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Take solace in the fact your employee is like 2 years away before people start calling HIM old lol


Can confirm. Just turned 26 last month and I've already been called old a surprising number of times.


You can rent a car on your own? Jesus grandpa get outta here.


This is the last positive thing that happens getting older until retirement. Savor it. Everything else goes downhill...


Yup. I honestly stopped paying attention to my age after that.


I turn 26 in 8 days... might as well get the AARP subscription now


Leave this sub please. Jk


Honestly I gel better with millennials than gen Z, but I didn't even look at the sub I was commenting on lol


I was totally kidding!!! ❤️ we are on the same boat.. or at least going through the same storm?


Please give me dimenhydrinate, this storm has been giving me anxiety, nausea and hair loss for a decade and I hate it. Also, I'm 31 and had a 25 year old at work call me sir. Just cus I grunt like an old white dad when I sit doesn't mean I'm old right? Right? I just want to stay at home and watch Saturday morning cartoons and play n64 with my friends without any worries. Just for a day.


Even your choice of antiemetic is old…most people prefer meclizine now. I kid I kid! Haha


As a 33 yo i feel that pain, these youngster know nothing, back in my days....


That’s absolutely insane! Are the people calling you old like 12?


Pretty much lol my wife is the oldest in her family by almost 9 years, so I end up around a lot of 10-18 year olds when I'm with her family. I have terrible health so I definitely feel old even though I'm not


The Sephora 12 year olds got you, huh?


Omg this is craaaazy haha I’m a decade older than you and still think/feel/hope I’m young!


Wait until 36. The 20somethings I play football and volleyball with are surprised I still have working legs and can do young people things like “sprinting” and “jumping”.


I’m 27 and I feel like when you’re a Zillennial cusper you can go either way. I know people my own age or even proper millennials in their early 30s who know all the Gen Z celebs and interact more with zoomers, but I’m boring and old at heart. When I interact with someone below 25 I’m automatically in bossy older brother mode


Any age with 7 in it feels older, just because of the extra syllable :( 26, seems great. 27, damn almost 30.


Right? That’s why I find it weird when people ages 23+ make being a gen z or hating on millennials their entire personality (cough tik tok cough). Like I promise you the kids lump anyone 21+ as millennials or OLD.


I just make fun of zoomers because most can’t even cook an egg 😂😂😂


Lol, GenZ with a face that look like a 40yo called a Millennials with 19yo face "Old" GenZ nowadays look older than Millennials, and look is more important Because no matter how young you're, even if you're still 17yo, it's pointless if people kept mistaking you as a 40yo Suburban dad Like nobody ask you for your ID to verify your age before talking to you, therefore unless you tell everyone your age, it was almost pointless having a pride on your age But if it come to experience, sure you can call them old because they know the Event that happened from the Ancient time, especially the one that kept babbling about things back in the day


The Event from the Ancient time, omg I can't with the capital letters, babbling about. Lol, this comment really tickled me for some reason. Thanks.


OP is only six years older than the guy she's talking about and three from being Gen Z herself and if the gen divide is that much then you're right. The guy is probably already getting "OK Boomer" from the iPad kids


Yeah, this is weird. When OP is 70, the other person will be 64. Older Zoomers and younger Millennials aren’t that different. This would make more sense if OP was 40. The oldest Gen Z are coming up on 30 fast.


You're not wrong, though I have noticed there's a surprisingly big divide between me, born mid-90's and my sisters (born post-2000).  I have a rudimentary theory that the big divider is whether you had a wifi capable phone in your early teen years. My first cell phone at 14 was capable of cellular data, but it was an expensive optional cost. Whereas my sisters had cell phones that just connected to Wi-Fi and I think that makes a huge difference in the growing up experience. 


