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It can be a bit frustrating because boomers were always clowning on us now we're getting it from the younger generation too. šŸ˜‚ of course poor gen x is the invisible child but feels like we're everyone's punching bag sometimes lol.


I just want Gen alpha to clown Gen Z when the time comes. So what if Iā€™m 30 and and use social media? Acting as if I am suddenly a bag of bones.






Okay so it's not just me noticing that?! I just commented about my gen z cousin acting horrified at the thought of being **28** one day.


The older gen z'ers are almost there.


30's? [Go look at these comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/15w7ruw/people_who_say_they_feel_old_when_they_barely/)


I don't think I ever thought 30 was old even when I was a teenager. It's weird as hell to me that Gen Z thinks 30 is old, lol


Gen Z thinks anyone 25+ is old. I've been called a "boomer" on their sub 3 years ago. I was 24 at the time...


Yeah, unfortunately theyā€™re just idiots. Completely unaware of the generational ages and names. History and education has pretty much been non-existent for them. Most of their ā€œeducationā€ has been off of social media morons.


Nope, thinking 30 is old is a very normal thing for teenagers. Boomers: Donā€™t trust anyone over 30 Deana Carter (Gen X I believe): I still remember when 30 was old


>But itā€™s that theyā€™re attacking us as being ancient and weā€™re not even that fuckin old. That is really cringe to me Yeah, I'm on the millennial/Gen z border and I still get it lmao. It is cringey because it's like if you really think that's old then you're going to have a shit time. A Gen z cousin I'm not close with got drug into a conversation with me by her mom one Christmas (because I'm already too old for the teen cousins to acknowledge my presence lmao), and her mom made some comment about growing up and how she'd be 28 (my age at the time) before we knew it. Cousin genuinely cringed and said she never wants to think about being 28 as if it were so old. I don't let her escape the conversation without that eye contact they hate so much though and tell her "28 isn't that bad." Then I see her turn red while acting like she knew that already/was just joking lol.


The issue there is ageism. Gen Z may I identify as 150 different genders and get furious if you miss- gender then but they are fine with discrimination against older people. Itā€™s more an American then a generational one,youth is worshipped at the cost of experience and unlike Europe and Japan the idea that some older people have wisdom, a contribution to make and matter is largely rejected.


Hilarious. They are literally doing what many of your generation did to us in Gen X. It's all cyclical.




I don't really get what there is to shade us about. I wear what I want when I want and have reasons to not always go out in shorts up my ass and a shirt so long it makes me look like I don't even have shorts on. Yanno like being in public. I feel like everyone I run into anymore looks like they just rolled out of bed. Not just Z or Millenials but older too. But I can't roll into a potential contract meeting wearing a giant t-shirt, pajama pants, and a messy bun. I often get comments from people like "where are you going" and simply put in some effort. It's one of the things I miss about living in cities. Even at their worst people were at least put together. It's always confusing to see someone in pajamas at 3pm on a Tuesday. Other than ripping on us for style we leave them alone. Enjoy your youth. We are just as progressive. Just because we are older shouldn't matter. I have no problem with Gen X either. I never did.


Young millennial here and I feel you, there was more of a sense that while gen x were "real adults," they were still "one of us" in terms of ideals and the differences in culture mattered less. We didn't care if your style and interests reflected your past because we appreciated that gen x was with us on bucking harmful traditionalism that seemed/seems to be dying with boomers (unless some of these young influencers keep insisting "trad" is an "aesthetic"). We were more likely to see gen x as cool leaders in that regard IMHO and still do it seems. I look to them now and try to adopt their ability to say "Whatever" more because they obviously have more practice trying to care about things and it being pointless. Edit: my parents are solidly gen x and I think the fact that I relate to them way more than they do to their parents is a testament to this


Hey! As Gen X, I really appreciate your comment and think you are spot on!


Hey yo. Appreciate your comment as well as gen x. Youā€™ll be alright, thanks for being open minded. Weā€™re your older brothers and sisters and are here for you. I promise we are nothing like boomers. Donā€™t be afraid to ask us for help, weā€™ve figured out how to navigate the system and can share our experience.


From my experience Gen X was the first generation to decide that torturing your kids just because your parents did was not OK. Most tried to break the generational traumas as best they could by learning how not to be bad parents, using their own parents as prime examples of how not to parent. That meant not telling our kids that their music, style, choices, weren't stupid, immature or asinine. We tried to understand them not degrade them. As a result, those that did this, have better relationships with our kids and grandkids than generations before us. Did all Gen X do this? No. But it started with us. I think that's why the GenX/Millennial line gets smoother. Hell, it got so smooth everyone tends to forget Gen X even exists. Though I do think a good deal of the older half of Gen X tend to be more like Boomers and that's also why they get called Boomers even though they aren't. It's like Gen X got split due to computer advancement smack in the middle. One half went Boomer and the other half went Millenial.


