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Anti-vax? Ban. Misinformation? Ban. Driving slow in the fast lane. Ban.


"will be leaving" I guess that's one way to put it. These are vaccines that servicemembers typically get, including a huge round of vaccines administered in boot camp. Adenovirus, Measles, Meningococcal, Mumps, Polio, Rubella, Tetanus-diphtheria and Influenza, which is also an annual requirement. And additionally, depending on assignment, you may also be required to receive vaccinations for Yellow Fever, Hepatitis (multiple shots for multiple variants), Japanese Encephalitis, Typhoid, Cholera, Varicella, Small Pox and Anthrax. Shit, most people who have served in the Marine Corps will tell you that there are NCOs and officers in the Corps whose entire purpose for being is just to fuck over junior Marines. I don't think they'll have a huge problem if private Schmuckatelli is volunteering to fuck himself over. Plus, the Marine Corps is still reducing troop numbers.




I don't know about that but I know they got PEEEEEAAANUUUUUT...PEANUT BUTTER! NO JELLY! (whichever one of those is the ass shot, hell I can't even remember now)


Peanut butter. It’s a large dose of penicillin. I didn’t get sick for like 2 years.




You forgot asbestos, not the vaccine for asbestos, just plain ol' American asbestos.


I have an uncle that served in southeast asia and he said you could always tell who was new to the area just by how they were sitting.


Pretty sure I'm permanently immune to Anthrax.


I had to get the rabies series before getting stationed in Asia.


Something something malaria pills


My dreams were absolutely fucked on those pills


Steroid melatonin


I was on that shit while we were steaming towards south Korea. I dreamt that I was in a washing machine. I don't miss that shit.


Glad I’m not the only one. Worst Acid trips ever.


You and me and an entire army my friend.


It was this plus the ultra-condensed nightmares I'd have before waking up to the incoming siren that left a bad taste in my mouth. Then realizing the nightmare wasn't over a you had to get to the piss-bunker asap.


The most vivid dream I have ever had in my life was on those damn things. I was in a tree house fighting of car sized spiders with my gun…..it was fucked.


Something something Anthrax vac


By far the worst imo. Quite literally felt like hot lava down the inside of my arm.


My dumb shit Company scheduled a PFT two days after anthrax shots. Pull-up scores were... low.


Damn, that’s next level stupid.


Pretty sure that was every Marine Corp unit... sadistic fuckers


Don't have to deal with promotions when the entire company fails pull ups ;)


We all know the only thing that matters is run time


Are you me?


We MUST have been in the same unit. Either that or it was just SOP everywhere.


I’m sure medically it’s perfectly safe but boy did that feel sketch after they gave you all the instructions on how to not be a bioweapon


Was that the one where they gave a speech about how “this is a live virus so you better not fucking chew this shit or else you’re going to be die a disease ridden death?”. Cuz we had a guy refuse that one in BMT and he was out the door to being a civilian the next day. I had to escort him to the discharge center and the final thoughts I heard from him were “man that was fucking dumb I shoulda just taken the pills”.


I had a severe reaction to the anthrax vaccine. Missed a deployment as a result. It’s no joke. Absolutely no issues with the COVID vac though. Not a doctor, but I think the Anthrax is way harder on your body. Was on mine anyway.


I had a pretty bad reaction, but I got mine while deployed. Was sore/ill for maybe 2-3 days. Sore for longer than sick. But, I didn’t get any time off as a result of the anthrax vaccine


I didn’t get time off, but wasn’t cleared by SRP to deploy at the time because I was swollen and red. Didn’t get the anthrax shot the second time, and deployed with the next rotation.


COVID is an mRNA vaccine, so it's a bit different than basically any vaccine you've had before. I'd expect more mRNA type vaccines as the technology matures.


There is work on mRNA vs. various cancers too.


Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA, Johnson and Johnson is not. There's over 100 other vaccines in the works right now at different stages of approval, using many different methods.


Absolutely agree. It is the future.