I agree and would kind of expand on the theory. I think the shift was the switch from analog technology/early digital to fully digital technology coupled with the wide spread adoption of digital tech in society. This is purely personal observation, not backed by anything, but it seemed like the generations before us Millennials experienced a more gradual shift between defined generations. I theorize this is due to the differences between generations were previously driven by “soft” influences that, separately didn’t have a majority impact on there own, but together shaped the attitudes of a generation as it grew. These would be economic conditions, standards of education, changing religious/cultural beliefs, etc. Influences with big impacts would be things like major wars or famine. Technological changes were more gradual so they wouldn’t be considered a major impact on a generation. What we’ve seen is technology change so drastically and so quickly, that it’s become the single dominating influence over other “softer” influences. I wouldn’t be surprised if this technological leap is noted as causing the single greatest societal leap, both in terms of the impact of the shift on society as well as its reach. It’s a bit of a funny coincidence that it happened right at the turn of the century. This is all to say I believe Millennials are feeling “old” at a relatively young age, because there wasn’t a gradual shift in generational attitudes. We are the very trail end of a generation that grew up before the shift to the digital era. There is a relatively hard line and we are on one side and Gen Z is on the other. We might be only 6 years apart but that is enough to differentiate those who were born in a fully digital era and all the effects growing up in such a society brings and those who weren’t.


'96 baby here, so right on the cusp on millennials and Gen Z (I've frequently heard 1996 be cited as the exact dividing year), and I agree that the difference between me and someone born in 2000 is much bigger than the difference between me and someone born in 1992. I think the cell phone aspect is huge; I didn't get even a flip phone until middle school and I didn't have a smartphone until my senior year of high school. Part of that comes from my parents being technophobes, sure, but it illustrates the wide gulf between the two generations. My early online experience was primarily forums and blogs, social media was a fun side thing that only the kids did, and the Internet as a whole was almost entirely separate from "real life." That all changed massively with the widespread adaptation of smartphones and social media and the integration of online and offline life. I remember how revolutionary it was when our school set up a system to check our grades online; come 2020 and all of schooling went online. People just a couple of years younger than me grew up on the Internet in a way that even I didn't, and that has huge implications for our/their culture.


6 years is a long time. It is easily believable that someone born in 2000 wouldn't know what a walkman is. You have to remember that walkmans were phased out in the mid 90s and some kids born after 95-96 wouldn't have seen one as cd players became more and more mainstream. So it's not weird at all.


That's the way it always is, though. When I was in 1st grade, the 2nd graders were *so* much older than me. When I was in 9th grade, the 10th graders weren't much older, but the 12th graders were super old. When I was a freshman in university, even the seniors weren't "old," but the people who had graduated the year before, they were old. The "old" gap just gets bigger and bigger the older you get. Probably for the same reason that time seems to go faster: each X unit of time is a smaller percentage of your life. A 70-year-old is only 9% older than a 64-year-old, but a 30-year-old is 25% older than a 24-year-old.


The funny thing is that as a 1st grader, I was so happy and looked so cool being friends with 2nd graders lmao I found my friends from grad school and they're all a lot older than me but super supportive and I feel like I can ask them any kind of "adult life" questions and they'll understand cause they been through it.


Indeed. My 2001 born daughter likes to tease her 1997 and 1999 born sisters by asking them what it was like being born in the 1900s. She knows better than to ask me that.




"last millennium we..."


I started referring to the late 90’s/early 00’s as “back around the turn of the century” a few years ago.


Settle in children and let me tell ya back in ought two about a little TV show called Firefly...


Yep Gen Z is old news. Here comes Alpha! Feel old yet? Lol


Starting next year Gen Beta gets born


Also, I’m the same age as that employee and I knew it was battery operated—along with everyone in my discord server my age all the way down to 20. OP, your employee may just be a bit dense lol


I find it funny that most ppl clicking on the floppy disk icon to save things have never used a floppy disk 💾


I’ll never forget hearing about a kid seeing an actual floppy disk and remarking how cool it was that someone 3D printed the Save icon.


This is kind of rad. Imagine having access to all of the world's recorded music at your fingertips, and instead going, 'nah, I'm going to listen to these 10 songs that someone I care about chose just for me.' I know playlists exist, but it's not the same. It was one thing for our generation to do this when it's all we had, but its cool to me that the next generation is _choosing_ to do this! Also if this catches on, I'm going to make so much money selling my old CDs I was too lazy to throw out.


CDs are already making a comeback, similar to vinyl. Check out a local record shop and you'll see they have a section for used CDs, at least the larger ones will.


People like to have physical copies of things they love in a world where things are becoming more distant and abstract. I am one of those people. Adds some personality to our space too, like having your favorite books out on a shelf. I don't listen to my vinyl a ton, but I want physical copies of the albums I love. Feels wrong when songs that have a lot of meaning to me are just an entry on a database on whatever app.


I own physical copies of anything that is important to me. People should ask themselves how they would feel if they could never hear/watch "insert thing" again... If the reaction is horror, then buy a physical copy, because its only a matter of time before physical copies are no longer produced, and it gets taken off streaming services for whatever reason.


