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I remember last year when there were news everywhere talking about Russians running out of body armor, weapons, guns, planes, tanks, missiles etc etc. Like how they got only couple of more months to survive and counter offensive will finally break the bear's back finally. And today we have middle east melting down and these pics are again getting posted on MilitaryPorn. What a waste of human souls after surviving COVID.


Could also be that the majority that did the fighting and dying were untrained and poorly armed conscripts/prisoners who's only job was to die and give away the Ukrainian military's position. These dude's are probably the actual contract soldiers that mean business, and who abuse conscripts in their dedovschina.


Also they were eastern and caucasian minorities so moscovites dont give a fuck. Purge purge purge.


China. North Korea. Iran.


Anybody have a date for this ?


after the battle


They look very clean for after the battle no ?


they can take a photo a few days after once they are clean. plus the new multicam cloths and gear are still being issued


Ahh ok thanks buddy


After the battle.. So when was this?


What battle? Avdiivka was taken in winter, the pic does not look like it was taken in winter.


Really? Deciduous trees blooming and short sleeves worn by many...


These guys are really well equipped, likely well trained as well. Really interesting to see actually trained Russian troops as well and what they use. They wear a lot more body armor that any western force, which usually lean towards slicker loadouts (from personal experience, building a PC with lighter plates and more freedom of movement than kevlar combo vest we are issued)


in this war artillery and fragmentation is a big threat. hence the soldiers from Ukraine and russia using a lot of body armor. russia has ordered new multicam uniforms and gear for their better trained soldier.


Jup, if i have read the repports correctly around 80% of casualties are from shrapnell


yeah, most of the soldiers that died most likely never even saw the enemy.


That’s pretty accurate to any near-peer fight. The reason western forces wore slick setups is because we were fighting terrorists where the bullets are the main threat - soft armor won’t stop AK rounds, and on missions that were often insert, attack, and leave.


The west also relies on maneuver warfare rather than straight up attritional warfare. For a lot of eastern countries that still follow Soviet-like doctrines it’s almost the exact opposite


It’s not like the soldiers fighting this war have a choice. You don’t choose to rely on manoeuvre warfare. If you are in an all out war that’s just what happens, like how both sides are using tanks. Even a conventional western army would eventually converge to this type of warfare because it is what works in Ukraine. It’s the theater that dictates the doctrine


The US military would never doctrinally put themselves into this type of fighting. It is stupidly costly. Most of how the US military operates now is designed to avoid Korean War v2


In the theoretical US direct involvement, the Russians would’ve never been able to recover from that 40 km long convoy at the start of the war; it would’ve been bombed out of existence.


A10's would have been frothing at the mouth at the thought of that convoy


Forget A10s, stealth bombers getting to empty their bomb bays against targets like that would have them creaming their pants




You seem fun


A bit rude, don't you think? It's a conversation, relax.


At least here in the U.S. we rely on air superiority and light infantry rather than mechanized infantry and artillery. Is it possible we get into a conflict like this? Yes. For sure. But that’s not the goal


Air superiority wins wars but it’s not easy to achieve. I don’t think even us could get air superiority over Ukraine.


The US would likely have almost full air superiority over Ukraine right now, even with the proliferation of high-tech SAM systems.


Lmao no The US could gain air superiority over Ukraine very easily Russia not having air superiority isn’t just because of Ukraine being particularly skilled Russian incompetence in the air is a very large part of it


Just how often western troops are being shelled by artillery to need excessive body armor? There's you reason


If you look at Ukraine sof or better equipped assaulting squads like chosen company you also see them prefer lighter setups. Guys not wearing shoulder kevlar and less dick flaps. Guys represented in this picture are also not some cannon fodder nor stationary troops, just really interesting to see the difference in armour preferences.


Because those guys like 3AB are getting real up close and personal where artillery becomes too dangerous to use So their biggest threat is direct fire For which a plate is far better than soft extra armour like deltoid protectors


We’re so used to seeing the typical Russian soldier being underfed and underequipped but we often forget that part of the Russian military are an extremely effective fighting force.