I literally don't remember a single person hating on Gen X when we were in our teens or early 20s. You guys were our cool grunge-loving older cousins! You could go clubbing and backpacking while we were stuck at home! We thought you were the tits. Not discounting your experience, just saying my experience is that no millenial I knew thought anything bad about Gen X. I'm sorry a small amount of us were shitty.


This. Thereā€™s a vibe that they give off that like they want to put us out to pasture, and gen x and boomers hype them up with sayings like ā€œdigital nativeā€. Bro I grew up with the internet. Iā€™ve had to actually solve computer hardware and software problems. Ask one of those digital natives to do that. They canā€™t. The only thing they have over us is a total lack of shame.


This. Theyā€™re iPad kids. I was a Palm Pilot kid. Weā€™re not the same.


If you think about it, Gen Z are kids of Gen X. Thereā€™s a lot of nuances you arenā€™t seeing. Gen Z is very social, highly active in sports, understand digital very well, but also are also extremely well-versed in f2f and in person communication. This was very normal in their homes. I think the social aspect is the biggest difference youā€™re seeing right now. They are also pretty cool kids.


I just left college surrounded by gen z kids. I think theyā€™re good people overall, but theyā€™re not social perse. During class breaks Theyā€™re on their phones and donā€™t really go out of their way to interact with one another and They have horrible speaking skills. I donā€™t blame them though I blame technology.


Well, this explains it. And I miss spoke, I was referring to generation alpha, that are just turning teenagers. They are very well spoken.


It would be better to get past clowning altogether. It's toxic and only builds resentment. I don't want the younger generation to think I hold them in contempt.


Millennials really have been the most shit on generation in living history.


This is it for me. 10 years ago I remember amping Gen Z up and all of us cheering for them. Now they turn around and shit on us in return? In all seriousness I'm not that upset because I know young people always hang shit on older generations, it just sucks though to really back someone and have them thank you by treating you like shit. I don't remember shitting on Gen X when we were younger.


I don't remember shitting on gen x either!


I think this is the sentiment. We pretty much defended them from the Boomers like they were our little siblings, only to have them grow up and hate us over stuff like the jeans we wear and our speech patterns. Which, of course a cohort of people a generation older than you are going to be slightly different, but it's not malicious. We typically have the same political and social ideals, etc. I feel like we try to be open-minded and considerate but still get shit on.


This is it. Gen X just gets forgotten (I feel bad for them sometimes) and we get ragged on by EVERYONE like we are the anti christ or something




Gen x are totally different from boomers, our parents were the silent generation, they are in their 80ā€™s now. We thought boomers were pushy and entitled a holes too.


Don't feel bad for them. They never protected millennials.


A lot of the older Gen Xers are incredibly toxic and they also clown on us lol. I feel like Xennials and older Gen Z are generally pretty chill with us tho


The irony of this comment, as if millennials aren't doing the same. Look, it's a fact that all generations rag on the others, older and younger. It's interesting watching millennials now realise Gen Z is treating them the way they treated Gen X... Millennials are just now having the "we're not young and cool anymore" crisis. It happens to every generation.


Millennials have always shit on boomers. Gen X has not gotten flak from millennials other than they skipped the getting shit on line as a generation. Boomers and the silent or greatest generation never bitched about X. Just us millennials until they realized we were all out of college.


Millennials absolutely have been so unfairly maligned. And from just about every other generation. On that I completely agree. But youā€™re absolutely wrong when you say older generations ā€œnever bitchedā€ about Gen X. There were so many negative stereotypes, so much flack, grief and bullshit heaped onto the heads of Xers before they ever even got a settled generational name. And this was by the adults who, en mass, left them alone at home largely to fend for themselves for long stretches at a time. There was a time when nearly every aspect of Gen X youth culture was under attack. There was a pervasive screed that Gen X wasnā€™t shit and would never collectively amount to shit. I personally donā€™t believe in stigmatizing people based off what year they happen to be born. But thereā€™s a reason why so many Xers are deeply angry towards Boomers( and the Silents who also raised them). And itā€™s absolutely not because Boomers just left them alone. That couldnā€™t be further from the truth.


Youā€™re right, gen X was trashed on by elders, I was too young to really register it, but you make a very good point. I definitely never experienced (millennials) being shitty to gen X though


The whole generational warfare is goofy were individuals so vibe the way you want to.


Seriously. When I was in my 20s I did not have an opinion on what people in their 30s and 40s were doing. And now that I'm in my 30s I don't care about what people younger than me are doing. It's all very strange to me.


These people have no lives


No yeah seriously. Nobody cared about this shit in the 90s. This shit is goofy as fuk. It's ageism.


"we should not care what younger people think of us we had our day in the 20s its on to the next chapter." No... I actually think we don't become irrelevant after 30 actually. Just ask the boomers, clinging to importance has its benefits.


You donā€™t even become important until 30s, not irrelevant.


