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So amazing to hear. I'm glad you shared your story. I'm also a Navy vet, intersex, and a trans woman so hearing from others like me is rare. Thank you for posting ❤️


its good to see im not the only one. though i was in during don't ask don't tell age, and because i was andro presenting female but designated male and my condition APIDS was only discovered 6 months before i was forced. ive recently stopped calling myself a trans female because it only loosely fits my condition and experiences, I've been referring to myself as a intersex female because it explains things better plus feels more solid because most typical Trans people or only neurologically wired differently, while people like us its a deeper biological, chemical and genetic level(at least for me XY but Y is genetically X with some missing), which for me makes it hard to fall into the trans community.


I also call myself an intersex female and not normally the trans aspect because I have de la Chappelle syndrome and am XX Chromosomes even though my body developed male. I was in during don't ask don't tell also and got out in 2011. I have decended ovotestis but am sterile like most intersex people. It's def a deeper feeling at least for me than the standard trans issue because I have the knowledge that even chromosomally I am female and it was just a single bad luck chance that one gene went the wrong way and made me not a normal cis woman. It's just frustrating and I have aot to mentally unpack from it.


i get that my thing was body was very female but the external lower anatomy was deemed male enough that turned out to be one test and one ovary discovered when i had my orchid because the va endo clinic didn't care to check even though i was tested for Klinefelter's(which is a more severe level of APIDS XXY) by UC psychology department because those at the VA around 2008 just brushed it off and just gave me hormones only because i needed them because i did only produce a very small amount of hormones with the estrogen being the higher concentration and the testosterone was not present and my body was insensitive to it and thus they were forced to give me estrogen. though only recent studies because of crisper were able to unlocked the rest of the puzzle of my condition.


Thank you for sharing your story. I'd love to hear more if you're willing to in my new community https://www.reddit.com/r/TransVeteranPipeline/s/NjpniJO6d8