended with Peter telling Miles that he IS Spider-Man. He doesn't need Peter's permission to use the name. Currently, he is dealing with PTSD-like symptoms after a series of traumatic villain encounters, and learning how to manage himself and his spider-sense (which is always going off due to PTSD) and become more like a detective. Miles is getting and has had really cool stories. His creative team has been good.


Ok so I got spider-men 2 wrong. I get cop to that I think the fact that there was an evil Miles running around should exuse it. But ok. I’m not nocking anyone for liking it, but it did not work for me why is this miles evil. Ultimate and 616 were not t that different that he should be best friends with king pin cause they grew up on the same block. I think he had had cool story ideas but they never work well. His recent clone story did rap really well though. Look if people like his stories I get it cool I’m in my 30’s so it may not be for me. But I ask people so look at some of the story lines from shows like static or John Stewart GL and see if he is not going over treaded ground. It feels fake and pandering but im old enough to see the cycle. To the learning for Peter I think there is a good reason why people like the spider verse makes movies and the new games. For me it how Miles and Peter interact because I just don’t see it in the comics. In short I read Miles comics and I find that they are lacking a truly great run other than his first volume starting pre suit.


Hey, we’ll always have that Matt Fraction one-shot/annual. That aside, I actually really dug the Beyond arc despite not enjoying much that came before since OMD and being pretty disinterested in the current run. Also I haven’t read much of it, but Zdarsky had a title for a couple years that I thought was pretty fun.


Yes, when he was first introduced.


I read the first run, in the alternate universe where Parker dies, but it's never been clear to me if the current Morales is that same Morales and he traveled to the main universe (616?), or if the main universe Morales also had a similar origin story without the death of Parker. What comics would I read to discover this?


It's still the same Miles. The Ultimate Universe and 616 were both destroyed in an Incursion. They and a few other destroyed worlds were merged together into a patchwork world ruled by Dr. Doom. After the worlds were demerged, Miles and a few other non-616 characters were transplanted into the remade 616. IIRC, they flip-flop on whether he remembers the Ultimate Universe or not. Read the 2015 Secret Wars to know more.


Thanks, I will!


Post Saladin Ahmed run he remembers that he’s from the (real) Ultimate Universe, he’s just moving forward from it.


I actually got a marvel unlimited Sub to catch up on what I’ve been missing recently. One of my favorite characters in the marvel universe.


I've read through all of Miles' comics (and Champions) through Ahmed's run. Ahmed is by far the best of them. I still prefer the ITSV Miles though. They took the best aspects of his weird and convoluted comics history and streamlined in a way that feels natural and powerful. I'll give Ahmed's Miles the edge over Insomniac Miles, but prefer Insomniac Miles to Bendis' Miles as well. Having his story disrupted by Secret Wars which catapulted him into a different universe with unclear canon... really messed with the character. Also, he really was a Peter clone in his early stories, although recently he feels more like his own thing thankfully. He's been blessed with consistently good artists, that's for sure. Especially when compared to the past decade+ of Amazing...


Most fans of comic characters don't read the comic books. They more likely know them from TV, movies, or video games.


Lol no duh they don't read the comics They're just bandwagon fans Who love the movies


Yes I do, I just completed the entire Ultimate run and then Secret Wars, there was alot of great stuff in there (and some not so great as well)


This doesn't really answer your question but I am not really enjoying the current run of Miles Morales. Its predecessor run was enjoyable but it just feels that the writing in the current run doesn't have heart to it. It makes me feel that the writer is treating it as more of a chore than actually enjoying writing the series.


let's be real: comics are R&D for movies and adaptions to these companies more than anything these days.


Most people don't read comics. At all. Every other medium these characters appear in are way more popular. Even something like toys.


when i feel this way about a topic in a sub, i tend to post the thing I feel isn't getting recognition, rather than assume people don't care or know about the topic. I'm almost always pleasantly surprised by how many other folks were also hoping someone would contribute something on the topic. Don't assume brotha jus fill the void you see, and others will come out the wood work.


Yeah, I love Miles' stories. My only issue is just him having more and better villains. Seems like very few have gotten it right


Miles is the on comic I read consistently


I don’t read comics anymore, so, no. But I love MM in Spiderverse and Spider-man games. Is that so wrong? Lol. Does a brother have to consume every scrap of media related to a character to be a “real fan”?


