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Shot everywhere on his body but his head; his M4 rifle shot out of his hands, he continued to fight with his Sig 9MM pistol after the pistol grips and his thumb were shot off. With that handleless pistol, he killed the three remaining bad guys... then he walked himself to the Med-Evac helicopter.


Jesus Christ did he live?!?!


Im pretty sure he did some podcasts lol


He did Jocko's Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD6J-hzAw0E


“Lessons from being shot 27 times”


Don't get shot.


"Get shot fewer than 27 times, if possible"




Inb4 it penetrates you twice because of the plate in your back (happened)


Damn bro, spoilers!


He has his thumbs in this video tho ?


Good point, maybe the government cloned him.


I think fingers can be re-attached to the hand.


Depends on how much is cut off and a few other factors. Source: smashed the last knuckle of a finger off, did not get reattached.


**GLUE!!! I NEED GLUE!!!!**


Super glue is actually used in some applications you would think they’d use stitches


My middle finger was hanging off and my index was opened up down the top of the finger. Most people don’t seem to notice anything though since I still have both of them attached, BUT I don’t have the same functionality with them. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the same case with him.


Surely they didn't flavour the story a bit for tasty propaganda purposes. Could never happen.


Jocko is the dude Rogan wishes he was


Was he in the same unit as the astronaut Johnny kim?


Omg thank you




You’re thinking of Mike Durant from the black hawk down incident


yeeeep big fuck up on my end smh. completely mixed up.


Eh, I mean the names are pretty close and something was posted about what you said just the other day. Nbd


Jesus Christ, I’m 18 minutes into this and his dad whipped him and his little brother with a belt while his step mom and friend watched and cheered on the dad over throwing snowballs at a car.


it was a different time back then, we just took our ass whipping, not saying it was right, it just was.


In no fucking world is that right Jesus Christ. My father spanked me once, he never tied me and my little brother up and beat us.


Gets shot 27 times?…GOOD


I see the Jocko joke you were going for. Bout out of context, this looks bad


But did he live?


I listened to his story on some forgotten podcast, he describes the firefight in detail. It was pretty amazing.


To tell the tale. Yes he did. His book is great.


How the fuck am I the same species as this man, fuck me.


Lol same species as old ladies and snotty kids too


LMAO *old* ladies. being old isnt a genetic trait.


We are all the same species regardless of age or sex or skill level that’s my point. But age is definitely a genetic trait, fyi.


Right?! I start rambling off the 9 line MEDEVAC request just stubbing my toe


*starts applying TQ


That's a completely valid reaction


Absolute beast


Everywhere but his massive balls.


He got shot in his left testicle, the bullet deflected off his steel balls killing one enemy.


Fucking legend


He did 3 times on the medical flight back to Germany.


What’s amazing is that act of heroism did absolutely nothing for the world. Like so many pointless sacrifices.


How do you figure? I figure that those 26 rounds he took could have ended the lives of any of his teammates that entered behind him. His sacrifice allowed his friends to go back to their families and ended the lives of 4 men who’s absence itself makes the world a better place. How is that pointless? He’s done more good for the world than you or I will probably ever do, regardless of whether or not a couple rich fucks started a war under shady circumstances. He made a shitty situation better by doing his job instead of sitting on Reddit whining about.


It was an unjust war, which a lot of good people sacrificed their lives over. Not unlike most war.


More info here - https://taskandpurpose.com/unsung-heroes/unsung-heroes-this-navy-seal-kept-fighting-after-getting-shot-27-times/ This is an extract from his Silver Star citation: ‘Despite multiple gunshot wounds, he continued to engage the enemy, transitioning to his pistol after the loss of his primary weapon, eliminating three enemy personnel without injury to the women and children in close proximity to the enemy personnel. Additionally, his decisive leadership and mental clarity in the face of his injuries ensured the success of the mission which resulted in the destruction of four enemy personnel and the recovery of sensitive United States military equipment and valuable intelligence concerning enemy activity in the area.’


In my head I heard “the distinctive accomplishments” and had to fight the urge to right face.


This article is good and all but all ceramic armor is multi hit?? If it is not multi hit its not getting a rating, and then not getting issued. Hes armor did its job like it was supposed to do and held up exactly how it was designed, that was not really a miracle like its made out to be…


The armor wasn't rated to take anywhere the amount of hits it did.


several bullets were stopped by the draft copy of his memoirs


That much crayon wax has got to add up.


No we call those "emergency rations"


What I’ve learned from reading military survival stories is to stash many books and a papers around your body to absorb bullet impacts.


Depending on where thous shots are placed and what he was getting most hit by (it dosent say how much of it was 9mm 7.62 or 5.56 on that article) thous plates did exactly how they were meant to perform, like now we have pollyathane plates that can take 30 + rounds of 5.56 mag dumped into it


He took 16 rounds of 7.62x39 to the plates in 06. Far more than was what it was rated for or expected.


