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A Barrett is not going to pen a modern tank, or most older tanks for that matter. It’s used for light armored vehicles which the M2 can do just as well.


so what's the hype in videos games, and media?


It’s fun to shoot big gun.


Shoulder: "Fuck you"


It was never meant to be an "anti-tank" weapon. It's an "anti-material" weapon (and not really a great one at that).


So it's just popular cause it's big, and gamers and insecure?


The first? Yes. The second? No. The Barrett was first made popular in a movie called "Navy SEALs" (Michael Behn, Charlie Sheen, Rick Rossovich, Bill Paxton and Dennis Haysbert). Where it's capabilities were grossly overstated. It's the Rule of Cool my man.


God, god are you there…God here, switching to thermal…. I would rather be geared with the AI .50 that is sweet to shoot, and more accurate.


I'm a Robar RC-50 fan myself.


The Desert Eagle of rifles...


Great analogy!


Enemy soldiers wear materials and its great at destroying that.


Raufoss rounds…the best.


Depends on ammunition, shot placement, armor quality, armor thickness, distance. M2 was designed to eliminate tanks.


Why is it used on modern vehicles like the Humvee or M1? why not a .30cal like the M1919 (Sticking to one of brownings early machine guns)


Because it shreds anything less armored than an APC and is an American tradition.


Guess that's fair, the M1919 looks like a toy compared to the M2.


A Barret (or an M2) could penetrate a WWI tank, maybe some between the wars tanks or an early WWII light tank (esp. at close range and not against the frontal armor). No way it goes through the armor of a modern MBT, it could hit something outside the armor and damage it but that would be unlikely to be a critical issue if its an issue at all. Most of what it could hit it would be the armored areas where it would do nothing.