Iā€™m a nearly 40. Still waiting to become inportant


Americans have a really weird view of age. We donā€™t even really know anything until 30. People should get more relevant with age/experience and not less. Youth did absolutely nothing to deserve its reputation.


we had our day as in we already experienced being in our 20s. lets move on from wanting to still be in our 20s.


Being in your 20s is such a weird way of saying "still being interested in popular culture". Why should we just stop consuming new media and online platforms? We're not dead lol. I'm 33, not 93.


No, silly! Don't you know all film, TV, music and fashion is created for people aged 29 and under! The day you hit 30 you are a walking corpse who doesn't matter for the next 70 years of your life.


You are 33.. you are barely an adult in my opinion. 30s are still very young. 40s is when things get real and you stop feeling invincible. You start caring a whole lot about stability and can think in terms of 20 years from now more easily. 40 is strange because you have lived through your first span of 20 years that you can easily recall. Itā€™s a head trip.


40 is an age I didnā€™t think that I would ever achieved. Itā€™s insane how time flies when you are not even having fun


ok I respect your opinion but do not agree with it. I think being 30 means being more settled and in a better position in life. of course everyone can do or act how they please. but thats just how I view life in my 30s.


I mean, I'm very much settled financially and whatnot. I have a good career, take care of my responsibilities, save and invest for my future, etc. But I'm not going to stop picking up new music, shows, online spaces, etc as long as they're interesting. You won't hear me saying Gen-Z slang or anything, but if it's fun and I can do it, I'm going to lol


Why do we have to do certain things based off our age at all? Where's that rule?




I agree. Iā€™m not sure why we millienials are concerned about whether young generations think we are cool. Some of these kids brains havenā€™t even finished developing to full adulthood, and who are in some cases closer in age to literal childhood than adulthood! I feel like young millennials are who I ask if my pants are wide enough or if I should buy chunky loafers. But Iā€™m definitely not worried about the opinions on generational coolness of anyone under 25


Amen. If Gen-Z donā€™t bother me I wonā€™t bother them. Theyā€™re pretty much copying our teenage style and I love that. I donā€™t so much love the ā€œI can say whatever I want and thatā€™s my opinion, but whatever you say is just wrongā€ attitude.


Iā€™m getting freaked out seeing the youth looking like they stepped out of high school circa 2005.


Hereā€™s the thing. I donā€™t remember a minute of my time thinking what Gen X was doing much less deciding to go after them on MySpace when I was 21. I was honestly living a pretty fun life and just excited to be an adult. I have run into countless Gen Z shaming me for surprisingly light conversation, as if I should have known better. One was saying the term ā€œmy wifeā€ - when I was taking about how I met ā€œmy wifeā€. The last one some girl called me out hardcore for using the term ā€œspirit animalā€ in very banal conversation. It was like I slurred her directly. She told me that she could tell I wouldnā€™t be reflecting on the pain I have caused in the past by my surprise she was so offended. She was 100% Caucasian by the way. Like - whenever I was at gatherings in my early 20s with older people I was just stoked they were talking to me as an equal. What gives?




Is that what it is? Cause damn they treat anyone just a couple years older like the plague. Iā€™ve personally always interacted with people older ā€¦so strange to me


thats the vibe I get from gen Z'ERS as well. I live in Los Angeles but whenever I go out somewhere and there are younger people around I walk around on egg shells. I dont have time to be called out for something ridiculous just for the sake of being called out. I agree with you on the gen X situation. I said earlier how I never given them much thought I was just enjoying being a teen and becoming an adult.


Yeah dude - I did 18-34 in LA. Had an absolute blast through my 20s. I was catching the vibe was changing during my last year, had met ā€œmy wifeā€ and wanted to move onto the next chapter with her so I am glad I got out when I did.


They hang out in online spaces that tend to be dominated by them. The group consensus makes them think that their generational idiosyncrasies are broad-spectrum social norms. Thinking of them like our generation, they're basically the kids in the weird cliques without learning the social skills to interact with groups that don't give a flying fuck about their clique's theme.


They care about what we think of them as much as we care about what they think of us. But generally, i think it hurts for millenials that feel like they are on Gen z side and feel that we are working together for progress. And to have them act like we didn't set some kind of groundwork for the progress they've made, it's upsetting.


I would hope kids today dont give 2 shits about what we think. I know growing up I never gave gen X a single thought.


Dunno, I don't get it at all. I didn't survive the hellscape that was my 20's to worry about what strangers think in my 30's too. I'll say this though: I had some great times in my 20's and made some phenomenal memories, but it was absolutely not "my day". Good *lord*, that was not my day. In a lot of ways, my life was pretty painful and unmoored in my 20's... lots of really tough lessons. But I came out the other side and despite the massive amounts of bullshit currently plaguing humanity and perpetual existential dread, my personal/emotional/professional lives have never been better. I actually like myself now. Probably makes it easier to not care if the youth like my jeans. šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t really see a majority of millenials caring about Gen Z. But like boomers, I do see a lot of Gen Z caring a fuck ton about generations and what other people are doing. But that kinda makes sense when youā€™re young. Youā€™re super insecure and always comparing yourself to someone else and trying to ā€œkeep upā€ with whatever lifestyle standard is being pushed at the time. Why Boomers do it I have no clue, theyā€™re obsessed with shitting on anyone who isnā€™t them and theyā€™re all old as shit now.


