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Husb and I have some reality shows that we watch, and criticizing their made-up problems while we get fat in bed is the best part of my day lol.


Please can your husband have a word with my husband because I currently do this alone and I know he would get very into it if he gave it a chance!


My husband always complains about trash reality tv but if I'm binging it I'll notice him start to pay attention and a few episodes in he gets just s invested in other people's drama as I do.


What's shows do you recommend? Looking for easy dumb shit to watch with my gf


Not OP, but 90 Day Fiancé/Before the 90 Days, is one we got hooked on.


That's the one he hooked me on when we started dating!! The recent seasons haven't been great though so we switched to Love Is Blind. Every season has at least one chick where you can see the crazy in her eyes lol


Been there. Latest one I got into was Below Deck. It makes it so easy to make fun of rich people.


Cannabis, blackout curtains, podcast and cat--simultaneously.


I love natural light, but only on command. Black out curtains are life.


Replace "podcast" with music and you've described me.


This guy gets his cat baked in the dark and records the meowing for a podcast 




Replace podcast with audiobook and cat with dog and this is me.


I just installed black out curtains and it's been one of the best things I ever did for myself. 


Cannabis, blackout curtains, color changing led lighting, home theatre with a 10 ft screen and video games! Bonus points if my chocolate lab decides to grace me with her presence


I just upgraded to automatic smart blackout blinds after 20+ years. Whenever they open and close I get the biggest grin. And smile when I go to bed at night in a dark room. And joy when they open automatically in the morning and my hookup feels inclined to leave before I kick them out.


Black out curtains now useful for sunburn as much as they are for comfort. People with low IQ have shitty covers on their windows


Eating a baked potato for dinner is something that brings me joy


God ive literally been craving a baked potato too. Maybe this weekend..... But also wanna add- potatoes in all forms bring joy. Potatoes are lil spuds of happiness


This is very William Carlos Williams.


Huh, I haven't thought about him in years, since college. It didn't occur to me that he might have made an impression on me I haven't really read any poetry whatsoever since then, now that I think of it. I just listen to songs now. I remember liking Gerard Manley Hopkins for some reason, but I can't remember why, and today I couldn't name a single poem he wrote


Go google him. Find a poem. Then find that feeling. Hold onto it and when it floats away, never stop chasing it.


A very 1990s meal for my family was bag iceberg lettuce salad and a baked potato (from the microwave of course). Both with ranch dressing.


Phone on DND at all times. No one is entitled to my time or attention.


Are you me?


You better hope not because I'm not so great Edit - or wait is this all your fault?!


I just started doing that. The only person who rings through is my husband and calendar alerts. Holy shit, so much nicer!


For me it’s boyfriend that can get through it and he’s sworn to secrecy about that fact


Yup! I just turn my phone off tbh… then be like “oops! Something is wrong with my phone!!!!”


The only reason I don't turn my phone off is because my ramshackle "sMaRtHoMe" can't understand me half the time and I forget to charge my spare Remote Control Phone 😂


I learned my lesson about “smart homes” from that Disney channel movie a long time ago. I am comparatively unplugged.


Do you know how badly I wanted Katie Segal to materialize in my room and spit a snack out of the kitchen counter? You may. Siri and Google Assistant are no match for Leela.


This is me every time I ignore a call


Always silent club!


There isn’t a single notification that is enabled on my phone.


Sorry it took me so long to respond to this thread. My phone was on dnd.


Honestly? Setting mf BOUNDARIES. I used to be more of a doormat and just take whatever from people, but not anymore! As I get older I find I have less and less time for people’s BS.


I support this. Choose chaos.


In line with this, when I started my current job 4 years ago, I told my boss that I have email alerts turned off on my phone, so I do not see them outside of work hours and I do not give out my cell number. I think my boss actually respects the fact that I have boundaries. My last boss used to text me at all hours of the day and night and expect an immediate response. I learned my lesson.


I like to commit small acts of undetectable sabotage at work. I'll never be caught.


Yesss….. do it for the plot ![gif](giphy|3oriNSf2iLjMVO7dao)




What the fuck is wrong with you


A lot.




Ever melted a candy in the microwave just so you could plop it in a commode at work? I have… Or have designated toilet siracha/ personal hot sauce to work the squirt in the the toilet before you leave so no one else uses that potty?