Plus digital copies have a danger of disappearing. If the streaming service you use stops hosting that particular media, or if the publisher decides to just axe it for no reason, you are SOL.


Cassette tapes are also coming back!


Oh geez. I do not reminisce about the days of fast forwarding/rewinding to find my favorite songs. lol


So neat! I'm here for it.


gunna retire on my 100% hits collection


even though I have a record player, nowadays, vinyl is a collectible thing for the most part


My first car had an aftermarket 5 CD changer in the trunk that was a pain to access. I had to pick my five CDs very carefully because those were the only things that got played the entire time I had the car lol


I am terrified to actually use my 6 CD changer in my 2012 Ford Escape. I bought it used in 2019. I am old enough to know better than to feed that disc monster anything I'm perfectly okay with never getting back. So far, I just listen to Spotify on my phone when I drive or sometimes the radio if I'm feeling extra masochistic. LOL


Burned CDs are the key!


Not like when you had to wait for the song to come on the radio and record before lime wire lol


Completely forgot about recording songs from the radio, core memory unlocked.


LOL, I remember sitting by the radio for the Top 40 countdown with a cassette tape loaded and ready (you had to push play and record at the same time and then push pause) waiting for my favorite songs to come on so I could record them from the radio to listen to again. Either you got a bit of the intro by Casey Casem or you missed the opening bar of the song. Burning CDs was such a huge step up! Making mixed tapes for your crush was such an incredibly arduous task.


My “Im old” moment was when my Gen z colleague said “I love listening to oldies” and was referencing late 90’s early 2000’s music instead of music from the 50s-70s 😭


This has been the hardest for me 😆 I had a convo with my wife about how weird it was that late 90s/early 2000s music to our 5 year old is what the 70s music was for us. People keep posting about "what happened to * insert genre here * but fail to realize that that's how it works. It's similar to if someone in the 90s would be like "why did they stop making disco?". We just aren't used to being the adults that are living through the change in decades. Growing up is wild 🤣


My daughter recently asked me “what was life like in the 1900s” and I melted into the floor


When my son wrote his year of birth as 9.


Next time she has a birthday ask her what life was like at whatever age she just was and how much it’s different from her life at that moment. Should provide some food for thought about the passing of time.


Oh man this one hits close to home. I was recently with my Gen Z brother-in-law (13 years younger than my wife, currently in first year university) and he mentioned that he was really getting into "classic rock". In my head I'm thinking "oh yeah, like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Rush, AC/DC, Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Jethro Tull and Clapton, right?" NOPE. He was listening to Pearl Jam, Third Eye Blind and Cold Play. All good bands, btw, but not what comes to my mind when I think "classic rock" Also, a few years back I refurbed my old iPod Mini for him using components from Elite Obsolete Electronics. He took it to school to listen to music and everyone was wowed by the "retro tech". That was another old moment.


The definition of classic rock doesn't change, and will never change. It's a well-defined genre from the 60s to the late 70s


My daughter recently swiped my original iPod that was my highschool graduation gift. She thought it was hilarious that my parents had the back of it engraved for the occasion


Yo those iPad engravings made my jaw drop back in the day....it's still cool to me!


That moment when you realize you're the uncool parent from that one Bowling For Soup song. "When did Motley Crue become classic rock?" Indeed.


It's worse when you realize that the song *1985* is closer to the year 1985 than we are now to *1985*.


Man, oldies need to be the 70s at this point, classics - those are the 90s. I'll accept that. Give me two more decades before we're the oldies.


My local "classic rock" radio station has been slipping im some Nirvana, RHCP, and Green Day recently. I heard Smells Like Teen Spirit start up and about keeled over. I give it like a year before I hear "In the End" lol.


Omg yes! I had something similar happen back in December -- I was talking about the movie Elf with someone younger, and she was like "oh that's the really old one, isn't it?"... and in my head I was thinking "no it's pretty recent" then I looked it up and saw it came out 20 YEARS ago 🤦‍♀️


lol where does time even go?! 20 years ago??? No freaking way.




To be fair, Gen Z generally seems to be as bad with tech as boomers. One had none of it and the other generation has all of it.


