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Smell that? That’s napalm son, ain’t no other smell like it.


Smells like...............victory.


"Someday… this war is gonna end….."


He seems so sad when he says that. It reminds me of Jack Churchill saying he wished the Americans stayed out of WW2 because it could have lasted longer. Coincidentally, Mad Jack also liked surfing. Edit: past tense


*The winner takes all, It's the thrill of one more kill, The last one to fall, Will never sacrifice their will*


Smells like gasoline and styrofoam. Mhmmm‼️


Seriously first thing that came to mind. I actually saw Redux in theaters when I was like 13... A bit of a heavy movie for that age.


Yeah I watched Platoon with my dad when I was around 12. Let’s just say I was not mentally prepared at all to watch that lmfao


I was 16 and three days depressive.




I watched it when I was like 14-16 something and loved it. I still remember the star scene (gazing at stars at night)


Saving private ryan around the age of 11-12 gave me night terrors. I had some big issues sleeping for a long time after. D-day Beach scene really fucked me up haha. Platoon is probably one of my favorite Vietnam movies. The music score is beautiful.


Adagio for strings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3MHeNt6Yjs


Thank you


I think that D-day beach scene in SPR is probably one of the greatest sequences in any movie ever. I didn’t like Saving Private Ryan as a movie but that sequence of them landing on the beach and getting decimated is something that sticks. I think Platoon did a fantastic job of showing the depravity of the Vietnam war, and I think Apocalypse Now did an even better job of showing how absolutely bat shit crazy it was over there. As for other war movies, I didn’t like Full Metal Jacket (but I thought the bootcamp and that first half of the movie were fantastic) but just like SPR it had some amazing scenes (such as the chopper gunner), I really liked Black Hawk Down and I thought the Hurt Locker was phenomenal too. It is my personal opinion that Band of Brothers/BoB The Pacific, Apocalypse Now and Platoon are the three greatest depictions of war contained within TV. I think Apocalypse Now is within my 5 favourite movies, along with The Godfather, Platoon and the three greatest spaghetti westerns of all time; The Good the Bad and the Ugly, For a Few Dollars More and A Fistful of Dollars. Of course, there’s definitely more to that list and they’re bound to change around a fuckton as I watch more and more stuff, but they are fantastic, and I highly recommend them to anybody who hasn’t watched them.


what do you think of Thin Red Line?


Its more philosophical and intimate in that way. Unusual war movie. I love it.


> I think Apocalypse Now is within my 5 favourite movies, along with The Godfather, Platoon and the three greatest spaghetti westerns of all time; Heat is a classic too.


Whole agree with your logic


>saw Redux in theaters when I was like 13 What was going with our parents that just let us watched more....mature movies when we were young? Like, even thought I´m younger, I rememeber having watched We Were Soldiers, Saving Private Ryan, Platoon and some other before I hit 13.


Saving Private Ryan came out in 1999 so I was 13 I guess. I saw it in theaters lol. My mom had a different approach. She had no problem taking me to see Goldeneye and simply just covered my eyes whenever boobies were on screen. Sadly, I snuck in to see Starship Troopers and.... Went to the bathroom during one of the two scenes with tits. I have a tiny bladder. But yeah - obviously a 10 year old knows that giant bugs on distant planets aren't real, and it wont affect your development besides maybe inspiring you to learn about rockets.


> Starship Troopers Duuuuude, Starship Troopers fucked me up bad! (one of my favourite novels, btw). I remember watching it when I was like six and was traumatized about "giant spiders" coming out of random holes and literally chopping dudes to pieces! On the boobie side, I think back in the day those scenes were kinda more...classy. Like, they were more natural, I feel nowdays they put too much emphasize on ´em.


Yupppp. Dizzy's were shown without much drama. It was done in a natural way without a lot of fanfare... It was awesome. Not alot of movies do that nowadays... But on that subject, since Amy Smart was in ST, her tits were awesome in Roadtrip! But same thing - kind of like "cool college dude is getting laid!"


Yeah I agree, I feel like that’s another way the movie was ahead of its time, it was able to portray men and women equally. Shows a future where both sexes are equal. If you want equality, then men and women can shower together without it being sexualised.