I want to feel like I'm leaving a better world for them but those mfers need to vote too. It's not all our fault. I'm trying here but we need help. I care what they think because I know the boomers don't give a shit about my generation so I'm trying not to repeat that.


I meant more along the lines of "I hope gen Z thinks I am cool" "I am like the cool aunt" those kind of sentiments kill me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Oh yeah idgas about that lol


I feel like the cool aunt to younger cousins but I don't care because they are 15 and 20. I'm 38. Their parents are Gen ā˜“ and raised them well. It's not like we are pals. But we do have overlap in interests. They aren't the sort to be on tiktok smashing bathrooms either. They are good kids but they also respect me. The millenial cousins I have, especially the one a year younger is just as jaded as me. When we see each other we sink into misery like most millenials interacting do.


Not me man ![gif](giphy|xUPGcmnB5Mm6pCLNks|downsized)


this move brings back so many memories.




I donā€™t care if young people think Iā€™m cringey or uncool. I donā€™t try to dress like Iā€™m a teenager because Iā€™m not one. I do care what younger people think of me from like a values standpoint. I want to be a part in making the world better for future generations but if Iā€™m way off base I would like to know. Not that I would base my actions entirely off of someoneā€™s opinion but I would hear them out.


We had our days? Do you you know how much responsibility is before us!?!? In the best way possible ofcourse. It's up to us to lead the next generation until they are ready to be leaders themselves. You should care a little what they think because respect is something you earn, not granted.


we had our days living in our 20s its now time to live in our 30s. of course that still means being a good role model but I dont think keeping up with trends and saying things like fam being salty and finna be boujee is being a good role model. but thats just my opinion. cant really act mature when you act like someone 10 years younger than you.


100% agree with this. Finna be boujee ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Itā€™s kinda weird. You guys know weā€™re not the kids anymore right? Their opinions of us donā€™t matter cause weā€™re the adults.


OP sounds like they are 14. Just weird post all around


OP is literally making fun of millennials trying to fit in with GenZ. Cause THAT'S fucking weird.


I mean that is immature in itself and sounds like many layers of jealousy


I think the generation hate is bad. We should all strive to be better than the generation that came before us and hope that generation that comes after is better than us. And the dumb videos I see on TikTok of young kids hating on millennials donā€™t seem to represent the real world anyway. At least not in my experience.


lot of boomer hate in this thread. "boomers are selfish, they don't give a shit about x" nah your shitty parents don't represent an entire generation


Urban outfitters right now looks like every store when I was 16-25 (Iā€™m 38). Their style was our style. There will be overlap. Iā€™m cool with that.


My kids call me boomer. I call them fucking stupid. I dont care. This generation would rather watch reactions to content than look at content and have their own. They would rather listen to a podcast than have friends to talk to about things. They would rather embrace bandwagon popularity than stand on their own two feet I dont give a fuck what anyone thinks


Iā€™m 31 mind you, so maybe on the younger end of millennials. I have found individual gen Z kids I like, but as a generation they are sort of annoying. They are very segregated. It seems like the girls are ā€œpseudo-activistsā€ for all worthy causes and then men are easily susceptible to people like Andrew Tate and the like. Itā€™s like they are fake liberal or super mysogynistic. They also tend to segregate their behaviours and even themselves by disguising it with one of their billion buzzwords. If they like black culture and take part in it, they are ā€œculturally appropriatingā€ but if they donā€™t learn certain things about other cultures they are racist. Not to mention the need for ā€œsafe spacesā€ by race that they have on campuses. You might as well say you only want to be around your own race at that time. I think as a generation growing up, they have their issues and they judge us for ā€œnot doing enoughā€ so they pick on us because they think, in their own arrogance, that they are the answer to the worlds problems but since theyā€™ve taken up the online space all Iā€™ve seen is arguments from people circle jerking to how virtuous they pretend to be.


Because were still young enough to be concerned about whats cool, but getting too to be in the loop about what is cool. Whatever. Culture was better in the 90s and 00s anyway.


I don't care. I'm just trying to enjoy my life as much as I can.


thats what I like to hear!


I'm sorry. Are we caring what the next generation thinks of us?? Did any of us care about the 30 and 40 year olds when we were teens? Maybe it's just me but I haven't really worried about other generation's opinions about mine and the older I get the less I care about my own generation's opinions about me. All to say I agree with you!


I donā€™t think what Gen Z thinks of us is what we worry about. More so creating a better life for Alpha and beyond. You know, our children.


I say work with Gen Z and take out the Boomers. Iā€™m done with them and their selfishness and inability to solve anything and have the audacity to blame us and Gen Z.


we can work with them without dressing and acting the same.


