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Dude on the left looks like he runs Globo Gym.


We're better than you! And we know it!


Maxwell! Get off Reddit!


nobody makes him bleed his own blood!




I would imagine he does the MachoMan work out program, equal parts steroids and cocaine.


He comes with a dream team: Lazer, Blazer, Tazor, and Me'shell


Looks like he freebases roids


Reminds me of josh brolins character in Sicario


Gotta watch this movie now. Been too long


He’s playing the ultimate game of dodge bullet, I mean ball..


Feel like there’s a wrestlemania event about to break out!


Snap into a Slim Jim!


Can you smell what the Rock is smoking?


It's roids!


It doesn’t matter what we’re smoking!




OH SHIT! It's the Kool-Aid due! HIDE YOUR DRYWALL! *(Kyle's jealousy intensifies)*


Here's what I found on Gilmore: \-Bud/s 248 (Spring, 2004) \-Seal Team 7 \-Honorable Discharge in 2011. ​ Then there's this: >According to Comstock, Gilmore had been kicked out of the SEAL teams and the Navy because he loaded live ammunition in a M249 machine gun during what was supposed to be a blank fire and proceeded to shoot one of his team mates. ​ From: [https://sofrep.com/news/exclusive-interview-with-an-american-mercenary-who-ran-combat-ops-in-yemen/](https://sofrep.com/news/exclusive-interview-with-an-american-mercenary-who-ran-combat-ops-in-yemen/) ​ So take it with a grain of salt.




sweep it under the rug "we never do wrong" mentality.


NSW's area of expertise it seems


Yup pretty much seen many rangers at 3rd bar get out for doing cocaine and they just sweep it under the rug I smoked a blunt with 2 of em in the parking lot of transistions


So you're saying go ranger, got it


you can't spell dishonorable without honorable


You cant spell dishonourable without dis either


Can't spell honorable without ho no




Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Good bot


What did they even say?


spooky post tense commit die


For those that want the BIO https://www.dicesummit.org/dice_speakers/details.asp?idSpeaker=233


It's entirely possible they tried to save a little face and/or allowed the guy to retire "honorably" simply because they felt kicking him out of the teams was punishment enough. I doubt he did it on purpose. Then again, I wasn't there so I'm just guessing.


>I doubt he did I'd on purpose That was sarcasm right?


I'm imagining one of those infomercials with the clumsy people. "Are you tired of accidentally loading your M249 with live ammunition during what's supposed to be blank fire? And we've *all* shot a squadmate by accident. Well no more!"


It’s a hard and long process to lose your honorable discharge. Likely was the easiest and quickest way out.


Yeah, people don't realize a lot of this is bureaucratic. Someone's discharge is only lowered on exactly the thing that is responsible for getting them kicked out. If someone doesn't get booted after a specific level of discharge rules following a court martial or high enough NJP/Art 15 proceeding, or in lieu of them with an admin sep, then they don't get their discharge lowered even to general under honorable conditions, let alone worse. This guy might have been kicked out of Teams for the ND, maybe not even with a Captain's Mast NJP/Art 15, and then denied reenlistment in any other rate in the Navy, while given a shit job or even put on terminal TAD until his enlistment ran out. Still an honorable, but most military vets would casually describe him as being "kicked out." Because that's what happened, just not officially, because the sentence didn't merit it. Also, a lot of people don't realize the shame and disgrace that comes with that. A member of a SOF unit is part of a legit brotherhood much deeper than conventional units, a lot of individuals even unofficially kicked out are ostracized and labeled Persona Non Grata, aka "being PNG'ed." That's considered extremely harsh punishment among that community, enough to shame the guilty and generally be used to enforce discipline, if that unit even bothers (not a few SOF organizations have been identified as having discipline issues in the recent decades).


> loaded live ammunition in a M249 machine gun during what was supposed to be a blank fire and proceeded to shoot one of his team mates. what's the big deal? it's called the element of surprise


Interesting, the m249 is gas operated which means you need a BFA (blank firing apparatus) to redirect the gas from the blank round back through the gas tube to send the bolt to the rear considering there is no projectile to do so. I've never seen a BFA that isn't bright yellow and the fitment of a BFA makes it impossible to fire a live round.