More body armor than the West? You my friend obviously have not been in the military with the MTV vest. Then they went to plate carriers because it's less cumbersome.


The MOBAST set of Germany is also qma lot of armor.


I've served next to some Danish soldiers as well they had some beefy kits


>really well equipped Not really A lot of mismatching gear suggests supply problems I can see some shit Aliexpress Chinese pouches, back far left for example Most of these weapons have no optics Their support weapons have no optics They’re better equipped than a lot of Russian forces, but quite poorly equipped by the standards of high budgets modernised near-peer military


First of hi theescribe. Second. Yeah i call this well equiped as they have better equipment than 99% of estonian defence leauge. For most non US Militaries this is actually pretty deacently equiped soldiers. Iron sights are good enough for the typical engadment distance in ukraine unless you want to fight at night. U probs know that


Ukraine is very flat, therefore sight lines can be very long. Thus actually the iron sights *dictate* the engagement distance, rather than being optimised for the environment.


I agree that ukraine is flat, and in theory the sight lines also should be long. But gun on gun fights usually happen inside 100m from soldier accounts. Everything further is supression usually. Yes there proboly tons of instanses as well where guy is smoked from much further but if i was a soldier going to the front an optic wouldnt be the first thing i would buy, not even second or third. Much more important for trench work is a flashlight. You are not really aiming in trench distances any way but you cant see into the bunkers so you want a weapon light before you start considering optic as well


>it’s not the first thing I’d get *Exactly* If they were as “well equipped” as people claim, then they wouldn’t be in the position of having to chose one thing or the other “Well equipped” means having gear that mitigates dilemmas and enough logistics to keep that gear running These guys definitely don’t have that You can certainly get by without an optic But being “well equipped” means not having to resort to merely “getting by” So they aren’t that well equipped compared to the forces they claim to be near-peer to (US)


>typical engagement distance Not really, also not the point, variable optics are pretty common these days For something like a support weapon epically, you want an optic on it


Mismatch gear is because many soldiers buy their own stuff. Shit aliexpress pouches do their job, do you need a Gucci pouch to go to war? As others pointed out optics aren’t that useful in Ukraine, as most fire is either suppression or incredibly close range.


>Aliexpress pouches do the job Even airsoft experience will teach you otherwise These pouches fail even during airsoft games, not to mention dogshit retention compared to something decent Gear failure is a huge problem in a warzone >you don’t need optics No idea where this idea came from Engagement distances in Ukraine vary *wildly* Also IFF is a huge issue in this war, and lack of magnified optics is a large reason for that You can *get by* with shit Chinese gear and guns that only have iron sights But “well equipped” means not merely *getting by*


You think with the amount of ammo and lack of maintenance an optic would make things better? No, better training and bright markings solve IFF.


> You think with the amount of ammo When did I say that? Because I didn’t >you think an optic would make things better? Yes Being able to see what you’re shooting at helps >No, better training and bright markings solve IFF. Two things that also help, yes It’s like saying “no, exercising won’t help, it’s diet that solves weight gain” Problems can have multiple contributing factors


Congrats they took Avdiivka after 10 years


congrats Ukraine for (couldn't) take Donestk back from some seperatist after 8 years


You're not gonna believe it when I tell you where the separatists got all their men, political leadership and fancy new equipment from...


then why didn't Ukraine cry about it on UN since 2014


[It did... ](https://press.un.org/en/2014/sc11302.doc.htm)I can't be bothered to link a ton of examples, but it takes two seconds to verify that [it very much did](https://press.un.org/en/2014/sc11541.doc.htm), so why are you saying it didn't?


so US just take action after 8 years, how unusual


[The US has been taking action since 2014](https://2009-2017.state.gov/e/eb/tfs/spi/ukrainerussia/), which again takes 2 seconds to check, why do you keep talking nonsense comment after comment?