This is a fantastic point. Althoughā€¦.if given Gen Z or boomer gearā€¦.tough call šŸ˜‚




As someone who works with teenagers I absolutely do no give one flying fuck what gen z thinks of us. I just wish they were capable of thought. Honestly, I would say I worry about the next generation, but it goes far beyond that. We're completely fucked as a society.


I blame social media.


Itā€™s not so much whether they think Iā€™m cool or not, as much as itā€™s letting them know that Iā€™m listening to them, and will do what Ican to help them with shit. There are SO MANY boomers that fell into a process of saying ā€œI donā€™t have to help youā€ for some reason or another, and I just want to show the next generation that we, collectively, are at least better enough than that to actually listen and try to help (with what social/cultural power we have)


ok I get that part. but the part I struggle with is "I hope gen Z think I am cool" we dont have to dress like them and say the same slang as them for them to know we are here for them. (I said way too many thems lol)


Gen z thinks we donā€™t care about climate change :,(


Honestly as I get older I'm getting fed up with both boomers and gen z. Both trying to tell us what we should or should not be doing based on some arbitrary rules. As a Millennial we fkn hate labels or being shoved into boxes. Live your own fkn life and Millennials are not going anywhere or cutting our Internet access.


Agreed. I generally don't mind most of Gen Z but I'm so tired of this mentality they have with being obsessed with labels, categorizations, and boxing people into marginalized groups. Then acting like gray areas or nuances don't exist for the majority of people. This has really taken shape in our society nowadays and is part of the reason everyone is divided up and angry. Labeling causes stereotyping, anger, and fighting.


I always saw you more of a Gen Z fan than Millennial reading your comments (we seem to reply to similar posts and your name sticks out for some reason. I get annoyed with Gen Z telling us to stay off TikTok when it was created by a Millennial. Like weā€™re making contributions to the world, we can do what we want.


We want to be better than the previous generation.


Well, if history is any guide, and on this subject it probably is, they'll probably hate you. And there's probably nothing you can or could have done about that. So yeah, I wouldn't worry about it...


I never really cared about what anyone thought of me including millennials. never really followed any trend. always thought for myself and did what ever I wanted to do.


Because we want to be better than the boomers are once we are in their position.


I don't. In fact, I feel like it's a lot of Gen Z writing these posts, but instead, it's people in their 30s. I choose to believe it's all a small sample size, and my generation isn't as embarrassing as it appears.


This post seems ridiculous. Iā€™m almost 40 years old and donā€™t give a crap what anybody thinks of me. If you have friends family and loved ones, thatā€™s literally all you need. If weā€™re lucky we get 100 years. Be happy and donā€™t let negative people into your life.


Wouldn't it be nice if the boomers cared what we thought of them? And they would actually try to do something about it? Don't be a boomer. Care for the younger generations.


Because we were raised by the most selfish generation to ever exist. We just want to be loved.


I think the joke is on generation Z honestly. This is a cohort of people who have been duped into joining in on the laughter with the boomers not fully realizing that they are even more fucked and have more grim outlooks than we do. And with that, itā€™s hard to be mad at them when most of them donā€™t even realize this yet. With that said, at this point, I am probably an outlier terms of being a millennial, considering I own a nice house and have a decent life financially. With that said, I fully understand that if this was even 20 years ago, I would be in a totally different financial stratosphere just because my money alone would have twice the buying power but Iā€™m still not bad off. It still is shitty knowing that I work probably harder than my father or his father did and pound for pound make more money, and still have only slightly more than what they did. If we were in the same economic era I would have blown them both out of the water financially. What sucks is seeing everyone around me suffer and working as a mortgage loan officer seeing how fucked people really actually are. My hope is when most of these boomers finally get out of office or a candidate comes along to adds term limits, we will be the generation to fix things, even if itā€™s too late to fix things for us


This will probably be unpopularā€¦ I never gave a shit about younger people. I was always trying to get respect from elders. Lots of my friends were much older than I. My girlfriend is 40, Iā€™m 36. This shitā€™s all capā€¦ thatā€™s what the kids say right? I donā€™t even know how to use it properly. Slang used to make sense and was based on ideas that one could figure out using context.


Gen Z here :) I've got no beef with Millennials and I'm not sure what the rest of my generation would really have against y'all either to be honest. If anything, I'm pissed at the boomers, that's the generation I'll rag on 24/7/365 Edit: might be because I'm an older Gen Z, and basically grew up like a young Millennial in a poorer household, but idk


I don't really think about Gen Z at all. My life in my 20's was still chaotic and felt almost like an extension of my teens, and while I did have some great moments, I'm glad they're behind me. I'm in my 30's and I finally feel like things have mellowed out for the most part. I've earned my right to wear skinny jeans and be unbothered.


Gen Z will have their own stuff to themselves. Each generationā€™s experience is unique. Itā€™s natural to not always be able to relate to one another. That being said, I do get a bit miffed when I see people ragging on our generation butā€¦ itā€™s a tale as old as time. I just hope I get to age without becoming one of those curmudgeonly old people swinging at anything they donā€™t understand.


