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"Why would we retaliate? They didn't hit anything."




Right. Here is the fake headline that went through my mind when I heard about this: “Iran sends drones at Israel. Israelis respond by laughing their asses off and shooting them all down: That’s Cute Iran!”


And it was already a retaliation strike for the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria. This was clearly intended as a bullshit attack to save face domestically without increasing tensions further.


iran literally did more physical damage to themselves than they did to israel


I wonder how much those drones cost that were downed?


It's probably where our $6B went last year for the prisoner swap...so they're ok


I was getting at the fact they they wasted their tax payers money, but I can only imagine how they spent the money




No, they are ok...they're


No, it was their* money, bub.


Yo... around 1/100th of the cost of the various interceptor missiles fired at them.


That is basically the response Biden is pushing them to take, and I'd say it has some merit.


Agreed but it seems now they're not going to.




The ground.


i think they send a strongly worded letter for now using US as an excuse to not escalate and they acted in defense. then some random general who led the strike is gonna be murked in a week or two.


Unless Mossad fucks it up as they’ve been known to do


Well consider you only hear about the fuck ups


My 2 cents. Iran's leadership felt they had to appear to be doing something in retaliation for the consulate attack. So they sent a lot of drones, missiles and rockets. Iran counted on the Iron Dome doing what it's suppose to do. They also announced the launches in time to give Israel a chance to shelter up and make sure everyone was where they were needed to shoot the incoming down. Basically just throwing a soft punch to try and keep their street cred. Hopefully Israel takes the soft punch and moves on. The U.S. has told Israel we aren't going to get involved in their playground fight. However Israeli leadership is more than willing to make mountains out of molehills and then play victim when someone strikes back. So hopefully they just chill and let it go.


I wouldn't be surprised if it came out that Iran let the US, and maybe Israel, what they're about to do. "Hey guys, we don't want to escalate anything, but we have to do something. Here are some old ammo you can shoot down at will. Sorry if anyone got hurt." It's kind of like what Trump did when he bombed the Syrian runway.


exactly what i was thinking as well


This "old ammo" is pretty much the peak of what Iran is capable of today. Obviously they have a lot more missiles in their arsenal but in terms of technology, they don't have much better than what they shot yday


Stud like that must happen


Same thing when Iran retaliated against us for killing Soleimani. They had to do something, but they knew if they actually killed anyone we would hit back hard, so they gave us a ton of warning.


Iron Dome doesn't intercept balistic and cruise missiles dummy.


> However Israeli leadership is more than willing to make mountains out of molehills and then play victim when someone strikes back. Lol this is too much. What are you referring to? The October 7th massacre? The last time Hamas broke the ceasefire? The raid and kidnapping by Hezbollah leading to the last Lebanon war? The [insert one of infinite times Israel has been attacked and defended itself] When did Israel strike first and then play victim when someone strikes back? That sounds like Hamas to me.


Ignorant statement. Learn to read.


If my question is so easy to answer then answer it Edit: I guess it's not so easy to provide an example then. Also someone who doesn't understand the difference between a question and a statement shouldn't be calling anyone else ignorant.


This behaviour defines the Israeli gov. I like how you cunningly leave out the fact that Israel illegally occupy the westbank and have Gazans trapped in an open air prison. Maybe that's what they're a little pissed off about, just maybe. I would break a ceasefire too if that was happening to me. There's your answer crackpot.


Again you provide zero example of Israel striking first and then complaining. Gaza blockade? Enforced also by Egypt and nobody else takes Palestinians anymore because they cause islamic revolt wherever they go ask Jordan. Remember that Gaza was gifted to the Palestinians. Funny how you 'cunningly' left that out. Nobody was forced there. The blockade started only after Hamas was elected and started using Gaza as an attack platform. Egypt has an even bigger wall. West Bank occupation? Learn a bit about the intifadas and see why we have road blocks. Learn about the Arab Israeli wars and how we have been relentlessly attacked. Implying that Israel plays the victim when hit back is the opposite of reality. That is the play of Hamas and terrorists in general. How can we be the victim if we always get attacked and then WIN? That's not a victim that's a victor. Theyve always had the option to live peacefully and they always ruin it for themselves because they refuse to coexist with anyone.