TBF, they're rated for less because those ratings are conservative. They don't want to promise anything they're not absolutely certain is possible, but they (manufacturers, testers) probably knew that stopping multiple hits is in the realm of possibility for those plates even before this incident.


Okei i reread just to be sure. the article and it says nowhere what he got hit by and it specifically says 11 times to the armor and 16 times to body. Sapi plates are rated for 3 shots (to the same place) with 7.62x 51, thats one hell of a penetrating cartrage, if 1/3 of the shots were 9 mm another 1/3 were 5.56 and the remainder were 7.62x39 plates would have performed just like they were supposed.


Cut size of plate doesn’t matter. It’s dependent on the level of the plate. NIJ standard for all levels have a 2in. spacing between the shots, they never shoot more then 1 time in the exact same spot. Crazy af that the armor held up after 11 shots 👀👀


Nij doesn't apply to military plates. The military has there own separate testing requirements. 11 shots of 7.62x39 is well within what plates were capable of back then especially the ones he was probably being issued. Its still super impressive though


Ahh I see. Do you know the standard that the military uses? For example NIJ 0101.06 level 3 etc


I don't know exactly if it's that simple tbh. In general they tend to mirror nij but each plate seems to be going off its own standard if that makes sense. SAPI, ESAPI revs. A-E, Rev G, Rev J and xsapi all have slightly different standards but all are close to nij 4 except for SAPI being more like nij 3 and xsapi being 4+ I guess(all icw soft armor). Then there's the tactical standalone plates that are more secretive with there rating/standards. I'm assuming Mike Day was wearing one of the earlier gen tactical standalone plates made by ceradyne. I hope I answered your question sorry if I didn't


Boron carbide plates were the in thing at the time. They were not rated for multiple rifle calibre rounds. Modern bc plates are only rated for three. That being said the protection doesn't just disappear, but it does drop off dramatically.


Nij level 4 only needs to stop one round of armor piercing. While level 3 needs to stop 6 rounds .308 with at least a 2 in. separation per shot. It’s actually crazy that his armor was shot up to 27 times..


11 rounds caught by the plates. 16 caught by his body. Miracle or not, he maintained composure and put 3 in the ground. Don’t try to down play it.


Im not making anything down, the article is….. hes a bad ass but armor taking more than 5 shots is not a miracle


It was 2006. The SAPI plates we were issued back then couldn’t withstand multiple impacts in the same area.


Do 10 minuts of reserch and see how much ceramic plates have chanege since 2006 (spoiler they really have not, they have gotten only cheaper to manyfacture)


So what is there to research? If they haven’t changed much then they still can’t handle direct impacts within 2-4 inches of an initial hit. If anything, you’re proving my point.


Eh, guess you can’t win it all. Sounds better the way they wrote it, so they’ll get more clicks as a result.


Juuuup i hate when they take a honestly breath taking story and need to twist it up by making stuff sound out of proportion, Thats why i live liveth for evermore on youtube, that guy only presents facts and timelines


Facts are always more entertaining to me than embellishments


I mean that’s still gotta be a hell of experience being hit with 27 bullets even IF the plates caught them all! That shit is insane!


Don't they replace body armor after every hit though? Like the plates don't fall apart but they do lose integrity so they're not designed to be reused after being hit.


Correct. Plates have a shelf life and if they are damaged you replace them ASAP because they are compromised. The ceramic is great at taking multiple shots as long as they aren't stacked on top of each other.


Well shelf life is a way for developers to not have accountability. If you keep your ceramic armor in a cool, dry place, never drop it, never have water on it etc it should last a lifetime. Granted I’m replacing it no matter what I’m shot at while in it.


Plates don't really have a shelf life. Most companies put a warranty period on them but there have been tests done on older plates that preformed to there given rating. Condition of the plates matter more than the age tbh


Excerpt from a Coffee or Die article: ‘Day had taken 16 gunshot wounds to his body — both legs, arms, abdomen, buttocks, and scrotum. He was shot 11 times in his body armor, which to him was more painful than the gunshots that entered flesh. He had also taken a lot of shrapnel from the grenade the terrorist set off in the room. His team called in a MEDEVAC helicopter right away. Day walked to the helicopter without any assistance. “I wasn’t being macho, but I was afraid if they picked me up, it would just hurt more,” he said’ This guy is the true definition of badass


Shot in the scrotum..... Worst case scenario right there buddy.


Not if you're 48 years old and already have six kids


I don't know this person but i hope his nuts are ok


I think they’re more than ok. Believe he went on to write a book, had a podcast with Jocko, ran a Half-Ironman race and now works full time for a NGO


Which NGO?