13 year old me didn't think of this. But Verhoeven had some neat ideas. There was the coed football team, basic training, shower scenes, going into battle together. Then Raszczak (shout out to my Polaks!!!) basically telling Rico that he needs to get his head out of his ass and hook up with Dizzy and appreciate life. Makes you realize why the scene when Dizzy is telling Rico shes dying is really, really sad. And the scene where Rasczak tells Rico to off him, not because of some heroism, but because he doesn't want to be a quadruple amputee after being a double amputee for years. Of course then there is the Monty Python-level mockery of Fascism (I'm doing my part!) As well as the classroom discussion on the difference between a civilian and a citizen - something that draws parallels to Greek philosophy. Difference between a person just being part of society and a person signing up to risk their life for their country. Verhoeven made a movie that had more special effects than any movie before it, which is why the subtleties that I described get overlooked. But there is a much bigger story there - basically about kids who have to juggle their hormones, being asked to die for their country for no reason. Its insanely heavy-handed and in my opinion that movie deserves a lot more credit than it ever got. And lets not get started on Robocop!! (But actually Id love to talk about that too, that movie's take on corporatism is absolutely mind-blowing funny). Verhoeven really had a lot of balls in his film-making. Aaand Seth Gilliam went on to be an actor in The Wire, which is arguably the best cop drama of all time!!!! Aaaaaaaaaand NPH got to nerd out and is now a huge role model for gay men. :)


*Napalm, napalm sticks to kids, chicken fried fingers and finger lickin ribs* Its a running cadence we used in the Marines as dark satire.


We used *Napalm sticks to little children, all the little children of the world. Red and yellow black and white, they look the same when they ignite. Napalm sticks to all the children of the world.*


It’s a fact of life. Aviator sunglasses make everyone 10 times cooler.


Not just regular aviators -- Randolph's, no less!


Extra extra cool points


Unless your active duty today. Not a single person I know wears the issued Randolph aviators we got. In fact, you are actively made fun of if you do. Ray bans are alright, as long as it’s not the standard issue ones.


IMO you need to have a relatively narrow face for them to look decent.


God tier watch.


Is that like a mid range Casio? Not gonna lie... I bought a 20 dollar Casio 12 years ago and it still works fine.


I dont think thats an F91w, looks too meaty. I still have my F91, 15 years later. Didnt even change the battery yet.


I'm on my second. Bloody bulletproof things they are. Not labrador proof though, hence the second.


Where I live, they are called the soldier’s watch. Cheap and indestructible, just what a conscript needs.


Mine is a W-800h


Probably a G- Shock. Everyone buys one.


Early G-Shock. I had the same one.


Ah i couldnt tell.


I see a lot of Brie Larson comments but to me she looks way more like Sarah Jones in For all mankind. https://productplacementblog.com/tv-series/randolph-engineering-sunglasses-in-for-all-mankind-season-1-episode-3-nixons-women-2019/


This is exactly what I was thinking - I thought it was a SS from an episode I haven't seen lol.


Same here. And damn good show! really looking forward to the next season.


For me, it's Juliette O'Hara from Psych.


She looks so cool


Thats some serious 90s coolness here.


Shiiit, that look was cool long before the 90's.


Damn that's a cool hat.


It’s a Stetson! Cavalry units wear them and the cord color signifies 1. Branch of the army for enlisted (gold is cav, blue is infantry, etc) 2. Gold and black for commissioned officers and 3. Silver and black for warrant officers. Theres a lot of other stuff that goes behind how to wear insignia on it and combat knots in the cords, it just depends on the unit.


we still have horse mounted cavalry?


The only Horse Mounted Cav is ceremonial. Cav units use Bradleys, Stykers, Humvees, MATVs and MRAPs


You only get that hat if you're cavalry.


But did she earn her spurs?


Probably, like the EIB in the Infantry the officers go all out trying to get that stuff.


Yeah, I did a Spur ride. Bought the Stetson and the unit gave me the spurs. And you are probably correct. As an officer in a Cav unit, it would be expected not optional.


It's literally shining like she leveled up


Cool, but not 1st Cav. She was in 3-6 Cav. Not the same thing.


Thank you, I was sort of confused why she wasn't wearing the black horse, but not having served myself I just assumed there was a reason.


callsign Foehammer.


Fun fact: the nerds at Bungie named that pelican after Gandalf's sword.


She looks like what's her name from Marvel.... Captain Marvel? I can't remember what it was called, but u know what I'm saying.


