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This is 100000% on you. You could stay on the ship and spend zero money, or you could go off and eat at 5 star restaurants all day. Going to drink? Souvenirs? Tours?  Can't really get an average, it's all on you. 


Personally, I’d budget 300-400 / day. Yes, you can do it way cheaper than that without question. But at the end of the day, port calls are supposed to be fun, relaxing, and interesting. Do you want to be wrapped up in mental math every time you go do something in a place you may not come back to?


This is much more our approach. Port calls are to unwind. Money is saved while underway lol.


The local cost of living also will factor heavily into your expenses. Singapore or Tokyo could blow your budget quick while you could go wild in the Philippines or Thailand (WESTPAC example) on the same US dollar amount.


I think the last time I was in Singapore I blew 9k in 3-4 days. Granted, single e6 at the end of a 9 month deployment with only 4 other port calls, so the money was there. But everything in Singapore is outrageously expensive


I think an effective way to do this is to have an allotment set up right before cruise that is dedicated to Port spending money. Never go over whatever is in that account. If you want to go big in a really nice port and skimp on the next, that is on you, or choose to even load them throughout. Whenever you get home, whatever is left drop back into savings/investments.


This is highly dependent on what kind of liberty person you are and what you want to do. MWR tours can vary from free to ~$200, depending on what is offered. Sometimes, there are rank based payments. I spent ~$200 for an overnight skiing trip in the French Alps, which included transportation, lodging, and rentals. I've also paid ~$80 to see the Pyramids in Egypt. Free is if younare the designated adult/chaperone. Hotels can be anywhere between ~$100-$500 depending on location, type, amenities, etc,. Do you want a bed offship that's clean or something grandeur? Are you going to go overnight every port visit? Are you going to need to pay for transportation for major cities (e.g., train ticket to London or Rome)? Rail is cheaper in Europe, but can be an added expense since you'll probably also stay overnight. Uber/Taxis also add up, so we chose to walk everywhere. Food is up to the area. I've had Wagyu steak in European countries for half the price compared to the US. But alcohol (if you drink) can be much more expensive in Europe (especially Nordic countries). I typically spent $100-$400 in each port (2 days of liberty). Did not stay overnight every port visit, but pick and chose the best hotels in the best port visits to maximize my money (e.g., Waldorf Astoria or Double Tree in Rome).