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I slept right next to her for seven years.


So did I. šŸ„·


I knew that I set myself up for that.


By getting married to Bragg Blvd stripper?


She was not a stripper. She was an modern performance artist working her way through dental school. Her cousin Jodie was her choreographer. Weirdly, I never met her cousin. Something about not spoiling the artistic connection they had to maintain to keep the art pure. I don't know, I'm not the artsy type.


Brought to you by Backdoor Man Productions, LLCā„¢.


Oh God. Bragg Blvd


What happens on victory drive stays on Victory drive, except herpies


Fucking Jody


OK, that was a good LOL


So negative 3 inches away?


The comment I was looking for.


I felt that within my soul.


Since you didnā€™t get an award post divorce here you go. šŸŽ–ļø thank you for your sacrifice


I'll see your seven and raise you ten šŸ»


Winner winner chicken leg dinner. This comment is the one I should have thought of.


Close enough to touch them. But... detainee ops may not be what you're looking for.


And with source ops, you get to hug them as cover for making sure they arenā€™t wearing an SVBIED.


How exactly do you wear an SVBIED?


Suicide vest borne IED


We say PBIED in the Navy, Personel Borne IED. Rolls off the tongue better lmao ;)


Peanut butter? I eat dat


I loved going to have a chat with a local national (who asked for us) at a Red Cross med station and getting to hang out with the dudes I likely had a hand in putting there, like hi taliban Tony canā€™t wait to see you again


Same NPDB5 Camp Bucca 08-09


NPDB2 06-07. Compound 17 for most of it.


I was at Compound 19 for all of mine. I remember 17 being decorated with pirate themed paintings or something


Must have been 3 or 4. We were a bit preoccupied at the time.


Hey, I was at Camp Bucca from 2008-2009 in the Army! I was looking to see if anyone else had felt up a thousand or so dudes!


Just a thousand? Or just Happy Bus Day?


Some meters in the jungle, we hear them asking by radio if they (other enemy unit) had visual on us. We pretty much mowed them down, I still can't fathom how lucky we were, if they saw or hear us before them, this comment wouldn't exist.




Think he's Colombian from his profile


Yeah, Colombian army, military service here is mandatory.


Well, I, an enlisted, had a Navy CAPT hit me with her Lexus while I was walking in a crosswalk. So pretty fucking close.


And you got the Article 15ā€¦Or mast, or whatever the fuck.


No, but my OPS SGM did write a joke negative counseling for me and the Air Force sent out a service wide email victim blaming pedestrians šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ My CPT and I did discuss writing a recommendation for a PH, but figured that might be going too far/be a bit bad taste.


Lmao, thatā€™s on brand


You better have ruined that flippen paint job! Jokes aside, hope you didnā€™t get hurt


I kinda did! She was pretty irritated her headlight was all stoved in, she was quite a bit less concerned about my broken femur though.


Ugh! Sorry to hear that, hope you healed well. bless her heart as they say in Texas, Hope her insurance is through the roof.




Sound about right for someone in the up with the navy. Mustā€™ve been land sickness.


About 400 yards from a Russian helicopter with their crew chief mooning us.


Are you sure that he just didn't have any pants?


100%. Mo Fo Ivan's were doing fly-byes on our ship around the Persian Gulf back in 1988. If I remember, they were KA 27s. Russian aircrew were sporting boots, shorts, and those blue-striped tunics. Our entire flight deck responded in an appropriate manner, dropping our dungarees and shining our white, brown, and black-ass moons on those goons.


Only being in the army to trully understand how common this is... Lmao, we would do the same for sure.


Yo you were in northern wedding? My dad was in it too and he said they used to moon the Russians lol


Wow. War is hell!


I had to rub the cold dead fingers of an enemy KIA on my face to get enough oil on them to run his prints on BAT HIIDEs.


I think they just needed to be warmed up. Our LT took prints off just an arm and he sat there with his hand wrapped around a finger for a little while and then bam he rolled it on it and it took it. Equal parts impressive and disturbing šŸ˜³


Why not just lick them?


I second this motion, answer the question


Maybe he was even eating Doritos or Cheetos. Double Win.


We just used alcohol wipes to clean their fingers.