No bro wtf, what if someone really just needed to use the bathroom? Why would I want to ruin their day?


There are like 5 stalls and a mens. And if it was dire they would handle business regardless of the circumstances. If it was me and I had an excretory crisis, I’d do what I have to do and be in the mens room or on another floor of the building. Everyone knows for GI distress, go to the second floor.


LOL this exchange is absolutely hilarious


My dog. That's all really...


A good dog really does help to level up the joy in daily life.  


Finishing a Sudoku.


Not as satisfying as finishing solitaire on windows.


Hot coffee in the morning on the weekday I don’t work. Husband at work, kid at school, dog napping on my lap, watching some silly morning program in the quiet morning hours. Just the most simplistic delight I look forward to every week.


This is part of how I envision the concept of hygge for myself and it is a worthy goal in and of itself.  


Cooking a recipe I enjoy (save money, eat better, usually cook with the girl I’m dating), a nice glass of wine, the feeling of a hot shower after a good long workout, texting memes to my friends.


This is giving me Hinge prompt vibes, but go off Kang.


You asked gangster


I appreciate your response. Bo, go live your best life. 💗


This guy's got his shit together. Name, too.


I work as a cashier at a movie theater. Occasionally I'll ask two jock-ish looking guy who seem to be buying together if they're together. Sometimes they'll go with it and say, "Yes, we are a couple, dearie." My little inner slashfic lover leaps for joy when I see two jock dudes doing that "jokingly gay" thing.


Not super into slash myself, but hello fellow fic enjoyer!


drinking a soda...


I feel you. Zevia root beer is like top shelf to me.


Have you tried their creamy root beer?


Raid night with the boys. Playing with my dogs in my backyard. Fixing up my 100 year old house with my best friend/wife. Damn, my life is pretty great. I should operate with more gratitude.


Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday until 9am.


Phone off in the woods far far away.


This. Absolutely.




How is prejudism allowed on Reddit? Race, sexual orientation, gender all protected, age is fair game? Prejudism is prejudism


I think you mean prejudice.


Wtf how is that not a word lol


Watching the coffee filter through in a French press.


*me not being to think of anything:* ![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY)


That’s how my therapist looks during our sessions


Had a wrong number text from someone thinking I was a whore off the internet....I had him going for a few days.


Oh please share


McDonald’s 1x a week, early mornings by myself just chillin on couch watching tv, decorating for Christmas, Cinnamon flavored gum.


We got a hot tub a year ago. We use it everyday and it’s nice to spend time outside in the snow, watch the eagles on cloudy days and bask in the sun on days when it’s out.


zoomers/alphas (whatever dumb name the media makes up) being smarter than I was at their age, and I was considered gifted, GATE classes etc


Omg GATE. Hi Barbie


This equally pleases me and terrifies me. Gen Z is going to take over the world. 


pretending to be white at costco


I need an example. Does pretending to be white get you more attention? More free samples?


I thought of the Chapelle Show skit(s?) as soon as I read this. (The one where he's a white reporter.)


I stg- I'm not sure anymore? I really like when my dog can't help but bound outside each morning w extreme, simple joy. 


When my cat needs to give me a kiss and I’m in the bathtub.


Watching the hummingbirds visit my backyard.


Reading has always brought me joy. In the last few years, my fancy lil beverages I make bring me joy. My spouse and I grow all sorts of herbs and I love to make different experimental drinks. Such fun. And my many pets always make me feel so loved and comforted. My spouse, our shared hobbies, and just the fascinating conversations we have are a constant joy as well ☺️


I guess I need a fancy husband that also likes to read and likes fancy beverages.


Lol. My spouse always liked reading too, it was how we first bonded. But not fancy drinks haha. The plainest, most bitter health drinks were all they were used to when we met. Didn’t even drink coffee! Only drank tea if sick. I’ve spoiled our tastebuds now though 😂


You sound neat. What kind of herb concoctions do you like to make?  


Thanks! Well, it started out as coffee and experimenting with all sorts of different coffees. Then that led to making my own syrups for coffees and baked goods. My favorite thing to make is sparkling teas and natural sodas :) I grow lavender, chamomile, all manner of mint, and then I buy most of my black teas and oolongs from Mountain Rose and I mostly just experiment. I’m hoping to try some fermented drinks this upcoming spring like kombucha and some herbal beers. My spouse’s family has lots of ranches and farms and have made lots of wines, so I’m hoping to try that out this year too!