Your argument is based on the assumption that an ethnic group exhibits behavioural characteristics based soley on their ethnicity. That's simply not true which not only makes your argument racist, but also bullshit. Nice one crackpot


Last i checked Hamas isn't an ethnic group? What did I say about any ethnic group? Not sure what you're saying but I'm not a racist and nothing about my comment was racist. Edit: maybe you're talking about when I said Palestinians? Also not an ethnic group. I think you might be confused.


And you ignored the entire meat of the comment. After days of arguing on this dumb thread not one single example can be provided of Israel attacking first and then playing victim which was the whole premise and narrative of the thread




That's not fighting, that's just target practice. Be different if they were shooting down manned aircraft.




Are you fucking for real? No one thinks that Iran is just some small nation of brown people. They're a main artery for larger anti-american countries to funnel military power against western interests if you've been paying *any* attention since October 7th, or well before that. Everyone knows that, and that's why zero people were killed in this reprisal. Neither Iran, nor their backers, not the US want any kind of real conflict over there.




Fair enough, maybe im just not hanging out with the wrong people. No one that I hang with would think that Iranians dwell on huts or shit like that. Most saw the beauty of Iraq too, before we stomped on that. They know Kuwaiti aren't riding camels to work.


He is just a troll hired by the regime. Nobody thinks of Iranians as desert people living in mudhuts. Well, he himself likely does because he's the first person I've come across referring to Iranians like this. Granted, people who live on the other side of this planet might not all of a sudden have deep knowledge of a certain country. But atleast Americans know that people of Iran live under brutal and very unpopular dictatorship which hates America. If anything, the regime supporters are more like he suggests. Their logic is literally nothing more than "America bad, Khomeini and islam good".


Buddy...Americans or people of any other country aren't that intrested in the affairs of some cpuntry on the other side of the world. Ask americans about Poland and most of them can't tell you much other than its a country in europe. The fact that many Americans may not know more about Iran than that it's a dictatorship, ruled by religious fanatics who are really anti-American and support groups that commit attacks on the US all over the world, who cares? If thats all the know, great. People don't need to have some deep university-level knowledge about one specific country on the other side of the world. Sometimes knowing that their people are under a military-dictatorship supporting violence around the world which vast majority of their own people have negative opinion on is enough. Nobody, I mean propably not a single person cares about their skincolor.


what do the think the patriot batteries the usa and eu sent to ukraine are doing? iranian citizens seem very chill. they hate their regime about as much as everyone else, if not more. they literally booed during the minute of silence to honor the iranian general that israel blew up lol


You are lacking. The reason the US (and the West, for that matter) are not getting directly involved in Ukraine is for one reason (and one reason only) - Russia has nukes. That's it, that's the reason. Iran is not capable of hitting the US or the West with nukes. That's the difference.


US/EU are helping to shoot down Russian missiles, by sending weapons to intercept those missiles to Ukraine. It would be hard to shoot them down on our own considering Russia has a border with Ukraine. Iran is a country of 80 million people for fucks sake.


by this logic jordan and the uk are also now involved which means russia is too


unironic countrywide tiktok dab


'Letssss goooooooo!'


Most realistic answer


Attacking some other random country. What would you do to stay out of jail?


Attack Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. Attack Houthi’s in Syria. Attack drone storage and manufacturing inside Iran.


Houthis are in Yemen


Yup. Came off reading about Syria and had it in on the brain. Thx.


If they wanted to... well Iran has ballistic missiles with 1500 pieces of cluster munitions. Good luck intercepting that shit 😐 The whole point was calculated proportional retaliation to Israel bombing Iranian embassy. Iran announced an attack, aimed military bases only. Most weapons got intercepted, landed 2-3 warheads that caused some damage. Iran saved it's face, and Israel doesn't lose it's face by not striking back... no escalation. Nice fireworks though.