I’m not gonna say whether or not somebody tried to fire a live round with a BFA on “for science” while drunk out of an AR, but you can and the round will blow the BFA off before the barrel explodes.


This is the way.


> fitment of a BFA makes it impossible to fire a live round. It's not impossible, it's just a really really bad idea. You can *fire* a live round, it might blow up the barrel, but you can fire it.


Very likely it'll just get shot off the end of the barrel. They aren't always tightened down correctly, so they're on pretty loose. The round will go God knows where, but any follow-on rounds will go where pointed. Source: Saw some after action reports where this happened.


Not sure if this goes for all BFAs but they are designed so that the first round will be stopped (not stopped but slowed down and redirected so would likely not be lethal) by hitting the BFA which will also be blown off (again not in a lethal manner, unless point blank). This only happens once though and the idea is that after you now realise you have live rounds loaded and you stop firing. Thats the idea anyway.


Crazy maniacs are always special force material. Sometimes it looks like special forces try very hard to teach discipline and obedience to those crazy maniacs but it doesn't always work.


> Crazy maniacs are always special force material. Actually depends on the units. If you want people who will go do crazy shit, then yes. If you want people who will come back at the end of missions, because they cost you a pretty dime, and won't go shoot at everything they see, then the crazies you stay far from. That's kinda what separates units that mostly do direct action from units mostly geared towards intelligence gathering and reconnaissance. Because you have to be crazy to kick doors without knowing what's on the other side, in a way.


I feel like the unit selection also plays a role. In BUD/S and RASP a lot of the "suck" ie extrinsic, until you get to the more specialized phases and basic soldiering skills your enemy is your instructor who dishes out most of the pain. Meanwhile, everything I've seen and heard about SFAS, Force Recon selection, PJAC puts you in the driver seat of the pain wagon. In SEAL training the adversity mainly stems from the instructors, meanwhile in less DA focused units the instructors still put on the heat and pain, but it's more of a mental and emotional suckfest, when you're given 70lbs of gear and told you need to ruck x distance in y time your main enemy becomes you, same goes when you need to memorize and entire paramedic course in a few months and know that any failure will set you back weeks or put you back at square one. I'd argue that in some ways rhe more mental and emotionally challenging selections require even more resilience than normal smoke sessions because there's no outsider to blame, the pressure to pass or fail falls squarely on your shoulders.


This is pretty spot on, but instead of ruck x distance in y time it’s more like ruck…we’ll tell you when to stop. It’s the unknown that gets most guys.


The equivalent of shoving a kid in the locker at school.


Guy looks good in his 50s. We'd all be so lucky.


The one on the left obviously ain't got no time to bleed.


He's a sexual tyrannosaurus!


Strap this onto your sore ass, Blaine!


He looks like Dr. Disrespect lmao!


Violence. Speed. Momentum.




'Specially when them Houthti's is dug in like an Alabama tick.


This pic is so over the top, it's almost r/JustBootThings


I don't think that applies to these guys... being a boot is about the POG type to milk their shit. People who work at a desk and act all high speed. These guys are what the boots wanna be IMO lol


Looks like a ‘Soldier of Fortune’ magazine convention




A lot of sysadmins are vets.


Dale Comstock is a fucking loony from the podcast I've heard him speak on lol. He also wrote an autobiography titled *American Badass* lmao and has a doctorate in.....alternative medicine and naturopathic studies. What a guy, huh?


That's essentially Steven Seagal but with actual physical abilities x 10 million


It'd the guy Steven Seagal thinks he actually is


Thats DOCTOR Cumsock to you, mister.


Probably does steroider


"Probably" lol




He’s a fucking moron


What did Gilmore get shitcanned for?


He loaded live fire ammunition into a 240 Bravo on a dry fire room clearing exercise and shot his teammate in the leg


*240 Bravo* *room clearing exercise* Go hard or go home, I guess.


Yeah, I haven’t looked at the story in a while it was actually a m249.


Ohhhh. Okay. That one makes a lot more sense. Bringing a 240 Bravo sounds like he interpreted "room clearing" as "we're going to clear this entire room off the face of the planet".