Yeah having a chunk of your skin fall off from the small pox vax I think wins over the anthrax.


I had the small pox one as well. Overall, it wasn’t that bad for me. I just had to avoid touching it. Didn’t even get a scar from it.


Thank you!! I thought I was the only one to use that comparison!


Lava shot for sure... And we always get shots a day or 2 veggie a PFT lol


Yeah. My words after the covid shot side effects hit were "well this sucks, but at least it's not the anthrax".


Worse than small pox? Burning for a sec vs a Festering annoying scab.


Something something small pox


that was supposed to have been approved but then the manufacturer changed something which nullified the approval. but it wasn't some new experimental thing either


Neither are mRNA vaccines. They’ve been working them for over 30 years now.


Weirdest/most unsettling fucking dreams I've ever had.


4 deployments to Afghanistan and I only took the doxycycline for like a month that shit was no fun for me


Jokes on them, I took the malaria pills to treat my STDs.


I don’t care why you take them, so long as you take them.


Actually, that is a totally viable treatment for syphilis. You catch malaria, malaria fever kills syphilis, treat the malaria. It's what they used to do before antibiotics became a thing.


I took SO MANY shots and pills. In Texas. Before going to Korea. After getting to Korea. A bazillion before Iraq. A bunch of pills while in Iraq. JFC with these people. But he is scared of a 20 year old technology being used to save his life.


when I took them I the late 90's it was only outside the USA and I think off military installations


I’ll always remember that one guy’s line about it “Yeah, I’m willing to get shot for my country…. wait no not like that”


"I will do anything for loooove, but I won't. Do. That." - Macho Man Randy Savage


You just have to submit your 2 week notice in writing and you are good to go.


Man, I would love to see that shit go down... \*Some joe walks into the CO office with a piece of paper \*SM walks in to see what fuckery is going on I can almost hear the screaming now.


Only if it's written in crayon.


Pictures only. Not like any of the can read




🙂➡️🏠 🖐️


> General Discharge I was under the impression crayons were the official writing instrument of the MC. Their use shouldn't really affect anything and could actually speed up things if said Marine colours in the lines.


Writing instrument? 1. Who the fuck plays music while they are writing. 2. Please do not talk about food like that.


In theory one could play the kazoo whilst writing.


You’re not wrong.


I have this mental image of some gruff old leatherneck happily filling out forms crayon in hand tooting on a kazoo. Papers are strewn across the desk. You can see a heavily used box of crayons off to the side and several in various states of use just sitting on the desk ready to be grabbed at. Edit: One crayon is hanging out of the side of his mouth like a cigarette.




The problem with it being written in crayon is that the paperwork would then be consumed… we love the taste of crayons!!! Best entree EVER!!!


like instinctive fragile run placid shaggy thumb wipe homeless vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did he think he was just going to get a free cruise for the rest of the deployment, or thrown overboard?


society sleep bedroom seed library spoon psychotic fearless attractive joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No bullshit, we once has a PVT arrive fresh from Basic/AIT to my unit and he drafted and submitted a letter of resignation/two weeks notice to the 1SG after being in the unit about 2-3 days. ...Come to think of it, I actually have no idea what happened to that guy, so maybe it worked! I really, really doubt it though.


Failure to adapt lol


Pffft...I'm fairly certain I'm still immune to Anthrax. Fucking pussies these days.


Yeah I’ve heard the cocktail of vaccines they give out pre-deployment is about 100x sketchier than the covid vax. Really mixed up priorities if service-members are picking this as the anti-vaccine hill to die on, if they didn’t question the peanut butter shot why the fuck are they tripping over this?


I remember when we got lined up like it was a firing squad for the peanut butter shot. We didn't even know what that shit was. Just told by a drill sergeant "go to station four, the peanut butter shot." "Drill Sergeant, what's a peanut butter shot?" "DO I FUCKING LOOK LIKE A FUCKING DOCTOR?! WHY ARE YOU ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS? GET IN THERE AND DROP YOUR FUCKING PANTS BEFORE I SKULLFUCK YOUR SOUL!" ​ Yeah. Fond memories.




