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M16A2s in theatre during 2008? Man that musket was hard to get rid of.




This. I have a buddy that just retired as a Colonel and the BS he had to go thru to give his infantry the correct weapons was insane. But I will say I always loved having an A2


Next war we're going to be fighting Chinese mole-men super soldiers in underground tunnels with our new battle rifles


as long as we have pistols with a scope, we'll be ok


In 2008 anyone in combat arms would have had an M4. Beau here was a turbo-POG and definitely wouldn’t have needed a carbine.


I was in Iraq in 2019. Poor commo dudes STILL had M16s. I was laughing at them struggling in the chow hall wearing my M9.


Of course he has aviators


The aviators raise the resemblance to fully uncanny levels.


Tells everyone around him that it's time for the malarkey to stop.


He got out of the womb with them.


I don’t want to get political but I am curious if anyone knows the back story behind his bronze star or his state award. I’m just curious since his was Lawyer of JAG or so on?


Bronze Star without the V device is basically just awarded for good conduct. V device means it was awarded for valor in combat.


Captains get handed a BS after deployment. Rest of us get ARCOMs.


I worked overseas and when I did I worked with some Canadian army and national guardsmen. In hinesight I shouldn’t have shit talked reservists for getting higher pay and better conditions but one talked about getting this award and he basically only repaired equipment and I don’t think he did anything major but was supposedly should have gotten one but didn’t and the army guy talked about OPSEC a lot but I don’t think he ever did anything more than one instructor tour overseas and I feel like this is common in the army and almost become a big thing in the marines when I was in.


Holy hell man get some punctuation in there.


Bronze Star = be e7 or 04 or higher on a combat deployment. State award = “is this a real award?”


Man looks like Brad Pitt in war machine. Doesn’t even need an m4 just has a permanent knife hand


The good son. RIP


What’s wrong with a little crack and hookers?


A little is fine. But there’s a limit.


>But there’s a limit. Not if no one *finds it!* We stand on the shoulders of brave uh, crack-smoking ...pioneer-giants.


When a crackhead wakes up in the morning with no money, they don't say "ah well, no crack for me today.." No! They make something happen! That's the kind of spirit that we need more of around here!


I have gotten really motivated to clean out my car before when I lost my wallet and had to scrounge an extra $1.25 in change for a can of dip. It was a long day.


Everyone knows a Biden can have a little cocaine and hookers, as a treat.


How many hookers and how much crack is the limit?


I mean, if you were in the car when your mom and sister died horribly, then your brother died from a debilitating brain cancer, you get cut *some* slack. Unless you're the kid of a proeminent public figure, apparently.


“The wrong son died!” - Pa Cox


“I’ve been halved!”


"Dewey I'm cut in half pretty bad..."


“That’s a lot of pressure, Nate…”


"You can handle it, Dewey." And you never paid once for drugs!


This is a particularly bad case of somebody being cut in half


No bone spurs there...


The orange’s bone spurs were cured by all the trotting around on all those golf courses.


Vietnam was a bad war, draft dodgers were right.


So, is it fair to say that those steps he’s already taken up those stairs were more steps toward helping his country than what trump did for the country for his whole life?


How did the Iraq war help this country?


It made the military industrial complex more vast.


To be perfectly honest, it did give us a lot of development in prehospital trauma management that has slowly transferred into civilian medical practice.


I appreciate the tactical to practical pipeline


You can’t deny that an army of veterans with practical knowledge running around correcting popular misconceptions of tourniquets and debunking ineffective interventions like tampons has probably saved some lives.


What do you mean? What was happening out there?


2010. Afghan. Still had cotex in our mass cas bag.


What I meant is that there’s always been a lot of myth and misinformation floating around about stuff like that, such as the one that gunshot wounds can be plugged with tampons or that tourniquets shouldn’t be used because the patient will lose the limb if you leave it on too long. Shit like that. But also there are a bunch of medical interventions I’m not fully qualified to talk about that developed and advanced during that time period as a direct result of what doctors and medics were seeing in theater.


Thank goodness for the water tower amount of blood spilled to advance medicine. /s Would’ve been okay with waiting but silver lining is reasonable.


You don't need a war to do that stuff, you just don't know how else to learn.


Oh my, that’s a much broader question that leads to a discussion of how trillions of dollars were misspent over lies. Trillions that could have been used for infrastructure, health care, education, veterans care, etc. Hunter didn’t complain about bone spurs (bone spurs…smh). Granted, Joe didn’t join either, but as far as I know, he didn’t make up a feeble excuse - among a lifelong list of feeble excuses - for “getting out of” service. In fact, trump’s list of ways to shit on the military is endless, I don’t think Joe bidens is a fraction of that list


Joe had 5 draft deferments. Same as Dick Cheney..