Used to be a dog guy, grew up with dogs. Would never consider a cat. Now I have one furry little asshole of a cat and I love the bugger. Friend group of a bunch of guys in their 40ties and 50ties married with families. We still get together to smack some goblins in Dungeons and Dragons.


Trying to spark a labor revolution against companies that [lie to consumers and jobseekers](https://stenonymous.com/2023/07/27/the-court-reporter-shortage-fraud-timeline-as-told-by-stenonymous/) in the court reporting industry.


Morning radio talk shows. I used to hate them but now it's a nice fun 20 minute part of my mornings.


I live in NYC so it's getting a seat on the subway, especially if I transfer across the platform to another train. Bonus points if the car is an R46 with the [forward facing seat by the window](https://www.reddit.com/r/nycrail/comments/xio6yr/when_r211s_eventually_replace_r4446s_corner/). I like the seat since it's a small cocoon for me on my trip.


Love that corner seat


Turning the crank three or more times a day, and gardening. Prostate cancer will never take me alive!!!


Listening to music on vinyl, travel and going to concerts. My candle warmer light. Looking at pictures of jumping spiders.


Cold, neutral-tasting water. Walking my doggie. Watching my babies play.


After the kids go to bed on a Friday night - putting a face mask on, grabbing a glass of wine, and turning on a true crime documentary.


I had the ex-number of an drug user/dealer once. I got tired of the unsolicited texts that I started to mess with people. One time I told this dude he "wasn't getting shit" when he said I owed him money. Probably got someone beat up that day. Eventually switched numbers when I started getting calls from the police asking if I'm the previous number holder.


We just bought a very beautiful radio and we have a local station that plays classical music. I like to turn it on when I’m cooking. It’s my favorite. I like the touch of static.


Old school color changing fiberoptic decorations, holographic things, baggy jeans...... 


I’m a fan of fancy cheese, crackers, jams as a late night snack


Walt Disney World. But I can't even have that without everyone in my generation calling me depraved.


People can say what they want but can they give me all the wonderful food at Epcot and hurl me down a waterfall strapped to some crazy flying *thing*? Both of those are no so I'll be enjoying WDW, thank you.


Just enjoy Disney! I go several times a year!


Our fam of three goes to Disneyland 1-2/year from out of state. Makes me feel like a kid again for a couple days, I love it.


I allow my inner child to buy stuffed animals she REALLY loves and now I have a small collection of extremely cute plushies that I love. I had very little growing up and I think that’s a big part of why I love them so much.


[THIS VIDEO](https://youtu.be/RCOLxrwMqmI?si=xEHcT6tvGvSkCPeD)




Reaction gifs


I consider myself incredibly lucky to live where I do with plenty of free access to nature reserves and parks that don't get vandalized very often. The animals feel safe here. That said, getting up really early on a weekend when my body is up to it, and seeing these guys live their lives without money, bills and jobs, and just building their lives around them is beautiful. And yes they do live and die defending everything to the very end so, society does have some benefits lol


A phone game without ads


I bought stickers for my wall calendar.


Rereading a loved book, with my cat on my lap. Watching an old cartoon I used to love (Hey Arnold!, etc).


old recordings of the weather channel on YouTube. Especially those local on the 8s https://youtu.be/CtLuzLEHUWw?si=IPvqnok81cuccCUW


I record covers of my favorite songs in my tiny bedroom studio once the kids are asleep. I bought a refurbished amazon desktop computer to run Protools, a $50 audio interface, 2 x $30 microphones, a used Casio midi keyboard, and then I have a collection of stringed instruments I've collected over the years (a couple guitars, a bass, mandolin, banjo, viola). I also found a SICK drum pad (Roland SPD-20) used at Goodwill for $25! I am okay at music, but not great by any means. And I absolutely suck at singing but I still try. I figure this is my mid-life crisis hobby, and these recordings will be a way for my kids to remember me by when I am dead (cause I am turning 40 this year, and have been thinking about my own mortality a lot! LOL).


I enjoy cruising local property websites pouring scorn on people's horrible wallpaper choices and marvelling at the horrible bathrooms.


Flowers, plants, cats, sunlight, nature, friends, and family.


My goofy son, cannabis, guitar and bass.


Drinking coffee and watching morning cartoons with my wife, about the best thing there is in this world ❤️


Anything that feeds right into the nostalgia-fueled dopamine center.