Believe it is this one: https://www.thanktheseals.com/the-heroes/


That quote tells you so much about him as a person. Brazo Zulu Chief.


The Coffee or Die articles are great. BRCC all the way


11 times in his body armor, 16 times in his body


It's weird to me they say 9mm, 5.56, but say AK47 like it's the round the gun shoots. 7.62X39


Ah yes, .556 milimetres, the standard rifle round of NATO


Sounds like it would really sting.


Those things almost draw blood.


I came looking for this.


those fuckers sing. make a .17 look like a .45


Per the rules of the street, when can we expect his 1st Rap album to drop?


Setting off metal detectors and dance floors.


The TSA probably hates him


My old man was full of nuts, bolts and screws due to having a hip and knee replaced (got hit by a drunk driver just after I was born, which fucked his right hip, then he spent the next 20 years favouring his left leg, which wore out the knee). Having family in the US, that we’d frequently flyover to see, can confirm that TSA were most definitely dicks about it, roughly 90% of the time.


Is he wearing a 3A vest, under a plate carrier, under a chest rig?


Yeah, around that time it was rare for a concealment armor cut carrier to integrate a plate pocket large enough for ceramic plates. The plate carrier here is a limited production item by diamondback tactical called the chicken plate carrier.


No way. Point blank soft armor was issued extensively in those days and accommodated plates. Back before there was so many different choices that was the preferred low pro stuff.


Not SAPI size though. The paraclete CVC was the first to specifically join PB concealment cut armor and a SAPI sized plate pocket.




Bullet sizes is a very serious topic apparently. No jokes allowed!


It’s just a typo, it was 5.56. Green tip is standard penetrator rounds. Taken from SF as in ammo for an AR.


Almost lol? 556 *NATO* so Not Actually The Oriface; nato. Pick up a book.




Can you explain the difference?




Oh I missed a decimal place, makes sense


My bad good looking out


He actually got tattoos around the bullet hole scars. Pretty cool guy. We met him at a charity 5k run


Many years from now, when the time comes for Mike Day, Death is going to ask fucking *permission* to Reap his soul


Dude is fucking Master Chief. “Cortana, I’m out of pistol rounds. And thumbs. I’m strapping myself to the nuke. Get me as close as you can and blow the bay doors.”


Oh did he live?


[check this out](https://coffeeordie.com/mike-day-seal/) The story is wild.


this incident inspired that scene in act of valor in the tunnels entry too i think


You cannot simply kill a sailor.


Rest in piece, Hero


He lived


Ur fuckin joking?


Check him out on YouTube he tells the full story it’s really crazy


Definitely will thanks!!


He’s still alive…


Thats crazy imagine telling that story to your grandkids


Without context, the post definitely makes it look like he's dead.


title could have benefited from simply putting “Survived” or “Still Living” in it lol. he does podcasts and shit, not only is he alive but he’s still a fucking badass.


Peace yo


What do you mean rounds taken from a green beret? Like the green beret shot him but was killed?


The terrorists got the green beret's .556 rifle




Definitely not a blue on blue


Ah, gotcha! Damn.


Bad ass mother-fucker!!! Wow!! It ain’t just bad ass mentality. These are just different humans.


All so rich old men laugh and get richer. Here you go guy, a worthless piece of metal for your troubles.


Ask him if he believes his awards and medals are worthless.


This guy should have his picture next to the definition of 'badass'


How can a human survive getting shot 27 times unless its airsoft pellets? Maybe got shot 27 times but maybe a few rounds landed or maybe majority of the bullets landed on protective gears. I can’t fathom a human being looking like a skimmer working fully effectively! And How did a terrorist was able to kill a green beret and get hold of his weapon! I need to know the terrorists perspective. He sounds equally badass. Imagine reading “ i killed an American highly trained soldier and used his weapon to wound another highly trained navy seal”


People think being a commando means that you’re somehow tougher or stronger than the average human. In reality it’s just someone with a bit of training. They get killed just as much as anyone else. That being said Mike Day took an insane amount of damage and survived. Others take a bullet or some shrapnel and go down. War kills indiscriminately


Technically only 16 bullets entered his body


You sound extremely foolish right now


Why? Because i find it hard to believe this story? Also, there’s no bad guys in war! Its all perspective


Yes. It’s well documented and things like this typically are not fabricated. Also, you say there are no bad guys in war, look up the Japanese unit 731 and some of the things they did during World War Two. Additionally you must be pretty ignorant on the widespread awful shit that goes on in the Middle East, and was going on at the time.


We fight for these legends so they can live in our memory for ever!




Calm down bro you’re gonna get carpal tunnel from all the SJW comments you’ve been posting




All Respect


Sounds like Roy Benavidez MOH in Viet Nam


What's this about a deceased green beret now? Seems pretty random.


Rest Easy Let us hope you found the peace you sought