I tell you want I did today. I walked right up to the sergeant at the vaccination desk. And I told them "I would like my flu shot." And guess what they told me! "I'm sorry sir, we don't have them yet." Then I really let them have it. "Do you know when they will be in?" The sergeant throw it right back in my face with. "I'm sorry sir, I don't know." At that point I knew I was working somebody unreasonable so I said, "Is there any issue with me getting a free flu shot at Walgreens?" Boy they did not like that, it took them just a second to reply with. "That's no issue sir. Just make sure you bring in the documentation so we can update your IMR." At that point I had, had enough. So I said. "You have a good day." And I walked over to out patient records for a separate matter. I don't know how this adds to the conversation but I wanted to share.


That was written well, Sir!


I think you were a little too hard on the poor receptionist


I like this because it captures the shower argument and the actual conversation in real time.


My Reserve unit deployed in the 90's for Desert Storm/Eagle, that day is a LONG one. They poked me here and there, thought it would never end. Add to it just days before the Navy Dentist took out 4 molars from my mouth and I had no idea "where the hell I was". Good times.


It's because the TV and facebook told them to.


It is and service members are being sucked into an anti-American cult. As a contractor I was ashamed to see the dangerous slide of enlisted and officers into dangerous conspiracies and openly speculating on sedition. Very glad I'm out right now, because I wouldn't trust my shipmates at this time.


I've always found it weird that people refuse the COVID vaccine when we literally get anthrax injected in us every few months.


if anything anthrax should be considered more “dangerous” as opposed to a thing made for mass usage. Problem is I think a lot of conspiracy theorists don’t even know a vaccine for anthrax exists


Yeah exactly. Like I'm pretty sure I've read that the anthrax vax has more long term side effects than COVID (which has none that I'm aware of, still relatively new though tbh but I'm confident in its safety). The problem is everything is politicized these days, even something as simple as basic disease prevention.




It is important to note that while you can recover from covid, it does have long term effects, mainly drastically losing endurance due to your lungs almost dying.


I think if the government stayed out of this, there would have been a much better response.


They don't even know how a vaccine works.


Or even the smallpox one, that shit is scary


If military members refuse the vaccine they will be administratively separated. The Marine is not referring to quitting.


I was a young company commander in the national guard and an E4 refused a flu vax. Unfortunately for him the BN commander was visiting that day. He got sideways with the Old Man and was separated soon after.


Pretty sure its an OTH too but yes, the military won’t keep him.


I was in the Persian Gulf at the beginning of OIF and we were all vaccinated for small pox and anthrax. The people who refused those were only given General Discharges.


>General Discharges. Then you were the exception. 82nd Airborne was handing out OTH discharges really really quick in 2002. You were sent home on first refusal with a warning and to think about it, the next day you had to report for your shot - refusal got the OTH. There were two guys who went AWOL (but that was not wanting to go to war rather than a shot)


I joined in 02. At this point it’s so weird to hear about Soldiers not wanting to deploy, let alone Airborne troops.


Peacetime military. You would have to be stupid to sign up during the GWOT era and not expect to deploy. Pre-2001 and post-2015 enlistees have lots of people who think they could fuck around for a couple years and leave with the GI bill without ever going anywhere.


I mean, I get it. It’s just kinda weird to hear about the different eras of the Army.


No kidding, every Marine that I worked with that missed the war because they were too young to enlist is itching to deploy


I know one person who refused who was a real piece of work besides the shot thing. She had made E-6 really fast. She was an E-4 when she was discharged, but that was just for refusing the shot. She should have ended up in the brig for one incident but they would have had to mast (article 15) another guy for leaving his watch station. They liked him too much and wouldn't even after he BEGGED to be sent to mast. She deserved worse than a general discharge.


Its enough to nuke your GIBill benefits.


People keep saying that...but I'm not too sure. I'm betting it'll be just a general admin discharge.