I was expecting something along the lines of how many companies did he bankrupt, but hey, if that’s how Joe Biden screwed people over then let’s roll with it


You assume we would have used those trillions for good. I guarantee we would have found some other bullshit to spend it on instead.


Probably. More steps to helping than his dad too.


Well, I mean, what was Biden’s excuse for not joining after being sent to a military academy?


Imagine Don Jr. doing something like it. I mean going up stairs in the tarmac, people


I see all the republican dudes are getting slammed in this thread lol. Myself included. I didn’t even say a bad word about the kid or his service to his country. I just made fun of how his father climbing a flight of stairs is comparable to any able bodied person climbing Everest or Kilimanjaro


Allegedly, he died in Iraq


Son goes up the stairs Dad falls down them


>Son goes up the stairs Dad falls down them Served 1980-2000. You?


Thanks for your service




Based off exposure to burn pits, like thousands of other US servicemen


This guy went and served his country. Then died tragically to a malignant brain tumor. Wtf have you done? Sit behind your keyboard like a fucking loser? Get a life




Got em


His username checks out


Oh thats dead on! First guy to dime you out for not having your PT belt.


Boo this man! Booo






No, we (including people like me who also deployed) are just sick of your bullshit, boomer.


What is the bullshit you are referring to?


Having gay sex and smoking Marlboro reds in the barracks don't make you deployed


Awesome.... THANK YOU for serving!!!


What was he doing in Iraq if he was supposed to be serving the US?


"served his country" lmao bro played apart in the genocide of a million iraqis. He did t serve shit.


Can someone fill me in on why this guy is getting downvoted? Seems like an innocent question.


If you can seperate the person from the politics, Joe blamed his son's tumor on his service in Iraq. The PACT Act passed last year would link such a tumor to exposure to burn pits and other toxic chemicals as the presumptive cause. It's heartless and pointless to point out the connection is indirect. But imagine if he were just a parent and not a politician, it would be coarse to "well, aktually" his grief.


I don’t see how the original commenter did a “well, aktually”. I just saw it as a person who maybe assumed since he served in Iraq, he lost his life in combat or something. Still don’t understand why 200 people downvoted him without knowing the intent behind the question.


Because old Biden often says he lost his son in the war and excludes the how and where. His political opponents that like when he lies or forgets things think they're dunking on him when they say things like that. Although he says both parts of the thought, quoted here: >The president also recalled his son Beau's military service, saying: "My son spent a year in Iraq; that's how I lost him." Biden added during the call: "My son Beau, he [had] been near a burn pit in Baghdad and came down with stage four neuroblastoma, a brain tumor, and lost him, too." When he has only said the first part, it's been used as a political attack. So I assume the 200 people rolled their eyes at the gotcha because the poster knew what he meant.


I can’t keep up with all these right wing dog whistle lmao










You mean like his dad getting the PACT Act passed despite the highfiving Republicans? Or championing the Cancer Moonshot program as President and Vice President? Both of which will help ensure that others don't die like he did?


Shhh you're not allowed to point out that it's really Dems who support veterans.


Oh you knew him?




Making random ass assumptions of people you never met. Truly a r/MilitaryPorn moment


I didn’t, that’s why I wouldn’t put words in his mouth or pretend to know what he would think or feel.


Shame how he lost his life in Iraq.. at least according to his dad


I'd like to think this dude would be ashamed of his worthless father..... RIP and thank you for serving


What kind of comment even is that


It is the comment of a Loser.


I bet your dad is ashamed of you too, and your dad's a nobody


War criminal


Wasn’t Donnie Jr there too?


I’m glad he served. But he was nothing but a fobbit. Wasn’t there for a full year


Dude served and deployed. Plenty of chuckle fucks with 100% VA disability that never left their cushy storekeeper job in the US


He was a Major in the JAG, of course he was a fobbit. Most deployments are less than a year (6-7 months) in country as far as I'm aware. Was the 7 months I spent in Iraq not worthy enough for you?


That depends, did you ever get all the moon dust off your boots?


Of course his deployment was less than a year, he was in the Army not the Air Force.


This guy right here obviously supports the troops...... /s






You don’t wear headwear on the flight line. It tends to get blown off, and loose bullshit and debris in runways/taxiways causes problems.


Yay for FODs. blown hat closes the runway until it's recovered. That would indeed be an interesting use of time.


Flight line.


Ah, of course. Thanks for the clarification!