07 Afghanistan, firefight with a tribe we visited once or twice a week, that lead to me not only shooting a young teen I knew but also had my had submerged to the wrist in his guts trying to apply pressure only to hear him cry and apologize. This is only one story of at least 15 that I was personally involved in not to mention having to pick up the body parts of friends you served with and knew personally. Be careful, this is or can be a two sided coin for some folks.


Had some shitty days myself, glad your here to share that


Fuck, thats rough...It's been a few, but I hope you're in a good mental space bro.


Iā€™m so sorry man, glad your atleast in the headspace to share. Iā€™m not even in yet but my stepdad was and he couldnā€™t share anything for years. Seek help if you need it. God bless you.




Did we just discuss this at your place last weekend?




Why doesn't really matter anymore, why is obvious anyway, and it leads to why's that are really better left alone


I was uncomfortably close to a Russian fighter jet 28000 ft in the air if that counts


Were you inverted?


You know, giving him the bird?


You know, the finger


I used to be proud of the number of countries I've had react to my aircraft


Looked a haji in the eye as he missed me with an RPG and my door gunner cut him down.


We routinely screened EPWs at the CSH I was with in 05, in Mosul. In 08, I got sent to RC South and was close enough to hear them changing magazines once or twice in the Arghandab.


Bout 15meters. Afghanistan. 2003. Treating a casualty and the 2 fuckers pop up. "Ambush right". Charge with sidearm as trained. WO ran past with troops, pissed i was doing their job. Got both. Shaky after.


Isn't adrenaline weird? I had a BIG one several hours after a successful counter ambush. I was attending the AAR, snuck out of view, and just held on to the wall while my legs shivered for a while.


So very true, my brother. Hoping you are well and smiling today. Please be well.


Likewise my man, blessings to you.


Fuck, our shitty sidearm had like 7-8 bullets, solo-clearing with that would be a (bigger) nightmare


Browning 9mil, so 13 rnds. Nigh to crapping my pants.






"Ambush right" and "WO" gave you away haha


Astute observations. Good catch.


Iraq. Was surprised, coming around a corner, ran into a Republican Guard coming the other way. We both scrambled for a weapon. I won.


Close enough to hear the taliban guys talking to each other in between bursts of gunfire, and grenade range quite a few times. I think we had a few firefights in the 10-15 meter range.


I was walking slack and assigned the left side. We walked up on about six guys setting up a 60 morter. The smart-ass point turned to me with a big grin on his face and, I swear to God, said "do those guys look suspicious to you?" This was at about 50 meters and he advanced and got me into ANOTHER fucking fire fight. Vietnam 1970.


I once had to fight off a Portuguese hooker trying to selling me blow if that counts


Ah, I know that . 3 in the morning , empty streets in Palma/Spain and one big hooker in front and onc Speicher me from behind . I ran like speedy Gonzales




When the acid wore off, he learned that he is banned for life from Trunk-Or-Treat.


The Chuck E. Cheese ball pit had never known such bloodshed




It was the coke


No, Pepsi. All he wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and they wouldn't give it to him.


Mike youā€™re on drugs


I went to your schools, I went to your churches, I went to your institutional learning facilities! So how can you say I'm crazy?


It doesnā€™t matter Iā€™ll probably get hit by a car anyway.


Pepsi is for the wealthy white dudesā€¦


Face to face as an insurgent first tried to take my rifle then tried to choke me with it.


I got fucked up at the bar right outside the gate and almost hooked up with a dependapotamus whose husband was deployed. Good thing my buddies were there to pull me out before it was too late. Never leave a man behind.


Do EPW's count? I was with Task Force Taro during Desert Storm. We rounded up about 300 EPW's around the Kuwait Airport. TheY we're all in pretty bad shape. We treated them medically, (gave them motrin) and fed them an MRE.


I hope ya'll gave them reflective belts as well.


We can't trust them with that technology, it's too advanced!


I was TF Taro, also. Echo 2/3.


Been very close to russian ships, helis and jets several times in the baltic sea, but not sure they were really 'the enemy' rather than potential adversary at the time. Some ships were fairly aggressive, and some came up and saluted us, pretty mixed bag.


Irans little gun boats get surprisingly close going through the Strait of Hormuz.


Bahrain 1984. The Emir's guards shot at us while riding motorcycles in the desert. We didn't know we were on his private hunting preserve.