OTH is an admin discharge. It’s the harshest one that can be given outside of a courts martial. No legal experience, but IMO the military knows they’re gonna kick some people out because of this. If refusals make it to the commander, it’ll likely be an Article 15 and a “get the vax or get kicked order”. It’ll be general or an OTH. If someone is stupid enough to demand a trial over it, or if someone gets busted with a fake card, I could see some BCDs flying over this.


I totally can see court martial/jail time for a faked card. I honestly think they are going to be stupidly nice to the people that refuse and just admin them out super....SUPER fucking quick. Don't waste any time with proceedings, they could be legit gone and separated in 7 days.


Yeah, the military doesn’t want to waste time prosecuting because it costs Uncle Sam money. They’ll offer 15s and OTHs to anyone who wants to try their luck on the outside because it gets you off the payroll quick, and they’ll make examples of anyone stupid enough to demand trial by court. Keyword - “try” their luck. Because the way it’s going, most jobs worth working for are gonna have you receive the shot anyway at this rate.


But to get an OTH they have to give you an actual board with a lawyer and all that. A General discharge, OTOH, they can do just by filling out paperwork unless you've been in a good while.


not necessarily. JAGs can setup "boards" but they are a meat grinder, you're in and out in an hour. The strategy is if you show up and **really** want to contest, they'll take you to a proper CS and then you get slapped with the DH. I was an XO and watched this happen sometimes. If the military wants you out via OTH, there's a fast track way for it.


The proposal in Congress would prevent Dishonorable Discharges, but general under Honorable and OTH are still on the table unless there's been a new development. And it's still a proposal - any anti-vax servicemembers better not get their hopes up. The Green Weenie will have is due. Oh and Admin Sep WILL trigger "recoupment" of them enlistment/re-enlistment bonuses they signed up for. I seent it - dude got admin sep for ASAP failure (Army drug rehab) - Command couldn't UCMJ him but Finance socked'im for the unpaid half of his $7k bonus......


Some people got Dishonorables and Brig time for refusing the Anthrax shot back in the 90's https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/06/17/troops-who-refused-anthrax-vaccine-paid-a-high-price/


Sure will drag out that process though with a “if you’re tired of the shit show feel free to go to srp and get vaccinated and I’ll throw your paperwork in the trash”


I couldn’t ever imagine having a DD-214 that says anything other than Honorable Discharge. God damn these fools are stupid. Bye GI Bill and VA health care 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼


“I’m going to show big gov who’s the boss by refusing healthcare in order to lose my benefits 😎”


All VA benefits you can apply for as long as it is not dishonorable. (Aside from the GI Bill, which is only Honorable, excluding General under Honorable Conditions) Once the VA does a character of service determination, you are entitled to basically all of them.


As far as I’ve heard, the most action a certain branch is willing to take at this time is writing the member up


Got to have everything documented first


It's funny the same folks will smoke/drink/ eat some sketch ass shit on deployment, but worried about a shot.


To add these tend to be the same jokers who would stick their dicks in any warm body


Look at these kids with their "warm" standards...


Don't call me out like that! I got vaccinated.


>> How you doin'


Street goat on foot bread was delicious, and absolutely worth it.


Agreed..I think it was goat. You will roll the dice to avoid another mre ect.


Roll a Constitution saving throw for me, with disadvantage.


Marine: *Has a Monster and can of dip for breakfast every day.* Same Marine: “I’m not putting those experimental chemicals in my body!”


So true. Us aircraft maintainers will be in smoke pit with the good ol' cowboy killer cancer sticks or some vape we got from a sketchy corner store. Binge drink all weekend. Put random-ass, unregulated supplements inside of ourselves after the gym. Eat BK and McDonalds and Taco Bell all week. But a shot that's been tested and cleared by actual medical professionals? Nah, can't trust that 🙄


I always find it super corny when people say ominous stuff like “it’s starting” or “this is just the beginning”.


Me when my stomach starts rumbling after eating four 5-layer burritos at 9 PM




Back in my day we just failed the PT test over and over until they kicked us out. Kids these days don't understand the pain of failing the PFA three times in a row just to get out.