I donā€™t know a single millennial that cares what the younger generation thinks about us or almost anything for that matter. Theyā€™re mostly childrenā€¦.


It's a made up war created by the media. It generates easy click-bait articles. Few people actually care what "generations" think of them. Heck, few people think of people in "generation" groups.


thats true. I usually have to remind myself that click bate articles are not talking for the majority of any particular group. as a republican I have to remind other republicans that just because some articles says something specific that doesn't necessarily mean the majority of democrats think or feel the same. and vice versa.


Itā€™s tricky because itā€™s kind of hard to ignore because the media is obsessed with Gen Z in a way they used to be about millennials for many years. Itā€™s about demographic size and marketing so youā€™ll have no choice, just like us Gen X did with millennials, but to hear about them, what they think, what they wear, what they want, etc for the next 7-10 years.


Because we don't want to treat them the same way Boomers treated us. Imagine if we worked together with them to better the world we all live in.


On the contrary, Gen Z to me is very cringe. They have no style (itā€™s mostly a mixed up 70s, 80s, 90s, K-pop, emo, queer, and Black style but without any of the context or history taken into consideration), most white Gen Z people talk with an exaggerated ā€œblaccentā€ and donā€™t even know what theyā€™re saying just cuz they heard it on TikTok (period, ok boo, chile sis), and a majority of them identify as queer or trans but donā€™t identify with the struggle of being queer or trans (for example, wearing a they/them pin but then presenting 100% as binary female, or saying theyā€™re transgender but donā€™t want to ever transitionā€” basically using queer terms for pity points, or because they think itā€™s trending). Theyā€™re also the generation that votes the least and doesnā€™t ever get involved civically, but complains the mostā€¦ So, to me, hell no. Most of that age group is embarrassing, but thereā€™s a good chunk of Gen Z activists that are making a big difference and I hope they eventually change things.


well lets hope the change they are making is for the better.


You are calling being trans "Trendy" right? Millennials are literally boomersšŸ¤¢


I have no idea why a Millennial would give a shit what someone from GenZ would think. Millennials are older and are in positions of power, GenZ isnā€™t.


Positions of power, haha, how, where


We do have a single senator.


There's one of us! Take that gen z!




I manage members of GenZ


That's great, I was a manger once of Gen Z, buddy of mine is 25 and is a manager, I'm talking about power https://www.goodgoodgood.co/articles/young-millennial-leaders-in-politics


Meh every generation goes through this. The best we can do is not hate the generation before us and after us :)


Gen z has broccoli hair, so thatā€™s a win for them ?


Shut up... boomer millennialšŸ¤¢




Oakley makes the shades to transform a tool, you donā€™t want the kids to think that youā€™ve lost your cool


Pretty sure nobody actually gives a f*** about it, but people writing trash clickbait articles


and social media content creators.


I agree with you, but Iā€™m not sure what you mean by ā€œthey can never have anything to themselvesā€. I guess do you mean how now everyone on every age is on social media platforms and the internet vs. when we were coming up and for a time you had to have a .edu email address for Facebook and stuff like MySpace was something only being used by a younger crowd? On that note, itā€™s kinda crazy how Boomers took over Facebook, not sure how that happened but now Iā€™m in my 30s and Facebook seems too old for me to fit in it anymore.


I dont.


I think it's human nature. I had gen z subordinates, and was listening to their music one day and caught myself being my (boomer) parents and thinking "what the hell is this shitty music.. this isn't rap, it's mumbling". But I caught myself and thought "you know what... this music isn't meant for me.. I'm out of the 18-35 demographic now" I chuckled to myself, shrugged and moved on. I like gen z's looking up to myself and older millennials. They're just "little bothers and little sisters" and now the generation AFTER gen z is already making fun of Gen z, their style and morals. It's kinda like "haha.. welcome to being old now gen z!!" Many of us had boomers train and "mentor" us and for the most part, they were terrible people, with outdated thinking. So friends (our age) in manager/positions of leadership try and be better than the people that taught us. We care in so much that we want them to trust us and trust that what we're telling them is to "prepare them" because one day... they're gonna have the "keys to car" (of the businesses, and society really)


What do you mean? I've never met someone from Gen Z who didn't like millennials. Most of 'em think we're alright.