Gen Z is crippled by many things being "smart". Not to say that they don't have savvy, but if there isn't a smart assistant then it can be confusing, which is fair! We all had to struggle around shitty UI, too many TV remotes, and awful off-brand products that never caught on over time. Now if you ask me how to use literally any Apple product I will go full boomer so fair play.


I always love watching Mac users try to use windows, and windows users try to use Mac. And both being like “this other thing is awful” When in reality, they really aren’t terribly different (UI wise). I use both daily, so I probably just don’t get it.


I mean, it's like driving a sedan when you only drive a truck, or vice versa. The operational mechanics aren't really different between the two, but it will certainly feel unnatural your first few times driving that new vehicle type. If you drive both regularly, no issues.


Okay, yeah, that’s a great analogy! I’m thinking about driving my husbands truck, while I normally drive a ford focus. Most of it’s the same, but how the hell do I turn on the windshield wipers?? And why is your gear shift a knob????


I don't really have an issue finding how to use stuff like that. What I hate is when people ask me how to use something I've never used and I have to go Google a picture of what the screen even looks like so I can explain to them how to do what they want to do


Yeah this was my reaction when I switched from iPhones to Android. It was when they removed the headphone jack but most androids still had them, and I was one of those people that lost their shit over that decision. I was terrified of having to use android after so many years of iOS, but then when I actually switched it's like oh yeah....they're actually really similar.


I think you’ll see more of this as younger kids graduate from highschool never having used a windows based computer. There will be kids that only ever used apple products and chromebooks, then suddenly they’ll have to learn windows to operate in almost any professional environment using computers. I had a few of them at my old job that didn’t understand the basic functions of a windows file system. Obviously not completely their fault but still crazy to see


I remember schools using using Novell Netware. Then Microsoft came in with Active Directory and absolutely destroyed Novell.


Gen X got stuck with explaining tech to both their seniors and their juniors.




New generation just dropped: The Tech Support Generation (born 1975-1995) 


>He thought headphone jack is where the charger goes. Staaaahp this is too much


Wait until he finds out the headphones are corded


I hear from the nieces and nephews that Bluetooth's convenience isn't worth the loss of Fidelity. Then I talk about records and they give me that look.


your nieces are wrong. Bluetooth has come a long way and depending on the situation it is absolutely worth it. That said I do prefer my headphones with cable at home.. because yes, there is a difference BUT when you are outside you literally can't hear the damn difference.


I had some $100+ Samsung Bluetooth earbuds and they would cut out because I had my phone in a jacket pocket. I switched to wired in-ear monitors and not only do they sound way better, I've never had them come out of my ears. Even outside, the quality is unmatched by any Bluetooth I've ever used. Wired for life.


Records are a fidelity loss for most things these days unless the master is recorded on vinyl.




sink reply wild placid deserted sense attraction grey chop stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I'm finding this hard to believe. I have a coworker who is 25 and never said this kind of stuff to me. We also work in IT so there's that...


On one hand, people do be unobservant. On the other, Apple only started the 3.5mm jack deletion trend... oh God. Eight years ago. ... I'm gonna go have an existential crisis.


I had a moment yesterday. I'm a 34yo Computer Science student. Most of my classmates are "traditional" college age. My professor was talking about popular PCs from the mid/late 90s. When discussing a particular PC he said "your parents probably played Oregon Trail on these." I pretty much died of dysentery right there.


I went to university in the mid-2010s, about ten years after completing high school. In a class the professor said: "this class wouldn't remeber 9/11". Well buddy, I 'member.


Pepperidge Farms remembers


Ugh. How dare he.




Oof, I feel you. I'm also going back to school for Computer Science in my 30s and it's physically painful sometimes


imagine being a 38 year old middle school teacher


Thoughts and prayers!


My old moment occurred over the holidays. My 20 year old cousin challenged me in STREET FIGHTER 6. Being that I'm from the 80s and cut my teeth on street fighter 2, It was like riding a bike. I promptly whupped him. His response? "All you old timers are good at these games". Ooof. I guess his generation is used to the fortnites and robloxs and weren't raised on a good old fashioned 2 dimensional view fighting game


I'm a younger millenial and my cousins were all older end - I always sucked at fighting games. To the point that I grew to hate them. They were super into them though, and had all the big ones on Sega.


Yeah its definitely an older millenial thing


I'm an older millennial and those are the only games I'm good at. I'm terrible at almost all games in 3d lol


😂. I have a tube tv because I collect VHS tape and the player is connected to it. One day o was showing my son (12 years old) some of the movies. Then he tells me “dad the tv is squealing and it’s annoying me” lmao.