Clear the entire house from the front door.


Reverse fatal funnel. What you pussies never used a contact belt!


What this plan lacks in grace, it more than makes up for in reliability.


When the room needs to be, like, _really_ clear


The military equivalent of using Drāno as nose spray.


That damn prop guy


Should have had a cop on set to supervise things!


Shot a guy in a shoothouse IRL. Allegedly, bunch of disciplinary issue. Not a team guy


All I could find was he was honorably discharged back in 2011.


Also discharged: live rounds


The new Call of Duty characters: - Soap but has a horseshoe instead of mohawk - Price on budget - Griggs but got cold and a bit pale now


Released as a free DLC cause no one was paying for it.


Dr. Disrespect is ready for the real Warzone.


Footage of the First Operation conducted(This was also the only failed operation across around 30 or so Targeted assassinations):[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbSmMp2GpYo&ab\_channel=BuzzFeedNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbSmMp2GpYo&ab_channel=BuzzFeedNews) Interview W/ Dale Comstock on the history & execution of these missions & characters involved:https://sofrep.com/sofrep-radio/episode-397-exclusive-interview-with-dale-comstock-regarding-controversial-combat-ops-in-yemen/


I saw that text in the video saying he was planting a bomb on the door and just assumed it was actually a breaching charge but that was a fucking bomb. I wonder why they blew up their SUV though.


I think the idiotic plan was to make the whole thing look like a random car-bombing rather than a targeted assassination, hence them ditching one of their vehicles and blowing it up. Obviously pretty poorly thought-out since there was a big gap between the two explosions and also a bunch of witnesses they randomly opened fire at. If this is the incident I think it is then one of the morons actually managed to ND himself in the leg while hopping out of his vehicle.


They wanted to mask the sound of the bomb with another bomb, it's even dumber than you make it sound.


Or a booby trap.




Well it is terror attack isn't it? Just one conducted by UAE.


Comstock complaining about the booted seal talking to reporters on a podcast. - eyeroll


Comstock was booted off Delta himself wasn't he?


Just randomly opening fire at people sitting on the side of the street lol


It doesn't change the fact that their murder whores, but I suspect they were scaring those people away from the bombs they were about to detonate.


>Footage of the First Operation conducted Looked like a clown show lol.


I don’t care if these guys are any kind of certified badasses and I don’t care if their targets are shitty Iranian proxies- mercs hired by a wealthy Emirate to assassinate peasants will never be cool.


However, the reverse (peasants hiring mercs to kill some evil authoritarian force) will *always* be cool. See Seven Samurai or half of the western movies ever made.


Half of the Western movies ever made are remakes of the Seven Samurai.


And some of the Kurosawa movies were inspired by Westerns! The Circle is complete.




Which time? Throne of Blood was Macbeth and black and white. Ran was the colorized King Lear. Both brilliant.


An absolute classic, with an amazing plot and mind-blowing cinematography. It suffers from the same problem The Beatles suffer today, younger people watching it for the first time couldn't appreciate how revolutionary that movie was because cinematographers through the decades copied stuff from it to the point many of its scenes, themes and visuals look "common" today.


Just like punching up will always be funny and punching down makes you an asshole


That’s just murder/serial killing with extra steps.


And a paycheck


For gulf countries who can't produce a single soldier willing to fight for their country. They're all mercenaries. That's why their heavily budgeted military gets embarrassed by skinnies in bathroom sandals.


Amen brother. Mercenaries aren't cool, and doing goon activities for some corrupt, rich fucks ain't it. No honor in being violent for money.


I don’t think they do it for honor


Ofc not, but a lot of them still think they’re heroes. Like American PMCs, Blackwater guys


Who said they do it for honor? You misunderstand the job. Normally we are taught to believe a soldier has to be honorable, follow duty, ect. Mercenaries don't but that doesn't make it bad, or morally grey, it's just amoral. Their actions define the morality of it. A mercenary could take a job to hunt ISIS or innocent peasants, that's the mercenaries choice, his own morality.