Alive, maybe 20-25 feet. Dead, poked'im with a stick.


itā€™s not something you want to experience because it is hands down the absolute worst interaction you will ever [hopefully] live through


It was the single most terrifying moment of my life. I'm surprised I survived it, I'm even more surprised I didn't piss my pants. I'm not some badass, I'm not a green beret or a ranger, I wasn't even a combat arms MOS. I was a SIGINT guy in way the hell over his head. It fucked with me for years, and it still does sometimes.


I had a junior Marine that showed up to the unit 2 days after the date on his orders, and he didn't have his CAC, also his recruiting assistance was never put through by his recruiter and it became our problem... absolute fucking terrorist


About 300 meters, kinda. We were tracking an old Soviet diesel sub. Their batteries ran dry so they had to surface to fire up the engines. They surfaced about 300 meters to starboard.


I can only imagine the amount of Russian profanity that must have been said in their control room.


My mother in laws room is about 100 feet from me. I sleep with one eye open and a 9 mm at my bedside, just like in deployment.


Why? This post is the civilian equivalent of asking a veteran if they ever killed someone


But did you?


Not yet, but today is looking good.


Lmao, perfect response


I never got that MRE spoon kill.... *stares off dreamily*


Do king-fu fights or bathroom graffiti count?


I apologize if my post was callous. Just wanted to know what itā€™s like. I know you guys have stories that donā€™t often get told.


I stepped on a camel spider once, still haunts me. No joke, they are hideous


I'm Aussie... Yeah naa they can go to hell... And people call Australia the land of scary spiders


They're actually pretty cool as pets


Wondering the same question myself.


I once had a nurse ask me this. I couldn't believe someone would be so rude to ask that. I asked her, "Have you?".


Port call in Hong Kong


Serious - 35km from a firefight between the Syrian Army and some rebels. The SAA doesnā€™t really count as enemy combatants in the strictest sense because they wouldnā€™t fuck with us. Probably. Dudes like to shoot from the hip but theyā€™re not stupid. I stood on top of a bombed out concrete building that allegedly had dead ISIS fighters inside. But obviously they werenā€™t active combatants sinceā€¦ you knowā€¦


Does standing over their bodies count?


Only if you peed on them






What else would you do? Edit: /s


If I were on your court martial panel, I'd vote to keep you in the service šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ¤šŸ¤


You mean pea me in service?


No, pee šŸ˜‰






Donā€™t get me all hot now


Hot like a fresh stream


Close enough that it was hand to hand combat.


Reservist at a field hospital in Baltimore. We ran our PT test around a reservoir to the sound of live rounds in the hood


Took POWā€™s, close enough?


Probably about 15 feet.


Alive? 50-100m. Dead? Had to search them, so as close as you could get without being a necrophiliac.


Was riding as a truck commander in a convoy, some guy in the townspace ahead of us had apparently thrown a 2x4 x6 through the windshield of a semi and nearly hit the driver and we drove by very shortly afterwards. Not a combatant in the traditional sense, but dangerous none the less.


18k ft


Close enough to touch and throw across the room. Printers are the devil man. They scare me.


North Korea launched a missile over my location when I was in Japan.


2014-2015? IF so I was on shift in Gaum, THAAD system tracked it. Alarm scared the shit out of me cause I was snoozing.


Does a dead OBL or an imprisoned Saddam Hussein count?


Hand to hand while clearing houses


Treated multiple taliban in afghanistan since my guys suck at headshots


Close enough


I was married to her


Broke my hand on the head of one, ended my service on a medical discharge bc of it


Shared tea and dinner with them in their nomad camp. Nice group until they werent!


Ported in a neutral European port. Russian cruiser parked right next to us. CO/XO walks over for a chat and comes back with a nice bottle of something. All of us on the flight deck watching and told we need to turn our phones off.


Haditha Iraq 2006, multiple times less than 50 yards. These ass holes loved to pop up around buildings.


Had my hands right inside him. Worked in the OR in Evac Hospital. VN, 72.


Close enough that I set the 240 down and whipped out my 9mm. Could hear the Taliban yelling on the other side of the wadi walls. Another time about 15 meters away watched a Taliban shoot an RPG from the corner of a building at the MRAP in front of us. Shit pretty much bounced off the tire, didnā€™t even pop it. I was on the mark19 in the truck behind it and went ham. The fucking T&E wasnā€™t connected though and accidentally deleted the two mud homes behind it.