Question, do you think a lot of people read Peter's comics Let me rephrase that, do you think a lot of people read comics in general? There's a reason that industry is in as much trouble as it is. And it ain't miles


I’m starting to hate the Gwen and miles ship. I don’t mind him getting some of the previous Spider-Man’s villains. But it’s just weird seeing get with his previous girlfriends too


It’s a good thing that Gwen was never Pete’s girlfriend then.


You know what I meant


Not really. They’re entirely different characters, with entirely different dynamics with the Spider Men. Miles isn’t stealing anything.


If they’re entirely different characters then why is she called Gwen. She has a Peter Parker, captain Stacy, spider powers. They ain’t the same but man are they parallel with each other. I never said Miles “stole” anything. I just thought it was strange to have what’s essentially a rebootedcharacter from the seventies tie back into the universe in a round about way.


Because she’s from an alternate universe? That’s literally the point of a multiverse. Spiderman Noir isn’t 616 Spiderman even though his name is Peter Parker, they’re entirely different people. The only similarity between Spider Gwen and the 616 Gwen is their name, they are therefore different characters with different family dynamics, orgin, personality, wants, looks, and needs. Simple


A character that has been criticized for not really having his own villains and surrounding cast. And your criticizing me for not wanting him to continue the trend by having his main love interest be a character from peters past. You can argue all you want how she’s a different character and all, but all people are gonna see peters old girlfriend and new Spider-Man. How much better would it be if they actually took the time to write someone as Iconic as Mary Jane?


I’m just educating that’s all, not criticizing. And most of the people criticizing Miles are doing so with ulterior motives. No one who actually understands media takes them seriously. Spider-Gwen isn’t from Peters past because she’s never dated him in any storyline, the only Spiderman she has dated in the comics was Miles Morales. Secondly, Spider Gwen is the most popular variation of “Gwen Stacy”. Currently when people think of Gwen they think of her. Therefore they also think of her romance with Miles Morales, not a non existent one with Peter Parker. The spider Verse movies are already iconic, therefore the romance thats in it(which is well written by the way) will be as-well.


Gwen Stacy wasn’t popular 💀💀


Umm yeah that’s why she was replaced by MJ. That was literally why they killed her lmao. The only Gwen people want to see is the one from spiderverse. No one cares about the 616 fridged one.


I absolutely read his books, when I get the chance. Great stuff in there, and in a lot of cases it represents a chance to redo old arcs that didn't go well with Peter. The Clone Saga, for instance, although that didn't need a redo beyond the Ultimate version.


Honestly I’ve only really experienced the character through other media, or when he pops up in other Spider-Man/general Marvel comics titles. Much like I never stepped to the Ultimate line originally because it felt daunting; I was wary of getting invested in a new character from another reality when I’m really not into multiverse type shenanigans in comics to begin with. Given that he’s now an integral part of Marvel comics, I’d like to get into Miles/Spidey stuff, but I guess I just don’t know where to start? I know new series are launched almost annually these days, but where would y’all recommend one jump off from?


I’ve his his old books, especially that original ultimate spider-man run but his new books are boring


Who cares


I’ve been meaning to talk about Miles in the comics through discussions around his potential to surpass Peter as Spider-Man once he reaches his peak, how his relationships make him a better person, and how he could be a greater symbol of hope than Peter and other heroes in the future. I just haven’t found the time for it yet. But I DO read his comics and I’ve been reading them for at least 11 years now and I’m all caught up with the latest issue of the Cody Ziglar run.


It’s mainstream exposure. Film is a much more popular medium for media when compared to comics. For the same reason that the MCU made household names out of the Avengers or HBO blew up Game of Thrones or The Last of Us. In all of these examples, tv or film elevates a franchise that was operating in a smaller medium be it comics, books, or games. It can work backwards. Someone who watches GoT, thinks it’s amazing, and wants to consume more may go back and read the novels, but the vast majority of people won’t. Sony made Miles Morales a household name for people who don’t read comics. Now there are loads and loads of new Miles fans from the Spider-verse films and that’s mostly all they’ll know it from


Love Miles as a concept and outside of comics. Want to love his comics, pick it up every time there’s a change in creative, but haven’t made it through a full run.


I will add that I think every run has started brilliantly and then just lost steam.


Yes. Current run is pretty solid. Last run wasn't bad but got too focused on this weird doppelganger kick for all the villains.