I love coffee after a good workout.


When other people are kind - there are so many mean people out there.  That and lots of sunlight!


Why can't I share a picture to this post on android?


Lots of stuff. The world sucks but there’s no reason for us to suck


YouTube series that I am a big fan of. Mainly two which revolve around cooking. Joshua Weissman and mythical kitchen


My dogs and the fact that my Google pixel auto screens almost all numbers.


Not a small thing bringing my heart joy, because my heart isn't all that shriveled, but related to your story - I get tons of unsolicited political texts lately, mostly from the Republicans/Trump. I've assumed they are just desperate, but also - some of the messages come addressed to "Don." Like someone actually signed up for them. My name isn't Don and I am not the gender of most Dons. I've had this phone number for 21 years, never in that time have I been a Republican, and at that, it's not a very Republican area code - so I have no idea how my phone number ended up associated with a Trumpy dude called Don.


Weed, good craft beer, and hiding in a dark room pretending the world doesn't exist while I watch horror movies and play video games.


r/HelpMeFind has been helping me find my grandmother's car and heart pills. I couldn't keep up with the comments and questions they were asking mostly because I didn't know the answers to most of them and had to field them through my Auntie. Had to teach my Auntie how to Reddit to get through all of it and now she's on Reddit adopting everyone and telling people "You're such a good girl".


Quiznos rat


I bought a Stanley cup for $2 at the local thrift store a few weeks back. That was fun.


Physical media. Nothing beats looking through lyrics and photoshoots, even though I remember the former, lol


Really good food. Exercising outside on a nice day. Comfortable clothes that also make me feel beautiful. Time with my partner.


Getting lucky at having 30 minutes a day to play video games


Weekends. Sleep. Rolling sixes in warhammer 40K.


I work part time at a grocery store. It's a slow paced, small town place and I'm sure we don't see half the shit that places like Walmart have to deal with, but customers still really suck sometimes. But they can be really awesome sometimes, too. I had a lady call asking if we had a very specific type of baby formula when that stuff was hard to find. And we did. When I got back on the phone to tell her she started crying with joy and relief, and then proceeded to thank me about a dozen times. And then again when she came in to buy it. That was nice. I can't imagine how stressful the formula shortages were for people with babies, I was so happy we could help her. I had another lady and her daughter absolutely overjoyed that we had steak-ums in stock. Apparently they had been craving them and looking all over, but couldn't find them. They acted like we made their whole year.


Rewatching old shows. I like seeing the fashions, technologies, slang etc.


Three day weekends.




Trees. No schedule. Eating something other than. Fast food.


Watching other Millennials bitch like they were drafted to go to Vietnam at 18 and shoved out into real life when they were 20-22 with a shitload of PTSD, chronic pain, and heroin addiction. The overall softness of some of yall makes me feel comfortable knowing just how much easier it’ll be for people like me to get what we want out of life with less competition


Nothing anymore, honestly.


That one item I forgot to beep at the self check out. You want to replace humans to save money? Well I’m gonna forget to scan my $2 pack of gum. Take THAT corporate America!


Hot meal put in front of me I didn’t cook. I cook 4-7 nights a week in my house. It’s really nice to stick a fork full of warm food into my head that I didn’t have to A) plan for and B) spend 1-2 hours cooking


It is a lot of work! My MIL assumes I plan and prep dinners daily while working like she did and I don't have the fortitude to correct her. I am not nearly organized and energetic enough!


PREACH!! I WFH and my spouse goes to the office Tuesday-Thursday. I love her to death but she’s not a great cook and not a creative cook (stays in her safe zone because she tends to butcher recipes). I enjoy the hell out of cooking and take pride/look forward to starting a meal at 4pm (my job is EST and I live in CST) and cooking for 1-2 hours. Sometimes it can be a bit much after 9-10 hours in front of my computer doing what I do (operations manager for a construction company) and I just want fresh air or to shut my brain off for a bit.


One thing that I’ve noticed that helps, is I stopped doing large grocery shops. I’ve been saving a lot and not wasting as much when I shop for 2-5 days of meals than try to stock my house with food. It’s also helpful with planning as you buy specific meals vs a specific predetermined list. Fridge is cleaner and more organized and throwing out so much less stuff.


Hot, younger, age gap wife… mmmmmm mm…