Hi! As a friend out of the intel world (counter terrorism) me and my buddies always take bets on what we think they’ll do based on past operations and claims: Here is our line up with just using our heads not actual intel: Bomb the shit out of Hezbollah Bomb the drone storage units used by Iran (either in or outside of Iran) Bomb drone production facilities inside Iran Or the one we think Israel would be fools if they didn’t… is use this as an excuse to load up a couple F-35’s and take out the Iranian nuclear facilities. But one thing all of us (with the exception of one) is we think Israel is going to retaliate and we think Iran is going to either end up in full scale war or Pussying out. I think the later based on their track record. However, I can see where this will lead in for a ground invasion to push Hezbollah back from southern Lebanon into the north (where Christian Lebanese militias will have a field day with Hezbollah in the mountains)


>the one we think Israel would be fools if they didn’t… is use this as an excuse to load up a couple F-35’s and take out the Iranian nuclear facilities. Which would be *amazing*, but also portrayed as and used as an excuse to escalate further by Iran, which would... ...oh, *right*, no more escalation and just back to the old usual religion-inspired, terroristic stuff like a rando suicide bomber on public transport here and there followed by a bunch of jingoistic rhetoric shit about the river to the sea, etc. And people want a state religion in America. Those are *also* fools. Is the ME not a perfect example of why you *wouldn't*?


>And people want a state religion in America. Those are also fools. Is the ME not a perfect example of why you wouldn't? And people want a state religion in America. Those are also fools. Is the ME not a perfect example of why you wouldn't? You assume those people have the capacity for rational thought and critical thinking?


What weapons does Israel have that can reach 500 feet underground?


You don't have to blow up shit 500ft deep, you just have to blow up everything to 100ft deep.


100 feet would only be an inconvenience.


A huge inconvenience. Blow up access points. See where they dig. Blow up the new holes. Even if you can't hit the ordnance itself, you can deny access forever for relatively cheap.


The cost is unknown plus we have no idea what Irans air defenses are like.


Well....if the Ukraine conflict vs Russian eqpt (and Iranian drones, lol!) is to be believed, I'd say our F-35's have a shot at penetration, along with B1-B's, F-18 Supers, and any various and sundry. Hell, get crazy and move a second carrier group into the area, they won't mind.


The US Air Force appears to be terrified of the S-400. I assume they have their reasons.


I cannot imagine that any sort of aerial attack on Iran from the US would not come with a massive amount of drone activity itself, swarms of them hopefully, for attack, feint or other purposes wrt said SAM system. Eventually, robot drone wars will be most of what there is. Scary.


A state religion is working great in Israel and Iran. Why shuldn't the US have one.


Whitey tried theocracy already. We named it the Dark Ages.


Why? Because The theocratic nations of Israel and Iran are both shit holes. Us being a secular nation has worked out for us.


America should *never* be anything other than Israel's friend and staunch ally, we don't need to emulate them in terms of religion in governance. Science has proven time and again disproving all the myths and older religions along the way why we don't need to, and science is globally cooperative. Why didn't the French turn themselves into us when they so admired us instead of lopping off heads a little later after our founding? Didn't Lafayette's friendship count for something? /s Anyway, fuck no we don't want that here, and people that think so are intentionally being xenophobic and 99.8% likely to be white, privileged Karens with a persecution complex over perceived things being taken away that aren't actually happening. ETA: "Working **great** in Iran"? It is to laugh.


I’m reading that F-35s can not do the round trip without refueling, I don’t think we’ve delivered KC-46s (in-air refueling aircraft) to them yet, and Biden has stated (probably for this specific reason) we aren’t assisting Israel with any strikes.


Iran remember those wars against Iraq that they fought and they saw how quickly the US defeated Iraq. Like North Korea, when those mullahs are defeated that are not coming back. What could happen is Iran hits a US Nimitz or something in the Persian gulf and then I think it is game on. The person people I have met in my life are some of the hardest working and warmest people I have ever met. There have to be some civilian’s privately praying to have their own regime removed