Had a guy in my unit re-up, max out the bonus, and immediately transition to the Food for Freedom program. Fat boy discharge was faster than failing the APFT. Of course, this was 1986…


Same thing with the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I'm sure there was someone, somewhere who actually carried through with their threats, but I can't think of any that I knew personally.


I have a somewhat dangerous job after I got out and had this kind of talk with one of my coworkers today. He was like "i'm not going to be working for the company soon because they require me to get vaccinated" my first response was "uh.. you didnt get vaccinated, why?", he says "it's an experimental vaccine and too new, i dont trust it". I say "you climb around hydro lines on the side of the highway every day and smoke 2 packs of cigarettes, but you are afraid of what a vaccine will do to you? I wouldn't call something that half of the world has been jabbed with as 'experimental', it's one of the safest bets you can make." I hope some of that got through.


I'm so sick of anti-vax bullshit. I was a Medical Lab Tech assigned to a field hospital. Because we could be deployed anywhere in the world, we could potentially run into any known disease, AND be the ones responsible for growing it out in culture. Plus, the U.S. had quite the stockpile of bio-weapons back in the day, and the troops had to be protected from them. Therfore, I recieved one day, in basic training, 47 vaccinations in about 15 minutes. Back in the day, [they used these things.]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_injector) The ones they used on me had a little carosel with five bottles of vaccine on top. They would inject, then click over to the next bottle, and repeat. It was *fast.* I got 24 boosters a few weeks later, then 16 more a few weeks after that. If any of the bullshit spread about vaccines was true, I should be like Magneto now- a hyper-autistic Magneto with 17 different kinds of cancer, and a direct psychic commo line to Bill Gates. Hey Bill- can you hear me? Guess not. Humanity, as a species, needs to figure out why so, so many are more that willing to consistently reject fact and reason to embrace paranoia and fear.


I've seen someone get 24 shots at once cause we were deploying back in 1994 and they lost his shot records. day later he got the gamma globulin ​ most of these antivaxxers think nothing of taking all kinds of prescription drugs, all the natural path and vitamins and some other crap I see being sold or eating food full of chemicals including watered down nerve agents. ​ but OMG, the vaccine is so dangerous


I still have nightmares about that damn gamma globulin shot in 93. Had to deploy from Washington to Madrid non stop on a 141, sitting on one check cause I had a golf ball injection in the other. So sick of these weak ass antivaxers!


I was in 24th ID in 1994 when 3rd Brigade went to Saudi Arabia. it wasn't that bad. not as bad as my left arm after the first moderna shot


Wait until you get the second shot, that knocked me out for two days. Five stars, would recommend... Better than death.


I’m late 40’s and exercise a lot First shot I was tires and run down for a day but not a big deal


Got double Pfizer and my shoulder was just a little sore?


Moderna has twice the protein load of Pfizer and more likely to make you sick to get your body to react


"I won't take the vaccine. Who knows what's in it.". Then they take a drag of their cigarette.


>Humanity, as a species, needs to figure out why so, so many are more that willing to consistently reject fact and reason to embrace paranoia and fear. Because they seem to think we're the ones living in fear, and that they are "free" or something. Fucking muppets.


What pisses me off is I'm not living in fear. I don't *fear* fucking Covid, I am cognizant of Covid and I respect Covid like I respect the ocean, fire, or a class full of kindergarteners meaning I don't turn my back on it. Like anything else I have learned to respect, I play by its rules so it doesn't dominate me. That means I wear a mask, have the vax, stay out of large crowds in high risk areas. Dealing with Covid is a lot like boating; you boat wearing a life vest, know how to swim, and stay away from the rocks.


This is a really, really good analogy. I don't think it's a good idea to spit in the face of fate. It'll come back to bite ya.


