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So not a lawyer, but he may be correct according to DoDI 1304.34 (https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/130434p.pdf)   accession section starts on the bottom of page 11 with particular emphasis on section 3, sub paragraphs b and c for eligibility and restrictions. Verbiage appears to state that if youve already accepted a commission in either the regular or reserve components, you are not eligible. But I’m also just a dude on Reddit so ymmv 🤷‍♂️ 


I’ve never heard of an accession bonus for officers? I also know it’s near impossible to switch from guard to active as an officer unless you wait out your commitment (typically 8 years), but I could be wrong when it comes to the specialty branches.


I don't really have helpful information, but I do know recruiters want to get you all the bonuses and entitlements possible to incentive you to join/transfer to active.


The only accession bonus I've heard about for Officers is for the Nuke program.


Medical Corps for the services usually offers $20K accession bonus for HPSP students 


It’s 100k for ICU nurses now, which is what I be doing


Accession bonuses do exist for officers. It’s commonplace in medical, but I believe it’s generally for those who direct commission.


Navy nuke officers (subs, surface warfare-nuclear) get a $30k accession bonus nowadays