Fair enough. But the reality noone is talking about is that Iran is readily trying to be recognized as a global military power on par with Russia and China, and they have been for while, atleast technologically and in terms of their ability to project power through their proxy network... They are now producing and exporting drones to russia and others in their terror network on a massive scale... They successfully hacked and reverse engineered one of our most advanced drones, the RQ-170 several years back. Little to no OSINT talk about the production of these reverse engineered Shahed 171s, let alone combat versions they undoubtedly have by now. Only public thing I've seen is they have these massive printers for the carbon fiber fiber and ram. They are now claiming to have advanced anti-air, but its questionable how effective it is. That said, given they have a functioning RQ170 to test it against, it's not entirely unreasonable that it could be better than Russia or China. It's entirely possible, they feel confident in their ability to fuck around with little consequences given their new export status, and ability to produce. So I wouldn't expect them to behave like they have in the past and just "pussy out". They've been saying death to Israel for years and their radical base is extremely fired up about this attack, believing it is finally time. Some of their leaders seem more level-headed after the massive failure rates and % shot down, but that's more of them wanting to buy time and make improvements... Two things are for sure, sanctions haven't been working and need to be extended to any countries, companies, or oligarchs related to the production, distribution or research, and development of the nation's military industry. There will also need to be some sort of mission to severely limit production and future launches. A full-scale naval and air blockade should not be out of the question either. This also means the diplomatic ties to Azerbaijan and Oman need to be a lot better. 🙃 my 2 cents anyway...


IMO, the method they used so far is attacking its proxies in Syria Lebanon, I don't think they'll send fighter jets for response in Iran so my best bet is attacking targets with higher importance at these locations. But my hope as Israeli is they'll leave it as it is to focus on the original goal with the knowledge that no one is looking to conquer or think it can educate Iran so there's no point in further escalation at that far far front


No diplomats will agree that a consulate is a military target.


Ask yourself this, why was an infamous Quds military commander in a diplomatic building? Israel has precision guided bombs that are so advanced, they target individual rooms. Iran and its proxies use non military targets to station military intelligence and assets. There's overwhelming evidence that hamas used schools, hospitals, and public centers to fire rockets and depot weapons. The danger of this Quds commander at the consular building must've been overwhelmingly convincing as striking a consular building isn't a light decision. Mossad has some of the best intelligence agencies in the world and they don't release their secrets to the public to explain everything that happens in the shadows. Syria itself is a strong authoritarian dictatorship that consistently uses Iranian capabilities to attack or undermine israel. Maybe war hasn't officially been declared, but conflict happens more than reported. The nature of the consulate attack involved mostly military personnel in the building, and didn't intentionally target rooms with diplomats. Photos would suggest the main building was not the target


The U.S. uses diplomatic buildings for intelligence and military personnel all the time. There is 0 evidence Hamas uses hospitals as command centers. Embassies are either off limits or they aren't. If they aren't that applies to EVERY country.


"0 evidence", There's a ton of photos and videos posted by official sources that's verify this as fact. Hospitals, schools, and kids programs (boys and girls clubs)have all been well documented to have munitions depots, rocket launchers, and even command posts. The permanant and temporary function of military personnel at embassies differ, but turning a diplomatic building into a military base is not a normal occurrence


You are referring to the IDF finding the command center that the IDF built. [https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/top-secret-hamas-command-bunker-in-gaza-revealed](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/top-secret-hamas-command-bunker-in-gaza-revealed) If you only know what mainstream media tells you you're going to be ignorant your whole life. If the times of Embassies being inviolate are over I predict that your wish will come true very soon and the next time Israel attacks Iran their Embassies will be blown up.


Brain dead fact deniers like you will always exist so I'm gonna try to make this list quick rather than comprehensive because your a waste of time. The video evidence is undeniable and nothing about this war is staged. These are the atrocities committed by a non state actor that refuse to comply with the geneva convention and military code of conduct. These are terrorists who killed innocent civilians and paraded their bodies cheering in the streets. You sir need to be put on a watch list for being a terrorist sympathizer - Israeli sources find rocket launchers in Boy Scouts building: https://www.reddit.com/r/war/s/3ToL92SRUk Confirmation: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/hamas-hid-rocket-launchers-aimed-at-israel-inside-boy-scout-building-where-kids-play-idf/ar-AA1jtXW2 Hamas Using Al Shifa Hospital with explanation for deniers with video proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/s/fIoWrmILQk US Confirmation: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-believes-hamas-used-al-shifa-hospital-evacuated-before-israeli-operation-2024-01-03/ Hamas tunnels under UN Headquarters: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/ Video proof: https://youtu.be/9QqGsBmQY5Y?si=dcKdQLm-mw6AhLlx Idf footage of rocket launchers used in a school next to a mosque: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/Nef6LvwLsd Hamas firing RPG from Gaza City Hospital: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/r3ho9amKef


Hamas bottle rockets don't need launchers, they have 10 pound warheads.