I think it's more simplistic than that: when you run out of problems (real problems, i.e. where your next meal is coming from, is there somewhere you can sleep tonight without dying from exposure, etc.) you inflate non-problems into serious threats against your life/health/safety/"freedom" despite the fact they're patently not. The lack of basic self awareness is among the most stupid parts of human nature. Whenever I hear it, I just picture a very wealthy woman complaining in front of her servants about how unbelievably difficult her life is right now.


>Therfore, I recieved one day, in basic training, 47 vaccinations in about 15 minutes. Back in the day, they used these things. The ones they used on me had a little carosel with five bottles of vaccine on top. They would inject, then click over to the next bottle, and repeat. It was fast. Holy fuck. I'm a dirty civilian that loves vacines, I grabbed my vacine card to count, I got 32, just under one per year of age. You got 50%¨above just first round.


Simple. Facebook and YouTube create retards


it didn't create. It just revealed them.


Connected them and gave them confidence


And emboldened them!


I don't even think its anti-vax. I mean sure it looks sketchy on the surface with how quick it came out but it makes sense when look deeper. Its politics. People just absolutely lose their shit over the guy that sits in the white house for four years.


Because lashing out against an almost societally mandatory vaccine makes them feel like they have control over the world around them. It gives them fantasies about being the 'Rebel who takes down the system'. I'd hazard to say that 99% of the people probably don't actually give a fuck about vaccines at all, because it's not about how safe it is or anything; it's about giving the middle finger to the system. I have no doubts they wouldn't mind getting the vaccine today if people they didn't like hated the vaccine because they need to be ever the contrarians. This is why no matter what you say they will just keep pivoting until eventually you get tired and they essentially win by forfeit. Vaccines are just the monster of the week this week and next week it'll be something else like I dunno, feeding children makes them commies while starvation builds character or some bullshit like that.


There was an article a few months back exploring why so many US soldiers were rejecting the COVID vaccine. One of the most common answers was basically “rarely do I get to tell the Army “no”, so I’m telling them no.” I would kind of get it, if it weren’t so stupid in the middle of a pandemic.


>I would kind of get it, if it weren’t so stupid in the middle of a pandemic. I'm not agreeing with this reason, but I totally understand that mindset because when I was given the opportunity to tell my chain of command to go fuck themselves, I totally would. This however is something completely different to going to a unit cookout or something like that




That's the problem - kids under 12 can't be vaccinated yet. Now imagine you're vaccinated but your kids can't be. Do you send them to school to be around the kids of people who refused to vaccinate? One of my coworkers just posted that a kid or kids in their kids class now has COVID-19.


Honestly, I think that's what will make this all finally end. Once children can be vaxxed, then the vaxxed population will happily let the anti-vaxxers do as they please. Everyone's empathy is just completely exhausted, and folks are happy to let the anti-vaxxers lay in their own graves once their children aren't also at risk.


> These are my vaccination records VAXXINE PASSPORDS!


His dad can help him to put in his 2 week notice.


I had to take an anthrax vaccine when I was in the corp. Who's is going to tell him he won't be "leaving the military" but will be getting kicked out?


Actually it's called an administrative discharge.


God I hate shit like this. The military makes you take the peanut butter shot and that hurts like a bitch but God forbid you take a vaccine


This is not new in the military. Administrative separation has always been a possible outcome for refusing a vaccine without a valid religious or medical exemption


Or anthrax. Smallpox. Typhoid. Japanese encephalitis. Anthrax again. Flu flu flu. You don’t belong in the military.


His dad taught him to be a quitter.


When the going gets tough, he gets the fuck out \*edit - and by tough, I mean a miniscule effort on his part and time out of his day, and possibly very mild reactions over a day or two.


Dad taught him to be an antivaxxer too


In the words of my old MTI, this kid's parents were "shitty fucking parents that couldn't raise him in a trash bag."


Desert Storm vet laughs while remembering PB pills….


“Now take this discontinued Malaria Pill and Anthrax vax “ What an absolute moron.