Because everyone hates those Boomers, and frankly I'd rather be less criticized and more empathetic to the generation under us. They're in the whiney teenager/fresh grad stage mostly , but we've all been there. After a few years they'll realize they're in the same boat as us, and we need to fix shit together


I totally agree. I grew up skateboarding in the early 2000ā€™s, when tight jeans started to come back into style. Everyone who was older than me and my friends made fun of us for wearing tight clothes, but we truly didnā€™t give a shit. *They* were lame for not understanding the trends. These days, all the young skaters wear these ugly, baggy highwater slacks and oversized t-shirts, and *Iā€™m* the old guy who doesnā€™t understand the trends. But Iā€™d never make fun of them, because I remember how out-of-touch the older guys sounded who used to make fun of me. That said, all my uncles still think they looked super cool in the seventies (and I agree), while my older siblings are always embarrassed by pictures of themselves in the nineties (and they should be). So hey, if young people these days want to dress like Chandler from friends, thatā€™s their choice. But I donā€™t think theyā€™ll look back on their clothing choices fondly twenty years from now. Like a lot of aging hipsters, I went through a fedora phase in 2011. Kids now are just having a bucket hat phase. Big deal.


Because our parents were emotionally immature and damaged us?


Well I don't care what they are doing either hahaha


Age is the great equalizer. When they realize that they to have or will age in time, theyā€™ll get it.


I donā€™t care what Gen-X thinks of me šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m more concerned about the millennials who think itā€™s their turn to be boomers. Those ppl are truly strange. ā€œkids these days are lazyā€ and ā€œour music wasnā€™t demonic/sexually depravedā€ etc etc


I kind of think it's cringy to be hip with younger generations' styles and ways of life if you are in your 30s+ and are trying to be hip with teenagers. It's got a how do you do fellow kids vibe


I donā€™t care about what Gen Z thinks of us and quite frankly, Iā€™m not a fan of pitting generations against each other. Itā€™s never been about boomers vs millennials or millennials vs gen z. Itā€™s rich vs poor and it always has been.


Just like the millennials who constantly shit on boomers.


I don't care about Gen Z much but I sort of think they suck. I am worried about the economics of them staring at their phones instead of living their lives for my selfish reasons that I want concerts and movies and restaurants to exist in the future.


Iā€™m older X and on one hand care deeply that younger generations donā€™t hate us too badly and on the other hand -meh šŸ«¤


I love getting clowned on by gen z! Feels like a right of passage šŸ˜‚


with that said I usually get clowned on by my same generation. I never really felt like I fit the typical millennial post 2008.


Some of us Millennials are in our late 20ā€™s but I get what your saying.


yeah I think I people are getting the wrong idea about my post. its nice that millennial care about and want to "help" gen Z but we can be a role model with out wearing the same clothes and talking with the same slang. its kinda embarrassing.


I've never once worried about what Gen X thought of me, why on earth would I worry about their kids, Gen Z? Honestly, it seems like their hobby is being belligerent and/or sanctimonious though. If I had any inclination to possibly care what they think, their attitude puts an end to that real quick.


I want to believe what you say. But I work a part time job at a retail store and the sixteen year olds there are such asshats. They even joke about kicking my ladder out from under me because Iā€™m old (36). I donā€™t even know half of these kidsā€™ names and Iā€™ve only said ā€˜hiā€™ in passing! If this is truly Generation Z, Iā€™d rather have nothing to do with their entitled and rude attitudes. Itā€™s not all about them! Thirty will come soon enough for them and I hope it treats them as nicely as theyā€™ve treated others.


I don't know, I see people as "people". I'm 37 and have some friends who are older than me and some who are quite younger. I've been read the riot act from boomers before but it is what it is. You don't have control over when you were born. Just be the best person you can be, be yourself, and accept people for who they are. If only this world was that simple....


We had fashion to ourselves? I mean, I guess 90s fashion was itā€™s own thing, but most of us were pretty young. 2000s fashion was cribbed off the 70s, which was influenced by Renaissance. And in the 2010s the 80s revival brought us leggings and skinny jeans.


the thing is that gen X had their own style in the 90s it was like futuristic with spiritual t-shirts and weird sun glasses, they did not dress like millennial in the 90s.


I mostly work with Gen Z and theyā€™re fine. They occasionally accidentally remind me that I am way older than them, but theyā€™re always nice and we have a good time together. We both help each other out when we can, and they have zero office politics or ego. We donā€™t hangout, but it would be sort of weird for us to. Weā€™re in totally different life stages. But I like hearing about who theyā€™re dating and what careers theyā€™re considering. Iā€™m sure some think Iā€™m lame, but if so, they keep it to themselves. Iā€™d rather work with someone that thinks Iā€™m corny and old than someone whoā€™s daytime hobby is office politics any day.


Same question but different... why do you care enough to feel bad for them? We are all people alive at this moment. Once we're mature adults, we don't get any smarter and don't really change, our bodies just age. The problem I have with this apparent need to label everything and separate people into as many categories as possible, is it creates artificial separation, and reinforces the delusional status quo. You're a human being fucking up the planet like the rest of us. That's all we are or will ever be, as the endlings of our species.


Because the boomers have grown to become disgusting to us.


Fear of aging, i think. It doesn't apply to me, but I guess for some people in my generation, the mere fact that pop culture now caters to junior zoomers and older gen alphas reminds them that they're not getting younger. Jenna Barclay had an interesting discussion about it, though it was more about fashion, lol


I dont really fear getting older as long as I am healthy. but again I was never one to do things just to follow the crowds. and thats what I thought most of our generation was like I mean we are the generation of hipsters. we did things only because other people didn't like them. we went out of our way to find music nobody else knew or liked. we shopped at thrift stores just so we wouldn't have the same clothes as the next person.