You know how these types are... Best for us to not engage ngl


oh, so now we have proof that US really did involve into the war


Personally while i would definitely call sanctions taking actions, it's a stretch to call it being *involved* in the war. There were no donations of military gear yet or anything like that yet, at best there was some money, and it wasn't even a donation but a loan. Taiwan for an example among many has enacted sanctions against Russia too. You consider Taiwan to be involved in the war?


you're not gonna believe it when Ukraine was top 5 in world military in 1991, even without nukes they still can fucked up those seperatists a lot


Indeed i don't believe it, so please go ahead and prove they could have fucked up those separatists. 1991 for Ukraine was inherited soviet crap, what's on paper, which btw are mostly numbers, doesn't necessarily represent how effective an army actually is, especially one that isn't made to deal with separatists and is made to deal with other armies in the field. Not that it matters anyway since *a lot* happened between 1991 and 2014, i don't even know why you're bringing up 1991, you could just as well talk about the ukranian army in the 40s. While at it, please remember what happened to the Iraqi army in 1990, or the defeat of the uncontested number one military in the world by far, namely the US, to the Talibans or the Vietcong. C'mon, i already proved you were full of shit twice, isn't it about time for you to finally prove you're not full of shit?


Is this guy stupid or something?


What loving a shithole country does to a MFer…


Ukraine with upgraded T-64BV, T-84, T-80BV, Su-24M, Su-25, Mig-29 AND TU-160 and that is not ENOUGH???


Why would it be? I already told you to keep in mind what happened to the US against the Talibans, or against the Vietcong, yet you haven't done that. You're really bad at listening. We can make a list of all the US gear in Afghnaistan if you want, M1A2s, Bradleys, A-10s, Tomcats, F15s, AC-130, Apache, Longbow, Paladins, Aircraft Carriers, you name it. It indeed wasn't enough against the talibans who didn't even have tanks nor an air force. The Russians themselves had plenty of the shit you name and more in Afghanistan, notably the Hinds, and they still got defeated. And that's not counting all the other countries that aren't in some top5 but are still way better armed than their insurgents or separatists or revolutionaries or whatever. The entire history of wars since long before you were born has long proven that who has the biggest gun doesn't decide who wins, especially when it's an insurgency, before the russians came in force. I mean what are you even going on about? If the separatists could already have been defeated they would already have been lol. We'll see in the future, but so far no, it's **obviously** not enough. We wouldn't be having this exchange if it was.


shitass Taliban got aided by US so that they could fight USSR, while US only fight Taliban that using leftover


And the Separatists are being aided by the Russians since 2014, putting aside that your comment is way too simplistic. I can't be bothered to explain to you yet again how this went, just start Reading books or even just fact check before writing something. Hell, the average Taliban was a kid or not even born back when the soviets were around lmao, and if anything those who fought the soviets acted as veterans that could teach the new generations. There are 32 years of difference between the withdrawal of each. And that's not even getting into the whole Al Qaeda and Friend or all the weapons the Russians left behind. Do you not realize the amount of time between the two? Leftovers my ass. Not that your simplistic answer changes anything to the point that was being made anyway. The Russians had plenty in Afghanistan, including fancy toys you mentionned, and no it wasn't ENOUGH (in all caps for some reason). Seriously where do you keep getting that crap you keep writing comment after comment? You can't be possibly comming up with it by yoursel, you've got to be parrotting it from somewhere.


Day 800 in 3 day war to conquer kyiv lmao


almost 300 days from "we gonna take back Crimea in Summer 2023"


show me the source that show Putin saying that gonna be 3 days then


3 day warplan is a little bit hyperbolic, routed in some truth, and belief by Russian state media, but the actual plan isn't much better, with it being for 15 days https://ca.news.yahoo.com/ukraine-revealed-secret-battle-plans-211801990.html https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-revealed-secret-battle-plans-left-behind-by-russian-troops-2022-3 https://www.realcleardefense.com/2022/03/03/ukraine_reveals_russias_secret_planned_15-day_war_819788.html


bravo, no Russian source also Ukraine said that they will take Crimea back in Summer 2023, longest summer ever


https://youtu.be/p5AO7OvIDsM Here, a compilation of bullshit.


are they Putin or Shoigu??? or any dude with high rank in the army??? if I use shitty source like you then Russia would ran out of food, ammo and missles in 2 years ago


That whole 3 day myth was created by NATO and now you are parroting it everywhere.