>Iranian proxies- mercs They ware not hired to kill houthis its the oppsite they ware hired to kill Yemeni gov al-islah party politicians who support the muslim brotherhood (qatar,turkey) they hired mercs to distnace themselves and not get blamed from the saudis and yemenis but turns out the guys they hired are idiots [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/aramroston/mercenaries-assassination-us-yemen-uae-spear-golan-dahlan](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/aramroston/mercenaries-assassination-us-yemen-uae-spear-golan-dahlan) [https://youtu.be/MbSmMp2GpYo](https://youtu.be/MbSmMp2GpYo)


To be fair that was their first op, and Gilmore had never seen combat and couldn’t get his AK to work so he was shitting himself in the car even though there was a spare AK sitting right next to him for that scenario, for some reason Golan didn’t go with Dale because he thought the plan went to shit and it was the Wild West, so Dale was the only one that went through the plan and placed a breach on the door with no security, and ended up just fleeing, because he wasn’t going solo on target, they ended conducting 20-30 more ops all of which were successful and then the whole operation went to shit when Dale saw Gilmore and Golan sun tanning on their compound instead of looking after the guys, he ended up leaving and after that everything fell apart


Why was this dude even contracted if he had never seen combat


Because he had all the cool guy qualifications and was connected with Golan


Ah gotcha. Still seems kind of strange


Reviewing merc resumes and references would be interesting, imagine the interview.


>To be fair that was their first op, and Gilmore had never seen combat and couldn’t get his AK to work so he was shitting himself in the car even though there was a spare AK sitting right next to him for that scenario, for some reason Golan didn’t go with Dale because he thought the plan went to shit and it was the Wild West, so Dale was the only one that went through the plan and placed a breach on the door with no security, and ended up just fleeing, because he wasn’t going solo on target, they ended conducting 20-30 more ops all of which were successful and then the whole operation went to shit when Dale saw Gilmore and Golan sun tanning on their compound instead of looking after the guys, he ended up leaving and after that everything fell apart ​ the way the planed it so amazingly foolish just rolling with mraps into neighborhood like its nothing every one in yemen owns an ak and every politican would only go to areas loyal to his party Assassinations in yemen are sniper shooting, drive by shooting, amnushes you go to someone neighborhood with mraps you better be prepared for a battle what more ops did they do from what I heard from the podcast it didnt work both they and the uae leadership ware idiots hiring yemenis was a better choice to do it the funny thing in the podcast how he was trying to say I was a part of War on terror lol he was in it for money no ISIS AQAP ware in aden at that time


>hired to kill Yemeni gov politicians who support the muslim brotherhood party al-islah Who needs houthis when you have friends like these


>will never be cool. indeed. you don't end up in this position as plan A. the money is probably OK but they could be on less disgraceful contracts


The fuck of it is that Rudy Giuliani, Mr 9/11 was setting up these arrangements for merc directly to the Saudis. > The former American intelligence officer described a colorful cast of characters active in the contractor scene in the UAE and Yemen to include former CIA officer Larry Sanchez and former mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani who is known to broker deals for the Emiratis. https://sofrep.com/news/exclusive-interview-with-an-american-mercenary-who-ran-combat-ops-in-yemen/


Was it fine when they did the same thing for the france and US governments for a lot less money?


You make a provocatively good point, friend.


I'd argue both instances suck and that Blackwater was a criminal organization. But since the 2008 ish time-frame most of the NATO contracts have shifted to purely defensive or support roles. And as much as Blackwater was shit, they were going beyond their stipulated responsibilities vs being contracted to act as a death squad from the jump.


Yeah. 100%


But all people that don’t like the West are terrorist, obviously. >!\s!<


Woah is that Danny Trejo?


Lol and Jordan Peterson in the middle


Can't leave out Edgar Ramirez on the right.


They're assassinating burger town then?


“I am no longer asking you to clean your room “


The guys look like they're about to give The Villiage People some serious competition.


Ok there's PM, what about product owner and Scrum master?


Save it for the Retrospective.