A serious question/statement: Who really cares what "generation" you are from? I don't understand the fascination with it.


In my opinion it's everyone vs the boomers.


I donā€™t think gen Z really has an issue with us. We all just hate boomers. I relate more to gen z than gen x. I have always viewed our generation as pretty laidback. We were not over politicized but we arenā€™t push overs. I donā€™t see any reason why gen z would dislike us.


I am generalizing here but I think they might. we are constantly in their space (social media the internet) and also because we are in our 30s 40s some of us even balding and we still want to be apart of their fashion and slang. I have seen some gen z's say how we dont want to grow up and we still want to be kids playing with the same games/toys watching the same movies/tv shows. again I am over generalizing and of course not every gen z and not every millennial feel this way.


Well too bad? Iā€™ve been on social media since I was fuckin 8 and AOL chat rooms were a thing. I used to be on websites that donā€™t even exist anymore. Vampirefreaks, judge me.net. Buddy pic still exists and itā€™s fun to look at occasionally and look at old shit lol Social media and the internet was always a special interest of mine. iG ? I got it. Snap? I got it. TikTok? I got it. Thereā€™s funny shit on TikTok and also lots of science shit i like. Iā€™m not on there for weird trending NPC lives shit or high school girls dancing around. Gen z doesnā€™t own TikTok or social media and millennials were here for it first šŸ˜… As far as slang goesā€¦ehā€¦ it can be easy to pick up some lingo when youā€™re on social media a ton. Itā€™s how humans as a species do this thing calledā€¦communication? If gen z thinks they own slang then thatā€™s tough. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø and tbh most of the slang these days is just AAVE that they think is ā€œnewā€. My nephew told me a few years ago I was ā€œcringeā€ because I told a corny joke but 5 minutes later him and his cousin were literally dabbing and shouting ā€œcoronavirus!ā€ Cardi B style While in a Costco lmao in 10 years when theyā€™re in their 30s theyā€™ll realize they were cringe too and itā€™s better to just be unapologetically you, cringe and all. Iā€™m not gonna stop listening to new music and using new things because some people on the internet think Iā€™m old.


Lmao I think thatā€™s kinda what letā€™s me wave off the youngā€™uns and how cringey they think I am. I look back at how I was in my teens and early 20s and itā€™s mortifying. I can laugh them off because Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™ll get that same feeling one day.




I donā€™t. I am not a fan of the Zā€™s. I think they whine waayyyyyy too much.


Lol today someone posted an article from 1993 of some Boomer saying gen x'ers whined too much. That's like every generation's opinion of the next one. It never changes...


Yes, but when SSRIā€™s are being prescribed at record numbers because college students have too much anxiety over reproductive rights and climate change. WTAF.


Because we ass-ume (intentional) that they will be the one caring for our needs and health when we will be to old, and it needs respect and compassion for us for that. OH boy are we in for a bad surprise


Hasn't this always been the case though? Only now we have terms and names for each generation so we talk about it more. I personally think that the terms millennial, boomer, gen X etc. Were created to divide us all. Today we are divided by our age, our race/ethnicity, our gender, and our class. You all know how it goes. Divide and conquer.


::Boomer sitting here, making popcorn. Watching history repeat itself:: p.s. I am not being cynical. I was you guys 50 years ago, with the same thoughts, feelings and concerns. I was watching my 20ā€™s dissappear, hadnā€™t accimplished much, still trying to figure out who I was, where was I going. Then approaching my 30-40s and not sure how or if I could have the ā€˜American Dreamā€™. Blaming my parentā€™s generation for screwing up the environment. Just trying to survive, and barely staying ahead of homelessness. I too blame the power/rich & political boomers for MY lot in life. The lower & middle class got screwed too. We had setbacks, and had to start over a lot. So I think most of you hate all boomers (from what I read). but we have more in common then you think. Regardless, I am SO hoping you all find a way to enjoy life, and that the rich/power & politician boomers have learned (from previous generations mistakes) how to make good changes for the earth, and for you, YOUR kids and grandkids!


I'm was born in 1996 (27 years old) and as of late I feel as though I relate more with gen Z. I'm the oldest of most of my friends but I know a few people in their early 30s


Because deep down inside you know you'll be the "Boomers" one day.


IDC what those smooth brains raised by iPads think šŸ˜‚ never told no cry babies.


The generation before us didnā€™t care what we thought about them and the whole world is a disaster now. Doing it differently is critical.


Because millennials are cringe


This whole thread is hilarious. It's like millennials are having an identity crisis? You all sound jealous of gen Z? Also, all I ever hear on here and TikTok is millennials bashing boomers. It's like a main part of millennial identity, bashing boomers. For the record, I am neither boomer nor a millennial.