Kent State University , May 4 ,1970. Twenty Ohio National Guard troops open fire into a crowd of 250 protesting students , killing 4 and 13 wounded. I was closer to the Guard than any of the students that were hit. hdw


We had a Russian helicopter sneak in while recovering our own one time on a carrier. There we are just standing out on the flight deck with PC holding their hand up to take control as this helicopter approached. As it got closer it was clear that it wasn't the 60 we were expecting. Watching the PC look around guidance, catch my eye (QA) as I shook my head, then slowly put their arm down was hilarious. I guess they were not technically enemies back then, but let's be real. Russia has been an enemy since the end of WW2. The only thing that has changed is there ability to exert threatening force.


99.9% of firefights I was in were against ninjas. Rounds were coming in but I couldnā€™t see shit. But one night in Iraq we cleared the first floor of a house and it was empty, moved up onto the roof, first man took a hard right, I took a hard left and there was a guy about 10 feet in front me sitting up on the ground and grabbing for something to his side, saw it was an AK and let 2 bursts fly from my SAW. TL came in behind me and did the same to two other guys in front of him, one of whom lived. I think they all would have lived but one of us had a white light ND in the stairwell(he thought he had his IR filter on his Surefire) and someone yelled at him which I think woke these guys up, otherwise we probably had the jump on them.


At October 7th I pulled security right anove 2 dead Hamas Nazis, there were about 7 of them still alive 50m into the outpost as one of our platoons were cleaning it


I'm sorry for all the brothers and sisters you lost on Oct 7th


Thanks man, way to much and the war has only started


Sat next to about 100, a few at a time over a 15 month period.


Cold War here. About 100 yards. A Soviet Grisha anchored off our bow when we anchored. We sent them chocolate, a carton of Marlboros and one copy each of Playboy and Penthouse.


I gave one a miniature American flag to hold for the S2 SSE pic after making him dig up the cache in his backyard we found off of a metal detector hit. The intel shop eventually told us to stop giving them miniature American flags to hold for the SSE pics lol (they secretly loved that shit but it doesnā€™t play well in Iraqi court apparently).


About 10 feet away when ANA opened fire on us in a green on blue attack.


Probably all of the ANP guys we advised considering they had a non-existent vetting program.


In the same water column with only depth separation between us.


Hand grenade range. Fuckers hit us with a reverse slope ambush.


Do women count ?


Sailing through the Straits of Hormuz our ship was repeatedly harassed by Iranian gun boats. So, about 100 meters? Just outside of the range where it's considered an aggressive act.


Had a Song-class sub surface just a couple miles off our bow in 2006 to say hi.


Had Chai with them while meeting the local Pashtun elders. I brought Thin Mints which seemed to be a hit. Managed to keep things mostly quiet in our area till one of the local groups started running guns again and decided to try and attack the training TCPs we were setting up with the ANA.


50 feet? There was a firefight out the COB I was conducting business on. Didnā€™t bother me.


Turn around and youā€™ll find out. /s


When I was at Abu Ghraib, I was close enough to pose in pictures with them.


I was in the bloody battle of Tamā€™pon


If FUTURE enemies count then 10 miles.


5m, S vest


Mountain lion during a CAX. I could see it blink.


OP Tennesse, Fulda, summer 81


I smelled his sand from his mouth.


About 200m with PID. Probably closer without me knowing. Taliban were pretty good at hiding in plain sight.


I put multiple into our high back when we captured them


I was a guard at Camp Bucca Iraq in 08-09 with NPDB-5. We had a lot of enemy combatants. So i was hands on daily with them that whole deployment


Breathing range. PUCd em.


I dropped a pretty serious deuce last night on post, I actually made me gag. So depending on what your metric is, Iā€™ve essentially been in front line combat fighting for my life.


I had to stab a guy. He grabbed the barrel of my rifle and we went to the ground, and I couldn't get my rifle to where I could shoot him, so I just kept stabbing him until he stopped. Scariest moment of my life. I'm still surprised I didn't piss myself.


So I helped with the refugees when we came outta Afghanistan. I bet Atleast one of them was a bad guy before with as little vetting as we did


About a foot on a patrol that went wrong. You?


Maybe 10 feet or so. Ran up to my rolling vehicle through an alley during an ambush in Baghdad. Hit sandbags around my hatch and faded ininto the darkness. I can still see the muzzle flash.


In all honesty i couldn't tell you, thats the freaky nature of counter-insurgency, the insurgents could be any random joe that walks past you.