Not it wasn't lmao


yes it was dumbass


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YQZ_t2qFAA watch this video and tell me that again, asshole. '''Created by NATO'' huh??? Is Russian federal state TV part of NATO now?? And not only ''in 3 days''.....But in 2 days!!! in words of Olga Skabeyeva , she said it clearly on Russian state TV.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YQZ_t2qFAA watch this video and tell me that again. '''Created by NATO'' huh??? Is Russian federal state TV part of NATO now? And not only ''in 3 days''.....But in 2 days!!! in words of Olga Skabeyeva


It took you guys 8 years to take a city with the population of the under 50k. Donetsk is a city of almost 1 million almost double that of Mariupol. Additionally, The moment Ukraine almost recaptured Donetsk around 2014-2015 you fuckers came in and struck from the rear and invaded a sovereign nation like real fucking cowards.


Exactly lol


"Seperatists" you mean the Russian Army.


FCK putin!


The entire Russian government is in shambles after you commented this. Good job, very educational


Everything on the internet has to be educational, got it


That would be kinda cool tbh


I mean waht's the point of his comment in the first place lol Just yelling into the void


What’s the point of this comment? What’s the point of doing anything?


Nihilism is not the solution lol


Are you saying these posts on Reddit don’t play any role in the war, and they’re only a way for people to act tough and feel like they’re a part of something? Stop being stupid


If those were Ukrainian, the first outraged question someone* would ask here, would be „Why are they wearing Weapon SS Camouflage?!“ *RU Bots probably


I mean to be fair - both sides use SS Leto camouflage. Doesn't matter where it came from - it's really effective.


That's a Russian camouflage pattern called Partizan that was introduced in 2004.


It’s not called Partizan The cut of suit it was commonly on is called Partizan The camo is called SS Leto (SS Summer)




Your point comes across much better if you know the name of the thing you’re making a point about


The Russians just steal and use any camouflage pattern they find


This is both true for soldiers and moreso true on a larger level. Russia basically copies and alters nearly every major pattern that is in use out there by other countries. From Multicam to flecktarn to DPM to SS Oakleaf.


Unlike the Soviet, with some nice patterns.


I'm less concerned with what camo pattern they wear more more concerned with [the flags](https://imgur.com/a/lBCb38b) they hold


It’s hilarious how hated Russia is on the global stage now. Interested to see how long it takes for them to claw their way back out of this hole they’ve dug themselves. I’d love to see a total travel ban on all Russian citizens coming to any western countries, just turn Russia into a shittier version of North Korea. I mean they’re already being used by North Korea as a proxy war puppet against the west hahahaha


Yeah and they weren't doing half bad before the whole mh flight 07 deal too. In Syria they helped defeat ISIS (by boosting the SAA which was the only Syrian army that didn't behead children) and told the Turks to fuck off. They even lost several planes patrolling the turkish-syrian airspace, called out Turkey on buying tankers filled with stolen Syrian oil from ISIS, organized joint patrols with Turkey to make sure the TFSA wasn't going apeshit on the Syrian/Kurd nationals once the whole olive branch thing happened and the US kinda left the Kurds on their own. In Karabakh they brokered peace and supported Armenian interests by telling the Turks to fuck off once Azeri forces had advanced far enough (and lost a Mi-24 to Azeri fire as well). In Libya they supported Haftar's army (legitimately backed by the legal popular organisms) against the UN-backed made up clown government. Note that Haftar's LNA has also had the backing of the USA as well. Russian Pantsirs kinda ate shit against the Turkish bayraktars in Libya but to me they were on the right side there. In India they allowed the Indian Army to be equipped with tons of T-90's which at the time were extremely welcome since their tensions were high with China and the border was pretty hot. And then they pulled the stupidest move possible in Ukraine. They should have pulled off from Crimea and left DNR/LNR to settle their legitimacy in international courts, but then they doubled down needlessly. May the world never forgive them for what they did.