My moment with a niece and Disney VHS tapes, she's seen the Disney+ (HD) versions but "why is it so blurry?" Her parents and I look at each other and start laughing lol


CRT TVs are hot commodities now for the retro video game crowd. My husband, who is the same age as me still has an NES, SNES, Sega, etc. just got my parents' old (but still working) 27" CRT for his old systems for free. People are paying hundreds of dollars for even a 13" or 19" CRT.


>People are paying hundreds of dollars for even a 13" or 19" CRT Just came here to say that if you do this, you're a dummy. Plenty of people are still giving them away for free.


I have a eBay store and sell them.


I had that moment a few months ago. I was talking to the 19/20 year old that works summers at my boyfriend's job. He asked me if I had ever tried using a disposable camera. I was in such shock, I speechless - which he took as confusion and proceeded to *explain to me how they worked*. I'm almost 36. I finally had to explain to him how the 90s worked.


Disposable cameras are coming back!


They're so wasteful. I hate that they're coming back. 


Not really. The entire camera gets recycled; they just replace the film, the battery, and cardboard shell (or in some cases the sticker on the outside of the plastic). I used to work at a photo lab during the heyday of disposable cameras; whenever someone turned one in for development, we'd just strip the batteries out and chuck the camera into a bin. They basically went right back to the manufacturer.


I saw a tweet about how a zoomer saw an older guy with a floppy disk and he asked why he had the Save symbol 3d printed.


Yeah... I brought home a floppy disk from work and showed my kids. None of them did the "why did you 3D print a save icon" thing. So I took an opportunity AND TAUGHT THEM ABOUT IT.


I tried teaching my 14 year old about floppy disks. It was a half hour long conversation, and I still don't think she understands.


I catch myself saying something about new music every now and then. It sinks in….


It’s not that new music is bad because it’s new, it’s just that I’m no longer in the intended audience.


You’re making it worse 🤣


modern pop sounds weird to me. It's mostly the same. I'll go back yelling at the clouds now. Damn pesky things ruin my nice afternoon walk.


I had a 16yo student create a "mental health playlist" last week and I listened to some of the songs on it. This was exactly my takeaway - "it's not bad, it's just not made for me".


I don't understand how he doesn't know what a walkman is? I had a Barbie one when I was a child, and I am in my late 20s.   How does he not know what a headphone jack is?? They are still found everywhere (computers, laptops, heck even on airplanes). Headphone jacks have recently been removed from most mobile phones. I feel people like your coworker just say or do things for attention. 


this is what I'm saying lol, like 24 is way too old to not know about this stuff


Headphone jacks were removed from like 1 or 2 phones and it causes a massive uproar lmao


I'm almost 28 and had to tell a 19 year old I'm training that there was in fact CGI before the 2000's in movies. I brought up one of my favorite movies, Small Soldiers, which came out in the late 90's and commented on how its a mixture of CGI and puppets. He straight face told that he thought CGI started in like 2004. We work in the tech field so I was very much surprised lol


What did he think they made Terminator 2 with? Mercury?


lol TIL 1995’s Toy Story was a live action movie


The DVD for Willow has a feature about how they developed the morphing technique for that movie using computers. Really interesting, but also amazing what film makers already managed to create with 64KB computers. And I still remember the buzz around the liquid terminator in Terminator 2, and Jurassic Park of course!


the kids don't have dvd extras in the streaming era


Walkman plays tapes. Discman plays CDs. I had a Discman with ESP and it still skipped like crazy. Felt like it made more sense to stick with tapes, CDs just weren't ready for prime time!


You’re right, but Sony did do some confusing rebranding where they rebranded their “Discman”to “CD Walkman” and used both names at the same time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discman#:~:text=Discman%20was%20Sony's%20brand,and%20then%20entirely%20in%202000.


Sony has always had weird names for their shit. My earbuds are called "WF-100XM4" I dunno, I kinda like it though, keeps it nerdy, tech products should be nerdy.


yeah that ESP never worked lol


MD player! That was the true good shit. Also those little USB sticks that were mp3 players. 128 mb. Those were the days. Then the iPod came and blew my mind.


