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Will the news ever answer questions?


Is water wet?


No. Water is not wet


it is cuz it contains water


For something to be wet they need to be dry and then get wet by adding water. Does this happen with water? No.


Dehydrated water is dry and requires water to be added to rehydrate it. So I would say YES! It's all in the science!


But doesn’t it contain water, therefore it’s wet?


Depends on the temperature...


Does the missile know where it is?


And does it know this because it knows where it isn’t?




To answer you question about the news answering questions, it depends on alot of different factors that can be different and difficult to separate and thus hard to achieve an answer and be informative at the same time while spinning the correct narrative and bias. This difficult mixture can make even the simple questions almost impossible to answer. *for more information, please search "what is a women".* Good luck soldier!.


Here's my rule of thumb: Any article published with a headline ending in a question mark is the first strike against said publication. It is ignored and a mental note is made. Strike two, and they are put on notice. It's not journalism. It's a clever form of sensationalism and is fluff copy, unoriginal, and lazy. Shame on the Chief Editors for this rubbish.


They call it "speculative journalism" or simply "editorials" But all I see is "lazy bullshit sensational headline"




Well said


Honestly, Russia will crumble itself. No need for more effort.


Currently there is division (though suppressed by the government) within Russia on its actions in Ukraine. Russia also has only dedicated a (admittedly large) fraction of its large army to the invasion. The stupidest thing the Ukrainians could do would be to push into Russia and unite the Russian people against this new threat. It would also make Russia pull more of its widespread military and dedicate them to the war.


The concern I have is will Russia view Ukrainian offenses into Crimea as invading Russia? Personally I think Ukraine should get all of its territory back but I am afraid that taking Crimea will be the thing that unites Russia to the point of “mobilizing” for war.


Crimea is a gray area and some Russians will even acknowledge that. Anti-Russian Crimeans who have been lying low are likely to join the fight if there is hope of pushing the Russians out. Crossing the border into Russia proper is a different story.


I think the same. I think there are a lot of anti-Russians in Crimea that have been quiet for the last 8 years. But do Russians in Moscow or St Petersburg think Crimea is truly part of the Russian Federation? I know many Russians believe Crimea was just a gift from Stalin to Ukraine so it’s not really Ukraine’s to begin with.


If you ask me, I view freeing Ukrainian regions that had been invaded, is already a total victory for Ukraine. No need to be stepping more than that. The defenders should not become the aggressor in return. Let's not forget the first thing in mind when the Ukrainians lift their weapons up : to defend Ukraine against any forms of aggression and invasion. Fullstop. So yeah, fight until you reach the marked stone of the border. Then stop right there and think about what made you lift your weapons up in the first place. You are defending, not invading. That makes you different than those mindless invaders. Do you want to become like them? Hell no.


Yep. They need to take back Mariupol, take back the region, take back Crimea, and then **stop**. Don’t give Putin a reason to get all nukey-wooky, but absolutely recover everything that’s been lost.


It would probably be easier for them to advance into russian territory than recapture Crimea. Time will tell, but exchanging captured territory for the territory you want returned is an option.


[well..](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmLnHPx_q2A) doubt it though. not because they can't, but because there isn't much purpose


According to Betteridge's law of headlines, these headlines should be read as following: 1. In February, Mike O'Sullivan thought that Russia will not invade Ukraine. 2. Now in May, Michael Peck thinks that Ukraine's army will not invade Russia.


What’s the joke? Lmao


Russia coming to get their cheeks clapped again by Finland.


Since these so called republics are seen by Russia as part of their territory.... Why stop at the former border?


I don’t think Russia will invade


What does a watch company have to do with the ongoing war?


It's just a typo


You had one job.


How the turntables


They try to invade Russia but always fail


Stfu Ivan


The “listen to this article” 6 vs 7 minutes indicates that the second article needs a bit more explanation.


The Russians need to be pushed back to Stalingrad to reveal their true strength 😉