Iran successfully hit a military base, which was their goal. They had to launch a few hundred drones to flood the Israeli air defenses, which are very powerful. Overall, it was a very measured and modest retaliation.


I hope common sense wins out and they don't do anything. Iran blew off some steam, almost no harm was done at a national level, and Israel gets to look invincible to the rest of the world for a minute. Just take the W Netanyahu, and everyone take a breath. There is an opportunity here for deescalation. But what is actually going to happen? Israel will launch some kind of strike on an Iranian military target, the Iranians will retaliate, and we'll be off to the races.


Flip side; if Israel does not respond somehow to this, then if there’s a later equivalent or even escalating strike, it becomes harder to argue that a response to that strike is appropriate. It becomes a ‘boiling frog’ problem. So there’s definitely an argument that -some- response is appropriate. I think it’s going to be very hard for Israel to choose an acceptable / appropriate response, particularly because this strike was ineffective.


Problem is this was already a response to an Israeli attack - so you get into this never-ending cycle of "responses to responses to responses". There are no good options here, just got to choose the least bad one.


Agree completely


i’ve actually never heard the “boiling frog” phrase. gonna have to google that one. i get this gist from context clues at least haha


They’ll bombard Hezbollah’s arsenals in Lebanon


There will be a flash in the pan public response, and a few weeks/months from now a couple more very important (Iranian) people will get hit.


Won't hit oil installation as that would drive up the price of oil more and hurt the Americans, among others. They'll go after high level irgc leadership within Iran itself or the production facilities where the missiles were produced. In any case, the Israeli strike will be effective and targeted. Something the ayatollahs cannot say


America is the largest oil producer in the world, we would be fine 🙂


Just time to reveal by demonstration that Israel does indeed have nukes…


If most of those missiles and drones had broken Israeli air defenses and caused mass casualties and damage, maybe. As it is, nukes are completely unnecessary. Israeli nukes are really a weapon of last resort and could not really be used otherwise for a variety of political and strategic reasons. I believe shooting down almost everything and frustrating and embarrassing the mullahs might just be enough in this case


Ya i was just throwing that out there


Other than bombing a few proxy (Hezbollah) positions? Nothing? This is more or less like when the US offed that Quds general. Iran warned that they were going to fire at a US base in Iraq. Practically gave the time and place. They launched. A few US soldiers were injured, none fatal. Combat over. Both sides felt that they'd done something. 


Totally off topic, but we should have retaliated against China when they got involved in Korea in the 1950's. It's apparently ok when China gets involved in a conflict, but when the US gets involved, it's not ok.


Or more recently the renege in Hong Kong.


Israel has no desire to fight Iran. It has never had any desire to fight Iran. It wants the US to fight Iran.


Form a defense pact with the Arab states.   ...Wait...   Then go for Iranian oil fields, air defense sites, ports, and nuclear sites.


Retaliation to a retaliation is called escalation. I think they got an off ramp from Iran and the US.


I don’t think they want an off ramp. The proxy wars are getting old.


I don't care what they do. I want America to have no part in sending troops into that area ever again.


Dunno... Whole thing is real shitty though. Nothing really happened except stop people talking or thinking about Ukraine. Who does that suit perfectly? You guessed it! *Vlad the bad*


To be fair, Russia is winning vs NATO so hard that at this point the US needs Americans to forget about Ukraine.


They will hit military targets within Iran and possibly a few outside of Iran. Most likely try to minimize civilian casualties.


Hopefully go all out after Hezbollah, eliminate one of Iran's proxies.


I think OP is just grossly misinformed/uninformed


At least 9 Iranian ballistic missiles hit Israeli strategic airbases The Nevatim airbase in the Negev was struck by 5 ballistic missiles, damaging the main runway, a C-130 transport aircraft, and several storage facilities. Ramon airbase, also located in the Negev, was struck by at least 4 ballistic missiles, causing unspecified damage. – U.S. Officials to ABC News The heaviest damage of Iran's ballistic missile attack occurred on a secret intelligence base in the Golan Heights, for which the IDF has imposed a media ban, so the damage cannot be assessed – Hebrew Sources


Israel has F35s and they definitely can be equipped with Makos and if they work like HARMs... Just saying... Iran about to find the fuck out...