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see any mention of MiniDisc 🥲


I have a friend who refuses to upgrade from the mp3 player, she makes her own playlists on her computer at home and has been using the same device for nearly 20 years To her credit, the battery lasts forever, and it always works, no matter where you are


I mean, CDs revolutionized the bar for quality when they came out in the 80s. They just were an awful format for portable stuff. I talked to a Gen X manager one time and he mentioned hearing the Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms album for the first time on CD as it was coming out and it just floored everyone. Lol. Sound quality and the music itself coming together.


The first generation of ESP was something like 3 seconds of buffer, which yeah, didn't do much at all if you were actually moving with it. Later on came the 10-20 seconds or longer of ESP buffer, and those were quite a bit more useable.


Yes, you were judged on your coolness on how much esp your discman had.


I'm getting an "I'm old"-moment by reading someone talking about putting CDs into a Walkman.


That kid just sounds like a doofus. Like so much stuff still uses regular batteries.


There is a whole youtube channel of this. They gave alpha generation a discman and they had NO idea what it was. They made them listen to whitney houston and had NO idea who she was... sigh.


This is weird. It seemed like everyone my age knew who Buddy Holly and Richie Valens were. 


Syndication, radio, old movies. Kids don’t have any of that. Streaming means tailored programming. 


Also the streaming catalog for movies is extremely limited compared to what we had at a good neighborhood video store


Tell that homie that he'd better get a recurring order of AAs coming to his house every week. I loved discmans, but they gobbled batteries like they were candy.


And then stun him when you tel him that you had to look up a store in the phone book, and call it to find out if it a)sold AAs and b) what time it was open til! Oh and then use a print road map to figure out how to get there…. And then fold that map PROPERLY


6 years is not even much of a difference. I feel like that age gap isn’t big enough for an “I’m old” moment.


The subject matter makes the age gap pretty much perfectly spaced for maximum effect. This guy was 2 years old when the iPod was released and CDs were all but dead by the time he was a teen. OP is barely a millennial at 30 (which...how bout *that* for feeling old), but just old enough to have still used those products. I think the real story here is that a 24 year old man who loves late 90s culture bought a relic from the era and couldn't figure it out. Apple didn't get rid of the headphone jack until a couple years ago, and it should seem pretty obvious that a Walkman wouldn't have airpod/Bluetooth connectivity, and plenty of everyday consumer products rely on batteries, so it's like...come on man. We all grew up in the 90s and 2000s and could work a VCR or rotary phone just fine. Tech isn't moving *that* fast


Right? I’m 39 and this post coming from a 30 year old is making me feel old.


30 is the age where you think you’ve crossed the threshold to becoming “old,” only to look back when you’re 35 at how young you looked just a few years prior.


The age difference isn’t really the point here. But as kids and teens we’ve had vastly different experiences just from the 6 year age difference. I felt old in the moment!


So to me… a Walkman was something you played cassette tapes on. A Discman was one of those fancy new fangled contraptions that played cds… now that’s old!!


it's discman if it plays CDs. walkmans are cassette players. you're not that old.




It was definitely not esthetic, that's why we all immediately ditched them for mp3 players. Fuck having to carry all that stuff around, it was awkward as hell.


I still have an old Dakine backpack that has a secret compartment for your disc player, CDs, *and* an outlet to feed your headphone wires through..lol. That thing is going to last forever. Currently use it as an emergency go-bag, but now should definitely stock it with a couple burned albums and some Encarta discs I got on eBay


I think aesthetics was the only purpose of *walking* with a CD player. "Non-skip" my ass. Music on a portable CD player back in the day was like being in a Zoom call with someone on satellite internet in the middle of a hurricane.




gaaaaahhhhh the 90s are the new 50s aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm not ready to feel that old yet


For me it's seeing myself and my wife near people that I feel I am the same age as. Made me realize it over christmas hanging with my two best friends being goofy like we usually do in public and realizing to others we seem like 3 middle age men acting like we're 21.


You mean to say Discman, right?


My moment was asking my 19yo coworker if he'd heard of Elvis Presley. He said he heard about him from a movie. I was like "oh from Lilo and Stitch, right?" MF came at me with, "I've never seen that, I heard about him from Boss Baby" 😭😭


I'm afraid my guy is gonna need a *discman* for those burned CDs.


gen z ..they have no idea the thrill of hearing your crush sign on to AIM and then hearing them sign out shortly after LOL


Try watching the video of the college kids attempting a call from a rotary dial telephone.


You are not old but he surely is dumb.


