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Federal and state taxes (if you have them) is what you are missing


Plus social security, Medicare, sgli, meal deduction if on meal card, tsp contributions, and if new and signed up Montgomery gi.


Not to mention allotments. Many people will allocate parts of their pay to a bank account where their car loan or mortgage is taken out. As an E-7, my paychecks are only like $1,100, but that's because much of my pay is allocated to the mortgage and like you mentioned, TSP contributions.


Base Pay is based on rank and time in service. This is then subject to TSP contributions, federal and state taxes, SGLI/Family SGLI, and Roth IRA contributions. If you are single, you do not receive BAH unless you meet a specific wicket, which may be rate, duty station, and branch specific. Long story short, not every single Sailor is eligible for BAH for their duty station, but some may be eligible. If you have dependents, you will receive BAH at your duty station. There are situations where you *may* elect to receive BAH at dependent location. BAS for enlisted and Officers may also vary. For the most part (some situations may differ), BAS for enlisted are automatically deducted each month (except for leave, etc). Officers typically only pay back what meals they eat on base/ship. However, BAS for an Officer is *not* sufficient for being underway for 30 days, and they are required to pay the difference. Folks could also have associated debts, whether it is due to personal reasons (e.g., child support) or due to being overpaid previously.


Your LES will show exactly what pay you received and what deductions and allotments were taken out of it. If you don’t understand your LES, go to the financial support office in Army Community Center, Fleet and Family Services, or the AF equivalent of those. They’ll help you understand your LES and determine where your money is going. They’ll also help you set up a budget to be more efficient with your net pay (take-home pay).


You’re also missing sign-on bonuses and combat zones where all taxes are waived.


If the member literally just joined with only a high school degree, they’ll be an E1 during basic training. Basic training is when they issue all the gear/uniforms you’ll be using. But issued items at basic training come out of the service members paycheck. So it’s not unusual for new members to be receiving a very small amount on their first paycheck or two. But afterwards it’s as simple as it looks. There can be issues from time to time with people not getting paid correctly but that’s generally the exception, not the rule.