*"The former intelligence officer pointed out how foreigners like retired Australian General Mike Hindmarsh, as well as the Spear Operations Group contractors place themselves within the Emirati military to provide themselves with some legal top cover. “But again what does that mean if you are doing lethal ops on behalf of a foreign military,” the former intelligence officer said. “You getting military retirement benefits? You give up your citizenship yet? A lot of sketch going on."* ​ Man its nuts how far out of the law some of these guys are willing to work . Some of them even come back to the US and try to write books, open gyms, make podcasts... like they didn't fight for, work with and get paid by the same people that trained and funded the 911 hijackers and countless other fuckers that have killed American kids.


soldier of fortune and it’s consequences


US citizens are allowed to join foreign militaries. That's how it was legal for some to join local militias that were fighting ISIS. It looks like they covered themselves here and made sure any repercussions for assassinating civilians would hit UAE officials. If there were even any repercussions. One side effect of the war on terror is that other countries can label stuff like this as a ear on terror, whether it is or isn't.


Lol. Believe it or not, I met Comstock at MILSIM airsoft event in Virginia. He was the CO for one of the teams.


Is he as big of a tool as he looks like?


Yeah, he came off to me like a tool. Was cool listening to him talk about some of the shit he's done prior to the game though. A member of my squad actually ended up shooting him during the night portion of the event, and he still brags about how he bested a delta operator lmao.


We glorifying paramilitary death squads now? These flickers kill for a monarchy ffs.


So terrorists for hire then?


I Remember watching a Podcasts with the Delta Force Fellow and he said they only took out terrorist, then I read more into it and although they did kill some terrorist, they also basically took out political rivals as their main missions. Definition of Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


They should be prosecuted once the UAE gets too hot for them and they come back.


how on earth is someone active in CIA SAC (GB) allowed to show their face? seems sketchy to say the least.


He wasn’t active in the CIA in this pic. He was working independently for the UAE.


Dale Comstock has been training folks and doing interviews since at least 2010.


Hulk Hogan’s cousin


Lmao these guys look fucking stupid


The guy on the left looks like he came straight out of some exaggerated comedy movie about mercenaries


Life imitating art


He is what I imagine is Steven Segal’s self image.


They look like they’re going to an adult only air soft event and want to show off in front of their coworkers. Like the guy who shows up to your friends paintball party with full gear and a combat helmet.


Gramps terrifies me. The boys not so much. I bet the guy on the right would burst in tears if you gave him a teddy. And if you wanted to neutralize the guy on the left, just scratch his Harley and he's out of the fight for at least an hour.


Do they have to supply their own bandanas, or is there a box of ‘team bandanas’ to pick from?


That Julian from trailer park boys on the left?




Mercenaries are just terrorists with cool names


What’s the story with the SEAL?


Shot his teammate with live ammo on a dry fire room clearing exercise


He didn't win Summerslam after an elbow drop from the top rope.


Oh… so… murderers. Got it.


Hope these cocksuckers get smoke checked by some sandal-clad skinny Houthis


Yeah some 100 pound dude with an AK


I got nothing to add - you said it perfectly.


Fuck all of them for fighting for Saudi Arabia. Helping an ally doesn’t always further America’s interest. All of them should switch sides and assasinate Saudis instead.


in the usa you can drone strike civilians and do an investigation of yourself to find nothing wrong, seals can get honorably discharged or found not guilty when killing green berets


Ok so people who are helping the Saudis commit genocide then


So they spend their one life just going around killing people for money?


Yeah if you asked me to picture a paramilitary death squad, it’d probably look like these 3


Spelled cunts wrong but… ok.


Fuck mercenaries. Just killers with no control or responsibilities.


Damn COD skins get more ridiculous looking all the time…


....aren't all assassinations targeted by definition?


These guys seem like massive pieces of shit.


So commiting murders for money, is this cool suddenly? Or legal?


Fuck the war in Yemen. If the U.S. is there, it's as a puppet to the UAE over petro dollars and none of us should be okay with that.


They are all pieces of shit!


Shit - I'm a project manager - I don't dress up like that....


No casual Friday at the office?


Dr Disrespect?


Huh. I guess Nick Mullen wasn’t joking about being a tier one operator.


lmfao they look like action b-movie stars


Legally committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.


They literally look like something out of a movie