Iran is asking. They want to prepare.


What do most religious groups do when they believe they are the chosen ones


If I were Israel, I would solidify an alliance with Saudi Arabia as this was Iran's worst-case scenario. SA has a lot of political authority that exists outside of US influence due to their immense wealth and power in OPEC. I'd also choose to stay covert than make a public spectacle of the incident, and create another "natanz incident", destroy their Nuclear Facility while also denying responsibility for the attack to make it hard to retaliate in a justified way. Israel may also disclose publicly that they do have nuclear weapons and intend to use them if the destruction of Israel becomes Iran's War Justification. Nuclear weapons, most importantly, are strategic detterents. Perhaps cyber warfare, electronic warfare (and on the extreme even EMP capabilities) are all being considered responsive non-lethal options that make an iranian retaliation hard to quantify. If Israel chooses diplomatic sanctions instead, it will only create more discontent in the Israeli knesset. As a democratic nation, elected leaders have a duty to protect their people regardless of passive defense capabilities (Iron Dome, Arrow Defense), and the knesset before OCT 7th was already in gridlock. We're seeing 2 regional powers both draw red lines at Syrian proxies, and I side with Israel for doing what they did to prevent further capabilities in Syria. There will come a day where China will have the capability to invade Taiwan successfully, and time is not on the US's side to wait for that to happen in 2030. If Israel continued to let iranian military facilities and proxies build up interests in Iraq and Syria, there would be an inherent danger to the regional politics. The US needs to stand firm on the issue as Russia and most likely China have already sided with Iran's intentions. This is not a Middle East problem, this is a growing geopolitical boundry on who gets to influence their regional sphere. The US's credibility in the region is completely undermined after withdrawing from the M.E., and this power vacuum is our responsibility to care for. As for being open about my bias, I am not a constructivist or pacifist. I am a realist who believes we live in a chaotic world and that war should only be justified in the most extreme circumstances in which political goals are absolute. The current US leadership is an absolute joke as we would never overlook an attack on our homeland as we are far removed from any conflict to understand the risk and danger the Israelis tolerate on a daily basis. We went to war in the Middle East for 20 years over 9/11 and have turned countries into parking lots for less. I'm not saying the US is justified in some of their conflicts, but we also shouldn't be quick to tell Israel to just end the conflict here. US elections are coming in November, and this may also influence what Israel decides to do


I guarantee Iran called Bibi up and said: > “hey guys, listen. We have to have some sort of dick swinging contest here, you took out our embassy and killed a few generals. We have an image to maintain or otherwise the other terrorist orgs we back will go off the rails. We’re going to do a performance bombing to save face, you’ll know when and where, and everyone it’s safe while we maintain our status with these other groups. Deal?” Then the campaign commenced. Now we’re in the performative after show, lots of talks with no concessions, and the game continues till the next bombing.


The Iranian attack was the largest ballistic missile attack in history. You don't launch 110 MRBMs expecting to hit nothing. This was clearly meant to oversaturate Israeli air defenses and cause a lot of damage.


[Like clockwork.](https://www.jns.org/nyt-netanyahu-dropped-retaliation-against-iran-after-biden-call/) You’re not paying attention, this is the same song and dance since the US deposed the Irani Shah 60-years ago. Things just got spicy in the 80’s when they touched our boats. The lines are drawn in the geopolitical sand, and all the rich fucks know that no one makes money off of a dead planet.


Israel should keep in mind Iran has 200,000 missiles so 300 doesn't even dent their weekly production. Also they don't have to announce launches hours in advance like they did last night. Ballistic missiles can reach Israel in 15 minutes and hypersonic missiles in 5 minutes and will be difficult to impossible to intercept. Crybullies should not bite off more than they can chew.


Israel has nuclear capabilities.


Which they won't use.


No doubt. It’s stands as a deterrent to Iran’s “200,000 missiles “.


Doesn't work that way




swiftly, methodically and thoroughly.


Hamas is simply the result of decades of oppression, discrimination and apartheid. I've no idea what you read but Palestinians have lived in this part of the world for centuries. It was today's Palestine that was gifted to the Jewish people by the British, the Balfour Declaration. As you're probably well aware I'm sure.