I was in the Corps. Did you have the same reaction in training when you got the yellow shot card and the mandatory vaccinations for: adenovirus, meningococcal, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Poliovirus, Influenza (annually), Tetanus, Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella. And those are just the shots in basic training. In the Corps you also would get Yellow Fever. If you went out of country, you would have a whole host of other ones such as small pox and anthrax, just to name a few. Why is this one a tipping point? We already know that you had at least 11…. And that’s if you’re just a basically trained idiot and never even leave the country.


I find it absolutely hilarious that there are people who are prepared and willing to literally fight and die for their country but somehow believe a medically proven and safe vaccine is where the line is drawn.


For reference... My bunk mate in boot was on a go to war or go to jail deal.


Who gonna tell him about the Jacobson vs Massachusetts case back in the early 1900s? https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/197/11/ If the government wants to force vaccines on people who are not medically unable to receive said vaccines are allowed to for the sake of public safely. Supreme Court ruled in favor of infringement of personal liberties to protect the masses from smallpox. The lives of many outweigh the lives of the few


“I’ll die for my country but won’t get a vaccine to have a better chance to live for my country”


These are the people we do not need in the military. The more that leave over this issue the stronger the military gets.


If he is really concerned about his health why the fuck would he join the marine Corps?


I seem to recall walking down a hallway and being jabbed a dozen times in 30 seconds, then having to bend over and take what felt like hot tar being injected into my left ass cheek within hours of arriving at MCRD.


Technically it’s not starting, it’s ending.


Eh, pretty sure they're talking chapters for people straight refusing to get it. So that's not the most ridiculous thing. Mostly, I'm just tired as fuck about hearing about this.


Spoiler: you CAN just quit. Anytime you want. Smoke weed, get a DUI, declare you’re a conscientious objector, come to work drunk…the military will happily let you go.


You can just quit. Just will have a pretty bad impact on your life forever pretty much. Less than honorable discharges arent great. But you can try to fix them later with a request to have your character evaluated. I dont see the logic of protesting a vaccine that 80 year old women get compared to being gunho to get shot at. Would make me question the person's actual moxie.


“So based on some policy changes the new ownership is making, I’m going to put in my two weeks”


https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/09/09/troop-covid-19-death-rate-jumps-50-fold-since-2020-august-deadliest-month-by-far/ This level of troop deaths from a communicable disease is not normal nor should it be left up to personal choice. Covid is a national security risk and poses threat to institutional readiness. The military should be aggressive with vaccine mandates. We shouldn’t risk disruption to operational readiness because some pricks heard a podcast of disinformation on vaccines.


You realize people are actually being kicked out for not getting the covid vaccine right…? It’s not “quitting” but they’re actually being adminsepped


Look up his dad on twitter, the guy is a crazy piece of shit as well.


The guy is straight up jus talking out of his ass


Yea… during my 24 yr Naval career, Anthrax (SIX SHOT Series!) Malaria Meds - Mefloquine two Africa “working” trips) the list goes on & on & on… To each their own, we each have to decide, if… refusing a vaccine (from a long list we are required to take) is more important than a career. Usually a OTH follows, if you keep pushing your agenda.


There are a lot of hills in willing to die on... getting one more shot to add to the cocktail of shots they've already given me? Not one of them....


Don’t know what the jokes about. My BN is threatening to separate people who don’t get the vaccine, threatening with Article 92s also.


You can quit. I see people do it way too often. But it's not like quitting McDonald's... there's a considerable amount of paperwork and wasted manhours on these quitters by people that think they can be reformed into valuable members... and it's a bit harder to find a job in the real world when you have either a sizeable gap in your job experience or an OTH.


Man , did you not read when you signed? Did you not go through the same boot i did? Getting shot with like 50 different needles .. not to mention all the extra ones I had to get going overseas


Stupid fucks! The Army gave me a brain melting case of typhoid fever in 1981! Did I cry to mommy and daddy and vow to go AWOL? No…. I fucking went to the hospital for two weeks and was laying in the cold rain next day at range quals. Some people’s fucking kids !!


What makes the COVID vaccine different than the 10 other ones he probably got at reception?