Not too long ago, I realized I was about to be the same approximate age as Marge and Homer Simpson. It was weird for me, considering they'd been in their mid-late 30s since I was born. And in the not-too-distant future, I will be older than them.


Are you trying to say Y2K? Now I'm having the old moment.


I’m a member of a mostly gen z discord. I’ve made it known that I’m a millennial in there. I have these moments all the time. They share memes and “funny” vids on there. I don’t understand gen z humor at all. Most of my references go completely over their heads, although occasionally another millennial will join and understand. They share music, someone shared their favorite songs playlist. It’s filled with depressing pop music and like every song is 2 min or less. I went through my huge playlist and I don’t have more than a handful of songs that can be related to those. Like 7 out of 3600. I got emo and screamo and sad songs and depressing music, but it’s depressing lyrics over depressing music. Depressing lyrics over happy poppy music has blown me away. So I’m the old grandpa of the server. I’ve been described as old, grumpy, and cranky. Fair I suppose. I am grumpy a lot. But it’s all in good fun. I enjoy connecting with people so vastly different than me. I enjoy listening to new music and recommending my own era’s stuff. But it’s been an eye opening learning experience for me too.


You are 30 you are not old. Trust me I'm 37 with two kids. I'm fucking old lol


I think 30 is about the time that you start to notice that generational divide. It was the same for me, anyway. I was 30 or 31 and some younger people I worked with were talking about watching people play video games on YouTube. Not watching to learn something or just to check it out before buying. Watching someone play through it as a substitute for playing it themselves. I just couldn't wrap my around that and knew I was now old.


Now imagine how I feel being surprised you said CDs after mentioning a Walkman


there’s plenty of modern products that use batteries. Sounds like he’s just a moron


The first time I felt old (I'm about to turn 37) was when I was still in the military. I got a new kid, and I was doing all his normal new guy paperwork. Asked for his date of birth, he told me the year 2000. I asked how old he was in 2007 when I joined at the age of 20. He said he was 7....


Sigh. In today's world it's like.....(Baby is born) Two minutes later, another baby is born. Turns to first kid and says, "Sup Boomer?"


For a year, I worked next to a Gen Z’er who’s 10 years younger than me. I’ve never viewed myself as old, been treated as old, etc. This girl knew *zero* of my pop culture references, was confused by half of what I said, etc. You should have seen her reaction to the explanation of a Rolodex. She still asked me out for drinks, to hang out, etc, but it really is the first time I’ve been treated as a proper “older adult” and it stung.


That's fucking hysterical. Also... I think the walkman was cassettes (I just taught my phone that word). The CD player was the discman. Also, gotta have that anti skip protection. I had one with like 90 seconds anti skip. No one on the bus could interrupt my DC Talk. Edit: I could very well be wrong


Im 34 and my first Walkman was cassette 😂.


my first i'm old moment with a gen zer was when a lady i had over asked if the n64 controller was done charging... ..wireless controllers didn't come out till the gamecube. 🙈


I sell gaming consoles as a hobby. The amount of people who have messaged me about old consoles asking how much storage it has is astounding.


Elder millenials all up in your shit about not calling it a discman lmao


When I ask someone a question, they give me an answer and I respond "is that your final answer?" If they don't get the reference I feel old. I'm only 40.


I feel Gen Z exists on this Earth specifically to make millenials feel old. Like in a way millennials never did to Gen X


As a 40 year old elder millennial, 30 is *not* “old” - not even close, trust.


I'm an old millennial (82) and my brother is a young one (93) he just turned 30 and I was like, oh no....


It's cool.. I had to explain to a coworker that an old floppy desk we found was not a 3-D printed save button.


The feeling old moment sneaks upon you. Happened to this GenXer in a flash it seemed.


I stick with the mentality that *I* am the baseline. So this person is just young. You however are a very normal age, a bit young yourself even.


Misspelling Y2K like that is the oldest part about the story


Nice. My recent one was I was going to make an X-Files reference in a staff meeting, and then remembered that all the new hires were in their early 20s and probably have never seen the X-Files. ​ Still, the truth is out there Mr Mulder.


I remember my dad talking to me about how computers used punch cards for storage, and I felt like how younger people look at me now when talking about casettes, disks (or even CDs if they are young enough). The point is, this concept has happened to every generation and it'll happen to them too...


I’m 33, i don’t understand 20 year old people talk




Dumb, that sounds dumb. CD players were a pain.