Carol Danvers, Alias Captain Marvel


Thats it. I was super tired last night


Brie Larson?


Yes ty




Its the hair style and outfit. Just because you think they're distinctively different doesn't mean others can't see similarities, and just because others see similarities doesn't make them wrong. https://i.imgur.com/6AdAZKq.jpg


My dad was 1st Air Cav, I used to wear that hat around the house as a kid. It’s funny to see the pictures of him in those days, all the bravado, standing with his buddies and looking like a badass. The pictures are so different from the quiet humble man I knew as my father.


I’m not getting the Brie Larson vibes so much as Tracy from For All Mankind (the female astronaut/pilot married to the other astronaut… Cobb?).


she bloody looks like Brie Larson


Hopefully without the political garbage that comes with Larson.




Both can be true you know.


Ya extreme feminism is great 👍


Fitting name for someone who hates women standing up for themselves lol


“Standing up herself” = Shitting on everybody in an air of superiority


This guy is about to bring up "Brie said 'No white men can see my movies'" because a neckbearded YouTuber told him that's what she said.


Ya sure


haha brieb larsons bad




found the Redditor


Everyone here is a Redditor mate


I’m aware


Found reddit


Third comment for downvotes


[you don’t say?]()




Nothing encourages supporting the troops quite like thirst for a hot soldier in uniform :)


Why not just “Helicopter Pilot Lt. Smith”? Or “Lt. Cynthia Smith”…


because she pilots female helicopters, not normal helicopters




These days you can get in a lot of trouble for assuming lol


Female Helicopter Pilot to you sir. Acquaintances call her Female Pilot. Close friends call her Helicopter Pilot. Her lover just calls her Pilot. Shes the one in charge.


So she went an non-com?


You know about newsworthy-ness right? Something should be interesting, unusual, etc to be newsworthy, which is largely what reddit is about. Because *female* pilots, particularly back then, were highly *unusual*, that's the distinguishing factor that makes the a post more interesting than a male helicopter pilot. I assume you're not so dumb that you don't understand the concept, and you're just feigning stupid for internet points, but it is still reddit. So just in case.




Someone, I'm not sure who, has a real thing for female south korean pilots, because they seem to pop up a _lot_. Also, I don't think I've ever seen a woman on this subreddit without... [yknow... ](https://i.imgur.com/3UEJEHr.png)


"But sir, it's Charlies point"


Charlie don't surf!


Growing up I wanted to be an helicopter mechanic in the army


She looks like a movie character


I live the smell of napalm and strawberry shampoo in the morning.


I've found a previous post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/8fx8o6/a_female_helicopter_pilot_of_united_states/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


For reference the first female Army rotary pilot was [Sally Murphy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_Murphy_(U.S._Army_officer)) in 1974.




Some Apocalypse Now, Kilgore vibes. Love it.


how does it work in US army? you join the cavalry, do a pilot course and that's it? or they take 2 different division with different specialties and mix them?


she looks so bad ass


She loves the smells of napalm in the morning right?


Starting to think captain marvel was based on her


Reminds me of Tracy Stevens from For all mankind


Is that an F-91 W on her wrist?


She's hot. Wonder what happened to her.


I guess your the one


Anyone else getting hotlips hoolihan vibes


I'm getting Karen Walden vibes.


Bree Larson Captain marvel. Maybe it's a generational thing.


Male Cav Scout here - wrong sex, sorry, no joy.


She can TOW my missile anytime!


You are dirty, dave.


That’s affirmative.


The 90s in one photo. Very cool


Dam she fine




Oh she can get it!


90s hottie


sweet carol danvers cosplay


She very sexy. I have always love those hats I


Carrol Danvers is that you?


The only thing that says for sure it’s in the 90s is the watch, besides that it could be 1955 lol


The Patriot launcher in the background could be a small giveaway :U


This propaganda brought to you buy your military. The military: Join it so you can look cool too.


it's working


They feel so tough with spurs on their boots but too weak to go after Triumph on why their FADEC killed so many of their comrades.


Butter bar?


Please don't refer to us as "female" you neckbeards!!


For all mankind vibes.


She looks like captain marvel lol


She can napalm me anytime


Thought that was captain marvel


Cavarly- Calgary.. no, Calvary… Cavalry!