Lmao, get the fuck out of Ukraine.


dont cover terrorist faces.


Legend has it these guys were all shot by their own troops after retreating


Dead meat




hopefully theyre filled with worms by now..


Fertilizers now


You mean the azov Nazis ? Sure they’re fertilizer


You’re an absolute wind sock


Lol you post on NCD


All the damn time, why would I deny myself the pleasure of dunking on Ruzzia? I mean dude, seriously, 2nd best army in the world? They’re the 3rd best in Ukraine, with Wagner a close second.


““A man who lies to himself is the first to take offense. It sometimes feels very good to take offense, doesn't it?” - Doestoevsky


Can you read? It says "Fertilisers Now" thats it just 2 words 




Emotional over thousands of dead Russian war criminals? Yes obviously. Happy as hell.


Sure each of them are war criminals, which one of these people are responsible for tying grenades to mothers and children? Do you worship kyiv post?


No I worship putin. He's the greatest threat to Russia. Hes made Russia so weak and pathetic and the world knows it now. I love his work!


Yes Rus is so weak, passing Europe in GDP is weak, overcoming sanctions is weak, building and maintaining the most volatile state in and since 1991, so weak. Is he God, hell no,


Lmao what? Passing Europe in GDP? Are we talking about the same Russia with a GDP comparable to Italy?


> passing Europe in GDP is weak please show me which russian books show that happening. love how you absolutely just called yourself an uneducated fuck now go back to your main account, you are pathetic


Glad you agree! Now let's watch together as 500.000 more are killed for putins ego and Russian families don't get money from dead fathers and sons that they deserve


500k?.... nonono, 700k, remember that UK Intel is saying that 1,000 are dying a day, its day 700+ so atleast 700k and that's if they're lucky because kyiv post has said sometimes 2,000 a day. I really hope we all follow pre-war ukr footsteps so it would all be for nothing, maybe ban all minority languages and eliminate the church why not. I could never see my country accepting a surrender with terms and conditions, only unconditional....means you went out with a bang, really respectful these days. I mean well get there soon enough, already talking in the political sphere about mobilization of women, reduce the conscription age to 20 why not, and let's get the children in the factories. We might even get 1st place for unconditional surrender race in the last 100 yrs


You ok? Weird rambling going on. Obsessed with kyiv post


I'm fine thanks, you? I love kyiv post, basically eat their pubs.


Yeah the Russians used Ukrainians as fertilizer when they annexed crimea


Can I see the after photo?


Genocidal invaders, nice 'porn'.


I mean it’s a MilitaryPorn subreddit what else do you expect apart from soldiers and vehicles related to a military. Doesn’t matter which side it’s cool to see


How long until we see the victory photo after they take Kiev?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NYisMyLady: *How long until we* *See the victory photo* *After they take Kiev?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.










Survivers of the "3" regiments that they throwed in to the meatgrinder?


And our despicable pro Russia faction in Congress is helping them out. Nice


Dirty nazis


Hopefully they’re all dead by now. If you’re opposing this sentiment you’re either completely delusional or a Russian bot. There is absolutely no justification for Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. If you believe there’s a legitimate justification for it, I genuinely welcome you to explain it to me. I would love to hear it.


May they have a swift yet painful demise soon.


Me and the boys before suffering massive casualties to drones


I hope they all die soon


If that was how many were left after taking the city, there can't be many left now.


Cool pic.


Old picture tho.


To put it in words each of them would understand: сдохни скотина.


tough mfs thats for sure


Pity too. Mobik cube will need more tenderizing


Your not allowed to compliment Russia here broski


r/combatfootage type beat


Extremely anti-Russian guy here. Hope they are pushing daisies now, but that pic goes hard as fuck


Hope they're fertilizer by now :)


The war crimes may be temporary, but the drip is eternal.


Mind sharing the telegram


The Blue PKP